Papers by Leopoldo Castro

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree of western Palaearctic Polistes species based on maximum likelihood ana... more Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree of western Palaearctic Polistes species based on maximum likelihood analyses of sequences of the 658 bp "barcode" region of the mitochondrial marker cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1). Numbers shown at nodes are bootstrap values based on 1000 bootstrap replicates. Branches interrupted by an oblique line have been shortened for better graphic representation. The taxon called "sp aff gallicus" is the same as Polistes foederatus a. obscuricornis Mader, 1936: 263, as mentioned in Neumeyer et al. (2014). / Árbol filogenético de especies oestpaleárticas de Polistes basado en análisis de probabilidad máxima de secuencias de la región de 658 pb del "código de barras" del marcador mitocondrial citocromo oxidasa 1 (COX1). Los números que aparecen en los nodos son valores de remuestreo bootstrap basados en 1000 réplicas bootstrap. Las ramas interrumpidas por una línea oblícua se han acortado para facilitar la representación gráfica. El taxón lla...
<i>Leptochilus membranaceus membranaceus</i> (Morawitz, 1867) <b>Material exami... more <i>Leptochilus membranaceus membranaceus</i> (Morawitz, 1867) <b>Material examined. KAZAKHSTAN:</b> BATYS QAZAQSTAN PROVINCE, Zhalpaksor lake, 49º12′ N, 48º12′ E,, 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, V. Karalius &amp; J. Miatleuski leg., L. Castro det. &amp; coll. <i>Leptochilus membranaceus</i> has been recorded from southern Italy, the Balkans, Ukraine, southern Russia, Armenia, Turkey, Israel and Iran; the Israeli population is known as ssp. <i>luxuriosus</i> Blüthgen, 1955 (GUSENLEITNER 1993, TOBIAS &amp; KURZENKO 1978, VAN DER VECHT &amp; FISCHER 1972). First record from Kazakhstan.
Polistes helveticus Neumeyer, 2014 is synonymised with Polistes albellus Giordani Soika, 1976 n. ... more Polistes helveticus Neumeyer, 2014 is synonymised with Polistes albellus Giordani Soika, 1976 n. stat., n. syn. Additionally, Polistes bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 is recorded from the Iberian Peninsula for the first time. New records and world distribution maps are provided for both species. The available data suggest that P. albellus and P. bischoffi are vicariant taxa.
Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa, 1996
espanolSe citan por primera vez de la India (Cachemira) dos avispas alfareras, Katamenes flavigul... more espanolSe citan por primera vez de la India (Cachemira) dos avispas alfareras, Katamenes flavigularis (Bluthgen, 1951) y K. dimidiatus watsoni Meade-Waldo, 1910, incluyendose una clave y la lista actualizada de las especies del genero Katamenes Meade-Waldo, 1910 conocidas del subcontinente indio. EnglishTwo potter wasps, Katamenes flavigularis (Bluthgen, 1951) and K. dimidiatus watsoni Meade-Waldo, 1910 are reported here for the first time from India (Kashmir). A key and an updated checklist of the species of the genus Katamenes Meade-Waldo, 1910 known from the Indian subcontinent are provided.

El genero Tropidodynerus Bluthgen 1939 tiene adscritas hasta la fecha cinco especies, distribuida... more El genero Tropidodynerus Bluthgen 1939 tiene adscritas hasta la fecha cinco especies, distribuidas en dos subgeneros: a Tropidodynerus s.s., de distribucion paleartica, pertenecen T. fertoni (Dusmet 1925), T. flavus (Lepeletier 1841) y T. interruptus (Brulle 1832), y el subgenero oriental Tropidepipona Giordani Soika 1995 incluye a T. fraternus (Bingham 1897) y T. hostis (Nurse 1903). Para claves de especies y datos de tipo descriptivo, taxonomico y geografico, remito a Gusenleitner (1998: 169-170 y 176-177; 2007) y Giordani Soika (1995: 6-11). Tropidodynerus fertoni (Dusmet 1925) [= Tropidodynerus lusitanicus Bluthgen 1953 = Odynerus planifacies Giordani Soika 1953] es un taxon de corologia mediterranea occidental restringido al area iberomagrebi (Marruecos, Portugal, Espana) y Cerdena. Hasta la fecha solo hay constancia bibliografica de una docena de localidades, con lo que ha parecido interesante publicar en el presente trabajo algunos datos que amplian de forma significativa el ...
Records of 15 Palaearctic species of Vespidae are given. The fol- lowing taxa are newly recorded:... more Records of 15 Palaearctic species of Vespidae are given. The fol- lowing taxa are newly recorded: Polistes rubellus Gusenleitner, 2006, from Nepal, Dolichovespula adulterina (du Buysson, 1905) and Katamenes tauricus (de Saussure, 1855) from the Tuva Republic (Eastern Siberia, Russia), Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) from Ciudad Real province (Spain), Ancistrocerus gaze- lla (Panzer, 1798) from Gran Canaria (Spain, Canary Islands), Hemipterochilus bicoloricornis (Giordani Soika, 1952) from Turkey (Asian part), Microdynerus latro Bluthgen, 1955, from Syria, and Leptochilus membranaceus (Morawitz, 1867) and Pseudepipona tricolor Gusenleitner, 1976, both from Kazakhstan. Worldwide distribution of each taxon is also summarized.

