Papers by Leman İnal Şenturan

Pain Management Nursing, Dec 1, 2020
Background: Positional pain affect the patient's healing process after the operation. Anti-pressu... more Background: Positional pain affect the patient's healing process after the operation. Anti-pressure positioning pads are medical products used to support the patient positioning during surgical procedures. Aims: The aim of the study was to examine pain related to positioning when anti-pressure gel pads and current visoelastic sponge support options are used during orthopedic surgical cases. Design: The randomized controlled experimental study. Settings: The operating room of an educational research hospital. Participants/Subjects: The study consisted of 100 patients (50 control group and 50 study group) undergoing surgery in a supine position. Methods: Information form, McGill Melzack Pain Questionnaire, and Visual Analogue Scale were used for data collection. Routine institutional policy was applied to the control group. Study group patients were additionally supported with antipressure position gel pads on the operating table. Results: The rate of pain presence in areas other than the operative area was significantly lower in the patients in the study group (p ¼ .001). The patients in the control group reported that preoperative pain in the waist area increased to unbearable levels during operation. In addition, it was noted that the "addition of the anti-pressure gel pads" resulted in study group patients being mobilized significantly early (p ¼ .001). The conclusion of this study demonstrated that postoperative pain related to positioning, not the surgical procedure itself, was decreased when antipressure gel pads and viscoelastic sponge support were used together. An unanticipated benefit discovered during the study was earlier mobilization of the study group compared to the control group.

Nefroloji hemşireliği dergisi, Jun 30, 2011
G Gi ir ri ifl fl v ve e A Am ma aç ç Hemflirelik insan› bütünü ile kavrayarak, sa¤l›k gereksinim... more G Gi ir ri ifl fl v ve e A Am ma aç ç Hemflirelik insan› bütünü ile kavrayarak, sa¤l›k gereksinimlerinin karfl›lanmas›nda dinamik ifllev yüklenen bir mes-lektir. Mesle¤in birinci görevi, bak›m verece¤i insan› tüm boyutlar› ile anlamakt›r (1). Sa¤l›k ekibinin etkin bir üyesi olarak diyaliz hemflireleri, hasta ve ailesi ile en fazla vakit Ö Öz ze et t A Am ma aç ç: : Araflt›rma, diyaliz merkezlerinde çal›flan hemflirelerin tükenmifllik ve ifl doyum düzeylerini ve aralar›ndaki iliflkiyi incelemek amac›yla tan›mlay›c› olarak yap›ld›. M Ma at te er ry ya al l v ve e M Me et to od d: : Araflt›rma ‹stanbul Avrupa Yakas›ndaki diyaliz merkezlerinde çal›flan 100 hemflire ile gerçeklefltirildi. Verilerin toplanmas›nda Minnesota ‹fl Doyum Öl-çe¤i, Maslach Tükenmifllik Ölçe¤i ve araflt›rmac›lar taraf›ndan haz›rlanan anket formu kullan›ld›. Verilerin istatistiki de¤erlendirilmesinde s›kl›k da¤›l›mlar›, t testi, varyans, LSD ve korelasyon analizleri kullan›ld›. B Bu ul lg gu ul la ar r: : Diyaliz hemflirelerin tükenmifllik puan orta-lamalar› duygusal tükenme alt boyutunda (14,84±5,90), duyars›zl›k alt boyutunda (8,18±3,81), kiflisel baflar› alt boyutunda (22,07±4,96) olarak belirlendi. ‹fl doyumu puan ortalamalar› iç doyum alt boyutunda (3,84±0,45), d›fl doyum alt boyutunda (3,59±0,60) ve genel doyum alt boyutunda (3,74±0,46) bulundu. Diyaliz hemflirelerinin ifl doyum puanlar› ile duygusal tükenme ve duyars›zl›k alt boyutu puanlar› aras›nda negatif yönde; kiflisel baflar› alt boyutu puanlar› aras›nda ise pozitif yönde iliflki (p<0,05) bulundu S So on nu uç ç; ; Diyaliz hemflirelerinin tükenmifllik düzeylerinin düflük, ifl doyumu düzeylerinin yüksek ve birbiriyle iliflkili oldu¤u sonucuna var›ld›. A An na ah ht ta ar r k ke el li im me el le er r: : Diyaliz hemflireli¤i, Tükenmifllik, ‹fl doyumu S Su um mm ma ar ry y P Pu ur rp po os se e: : The research was conducted to investigate the relationship of burnout and job satisfaction level of nurses working in private dialysis units, as descriptive M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et th ho od d: : The research was realized with the 100 voluteeer nurses who work in private dialysis units at the European side of ‹stanbul. Minnesota Job Saturation Inventory, Maslasch Bornout Inventory and the Public Survey Forms, prepared by the investigators, were used to collecting of data. Date was evaluated statistically by percentage analysis, avarage, t test, variance, LSD and correlation analysis. F Fi in nd di in ng gs s: : Emotional exhaustion subscale mean scores of the heamodialysis nurses were 14,84± 5,90; depersonalization subscale mean scores were 8,18±3,81; and personal accomplishment subscale mean scores were 22,07±4,96. Job satisfaction mean scores were (3,84±0,45) at internal satisfaction subscale.; (3,59±0,60) at external satisfaction subscale; and (3,74±0,46) at general satisfaction subscale. The negative relationship was founded between emotional exhaustion subscale mean scores and job satisfaction; between depersonalization subscale mean scores and job satisfaction. The positive relationship was founded between personal accomplishment subscale mean scores and job satisfaction (p<0,05). R Re es su ul lt t: : It was founded that the burnout levels of the dialysis nurses was low and the level of job saturation was high. There was significant relation between them.

