Papers by Levent Birincioğlu
... Dr. Haldun KARAGÖZ, Doç. Dr. Oguz TA§DEMÍR, Dr. Kemal BAYAZIT Tärkiye Yüksek ¡htisas Hastanes... more ... Dr. Haldun KARAGÖZ, Doç. Dr. Oguz TA§DEMÍR, Dr. Kemal BAYAZIT Tärkiye Yüksek ¡htisas Hastanesì, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Klinigi, Ankara OZET Tiìrkiye Yüksek ¡htisas Hastanesi Kardìyovaskuler Cerra-hi Klinigi'nde Arahk 1989-Agustos 1992 tarihleri ara-sinda sol ana ...
... MATER YEL ve METOD Tiirkiye Yüksek ihtisas Hastanesi Kardiyovaskuler Cer-rahi Klinigi&amp... more ... MATER YEL ve METOD Tiirkiye Yüksek ihtisas Hastanesi Kardiyovaskuler Cer-rahi Klinigi'nde 1974 yilindan ¡994 yilma kadar Ebstein ... Fakat patolojik ana-tomideki cesnüligin fazla olmasindan dolayi рек çok hastada uygulanamadigi gibi, geride kalan sag ventrikül kavitesinin ...
Damar Cerrahi Dergisi, 1998
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology, 1993
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Cardiology, 1998

Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 2009
Primary cardiac tumors are rarely seen and have an incidence of 0.3% of all open-cardiac operatio... more Primary cardiac tumors are rarely seen and have an incidence of 0.3% of all open-cardiac operations. Among those, myxoma is the most common cardiac tumor. There are only a few reports of such tumors from Turkey. We report our experience with 67 patients with primary cardiac myxoma operated on at our institute between December 1990 and October 2006. The study group comprised 22.38% males and 77.61% females with a mean age of 46.29 (+/-18.29) years. The predominant symptoms were dyspnea and palpitation. In addition, 3 patients presented with peripheral embolism with impending limb ischemia that necessitated emergency embolectomy. Echocardiography was generally enough for the demonstration of the myxomas. Two sporadic myxomas (%2.98) and one familial myxomas (1.49%) presented with recurrence. There were three (4.47%) hospital mortalities. Two patients (2.27%), with preoperative decompensation, died after tumor resection, from progressive low cardiac output. One patient, with preoperative massive pulmonary embolus, died two days after operation, from right ventricle insufficient. In conclusion, we herein summarized surgical results with primary cardiac myxomas. Surgical excision of primary cardiac myxomas tends to show excellent results after surgical excision.

International Journal of Cardiology, 2012
The aim of this study is to show the prolonged P wave dispersion (PWD) in patients with acute isc... more The aim of this study is to show the prolonged P wave dispersion (PWD) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods: We compared PWD in patients with acute ischemic stroke (n = 50) with age-matched healthy subjects (n = 46) as controls. Twelve-lead electrocardiograms of all patients were obtained and PWDs were measured. Left ventricular diameters and functions were also obtained in transthoracic echocardiography. Results: The demographic properties of patients were similar in two groups. P wave dispersions were significantly longer in patients with acute ischemic stroke than control subjects (77±26 ms and 63±21 ms, respectively, p = 0.007). The left ventricular end-systolic, end-diastolic diameters and ejection fraction were similar between two groups. The interventricular septal diameter and left atrial diameters were significantly higher in patients with acute ischemic stroke than control group. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that prolonged PWD have a relationship with acute ischemic stroke. Prolonged PWD may be an independent predictor of ischemic stroke.
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 1999
A unique case of right atrial myxoma originating from the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve i... more A unique case of right atrial myxoma originating from the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve is described. The tumor was detected by echocardiography and resected along with part of the septal leaflet, followed by primary repair.
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 2000
A 33-year-old woman was found to have atrial inversion (atrioventricular discordance), right-hand... more A 33-year-old woman was found to have atrial inversion (atrioventricular discordance), right-hand ventricular morphology, ventriculoarterial concordance associated with a primum atrial septal defect, and abnormal systemic and pulmonary venous return. The pulmonary veins, inferior vena cava, and left superior vena cava drained into the left-sided morphologically right atrium. Only the right superior vena cava drained into the right-sided morphologically left atrium. Intraatrial baffle repair was performed successfully.
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 1997
Forty-four patients with left atrial myxoma were operated at Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hospital betw... more Forty-four patients with left atrial myxoma were operated at Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hospital between 1971 and 1996. There were 31 female and 13 male patients. The myxoma arose from the interatrial septum in 43 patients and from the annulus of the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve in one patient. Preoperatively, all patients had dyspnea or tachycardia. Clinical evidence of systemic embolism was detected in 9 patients. The diagnosis was established by angiocardiography in 6 patients and by echocardiography in 38 patients. All patients were treated surgically under cardiopulmonary bypass and the myxomas were resected with their septal attachments. The septal defects were closed with a patch in 12 patients and primarily in 32 patients.

Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 1998
Between 1982 and 1990, 151 patients aged 50 to 65 years of age underwent isolated mitral valve re... more Between 1982 and 1990, 151 patients aged 50 to 65 years of age underwent isolated mitral valve replacement with a bioprosthesis. Overall hospital mortality was 10.6% (16/151). The total cumulative follow-up period was 527.6 patient-years with a mean of 4.34 ± 2.53 years and a range of 2 months to 10.9 years. During the follow-up period, 27 patients (5.11% per patient-year) developed bioprosthesis dysfunction of whom 26 were reoperated and one was treated medically, 4 patients had thromboembolic complications (0.75% per patient-year), one patient (0.18% per patient-year) had anticoagulant-related bleeding, and two patients (0.37% per patient-year) had a paravalvular leak (one was reoperated). Total valve-related complications were 6.44% per patient-year. Late mortality was 2.65% per patient-year (14/151). Ten-year actuarial survival was 78.5%. Freedom from bioprosthesis dysfunction was 56.6%, from thromboembolic complications 95.8%, and from all complications 49.6%. Our findings of a...

Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 1998
Between 1995 and 1997, 180 patients who had undergone coronary artery bypass grafting were given ... more Between 1995 and 1997, 180 patients who had undergone coronary artery bypass grafting were given intravenous diltiazem for conversion of supraventricular tachycardia to sinus rhythm or control of ventricular rhythm in atrial fibrillation. The patients were divided into three groups of 60 each: group 1 required no inotropic support; group 2 had mild inotropic support with dopamine; group 3 had high-dose inotropic support with adrenalin and dopamine. Thirty-eight patients in group 1 (63%), 40 in group 2 (67%), and 32 in group 3 (53%) responded to one or two doses of diltiazem. There was no difference between the groups in terms of the success rate of the treatment (p > 0.05). Additional procedures were needed in 70 patients including cardioversion in 20 (12 in group 1, 8 in group 2). Mean cardiac index was significantly increased and mean pulmonary artery pressure was significantly decreased in all three groups after diltiazem treatment. After the first dose of diltiazem (0.25 mg·k...
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 1995
From 1977 to July 1994, 10 patients underwent operation for cardiac cysts in the Department of Ca... more From 1977 to July 1994, 10 patients underwent operation for cardiac cysts in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of Türkiye Yüksek Ihtisas Hospital. The ages of the patients ranged from 10 to 39 years (mean 25.2 ± 8.82). Nine patients had cardiac and pericardial cysts, and the first patient of this series had two pericardial cysts. One patient died in the early postoperative period due to rupture of the interventricular septum. Hospital mortality was 10% (1/10). Late follow-up data were obtained for 8 of the 9 hospital survivors, and no recurrence was found.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 1968

