The concept of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) itself implies that the integration of geological, ... more The concept of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) itself implies that the integration of geological, biological and anthropogenic factors and related values, both tangible and intangible, are at the base of any interpretation, communication, educative practices and enhancement aiming at strengthening the sense of place in local communities, as well as guiding those areas toward sustainable economic growth. However, the measures and good practices codified for UGGps limit their impact on the properties’ boundaries, sometimes neglecting the strong natural, social and cultural link between the listed areas, their surroundings and other serial geosites. The paper introduces a five-step study on selected examples of Geoparks and geosites in Italy, Japan and Tunisia, sometimes also including areas inscribed in the UNESCO list as cultural sites, focusing on the possible role of UGGps as drivers for sustainable development of geotourism. The research considers the contextualization of UNESCO UG...
ICVBC was founded in 2001 and is located in Florence with units in Rome and Milan. The institutio... more ICVBC was founded in 2001 and is located in Florence with units in Rome and Milan. The institutional tasks of ICVBC include research, coordination, consultancy and training. ICVBC’s features is its multidisciplinary character, promoting an interdisciplinary approach to research, guaranteed by different professionals, and through the development of an extensive national and international network of cooperation with research institutes, universities and public or private subjects involved in the conservation of Cultural Heritage. In the field of conservation, various issues are addressed: study and development of materials for the conservation of stone, metallic artefacts and painted surfaces; development of diagnostic systems for identification and monitoring of the environmental parameters useful for the characterization of causes and mechanisms of decay; development of protocols for the conservation and scheduled maintenance; integrated enhancement and fruition of works of art and t...
Today, dismissed mines are considered significant local tangible and intangible cultural heritage... more Today, dismissed mines are considered significant local tangible and intangible cultural heritage elements and they are more and more often at the core of dedicated enhancement processes, being sometimes inscribed in the UNESCO list; included in geoparks; transformed worldwide into industrial museums; or reused. Italy has a peculiar approach to the topic even if it has been underestimated, and research in the field might be improved. Which models should be looked at? Is it possible to identify some basic criteria to look at to obtain positive results? If yes, where should one start? Our proposal is that the application to the newly born class underground built heritage (UBH) can provide instruments for their historical functional classification and introducing several criteria for their interpretation and reuse could eventually support future enhancement projects in this specific sector. This methodology has been already applied worldwide to this category of good, giving positive re...
Italy and China, although they are very different in geographical scale, have the bigger number o... more Italy and China, although they are very different in geographical scale, have the bigger number of World Heritage sites included in the UNESCO List. Thus, apart from the most famous and frequented areas there is a multitude of lesser-known sites, including many archaeological sites, suffering from poor local development, the lack of adequate conservation interventions and enhancement, and limited tourist flows. Nevertheless, all these sites have to face daily issues related to conservation, management and enhancement. These are not simple issues to deal with, given that these actions are part of a broader and more intricate framework of interconnections of economic, political, social and cultural factors, determined not only by local and national dynamics but, often, by global trends. The volume collects the contributions of a multidisciplinary team of scholars and representatives of local authorities with the aim of presenting a review of positive and current cases in both nations in the field of conservation and restoration, management and promotion of archaeological sites, aiming at creating a shared knowledge base, useful in identifying joint research solutions and initiatives.
Borghi rurali 201 1. Il ruolo dell'acqua nella ruralizzazione della società All'alba del ... more Borghi rurali 201 1. Il ruolo dell'acqua nella ruralizzazione della società All'alba del Ventennio, in Sicilia la popolazione era concentrata per lo più in grossi borghi a domi-nante agricola afflitti da vistose carenze in materia di igiene e infrastrutture 1. Per contro le campagne erano pressoché disabitate. Nell'isola, inoltre, convivevano due realtà pro-duttive apparentemente contrastanti: al perimetro costiero di città che, oltre alle opportunità di un'eco-nomia marinara, potevano permettersi colture irri-gue grazie alla disponibilità di sorgenti, si contrapponeva un entroterra marcato dalla presenza di latifondi privi di alberi, senza acqua, regno di monotone estensioni di grano, maggese e leguminose. La penuria d'acqua per le colture, specialmente nella porzione centrale dell'Isola era il prodotto di un forte squilibrio idrologico, dovuto solo parzial-mente al clima. Pure la composizione chimico-fisica dei suoli e l'esaurimento dei manti boschivi 2...
