Thesis Chapters by Laura Molano Molano

La minería como principal actividad económica del departamento del Cesar ha sido foco de debate p... more La minería como principal actividad económica del departamento del Cesar ha sido foco de debate por las consecuencias generadas; especialmente en el ámbito socioeconómico de los hogares que tienen trabajadores mineros, dadas las promesas de desarrollo de las grandes compañías mineras. Un poco más de dos décadas han pasado desde el inicio de la explotación minera y aun no hay consenso sobre estas consecuencias, por ello, se busca mediante la replicación del Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional desarrollado para los hogares que tienen trabajadores mineros, caracterizar plenamente las condiciones de educación, de la niñez y juventud, de salud, trabajo y vivienda entre el año 1993 y 2015. Los resultados finales indican que si bien la actividad minera ha contribuido al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida en los hogares que tienen trabajadores mineros, en algunas variables se registró desmejoramiento en la misma.
Mining as the main economic activity of the department of Cesar has been a focus of debate for the consequences generated; especially in the socioeconomic area of the households that have mining workers, given the development promises of the big mining companies. A little more than two decades have passed since the beginning of mining and there is still no consensus on these consequences, so it is sought through the replication of the Multidimensional Poverty Index developed for households that have mining workers, fully characterize the conditions Education, children and youth, health, labor and housing between 1993 and 2015. The final results indicate that although mining has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in households with mining workers, some variables were registered deterioration in the same.
Papers by Laura Molano Molano

internacional en Colombia se ha desarrollado en diferentes fases desde la década de los años 70, ... more internacional en Colombia se ha desarrollado en diferentes fases desde la década de los años 70, en general son las siguientes (agencia presidencial de cooperación de Colombia-APC ) Década de los 70: Se crea la División Especial de Cooperación Técnica Internacional en el Departamento Nacional de Planeación -DNP y es la encargada de la coordinación de la cooperación en el nivel nacional conjuntamente con el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Década de los 90: Dadas las transformaciones que se dieron en el ámbito mundial, entre otros, como que el país fue clasificado de ingreso medio, se emprendió el estudio de la política Nacional de Cooperación Internacional, que recomendó la elaboración del documento CONPES 2768 de 1995 y se crea en 1993 la Agencia Colombiana de Cooperación Internacional -ACCI, adscrita al DNP.
Thesis Chapters by Laura Molano Molano
Mining as the main economic activity of the department of Cesar has been a focus of debate for the consequences generated; especially in the socioeconomic area of the households that have mining workers, given the development promises of the big mining companies. A little more than two decades have passed since the beginning of mining and there is still no consensus on these consequences, so it is sought through the replication of the Multidimensional Poverty Index developed for households that have mining workers, fully characterize the conditions Education, children and youth, health, labor and housing between 1993 and 2015. The final results indicate that although mining has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in households with mining workers, some variables were registered deterioration in the same.
Papers by Laura Molano Molano
Mining as the main economic activity of the department of Cesar has been a focus of debate for the consequences generated; especially in the socioeconomic area of the households that have mining workers, given the development promises of the big mining companies. A little more than two decades have passed since the beginning of mining and there is still no consensus on these consequences, so it is sought through the replication of the Multidimensional Poverty Index developed for households that have mining workers, fully characterize the conditions Education, children and youth, health, labor and housing between 1993 and 2015. The final results indicate that although mining has contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in households with mining workers, some variables were registered deterioration in the same.