Papers by Meichio Lesmana

This research aims to find out how the strategy of Amil Zakat, Infak, and Shadaqah Muhammdiyah Po... more This research aims to find out how the strategy of Amil Zakat, Infak, and Shadaqah Muhammdiyah Ponorogo Institutions in alleviating poverty in Ponorogo Regency. Zakat institution was chosen because it has the advantage under the auspices of one of Indonesia's most prominent Islamic organizations and has a good zakat management system to be the winner of laznas best ZIS collection growth in 2020. The method used is qualitatively descriptive with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation analyzed using SWOT and triangulate analysis techniques. The results of this study showed the collection conducted by LAZISMU Ponorogo in collecting zakat funds through direct collection methods consisting of direct services, presentations directly to various institutions or companies, and social media. While the strategy of gathering indirectly includes the media of the figures, establishing cooperation, organizing events, websites, and social media. The distr...

Multazam : Jurnal Manajemen Haji dan Umrah
The purpose of this article is to find out how the process of coaching pilgrims and Umrah during ... more The purpose of this article is to find out how the process of coaching pilgrims and Umrah during the Covid-19 pandemic is carried out by the Ministry of Religion. This research is a literature research where the author relies on various kinds of literature to obtain data and uses a qualitative approach because the data produced is in the form of a description. This research utilizes a similar study or relates to the guidance of hajj and umrah pilgrims during the covid-19 period. The Ministry of Religion provides various coaching programs for Hajj pilgrims in 3 parts of learning, namely online, offline, and blended learning (hybrid) using electronic technology and internet-based technology. Currently, the Ministry of Religion utilizes a number of learning platforms, including Youtube, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram and Zoom. The implementation of coaching activities is carried out by complying with health protocols, it's just that sometimes the process of coaching activit...
At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi
The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy used by shop Veil Mazaya use business mod... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy used by shop Veil Mazaya use business model canvas. The research method used in the research approaches qualitative descriptive with using technique collection data that is observation field, interview, and documentation. Results from the study On element business canvas model by whole on business veil Mazaya have advantages which described on 5 elements BMC, that is customer relationship, value proposition, key activities, key resources, and key partners.

Muslim Heritage
Waqf is currently in the limelight for its contribution to social activities. Waqf offers a great... more Waqf is currently in the limelight for its contribution to social activities. Waqf offers a great deal of potential, especially given the current urgency to assist in financing education. Laziswaf is one of the initiatives aimed at promoting the sustainability of education. From here, the author observes students who drop out of school due to a lack of funds, whereas the establishment of a cashWaqf institution at a tertiary institution aims to assist students who lack funds in order for them to continue their studies. As a result, the goal of this study is to investigate the effects of religiosity, knowledge, and financial attitudes on students in educational institutions that have Waqf institutions in East Java. In this study, qualitative and quantitative methodologies were employed. This study used SEM with LISREL software version 8.70. The SEM technique is considered the best analytical strategy to examine multiple effects between independent and dependent variables simultaneousl...

FINANSIA : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perbankan Syariah
Waqf is one of the important instruments and has enormous potential from a social and financial p... more Waqf is one of the important instruments and has enormous potential from a social and financial perspective. There are many types of waqf, one of which is money waqf or cash waqf. Cash waqf has different characteristics from zakat and alms. Waqf has very significant benefits if the waqf is given in a productive form. However, currently, the great potential of waqf has not been implemented properly. The purpose of this study is to analyze the students' intentions in waqf which are influenced by factors of religiosity, knowledge, and financial attitudes. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling method with the Lisrel tool. The results showed that the factors of religiosity and knowledge were less influential than the factors of financial attitudes which had a stronger influence. In a sense, students' interest in spending their money in the form of alms can be seen in their financial attitude. Â

Islamic Economics Journal
Taxes are the main sector that provides income to the state, from which these funds will be used ... more Taxes are the main sector that provides income to the state, from which these funds will be used to finance the running of various sectors in Indonesia. Therefore, to advance the country a policy is needed by optimizing tax revenue, and each taxpayer must fulfill its obligation to pay taxes. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that influence the amount of national tax revenue in Indonesia. From the theory obtained and from several previous studies, there are several factors that influence tax revenue, including the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population. The data used in this study are secondary data for the period 2016 to 2020 taken from the official website, namely the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, which are then analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that the gross domestic product (GDP) and population variables simultaneously and partially has an effect on state tax revenue at the 5% and 1% significance levels while when viewed through Islamic principles, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reaches 80 percent so that GDP of Indonesia is recorded at around USD 1 trillion or equivalent to Rp. 14.04 trillion.

Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah
Zakat is worship that can provide significant benefits in social life. Zakat also has a goal to f... more Zakat is worship that can provide significant benefits in social life. Zakat also has a goal to fight poverty, unemployment and injustice. BAZNAS takes an important role as a non-structural government institution in carrying out its duties to collect and manage zakat funds. This study uses a qualitative method with focus group discussion (FGD) techniques with five regional BAZNAS. The results of the study indicate that the policies and regulations of the government are very influential in increasing the percentage of zakat funds collection. This is a form of synergizing with each other in collecting and managing zakat funds. Regional BAZNAS has programs that will help 8 ashnaf in the area and the role of the government as a policy maker will strengthen regional BAZNAS in carrying out optimal collection and management to create optimal economic growth.

