Papers by Laura Iharlegui
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2009

Collections are the permanent records of our natural heritage and contain the materials that supp... more Collections are the permanent records of our natural heritage and contain the materials that support the research of many scientific disciplines, including those working to preserve biodiversity and monitor global change. This is the basic reason why it is a permanent obligation to protect the collections from the attack of pests. The different types of pests that infest botanical collections and their control are discussed in this paper, with special emphasis in the Herbarium of Museo de La Plata (LP). Two types of control pests, rutinary and periodical, were established. The first one implies the continuous use of chemical substances like piretrines, vapones and mothballs, or physical actions with low and high temperatures. The periodical control includes the masive fumigation with deltametrines. In addition, the importance of a preserving behavior concerning to the users of botanical collections are emphasized.Las colecciones botánicas son importantes ya que constituyen un testim...
Capitulum, Aug 30, 2022
The Herbarium LP (Museum of La Plata, National University of La Plata) holds nearly 300,000 speci... more The Herbarium LP (Museum of La Plata, National University of La Plata) holds nearly 300,000 specimens representing a rich histor y of challenging collecting journeys to unchar ted lands and a deep love for plants. Specifically, for Compositae, the LP herbarium holds about 50000 non-type specimens and 2415 type specimens. From these types, the tribes Senecioneae, Astereae, Nassauvieae, and Mutisieae are, in decreasing order, the best represented. The legacy of Angel Lulio Cabrera is especially notewor thy by representing nearly 44% of the total type specimens. This essential collection makes the LP herbarium a reference institution for South American Compositae knowledge.
El presente trabajo representa un catálogo de los ejemplares tipo de 426 especies y 82 variedades... more El presente trabajo representa un catálogo de los ejemplares tipo de 426 especies y 82 variedades de Asteraceae descriptas por A. L. Cabrera entre los años 1931 y 1999. Los taxones se presentan en orden alfabético. Para cada taxón se indica: diagnosis original, tipo nomenclatural, categoría del tipo, herbario, etiqueta original y nombre actualizado.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
FIGURE 3. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) plot showing variation among the 99 specimen of Ga... more FIGURE 3. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) plot showing variation among the 99 specimen of Gamochaeta americana (blue squares) and Gamochaeta coarctata (red circles), based on 24 analyzed characters.
FIGURE 1. Codes for the apices of inner phyllaries. ACM, acuminate (Bayer ARG-02004 LP); AC, acut... more FIGURE 1. Codes for the apices of inner phyllaries. ACM, acuminate (Bayer ARG-02004 LP); AC, acute (Pedersen 6292 LP); SO, subobtuse (Grüner 130 LP, Dawson 32726 LP); OB, obtuse (Cabrera 5780 LP); RA, rounded-apiculate (Cabrera 114 LP); RO, rounded (Dawson 760 LP, Cabrera 327 LP). [Modified from Freire et al. (2016: 264, fig. 7D).]
FIGURE 4. Gamochaeta americana. A. Habit; B. Foliar trichomes; C. Capitulum; D. Inner phyllaries;... more FIGURE 4. Gamochaeta americana. A. Habit; B. Foliar trichomes; C. Capitulum; D. Inner phyllaries; E. Pistillate floret; F. Bisexual floret; G. Stamen; H. Style branches; I. Achene; J. Globose duplex hair; K. Pappus. [From Freire (1998: 31, fig. 8).]
FIGURE 2. Cluster analysis of the whole set of 99 specimens of Gamochaeta americana and Gamochaet... more FIGURE 2. Cluster analysis of the whole set of 99 specimens of Gamochaeta americana and Gamochaeta coarctata, using a matrix calculated from 24 characters (Gower's coefficient of similarity).

Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany, Nov 22, 2016
Potamogeton is a cosmopolitan genus of 90-95 species in which numerous hybridization events have ... more Potamogeton is a cosmopolitan genus of 90-95 species in which numerous hybridization events have occurred worldwide. A plant recently collected from Argentina exhibited ambiguous morphology that does not match any species of the genus. We aimed to assess if the plant coexisting with another Potamogeton species is a product of reticulate evolution. A concatenated plastid DNA (psbA-trnH, trnL intron, and trnL-trnF) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (5S-NTS) data sets, primarily based on previous studies sample set mainly consisting of American and Asian species, were analyzed using Bayesian inference. Nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences were also obtained from five Argentina materials. We recovered similar topologies from both the plastid DNA and nuclear ribosomal 5S-NTS analyses in which most specimens are consistently placed. The specimen of primal interest from Argentina strongly clustered with co-occurring linear-leaved species in the 5S-NTS tree, but was genetically identical to broad-leaved ones in the plastid DNA analysis. The ITS sequence of the specimen was the same as that of the linear-leaved species and no polymorphisms were observed. Considering the discrepant phylogenetic positions between the trees and lack of ITS infra-individual variations, the origin of the specimen from Argentina is better explained by hybridization and subsequent introgression.
Plantas cultivadas de la Argentina: Asteráceas (= Compuestas), 2017