Florence Nightingale journal of nursing, Oct 26, 2018
Aim: This study aims to assess the effect of pre-operative breathing exercises provided to patien... more Aim: This study aims to assess the effect of pre-operative breathing exercises provided to patients undergoing open-heart operation on atelectasis development during the post-operative period. Method: This randomized controlled study was conducted with 48 patients hospitalized for open-heart surgery. Training was provided to the patients in the experimental group in the form of breathing exercises and spirometry and the instructed exercises were performed by the patients for 7 days before the operation. The patients in both groups were assessed in terms of atelectasis during post-operative days. Results: The proportion of atelectasis development on the post-op 0th day was 71% in the experimental group and 92% in the control group. In terms of average peripheral oxygen saturation, the patients in the experimental group had higher oxygen saturation than the patients in the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Though not at significant levels, this study found that, performing breathing exercises before the operation decreased atelectasis development, duration of extubation, length of time in intensive care and hospital discharge; thus, pre-operative breathing exercises were found to have a positive effect on patients during the post-operative period.

Nurse Education in Practice, Nov 1, 2008
In light of developments in science and technology, content has been added to the nursing curricu... more In light of developments in science and technology, content has been added to the nursing curriculum to support and improve students' healthy lifestyle behaviours. The aim of this study was to determine whether any difference was observed in the behaviour of nursing students. This longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted with 57 students during 2002-2006 academic years Marmara University, School of Nursing. The ''health promotion lifestyle profile'' developed in 1987 by Pender et al. was evaluated as to its validity and reliability in Turkey by the HPLP (healthy lifestyle behaviour scale) adapted by Esin. Percentage, variance analysis, Cronbach a coefficient and the t-test were used in the analysis of data. The findings indicated that healthy lifestyle behaviours of nursing students changed over time, from when they began and at the end of every year during their nurse training.

