Papers by Laura Stachowski

Through the Global Gateway: Transforming Student Teachers in Overseas Schools and Communities
Indiana University's Global Gateway for Teachers programs provide structured learning opportu... more Indiana University's Global Gateway for Teachers programs provide structured learning opportunities for student teachers in culturally diverse settings, both domestically and internationally. Since the mid-1970s, more than 3,000 preservice educators have participated in the Overseas Program, broadening their professional and personalhorizons in host-nation schools and communities worldwide. However, mere placement of student teachers in international contexts does not ensure that meaningful learning and growth will occur. Instead, the authors argue that the experience must include a substantive preparatory phase and structured onsite requirements and reflections to maximize the professional and personal impact of time spent abroad. Student teachers' reported impacts suggest that well-planned experiences have the potential to launch emerging educators on a trajectory of powerful transformation that informs their teaching practice, interpersonal relations, and worldview."...

Project places student teachers in 16-week teaching assignments in schools across the Navajo Nati... more Project places student teachers in 16-week teaching assignments in schools across the Navajo Nation, emphasizing cultural and community involvement. Prior to student teaching, participants undergo extensive preparation to enhance their cultural values, beliefs, lifestyles, and education practices. A group of 30 student teachers reflected on their experiences and resultant learning and insights from both classroom and community settings. In the 10th week onsite, students described which two activities or events involving American Indians held the most significance for them during the past 2 weeks. In the final week, they described the three most,important learnings or insights gained from the student teaching experience. Student teachers identified 99 distinct professional insights as a result of their experiences, organized around the themes of: the art of teaching, classroom discipline, personalprofessional characteristics, school pupils, curriculum, relationship building, and school culture. The most commonly noted insights were related to the art of teaching and classroom discipline. Students reflected on 75 cultural experiences and insights gained, grouped around: the relationship between modernity and tradition, contemporary Navajo society, cross-cultural communication, cultural competence, challenges in Navajo education, pupils' living conditions, and historical understanding. (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
International Education, 2008
International Education, Oct 1, 2008
New Horizons: Student Teaching Abroad to Enrich Understanding of Diversity
Action in Teacher Education, 1990
... Title: New Horizons: Student Teaching Abroad to Enrich Understanding of Diversity. ... Abstra... more ... Title: New Horizons: Student Teaching Abroad to Enrich Understanding of Diversity. ... Abstract: Compares learnings reported by novice teachers in conventional, stateside student teaching assignments and learnings reported by students who did student teaching overseas. ...

Republic of Ireland was obtained regarding the performance of U.S. student teachers in the school... more Republic of Ireland was obtained regarding the performance of U.S. student teachers in the schools of these nations. Reported in this paper are the educators' observations and beliefs pertaining to topics such as the professional and cultural/social strengths of U.S. student teachers; major cultural/social "mistakes" often made by U.S. student teachers; ways in which they could better prepare for classroom teaching assignments in overseas schools; goals motivating them to seek placement it overseas schools; and ways in which the foreign pupils benefitted from the U.S. student teachers, among others. Based on the feedback, recommendations are offered to student participants and university/college faculty for the improvement of teaching experiences in overseas nations. In addition, the need for internationalizing teacher education programs in the United States is recognized, and the Overseas Student Teaching Project at Indiana University is described. (Author)

I hope you remember me. I participated in the Overseas Project in the spring of 2001. I just had ... more I hope you remember me. I participated in the Overseas Project in the spring of 2001. I just had an impulse to contact you and see how the program was doing. It has made, and still is making, quite an impact on my personal and professional life. I am now entering my 4 th year of teaching. .. . It's funny, I had originally graduated with intentions on teaching social studies, but I was given a great opportunity to start a new program first in my school (a computer applications class) and then in our district (dealing with computer certifications). I don't think I would have jumped at the chance if I hadn't been involved in the Overseas Project. I owe a lot to the program. .. . I took a lot of chances while I taught and traveled in Ireland. Some paid off and some didn't, but the fun and growth in it all was that I took the chances. I have brought that to my teaching, too. In fact, I tell my students almost daily that they need to start taking chances. And most of them do! It's really wonderful how every day, and I mean every day, I either do something or say something or see something or even sometimes smell something that reminds me of Ireland or the hard work that went into getting to
Student Teachers' Efforts to Promote Self-Esteem in Navajo Pupils
The Educational Forum, 1998
Theory Into Practice, 1998
Instructional Suggestions from Abroad Concerning Overseas Teaching
Journal of Teacher Education, 1989
Mahan and Stachowski conducted inter views with British and Irish head teachers who accept over f... more Mahan and Stachowski conducted inter views with British and Irish head teachers who accept over forty U.S. teaching practicum students into their national schools annually. Data are reported and discussed relative to such teacher preparation concerns as cross- discipline lesson planning, citizenship education, classroom management, and global issues. The authors make suggestions which are directed toward methods instructors, teacher super visors, and student teachers.

Journal of Education for Teaching, 1987
Republic of Ireland was obtained regarding the performance of U.S. student teachers in the school... more Republic of Ireland was obtained regarding the performance of U.S. student teachers in the schools of these nations. Reported in this paper are the educators' observations and beliefs pertaining to topics such as the professional and cultural/social strengths of U.S. student teachers; major cultural/social "mistakes" often made by U.S. student teachers; ways in which they could better prepare for classroom teaching assignments in overseas schools; goals motivating them to seek placement it overseas schools; and ways in which the foreign pupils benefitted from the U.S. student teachers, among others. Based on the feedback, recommendations are offered to student participants and university/college faculty for the improvement of teaching experiences in overseas nations. In addition, the need for internationalizing teacher education programs in the United States is recognized, and the Overseas Student Teaching Project at Indiana University is described. (Author)
Student teachers report on the influence of cultural values on classroom practice and community involvement: Perspectives from the Navajo reservation and from abroad
The Teacher Educator, 2003
... Laura L. Stachowski, Jayson W. Richardson, and Michelle Henderson Cultural Immersion Projects... more ... Laura L. Stachowski, Jayson W. Richardson, and Michelle Henderson Cultural Immersion Projects, Indiana University ... In the Reservation Project, for example, several student teachers saw this value played out through the Navajos' strong oral tradition and love of storytelling, as ...
Papers by Laura Stachowski