The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Bu çalışmada, farklı antikolagülan rejimlerinin protez kapak ile ilişkili komplikasyonlar ve feto... more Bu çalışmada, farklı antikolagülan rejimlerinin protez kapak ile ilişkili komplikasyonlar ve feto-maternal mortalite ve morbidite üzerindeki etkileri araştırıldı ve en ideal antikolagülan tedavi rejimi belirlendi. Ça lış ma pla nı: Ocak 1990-Aralık 2015 tarihleri arasında mekanik kalp kapak replasmanı yapılan gebe kadınlarda antikoagülan tedavi rejimleri, retrospektif olarak incelendi. Mekanik kalp kapak replasmanı sonrası 57 hastada 72 gebelik gözden geçirildi ve dört farklı rejim belirlendi ve gebeliğin farklı trimesterlerinde değerlendirildi. Bul gu lar: Yetmiş iki gebeliğin, 40'ı sağlıklı yeni doğanla, 35'i (%48.6) sağlıklı yenidoğan, dördü (%5.6) prematüre doğum ve biri (%1.4) düşük doğum ağırlığı ile sonuçlandı. On sekiz (%25) terapötik ve 12 (%16.7) spontan düşüğün yanı sıra, iki (%2.8) ölü doğum izlendi. Gebelik süresince veya post-partum dönemde, yedi gebede kapak trombozu gelişti. Altı hastada (%10.5) kanama ve yine altı (%10.5) hastada periferik emboli meydana geldi. Maternal mortalite görülmedi. So nuç:Gebelik sırasında en ideal antikoagülasyon rejimine ilişkin tam bir fikir birliği olmamasına rağmen, birinci trimesterde varfarinin teratojenisite ve artmış düşük riskini önlemek için doz ayarlamalı fraksiyone olmayan heparin veya düşük molekül ağırlıklı heparin ile değiştirilmesi uygundur. Düşük molekül ağırlıklı heparinin uygulaması kolaydır ve güvenilir bir şekilde izlenebilir ve başarılı gebelik sonuçlarına da vesile olabilir. Ancak, gebeliğin tüm trimesterleri süresince, günde ≤5 mg varfarini geçmemek kaydıyla kullanılacak varfarin, embriyopati riskinin gebe tarafından kabul edildiği durumlarda, alternatif bir seçenek olabilir. Anah tarsöz cük ler: Antikoagülasyon; mekanik kalp kapağı; gebelik.

Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
Introduction: Valve-reimplantation and remodelling techniques used in aortic reconstruction provi... more Introduction: Valve-reimplantation and remodelling techniques used in aortic reconstruction provide successful early, mid, and longterm results. We present our early and late-term experience with 110 patients with aortic regurgitation (AR) who underwent aortic valve repair (AVr) or valve-sparing aortic root surgeries (VSARS) due to aortic dissection or aortic aneurysm. Methods: Nine hundred eighty-two patients who underwent aneurysm or dissection surgery and aortic valve surgery between April 1997 and January 2017 were analysed using the patient database. A total of 110 patients with AR who underwent AVr or VSARS due to aortic dissection or aortic aneurysm were included in the study. Results: In the postoperative period, a decrease was observed in AR compared to the preoperative period (P<0.001); there was an increase in postoperative ejection fraction (EF) compared to the preoperative values (P<0.005) and a significant decrease in postoperative left ventricle diameters compared to the preoperative values (P<0.001). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed one, two, four, and five-year freedom from moderate-severe AR as 95%, 91%, 87%, and 70%, respectively. Freedom from reoperation in one, two, and five years were 97.9%, 93.6%, and 81%, respectively. Eight patients (7.4%) underwent AVr during follow-up. Out of the remaining 100 patients, 13 (12%) had minimum AR, 52 (48%) had 1 st-2 nd degree AR, and 35 (32%) had 2 nd-3 rd degree AR during follow-up. Conclusion: For the purpose of maintaining the native valve tissue, preserving the EF and the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, valve-sparing surgeries should be preferred for appropriate patients.
Papers by Levent Birincioğlu