Ordu Üniversitesi hemşirelik çalışmaları dergisi, Sep 8, 2021
Araştırma, invaziv girişimler sırasında hasta ve hasta yakınlarının tepkilerinin hemşireler üzeri... more Araştırma, invaziv girişimler sırasında hasta ve hasta yakınlarının tepkilerinin hemşireler üzerindeki etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırmanın evrenini 600 hemşire; örneklem ise, çalıştıkları ünitelerde refakatçi bulunan ve hastalarına invaziv girişim yapılan 240 hemşire oluşturdu. Veriler, 33 soruluk anket formu ile toplandı. Çalışma için kurum izni ve etik kurul onayı alındı. Çalışma verileri değerlendirilirken, dağılım ölçütleri ile Shapiro Wilks testi, Ki-Kare testi, Continuity (Yates) Düzeltmesi ve Fisher Kesin Ki-Kare kullanıldı. Anlamlılık p<0.05 düzeyinde kabul edildi. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin %76.3'ü 18-35 yaş arasında; %52.1'i lisans mezunu; %70.4'ü kadın ve %77.9'u üniversite hastanesinde çalışmaktaydı. İnvaziv girişimler sırasında hemşirelerin %27.5'inin el tutma, %15'inin üstüne yürüme ve %49.6'sının yüksek sesle konuşma gibi müdahalelerle karşı karşıya kaldığı görüldü. Özel hastanede çalışan hemşirelerin hasta ve hasta yakınlarının davranışları nedeniyle stres yaşama oranı üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu belirlendi (χ2=5.911) (p=0.015). Hemşirelerin invaziv girişimler sırasında %62.9'unun stres yaşadığı; %51.3'ünün uygulamalar sırasında hata yapma korkusu yaşadığı, %25.4'ünün müdahale edildiğinde hastanın odasına tekrar girmekten çekindiği şeklinde etkilendikleri belirlendi. Sonuç: Araştırmada hasta ve yakınlarının invaziv girişimler sırasında hemşirelerin elini tutma, eline vurma, üstüne yürüme, kötü söz söyleme, yüksek sesle konuşma, ve tehdit edilme gibi müdahalelerde bulundukları; bu müdahale ve davranışların hemşireleri olumsuz etkilediği; hemşirelerin bu duruma farklı tepkiler gösterdiği sonucuna varıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: hasta, hasta yakını, invaziv girişim, hemşire ABSTRACT Objective: The research was to examine the effect of interventions of patients and patient relatives on nurses during invasive procedures. Methods: The research was carried out descriptively. The sample consisted of 240 nurses who worked in units where patients were accompanied by relatives and underwent invasive interventions. The data were collected through a survey. While evaluating the study data, Shapiro Wilks test, Chi-Square test, Continuity (Yates) Correction and Fisher Exact Chi-Square were used with distribution criteria. Results: During invasive procedures, 27.5% of the nurses faced interventions such as grabbing their hands, 15% were threatened by walking over them, and 49.6% were shouted loudly. 62.9% of the nurses experienced stress during invasive procedures; It was seen that 51.3% were afraid of making mistakes during the applications and 25.4% were afraid to re-enter the patient's room when intervened. During invasive procedures, it was determined that 62.9% of the nurses experienced stress, 51.3% were afraid of making mistakes during the procedures and 25.4% were afraid to re-enter the patient's room when intervened. Conclusion: In the study, it was concluded that the patients and their relatives intervened during the invasive procedures such as grabbing the hand of the nurses, hitting their hand, walking up to them, saying bad words, speaking loudly and threatening. It was also concluded that these interventions and behaviors affect the nurses negatively and the nurses show different reactions to this situation.

Turkish journal of emergency medicine, Dec 1, 2014
Objectives Poisoning is a crucial public health problem which needs serious approach and response... more Objectives Poisoning is a crucial public health problem which needs serious approach and response to treatment. In case of poisoning, proper first aid is lifesaving and application should be applied in every condition. This research was conducted in order to evaluate first aid knowledge of university students for poisoning. Methods The research was conducted between the dates of May 2013-June 2013 with the permission gained from the University Rectorship. The cohort of the research contained 4,560 students who received education in Istanbul. The sample of the study included 936 students who accepted to participate in the research and attended the school during the research. The data were collected by using a questionnaire form, which had 21 questions prepared by researchers. Analysis of the data was carried out with a percentage evaluation method and chi square tests in a computer environment. Results In our study, 92.6% of students (n=867) knew the phone number of the ambulance in case of emergency. In addition, 57.3% of students (n=536) knew the phone number of the poison hotline, and it was seen that they answered correctly the questions regarding the relation between body system and indications of poisoning. It was determined that the students who received education in medical departments answered the questions correctly more than the students who had education in other departments. (p<0.001, p<0.01). Conclusions It was observed that the university students in medical departments had more first aid knowledge on poisoning cases compared to the students in other departments who did not have sufficient information regarding these issues. It is thought that first aid education in all departments of universities, both poisoning and other first aid issues, should be conveyed to all students.

Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-Turk Geriatri Dergisi, Oct 26, 2018
The study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of subcutaneous infusion (Hypodermoclysi... more The study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of subcutaneous infusion (Hypodermoclysis) in geriatric patients with mild and moderate dehydration. Materials and Method: This randomized controlled study to determine the efficacy of hypodermoclysis in hydration in a private geriatric care unit included 30 patients, who received both experimental and control administration. Control administration included three intravenous infusions, whereas experimental administration included three subcutan infusions. Results: Rates of redness, bleeding and agitation were significantly higher at the administration site with intravenous infusion than with subcutan infusion method (p<0.01). By subcutan infusion, development rate of edema was significantly lower after the first administration; no edema was observed in the second and third administration. There was a statistically significant difference in the number as well as the duration and insertion times of the catheters used between the two infusion methods (p=0.001). Conclusion: The findings revealed that hypodermoclysis was more effective than intravenous infusion based on the laboratory findings, incidence of side effects, amount and cost of consumables and catheter insertion and duration times. Therefore, hypodermoclysis can be used in mild and moderately dehydrated geriatric patients who need parenteral support.