<i>Gamochaeta americana</i> (Mill.) Weddell (1856: 151). <i>Gnaphalium american... more <i>Gamochaeta americana</i> (Mill.) Weddell (1856: 151). <i>Gnaphalium americanum</i> Miller (1768: without page). <i>Gnaphalium purpureum</i> var. <i>americanum</i> (Mill.) Klatt (1878: 140). Type:— JAMAICA. 1731, <i>W. Houston s.n</i> <i>.</i> (lectotype: BM-001009488!, designated by Moore (1936: 206); photo: E-00433391!). <i>Gnaphalium coarctatum</i> Willdenow (1803: 1886). <i>Gnaphalium spicatum</i> Lamarck (1788: 757), <i>nom. illeg.</i> <i>Gnaphalium purpureum</i> var. <i>spicatum</i> Klatt (1878: 140). <i>Gamochaeta spicata</i> Cabrera (1961: 380), nom. superfl. <i>Gamochaeta coarctata</i> (Willd.) Kerguélen (1987: 104). Type:—[URUGUAY]. Monte Video, Oct 1767, <i>P. Commerson s.n.</i> (holotype: P-LAM 00309295!). <i>Gnaphalium consanguineum</i> Gaudichaud (1825: 103). <i>Gamochaeta americana</i> var. <i>alpina</i> Weddell (1856: 152). <i>Gnaphalium spicatum</i> var. <i>alpinum</i> (Wedd.) Hieronymus (1900: 31). Type:— ARGENTINA. Tierra del Fuego. Islas Malvinas (Falklands Islands), s.d., <i>C. Gaudichaud s.n.</i> (lectotype: P-00704625!, designated by Cabrera (1961: 364)). <i>Gnaphalium spicatum</i> var. <i>chonoticum</i> Hooker (1846: 309). Type:— CHILE. [Prov. Aysen] Chonos Arch., Dec 1834, <i>C.</i> <i>Darwin</i> [<i>Henslow's 333</i>] (lectotype: K-000500392!, designated by Porter (1986: 56); isolectotype: CGE). <i>Gamochaeta americana</i> subvar. <i>interrupta</i> Weddell (1856: 152). Type not designated. <i>Gnaphalium purpureum</i> var. <i>macrophyllum</i> Greenman (1904: 97). Type:— COSTA RICA. El Copey, 1800 m, Feb 1898, <i>A. Tonduz 11771</i> (lectotype: BR-0000005318742!, <b>designated here</b>; isolectotype: GH-0008342 fragment!). <i>Gnaphalium guatemalense</i> Gandoger (1918: 42). <i>Gamochaeta guatemalensis</i> (Gand.) Cabrera (1961: 363). Type:— GUATEMALA. Dpto. Alta Verapaz, Feb 1907, <i>H. von Tuerckheim II 1634</i> (holotype: LY; isotypes: MO, NY, SI!). <i>Gamochaeta irazuensis</i> Nesom (1990b: 199–200). Type:— COSTA RICA. Volcán Irazu, 10000–11330 ft., 1 Dec 1937, <i>P.H.</i> <i>Allen 70 [...]
FIGURE 5. Habit of Gamochaeta americana with basal leaves in rosettes, bicolored leaves with leaf... more FIGURE 5. Habit of Gamochaeta americana with basal leaves in rosettes, bicolored leaves with leaf margins wavy, and capitula in clusters in the axils of the upper leaves, arranged in dense elongated spikes interrupted at the base (Argentina; photograph by J.F. Pensiero, UNL, Argentina).
Este trabajo presenta una investigación realizada en el campo de la arquitectura sustentable que ... more Este trabajo presenta una investigación realizada en el campo de la arquitectura sustentable que vincula el confort ambiental, la conservación preventiva y la eficiencia energética. Se desarrolla en el marco de la investigación para una tesis doctoral en arquitectura por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Se presenta como caso de estudio el trabajo desarrollado en el Museo de la Plata, que pertenece a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y se ubica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Darwiniana, 2000
An inventory of types of Asteraceae described by A. L. Cabrera between 1931-1999 has been made. A... more An inventory of types of Asteraceae described by A. L. Cabrera between 1931-1999 has been made. A total of 508 types (426 specific and 82 infraspecific names), wich are mainly kept in the Museo de La Plata herbarium (LP), were analyzed. Taxa are arranged in alphabetical order, followed by bibliographical and label data; the last name assigned to each taxon is also given
maginemos que no existen el trigo, el maíz, la cebada, el centeno, la papa, el tomate, el arroz, ... more maginemos que no existen el trigo, el maíz, la cebada, el centeno, la papa, el tomate, el arroz, la manzana, la naranja, el zapallo, la pimienta, el café, el algodón, el lino, los heléchos, las rosas, los bosques de pinos, los árboles y las lianas de las selvas, los pastos de las praderas; en otras palabras, un mundo sin plantas vasculares. ¿Sobreviviría el hombre en esas circunstancias? La respuesta es: probablemente no. Pero, ¿cómo es que existen esas plantas?

Phytotaxa, 2021
Gamochaeta (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) consists of about 60 species primarily distributed in tropic... more Gamochaeta (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) consists of about 60 species primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical America. Gamochaeta americana and G. coarctata are closely related species that have been mainly differentiated by its phyllary apices, plant height, width of basal leaves, and involucre height. In order to evaluate whether G. americana and G. coarctata can be differentiated on a morphological basis, we performed a morphometric analysis. A matrix of 24 morphological characters and 99 specimens was analyzed using two multivariate approaches: Cluster Analysis and Principal Coordinate Analysis. Both, the dendrogram and the Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), showed that the two species are not clearly distinguished. No discriminating morphological characters for the two species have been found. In conclusion, all available data support that G. coarctata should be considered a synonym of G. americana. Lectotype is designated for Gnaphalium purpureum var. macrophyllum, an...
Papers by Laura Iharlegui