Papers by Leszek Butowski

Téoros: Revue de recherche en tourisme, 2016
This paper is devoted to the developments concerning the issue of disciplinarity and non-discipli... more This paper is devoted to the developments concerning the issue of disciplinarity and non-disciplinarity of tourism studies. The topic is embedded in a wider context of the academic identity of the community of tourism researchers. As the theoretical foundations for the discussion some concepts of non-classical sociology of science (rooted in Thomas Kuhn’s theory of development of science and ideas of the “Strong Programme”) were used. In order to analyze the problem theoretically and empirically, a three-stage research framework was adopted, commencing with a directed review of Anglo-American and Francophone literature, followed by a survey of a purposeful sample of tourism academics and concluding with a further analysis of the literature, this time confronting empirical findings with the identified scholars’ stances. The empirical research included a survey carried out among approximately 270 scholars of tourism from almost 50 countries from all the continents.

The aim of this paper is to present an alternative approach to sustainable tourism-derived from t... more The aim of this paper is to present an alternative approach to sustainable tourism-derived from the human-centered angle. In line with this assumption, when considering the principles of sustainable tourism, the opinions of all groups of tourism actors, including host communities, tourists and tourism businesses should be taken into account equally with other factors, not merely as one of many decision makers, but as the main frame of reference. The research methodology is twofold. As regards the theoretical foundation, the model approach has been applied to conceptualize the intra-generational and inter-generational perspectives upon tourism sustainability. Consequently, the former is concerned with the problem of internal sustainability connected with the advantages achieved and disadvantages borne by tourism actors. The inter-generational perspective, on the other hand, is related to the problem of long-term tourism development under conditions of internal sustainability. In the ...

Moravian Geographical Reports
As a subject of scientific investigation, evaluations of the attractiveness of tourist destinatio... more As a subject of scientific investigation, evaluations of the attractiveness of tourist destinations have had a relatively long history, particularly among geographers and regional economists. Based on mathematical and psychological principles and using methods that combine the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) approach, this research project constructs an evaluation structure used for the assessment of European coastal and offshore areas for sailing tourism. A case study with a three-level evaluation structure has been defined and tested. It contains: at the top of the hierarchy an overall objective defined as the attractiveness of the European coastal and offshore areas for sailing tourism; six criteria of evaluation (on the second level); and ten coastal areas (at the bottom level). This structure covers almost all the coasts around Europe, as they were the subjects of evaluation and comparison. ...

The traditional understanding of geographical space as a given place seems to be insufficient now... more The traditional understanding of geographical space as a given place seems to be insufficient nowadays. It should be analyzed in a wider context of social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects and even psychological and emotional factors should be considered. It means that tourism space/destination, which has mostly been treated as a geographical domain, should also be studied as a set of similar factors. In this respect, any tourism space/destination is characterized by complexity and multi-dimensionality, which generate an ontological question concerning its nature. Taking these considerations into account, a research problem related to the essence of tourism space/destination as well as the possibility of its development has been formulated. The problem is followed by the hypothesis that the development of tourism space/destination is measured by the achievement of the state of tourism sustainability. In the empirical part, a method to assess the development of tourism sp...

Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki
The aim of this paper was to characterize tourist infrastructure located in European maritime are... more The aim of this paper was to characterize tourist infrastructure located in European maritime areas. The study was conducted using a typological method allowing to distinguish the major types of sailing infrastructure with respect to its origins, generic structure (and the resulting scope of services), functions served (in respect of sailing tourism services), and conditions connected with the localization. The material for analysis has been collected by the author for over twenty years of sailing trips on numerous European marine waters. It was then supplemented with pieces of information from the literature, including nautical publications for sailors (primarily charts, pilot books, sailing directions and specialist cruising guides). The systematic description of sailing infrastructure elaborated in this way constitutes an ordered almanac of knowledge about the ways of adaptation of coastal areas for sailing tourism in Europe. Furthermore, it may serve as a vantage point for more detailed analyses.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
Tourism, 2010
The article concerns theoretical positions on the influence of tourism on regional and local deve... more The article concerns theoretical positions on the influence of tourism on regional and local development. The adaptation possibilities of chosen regional development theories for the research needs of the tourism influence on regional development are presented. Four groups were analysed: 1) endogenous development theories; 2) network development theories; 3) economic base theories; 4) polarisation theories. Using works based on these there has been an attempt to indicate the theoretical basis of tourism growth as a factor of regional development.
Miscellanea Geographica, 1996
Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis Oeconomica, 2016
Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki, 2015
Turizam Znanstveno Strucni Casopis, Aug 2, 2010
TOURISM REVIEW L. Butowski Vol. 58 N o 2/ 2010/ 145-159 157 TOURISM REVIEW L. Butowski Vol. 58 N ... more TOURISM REVIEW L. Butowski Vol. 58 N o 2/ 2010/ 145-159 157 TOURISM REVIEW L. Butowski Vol. 58 N o 2/ 2010/ 145-159
redaktor naczelny), Łukasz Batory (redaktor tematyczny), Dariusz Błaszczuk (redaktor statystyczny... more redaktor naczelny), Łukasz Batory (redaktor tematyczny), Dariusz Błaszczuk (redaktor statystyczny), Aneta Majchrzak-Jaszczuk (redaktor statystyczny), Jakub Nowak (sekretarz redakcji, redaktor językowy),
The article discusses the main methodological dilemmas connected with tourism as a field of acade... more The article discusses the main methodological dilemmas connected with tourism as a field of academic research. The first part presents tourism as an area of interest in various academic disciplines. The second is a critical discussion on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of tourism. The third features an analysis of the methodological standpoints concerning possibilities for the autonomy of tourism as an academic discipline. The summary proposes a model of development for tourism studies aimed at the autonomy of academic tourism.
The aim of this article is to provide a description of the processes which take place within offs... more The aim of this article is to provide a description of the processes which take place within offshore and coastal areas treated as contemporary tourism space. The article presents the evolution of maritime space towards the formation of maritime tourism space. It also offers a classification of maritime tourism space types according to types of sailing tourism (investigated on a global scale). The analysis has covered the main geographical-structural conditions and forms of adaptation (with particular focus on coastal areas). The analysis covered seaside areas as well, but only in the context of their functional relation with sea areas. The entire investigation was conducted from the perspective of maritime sailing tourism (yachts and other recreational crafts).

Uwarunkowania ontologiczne i epistemologiczne badań nad turystyką (artykuł dyskusyjny) Ontologica... more Uwarunkowania ontologiczne i epistemologiczne badań nad turystyką (artykuł dyskusyjny) Ontological and epistemological framework for the research on tourism (discursive article) Streszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono refleksje na temat uwarunkowań ontologicznych i epistemologicznych badań nad turystyką, które stanowią istotną część ich charakterystyki metodologicznej. Wydaje się bowiem, że szczególnie w tym zakresie studiów nad turystyką panuje znaczny regres zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Autor artykułu proponuje uporządkowany na gruncie teoretycznym program badań nad turystyką. Jako punkt wyjścia uwzględniono w nim podejście ontologiczne, w którym postuluje się poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na podstawowe pytania dotyczące istoty turystyki W dalszej kolejności zaproponowano przyjęcie perspektywy epistemologicznej dotyczącej możliwości i kierunków naukowego poznania turystyki -w zakresie określonym na poziomie ontologicznym. Epistemologiczna refleksja nad turystyką powinna z kolei ułatwić przejście do problematyki metodologii badań nad tą dziedziną. Uznano bowiem, że w tym obszarze pozostaje szczególnie wiele do zrobienia. W dotychczasowych badaniach naukowcy posługują się często metodami zapożyczonymi z innych dyscyplin, co stanowi o słabości metodologicznej badań tej dziedziny.
Papers by Leszek Butowski