Objective: Bruising that result from heparin injections increases patients’ anxiety and reduces t... more Objective: Bruising that result from heparin injections increases patients’ anxiety and reduces their confidence in nurses’ efficiency, resulting in refusal to further injections This undesired effect can be diminished using the proper technique and taking a few simple measures. This study aimed to examine the effect of applying pressure for a minute on bruising in subcutaneous heparin injection. Methods: The study, experimental study with a control group, was conducted at an orthopedic clinic. The sample consisted of 49 patients who agreed to participate in this study and to whom heparin was injected subcutaneously. Experimental and control practices were performed on the abdominal area of the same patient using the same amount of heparin. The study data were collected using an information form, subcutaneous heparin observation form, and Opsite Flexigrid assessment tool. The data analysis was performed using percentage distribution, chi-square test, and Fisher’s exact test. Results...

Amac: Bu calisma; Fonksiyonel Performans Envanteri (FPE) Kisa Formu’nun Turkce seklinin, Kronik B... more Amac: Bu calisma; Fonksiyonel Performans Envanteri (FPE) Kisa Formu’nun Turkce seklinin, Kronik Bobrek Yetmezlikli Hemodiyaliz Hastalarinda (HD) guvenirlik calismasini yapmak ve HD hastalar›n›n fonksiyonel performans duzeylerini belirlemek amaciyla tanimlayici olarak planlandi. Yontem: Arastirmanin evrenini ozel bir HD merkezindeki tum hastalar; orneklem grubunu ise belirlenen kriterlere uyan 37 hasta olusturdu. Veriler; Bilgi Toplama Formu ve Fonksiyonel Performans Envanteri’nin Kisa Formu kullanilarak toplandi. Verilerin toplanmas›nda diyaliz oncesi uygulanan envanter iki hafta sonra diyaliz oncesi ve sonrasi olmak uzere tekrar uygulandi. Veriler yuzdelik, ortalama, korelasyon analizi ve wilcoxon testleri kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: FPE K›sa Formu’nun ic tutarliliginin a=0,94 oldugu belirlendi. ilk ve ikinci uygulamada envanterin ICC degeri 0,99 olarak bulundu. Bu degerin yuksek ve ileri derecede anlamli oldugu goruldu (p=0,000). Hastalari n diyaliz oncesi FPE Kisa For...

Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 2016
Araştırma koroner arter bypass greft cerrahisi geçiren hastaların yorgunluk durumundaki değişimin... more Araştırma koroner arter bypass greft cerrahisi geçiren hastaların yorgunluk durumundaki değişimin incelenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Tek gruplu ön test/ son test düzende tanımlayıcı olarak yürütülen araştırma, İstanbul Avrupa yakasında özel bir hastanenin kardiyovasküler cerrahi servisinde yapıldı. Örneklemi hastanede son 6 ay içinde koroner arter bypass grefti ameliyatı geçiren 32 hasta oluşturdu. Veriler yapılandırılmış bilgi formu ve Piper Yorgunluk Ölçeği ile toplandı. Preoperatif dönemde uygulanan anket ve ölçek, postoperatif 2.-4. gün ve postoperatif iki ay sonra tekrar uygulandı. Verilerin analizinde sıklık dağılımı, ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskal Wallis H testi, Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıralar testi, Pearson Korelasyon analizi ve Cronbach Alfa analizi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Piper Yorgunluk ölçeği puan ortalaması preoperatif dönemde 3.71±2.82, postoperatif 2.-4. gün 5.15±2.39; postoperatif ikinci ay 0,03±0,16 bulundu ve aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu saptandı (p<0.01). Gece uykusu 10 saatten fazla olanların postoperatif ikinci ay yorgunluk puanlarının anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0.01). Sonuç: Hastaların preoperatif dönemde orta seviyenin hemen altında seyreden yorgunluk düzeyinin, postoperatif 2.-4. gün dönemde orta seviyenin üzerine çıktığı, postoperatif ikinci ayda yorgunluğun hemen hemen kaybolduğu belirlendi.
Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2012
39.5% (n=17) of the patients were female and 60.5% (n=26) were male. Values before and after visi... more 39.5% (n=17) of the patients were female and 60.5% (n=26) were male. Values before and after visits, respectively, were as follows: Mean fever 36.7±0.81 and 36.8±.94; pulse 97.3±26.4 and 98.4±26.1; mean respiration 23.76±4.55 and 24.30±4.53; systolic pressure 113.4±25.86 and 120.4±21.15; and diastolic pressure 64.81±8 and 67.30±3. CONCLUSION This study, carried out as a pilot study, found that visiting patients in intensive care units affects the patients; however, this effect does not cause a serious physiological change in the vital signs of the patient.