Cat. entomofauna aragon, 1997
Se enumeran las 104 especies que hasta el momento se han encontrado en Aragon dentro de la subfam... more Se enumeran las 104 especies que hasta el momento se han encontrado en Aragon dentro de la subfamilia Eumeninae. La consideracion del grupo como subfamilia se basa en la clasificaciond e CARPENTER (1982). Se ha prescindido de la division en tribus, teniendo en cuenta que las tribus tradicionales estan en revision y que por el momento parecen ser agrupaciones artificiales. El orden de los generos y subgeneros es propio y pretende ser, segun la informacion disponible, aproximadamente filogenetico, pero dentro de cada subgenero las especies aparecen enumeradas en orden alfabetico. En el presente trabajo se proponen seis nuevas sinonimias, desestimando nombres de rango subespecifico como simples variedades o formas clinales, y dos cambios de estatus, rebajando una forma a subespecie y elevando otra al rango especifico: Eumenes coarctatus coarctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) = Eumenes coarctatus maroccanus (part.) Gusenleitner, 1972, syn. nov.; Eumenes coronatus (Panzer, 1799) = Eumenes coarctatus ibericus Bluthgen, 1956, syn. nov.; Eumenes papillarius (Christ, 1791) = Eumenes papillarius monticola Bluthgen, 1956, syn. nov.; Eumenes punctaticlypeus Giordani-Soika, 1943 = Eumenes punctaticlypeus kostylevi Kurzenkpo, 1976, syn. nov.; Ancistrocerus oviventris oviventris (Wesmael, 1836) = Ancistrocerus oviventris siculus Bluthgen, 1955, syn. nov.; Ancistrocerus scoticus scoticus (Curtis, 1826) = Ancistrocerus scoticus iberogallicus Bluthgen, 1956, syn. nov.; Leptochilus Leptochilus pseudojosephi granadensis Giordani-Soika, 1971; Pterocheilus luteiscapus Gusenleitner, 1979, nov. stat. = Pterocheilus phaleratus luteiscapus Gusenleitner, 1979.
BioRisk, 2015
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh ... more The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 244090, STEP Project (Status and Trends of European Pollinators,
Resumen: Nuevas citas ibericas de Sceliphron curvatum (Smith 1870). La especie se cita por primer... more Resumen: Nuevas citas ibericas de Sceliphron curvatum (Smith 1870). La especie se cita por primera vez de Aragon y Cataluna, asi como de las provincias de Avila, Gerona, Soria, Teruel y Valladolid. Palabras clave: Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Sceliphron curvatum, distribucion, Peninsula Iberica. New data on the spread of Sceliphron curvatum (Smith 1870) in the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Abstract: New Iberian records of Sceliphron curvatum (Smith 1870). The species is here recorded for the first time from Aragon, Catalonia and the provinces of Avila, Gerona, Soria, Teruel and Valladolid.
Boletin de la Asociación Española de Entomologia, 2017
The potter wasp genus Pseudepipona de Saussure, 1856 is recorded here for the first time from Ind... more The potter wasp genus Pseudepipona de Saussure, 1856 is recorded here for the first time from India with the species Pseudepipona (Pseudepipona) vicina Gusenleitner, 1973. It is also the first report of this species since its original description. The male of the species is described here for the first time.

<i> Polistes albellus</i> Giordani Soika, 1976, n. stat.<i> Polistes bischoffi... more <i> Polistes albellus</i> Giordani Soika, 1976, n. stat.<i> Polistes bischoffi</i> Weyrauch, 1937: 274, in part.<i> Polistes foederatus albellus</i> Giordani Soika, 1976: 272.<i> Polistes helveticus</i> Neumeyer, 2014: 101 ff.<b> n. syn.</b> From eastern Kazakhstan we received nine female specimens which one of us (LC) determined as<i> Polistes helveticus</i>, but another (RN) as<i> Polistes foederatus albellus</i>. Later, we borrowed five more females (SMNS coll.) from the Kazakh Almaty region. Four of them are also mentioned in Dvořák<i> et al.</i> (2006: 536). In fact, all 14 females are virtually indistiguishable from the paratype ( Fig. 1, 2) of<i> Polistes foederatus albellus</i>, except for the ivory maculation, which is a little bit more reduced in the paratype. On the other hand, the only western Palaearctic taxon we know to share the trait of a reduced or lacking ep...
Fig. 8. One of the seasonally flooded areas behind the beach at Guardias Viejas (Almería prov., S... more Fig. 8. One of the seasonally flooded areas behind the beach at Guardias Viejas (Almería prov., Spain), completely dried up at the time of the visit, in July. P. bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 was very abundant at this site, outnumbering syntopic Polistes species. / Una de las zonas de inundación estacional tras la playa de Guardias Viejas (provincia de Almería, España), completamente seca en el momento de la visita, en julio. P. bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 era muy abundante en este lugar, superando en número a las demás especies de Polistes.
Fig. 6. Polistes bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 habitat at Alcañiz (Teruel province, Spain). / Hábitat ... more Fig. 6. Polistes bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 habitat at Alcañiz (Teruel province, Spain). / Hábitat de Polistes bischoffi Weyrauch, 1937 en Alcañiz (provincia de Teruel, España).
FIGURE 1. Polistes major from northern Spain. A. Lateral view; B. Frontal view; C. Dorsal view; D... more FIGURE 1. Polistes major from northern Spain. A. Lateral view; B. Frontal view; C. Dorsal view; D. Ventral view; E. Nest photographed in 2008, showing several females and eggs. A & B female BOS-Hym 2; C & D male BOS-Hym 1.
Papers by Leopoldo Castro