Papers by Le Viet Dung 000309

Tropical Plant Pathology, 2021
Fusarium basal rot (FBR) is a soil-borne disease that affects Allium species worldwide. Although ... more Fusarium basal rot (FBR) is a soil-borne disease that affects Allium species worldwide. Although FBR has long been recognized as a major constraint to the production of economically important Allium species, information that could support disease management remains scattered. In this review, the current knowledge on the causal agents, symptomology and epidemiology, impact, and management strategies of FBR is synthesized. We highlight that FPR is associated with different complexes of several Fusarium species, of which Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum are the most prevalent. These pathogenic complexes vary in composition and virulence, depending on sites and hosts, which can be challenging for disease management. Research to improve disease management using chemical pesticides, resistance cultivars, biocontrol agents, and cultural practices has achieved both promising results and limitations. Finally, research needs and future directions are proposed for the development of effe...

The Mekong Delta River in Vietnam is facing salinity intrusion caused by climate change and sea-l... more The Mekong Delta River in Vietnam is facing salinity intrusion caused by climate change and sea-level rise that is severely affecting rice cultivation. Here, we evaluated salinity responses of 97 rice accessions (79 landraces and 18 improved accessions) from the Mekong Delta population by adding 100 mM NaCl to the nutrient solution for up to 20 days. We observed a wide distribution in salinity tolerance/sensitivity, with two major peaks across the 97 accessions when using the standard evaluation system (SES) developed by the International Rice Research Institute. SES scores revealed strong negative correlations (ranging from –0.68 to –0.83) with other phenotypic indices, such as shoot elongation length, root elongation length, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight. Mineral concentrations of Na+ in roots, stems, and leaves and Ca2+ in roots and stems were positively correlated with SES scores, suggesting that tolerant accessions lower their cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the root ...
Report of the Hokkaido Branch, the Japanese Society of Breeding and Hokkaido Branch, the Crop Science Society of Japan, 1998
The Plant Genome, 2019
The Plant Genome R ecent advances in genomic analysis methods can be exploited to shed light on t... more The Plant Genome R ecent advances in genomic analysis methods can be exploited to shed light on the genetic diversity of various crops, not only that of representative major resources, known as core collections (Gepts, 2006; Phan et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2014), but also minor resources in local collections not yet thoroughly characterized. Such evaluation of crop plant genomic structures may reveal useful resources and/or unique characteristics hidden in local collections (Hermisson and Wagner, 2004;

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2001
The Kontum massif in Central Vietnam represents the largest continuous exposure of crystalline ba... more The Kontum massif in Central Vietnam represents the largest continuous exposure of crystalline basement of the Indochina craton. The central Kontum massif is chie¯y made of orthopyroxene granulites (enderbite, charnockite) and associated rocks of the Kannack complex. Mineral assemblages and geothermobarometric studies have shown that the Kannack complex has severely metamorphosed under granulite facies corresponding to P±T conditions of 800±8508C and 8^1 kbars. Twenty-three SHRIMP II U±Pb analyses of eighteen zircon grains separated from a granulite sample of the Kannack complex yield ca 254 Ma, and one analysis gives ca 1400 Ma concordant age for a zoned zircon core. This result shows that granulites of the Kannack complex in the Kontum massif have formed from a high-grade granulite facies tectonothermal event of Indosinian age (Triassic). The cooling history and subsequent exhumation of the Kannack complex during Indosinian times ranged from ,8508C at ca 254 Ma to ,3008C at 242 Ma, with an average cooling rate of ,458C/Ma.
Fourth International …, 2006
Due to the effectiveness of VS in treating wastewater and the current trend in water recycling ar... more Due to the effectiveness of VS in treating wastewater and the current trend in water recycling around the world, the seafood processing factory, CAFATEX, was interested in testing VS as a method of phytoremediation to reduce the contaminant levels in the factory ...
The use of Vetiver grass for natural disaster mitigation in Vietnam has become very popular despi... more The use of Vetiver grass for natural disaster mitigation in Vietnam has become very popular despite the fact it has been introduced into Vietnam for such purpose only 5-6 years ago and it was met with considerable skepticism at the beginning. However, thanks to the faith and efforts of some Vietnamese enthusiasts and believers, the grass is now known throughout the country and is in use practically in nearly 40 provinces (out of the total 64). It is planted in a very wide range of soil types and climatic conditions, from very cold winter in the North, very hot summer-cold winter, pure sand in Central Vietnam to acid sulfate soil, saline soil in the Mekong Delta. The widest application of the VS is for river bank, irrigation canal, river and sea dyke erosion control, cut slope stabilization along highways. But it is also used for sand dune stabilization, reduction of soil erosion on sloping farm land due to surface runoff, reduction of flood damages etc. And very recently, several trials have been made in using VS for wastewater and pollution control, for reclamation of contaminated and toxic soils etc. Many lessons have been drawn out on the use of Vetiver grass, including its advantages and disadvantages as well as comparison with other, either rigid, ineffective, expensive, environmental-unfriendly structural measures or traditional bio-engineering approach. A plan to compile a manual on the use of Vetiver grass for natural disaster mitigation is now being implemented and it is expected to be complete by the end of 2006.

Proceedings of the Third International Conference …, 2003
Hundred of hectares of land on riverbank have been lost annually and thousands of kilometers of d... more Hundred of hectares of land on riverbank have been lost annually and thousands of kilometers of dykes are threatened by wave erosion caused by motorized boats in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. These figures tend to go up exponentially due to lack of effective erosion controls and increased usage of modern means of water transport. To prevent the loss of fertile agricultural land and to control erosion from the river traffic as well as the strong current in the flood season, local people are using traditional methods such as wooden, cement, or rock walls; planting wetlands species and water hyacinth. However these methods are either ineffective or too costly to implement. Literature shows that the Vetiver System (VS) is a new and effective method of stream bank erosion control, which has been proved successful in Australia and in a number of Asian and African countries. VS is low cost and labor intensive, which is highly suitable for a developing economy like Vietnam. With funding support from the Donner Foundation and the Australian-Vietnam foundation, a demonstration/research project was conducted in 2001 with the following objectives: • To introduce VS to the Mekong Delta • To demonstrate its effectiveness in protecting riverbanks and dykes in the Mekong Delta • To develop this technology for local conditions and. • To teach local people the skills of propagation, and implementation of VS for erosion control Although planting techniques and timing need to be further refined, results to date are excellent. Vetiver has been successfully established and provided effective erosion control in fresh water, brackish water rivers and canals, on alluvial soil as well as highly acid sulfate soil. A very effective extension program was also carried out in conjunction with this program. Farmers and local communities have readily accepted vetiver as they can also use it for animal feed and other uses such as string to bind rice seedlings and rice straw. Vetiver grass string is considered to be equivalently to or more flexible and tougher than other kinds of strings commonly used such as banana leaves, fresh water reed, palm string etc.
Papers by Le Viet Dung 000309