Nurse Education in Practice, 2008
In light of developments in science and technology, content has been added to the nursing curricu... more In light of developments in science and technology, content has been added to the nursing curriculum to support and improve students' healthy lifestyle behaviours. The aim of this study was to determine whether any difference was observed in the behaviour of nursing students. This longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted with 57 students during 2002-2006 academic years Marmara University, School of Nursing. The ''health promotion lifestyle profile'' developed in 1987 by Pender et al. was evaluated as to its validity and reliability in Turkey by the HPLP (healthy lifestyle behaviour scale) adapted by Esin. Percentage, variance analysis, Cronbach a coefficient and the t-test were used in the analysis of data. The findings indicated that healthy lifestyle behaviours of nursing students changed over time, from when they began and at the end of every year during their nurse training.
Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 2009
We examined the relationships among oxygenation, tissue perfusion, and other comorbid conditions ... more We examined the relationships among oxygenation, tissue perfusion, and other comorbid conditions not incorporated into the Norton Scale, and pressure ulcer (PU) development in subjects receiving mechanical ventilation.
Connect: The World of Critical Care Nursing, 2001

International Journal of Human Sciences, 2016
The aim of the study was to raise awareness among university students through informing about chi... more The aim of the study was to raise awareness among university students through informing about child brides, which is an important women's health issue in the world and in our country and to contribute to the development of their social responsibility awareness. This qualitative descriptive study was conducted between May 2014 and May 2015 with 30 university student volunteers and 1252 individuals they reached after obtaining their informed consent. In the first stage of the study, an interactive training program was implemented by the expert team. Visual, written documents and documentation forms they would use were introduced and these materials were given to volunteers. In the second stage, students were asked to give education to 15 individuals and 10 groups in their environment during their summer holiday. In the final stage, focus group discussion (FGD) was performed to determine the experiences of students who participated in the study and their views on the project. Quant...
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016

Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2016
Objective: This longitudinal study aims to examine nursing students' level of autonomy and submis... more Objective: This longitudinal study aims to examine nursing students' level of autonomy and submissive behaviors, development and changes, and the relationships between them. Methods: The sample comprised 53 students. Data were collected at the end of each academic year, through "Student Information Form, Submissive Behavior Scale and Sociotropy-Autonomy Sub-Scale". Analysis was performed using rating descriptive statistical methods (percentage, arithmetic mean), Wilcoxon test, Bonferroni, and analysis of variance. Findings: The participants' mean score in the autonomy scale was 71.58 ± 15.42 in the 1st year and 74.86 ± 17.47 in the 4th year. Mean score for the Submissive Behaviors Scale was 32,27± 7,92 in the 1st year and 32,07± 8 in the 4th year. Difference between the 1st year and 4th year mean scores was not significant in both scales (p> 0.05). The results of this study showed that nursing students' submissive behaviors decreased with the increase in their professional knowledge and experience; and their autonomy was found to be positively affected; however, this change was not at the desired level.

Open Journal of Nursing, 2012
The sedative effects of music on healthy and sick individuals are known for centuries. Nowadays, ... more The sedative effects of music on healthy and sick individuals are known for centuries. Nowadays, nursing has used the efficacy of music therapy in interventions. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of music, which the patients undergoing a coronary angiography for the first time listened to during the intraoperative period, on the level of anxiety in the patients. The study was conducted experimentally as a pretest/posttest control group design. Data collection form; state-trait anxiety inventory, CDs and CD player were used. Inventories were applied to the patients before the process. The study group (100 patients) listened to music throughout the intervention, whilst the control group (100 patients) listened to no music. At the end of the process, all patients were given the same state anxiety inventory once more. The data was assessed by number, percentage, mean distribution with the paired t-test and t test. It was found that the difference between the mean state anxiety scores obtained before and during the coronary angiography were significantly higher in the study group (4.04 ± 1.15) than the control group (2.01 ± 0.10) (p = 0.000). It was concluded that the music listened to during the coronary angiography process had an impact on the intraoperative anxiety levels of the patients.
Papers by Leman İnal Şenturan