Leialdo Pulz
Professor, Dean, Historian, ...
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Papers by Leialdo Pulz
(CCB), a prominent evangelical denomination in the country. The CCB traces its roots back to
the missionary work of Luigi Francescon, particularly among Italian immigrants. It is
speculated that the movement may have been influenced by A.B. Simpson, and this
hypothesis was examined further. However, despite its growth and popularity, the CCB has
faced criticism from certain evangelical groups, labeling it as a "cult." To fully comprehend
the history and reasons behind this classification, the author conducted an extensive historical
investigation, exploring the possible connections between the CCB and the founder of the
Christian and Missionary. Interviews were also conducted between researchers from both the
CCB and to shed light on these issues and controversies.
Exigências do Programa de Mestrado em Teologia da
Faculdade Teológica Latino-Americana - FATELA
Caso haja interesse na versão completa, favor solicitar...
Drafts by Leialdo Pulz
(CCB), a prominent evangelical denomination in the country. The CCB traces its roots back to
the missionary work of Luigi Francescon, particularly among Italian immigrants. It is
speculated that the movement may have been influenced by A.B. Simpson, and this
hypothesis was examined further. However, despite its growth and popularity, the CCB has
faced criticism from certain evangelical groups, labeling it as a "cult." To fully comprehend
the history and reasons behind this classification, the author conducted an extensive historical
investigation, exploring the possible connections between the CCB and the founder of the
Christian and Missionary. Interviews were also conducted between researchers from both the
CCB and to shed light on these issues and controversies.
Exigências do Programa de Mestrado em Teologia da
Faculdade Teológica Latino-Americana - FATELA
Caso haja interesse na versão completa, favor solicitar...