Papers by Natalia Lebedeva
![Research paper thumbnail of [Microelements in birds and mammals of Ethiopia] Микроэлементы в птицах и млекопитающих Эфиопии (In Russian with English abstract)](
The aim of this study was to evaluate contents ofmicroelements in birds and mammals of Ethiopia. ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate contents ofmicroelements in birds and mammals of Ethiopia. We have studied concentration of microelements in I 9 bird species. Bones of the tarsus of birds were used tor the analysis of some microelements. Small birds have more intensive level uf metabolism, than large ones, and they could accumulate metals. which are in overbalance in the environment. We have analyzed correlation between the mass of the bird body and concentration of microelements in bones by non-parametric Spearmen' analysis. It has been established that there is negative correlation between Mn. Cu and AI concentrations in bones of birds and weight of the body, but Cr, Zn and Fe concentrations in bones of birds positively correlated with the body mass (0.59, 0,59. 0.50 relatively). The relation has been shown between the body mass of birds and concentration of copper in their bones. The development of our hypothesis about the etTect of biogeochemistry of landscape on chemical composition of birds we have considereu the example. We following have estimated the ratio of microelement concentration in bones of birds of same species with the tollowing limited feeding possibilites, which inhabit different areas and the ratio of microclement .concentration in bones of birds of the sari1e species from the same geographic point. This may serve a proof that geographic bird populations could vary in chemical composition due to biogeochemical differences of environment. APH)J.HhiE 3KOCHCTEMbl, 1999, TOM 5, .N' !! 10
Nauchnye doklady vyssheĭ shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki
Russian Journal of Ecology
Accumulation of heavy metals (chromium, lead, arsenic, nickel, copper, and manganese) in the bone... more Accumulation of heavy metals (chromium, lead, arsenic, nickel, copper, and manganese) in the bones, food, and feces of 24 bird species in the southwest of Russia, the Rostovskaya oblast and Kalmykia, was studied. Differences in the lead accumulation in the bones of terrestrial and aquatic birds, as well as in the arsenic accumulation in the bones of birds belonging to different trophic levels, were demonstrated. An inverse linear relation between the lead concentration in bird bones and the body mass was found. Heavy metal content in the food (earthworms) and excrement of rooks from suburban and urban colonies are discussed. Worms and rook excrement from urban habitats are more polluted with heavy metals.
Рецензенты: доктор биологических наук Л.М. БАСКИН доктор биологических наук И.Н. РЯБОВ Ответствен... more Рецензенты: доктор биологических наук Л.М. БАСКИН доктор биологических наук И.Н. РЯБОВ Ответственный редактор член-корреспондент РАН Д . А. КРИВОЛУЦКИЙ Биоиндикация радиоактивных загрязнений. -М.: Наука , 1999. -384 С. ; ил.
Doklady Akademii nauk / [Rossiĭskaia akademii nauk]
Procl'edingl., of Extended Abstracts from the Fourth Illterllati()llai ('l()lljerellce 011 the Bi... more Procl'edingl., of Extended Abstracts from the Fourth Illterllati()llai ('l()lljerellce 011 the Biogeochel11istry ()f 1race Elellielits !.K. Isk~nl(hii, S.L. Hardy. A.t '. ('hang, and (, ]\1. PiL'r/yn~ki. Editors
Doklady Biological Sciences
nest-boxes at the control site (2 I!Cilm.sq.). During ten days in July nest-boxes at the two site... more nest-boxes at the control site (2 I!Cilm.sq.). During ten days in July nest-boxes at the two sites were examined, numbers of nesting pairs and nesting success of Great Tit and Pied Flycatcher were assessed. In two nests (l of Great Tit and 1 of Pied Flycatcher) the diet composition of nestlings was studied using ligature method. Thirteen food items for each bird species were collected. The nest composition of Pied Flycatcher (n=l) and Great Tit (n=6) was analyzed. The growth, plumage development and behavior of nestlings were observed.
nest-boxes at the control site (2 I!Cilm.sq.). During ten days in July nest-boxes at the two site... more nest-boxes at the control site (2 I!Cilm.sq.). During ten days in July nest-boxes at the two sites were examined, numbers of nesting pairs and nesting success of Great Tit and Pied Flycatcher were assessed. In two nests (l of Great Tit and 1 of Pied Flycatcher) the diet composition of nestlings was studied using ligature method. Thirteen food items for each bird species were collected. The nest composition of Pied Flycatcher (n=l) and Great Tit (n=6) was analyzed. The growth, plumage development and behavior of nestlings were observed.
пАнцирныЕ КЛЕЩИ (ORIВATEI) В ОПЕРЕНИИ ПТИЦ © Д. А. Криволуцкий, Н. В. Лебедева, А. В. Матюхни Авт... more пАнцирныЕ КЛЕЩИ (ORIВATEI) В ОПЕРЕНИИ ПТИЦ © Д. А. Криволуцкий, Н. В. Лебедева, А. В. Матюхни Авторами обследовано более 400 особей 53 видов IП'иц разных эколоrических грynп. В их оперении было собрано свыше 50 видов живых панцириых хлещеЙ . Чаще дрYПfХ были вcrpeчены Carabode,r marginatus -у 8 видов птиц, Tectocepheus velatus -12 видов, Oppiella uпicarinataу 7 видов . Устаномен ранее неизвестный по литературе факт распространеиИJI орибатид птицами . Некоторые виды орибатид постоянно обитают 8 оперении птиц . Авторы предполагают, что они питаются не чешуйками кожи . птиц, а грибами , которые обитакл на птичьих перьях и коже , посколысу все орибатиды JlМJlЮТСЯ микрофагами.
Papers by Natalia Lebedeva