Islamadina : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam
ABSTRACTThis research is aimed to investigate how recruitment process conducted in Islamic univer... more ABSTRACTThis research is aimed to investigate how recruitment process conducted in Islamic university and what is the head of department policy in Islamic university in on recruitment process and in maintaining the quality of lecturer. A phenomenology approach was adopted. Data were gathered by conducting interviews with five participants which all is head of department (HOD) at Islamic universities in Indonesia. The data analyzed with grounded theory through three steps coding namely, open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The research found five themes related to recruitment process at Islamic university, namely main recruitment stages, recruitment types, applicant selection, recruitment problems and HOD decision. This research was aimed to seek the recruitment process at Islamic university. The future research should examine the impact of recruitment to the lecturer performances. The findings resulted in two implications. Theoretically, it is found that Islamic Universit...

Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
The potential of Islamic banking continues to be enhanced to build a national sharia economic eco... more The potential of Islamic banking continues to be enhanced to build a national sharia economic ecosystem, it's can contribute optimally to the national economy and social development. Operational principles and accounting standards are one of the foundations for progress in Islamic banking. An overview of the pros and cons of Islamic banking can be identified through its performance which is reflected in the financial statements. The focus of this paper is on the preparation and presentation of Islamic financial statements along with a comparison of financial statements between sharia and conventional, in which conventional financial statements contain fewer elements of financial statements. This type of research is library research which analyzes data with descriptive analysis. The results of this research indicate that Islamic financial statements are not only related to commercial aspects but also cover all aspects of human life, be it economic, political, social, or moral philosophy. In addition to reflecting Islamic banking activities, the Islamic financial statement also divides its rights and obligations as reported in the statement of financial position (balance sheet), income statement, cash flow statement, and changes in equity. But it also reflects as a mandate holder of social activity funds that are managed separately, which is reported

Islamic Economics Journal, 2021
Islam applies freedom in the market mechanism on condition that it does not conflict with the val... more Islam applies freedom in the market mechanism on condition that it does not conflict with the values and principles of sharia. In the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic facing the world, especially Indonesia, the government must intervene in prices for internet data product prices because the PSBB policy implemented by the government to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 has a significant impact on public opinion, especially for the lower middle class. In addition, this policy will make the demand for internet data quite high while government subsidies cannot accommodate the community's need for internet data. The purpose of this study was to determine the Intervention of Secondary Product Prices during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period from an Islamic Perspective. The research used in this research is library research. The high market demand for the internet and the decline in people's incomes make the price of internet data difficult to reach by all levels of society, this requires the role of the government. the government can make decisions or regulations regarding the maximum limit for internet data prices during this pandemic period so that the selling price can be reached by all circles of society and still provide profits or profits for the seller or producer.

Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy, 2021
In meeting the need for housing, people with low incomes are very difficult to own a house in cas... more In meeting the need for housing, people with low incomes are very difficult to own a house in cash. The development product which was originally a conventional product, namely KPR, but in Islamic banking the system is used with profit sharing/margin so that it is without usury. The focus of this paper discusses how maqashid sharia and qawaidul fiqhiyyah review Sharia mortgages which are currently one of the prima donna products in Islamic banking. The author uses a normative juridical method, namely legal research using secondary data sources. Normative, because this study will examine secondary data starting from the review of maqashid sharia and qawaidul fiqhiyyah in the field of Islamic banking, especially in Sharia mortgages. Operationally, normative juridical research is carried out by means of library research. The results of this study are Islamic mortgages are allowed because they are part of carrying out the goals of sharia or maqashid sharia in the part of maintaining family and property, it is also assessed that home ownership is a daruriyah need of every human being so that with this Sharia mortgage it can provide benefits for Muslims in general also according to qawaidul fiqhiyyah contracts in Sharia mortgages are allowed by referring to several fiqh rules.

Islamic Economics Journal, 2020
In Islamic economics, the market is creat to achieve market equilibrium. But the reality in the f... more In Islamic economics, the market is creat to achieve market equilibrium. But the reality in the field is still challenging to find a market where the mechanism is imbalanced, which is not compatible with the ideal market according to Islamic principles. Many internal and external factors influence the disruption of the market mechanism. The disturbances that occur are known as market distortions. The existence of irregularities in the market is inevitable, where this behavior is far from the ethics of trade in Islam. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the traders in the Giwangan traditional market, which is dominated by Muslim traders, have implemented Islamic trading ethics to minimize market distortions. This research uses qualitative research with a field study approach and uses observation and interview methods. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is an Islamic trading ethic that has been practiced by traders in the Giwangan market, namely; honesty in transactions both in terms of quality and scale, the halalness of the products sold, a friendly and generous attitude, and the absence of unfair competition. But from that, there is such an unpracticed trade ethic as a lack of justice to new consumers and customers and a false oath of exaggeration in the quality of the goods sold. Therefore, it could be said that the Giwangan traditional market has attempted to trade by Islamic Sharia, although it has not been fully implemented.
Papers by Meichio Lesmana