The project TeCon@BC, focused on the Etruscan archaeological site of Sovana. It was coordinated b... more The project TeCon@BC, focused on the Etruscan archaeological site of Sovana. It was coordinated by the ICVBC and financed by the Tuscan Region. It represents a multitask and multidisciplinary approach, integrating different levels of conservation and enhancement processes and reinforcing their dialogue using new information technologies, with the aim to promote sustainable protection interventions and to enhance fruition. The project developed both innovative products, environmentally friendly, for the conservation of different kind of materials and new tools able to evaluate on different materials the conservation efficacy of the products developed. It also developed, through 3D modelling, tools for managing and monitoring conservation interventions. Finally, the methodological approach introduced, producing multimedia digital Apps and innovative software, posed the basis for an integrated understanding of the Etruscan world aiming to the valorisation of heritage assets and the pro...
In order to guarantee conditions for a "lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth&q... more In order to guarantee conditions for a "lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth" based on the development of tourism, there is the necessity to evaluate a strategy taking into account not only the economic and environmental implications, but also the socio-cultural ones. This means undertaking a process of research and actions, that at first must bring the community closer to the heritage by developing a sense of belonging and care, then have to make people aware of both the cultural and economic potential of cultural heritage. Communicating research results, the community participation, the training are some of the key actions required coming from the "public archeology" and aiming at developing a relationship with citizens, and that have been for years the focus of ICVBC's research and actions.
I tre progetti bilaterali tra l'Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Cu... more I tre progetti bilaterali tra l'Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali (ICVBC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) e l'Institute for Heritage Studies della Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) si iscrivono nel quadro di un Accordo Bilaterale e del relativo Programma di Cooperazione, siglato fra il CNR e la CACH nel novembre 2014 e avviato nel 2015. I progetti, di durata triennale (2016-2018), affrontano tematiche relative sia alla conservazione che alla valorizzazione, basandosi sull'esperienza pluridecennale e alle competenze multidisciplinari dei ricercatori dell'ICVBC e della collaborazione di esperti di altri istituti CNR (IRISS; IRPI; ISSM).
La resilienza dei territori rispetto a fenomeni catastrofici legati al cambiamento climatico, e u... more La resilienza dei territori rispetto a fenomeni catastrofici legati al cambiamento climatico, e un tema di discussione sempre piu diffuso a livello di enti pubblici e privati ed istituti di ricerca, reso urgente dalla congiuntura climatica sfavorevole. Tuttavia, un'analisi condotta su una scala territoriale frammentata e in un'ottica slegata da analisi di lungo periodo, rischia di portare a soluzioni temporanee e poco efficaci. Data questa convinzione, il team, composto da giovani studiosi di varia provenienza Istituzionale, ha impostato una serie di ricerche e di azioni mirate a valutare queste criticita per mettere il proprio know how a servizio della collettivita. Il dialogo instaurato col mondo della ricerca, della formazione, delle professioni, con gli amministratori e gli enti di gestione delle acque, approfondisce le criticita legate alla carenza o all'eccesso d'acqua, sotto il profilo infrastrutturale, economico e socio-culturale, attraverso l'analisi di ...
Il volume rappresenta un momento di sintesi e di analisi critica maturata nell’arco di vari anni ... more Il volume rappresenta un momento di sintesi e di analisi critica maturata nell’arco di vari anni di ricerca sulla evoluzione della scienza idraulica e delle sue relazioni con le teorie militari, tra antichita e prima eta moderna, finalizzato a porre delle basi interpretative in assenza di una sistematizzazione sul tema nella ricerca archeologica. Lo studio incrociato di fonti letterarie e documentarie, da un lato, e di dati di scavo dall’altro di ambito sia Campano che euro-mediterraneo hanno condotto non solo al riconoscimento di tradizioni costruttive locali, fortemente ancorate al passato classico e, in qualche caso, vitali fino al secolo scorso, ma hanno evidenziato l’esistenza di tecniche e di soluzioni analoghe su scala piu ampia, riconducibili a somiglianze di habitat, ma anche a influenze culturali e teorizzazioni codificate, largamente debitrici alla circolazione di uomini e di idee lungo rotte che vedevano la Campania in posizione di rilievo. Emergerebbe nello specifico l’...
The city of Rome and its landscape still show an extraordinary stratification of traces of the pa... more The city of Rome and its landscape still show an extraordinary stratification of traces of the past. As a river city, its birth and development have been conditioned at all times by the natural and geographical characteristics, in particular by the presence of the Tiber River. A multitude of data coming from historical and archaeological records allowed to highlight how to the conflictual relationship between Rome and the Tiber have contributed also human activities. Actually, from the very funding of the city the landscape have been extensively and deeply manipulated and domesticated in order to establish an artificial balance between the settlement and the territory, and to address if not prevent, weather fancies and natural disasters linked to the Tiber. The aim of the research have been to understand if, even in ancient times, human activity influenced territory resilience in facing stresses related to climatic variations, contributing at various levels to speed up or slow down,...
Il contributo illustra gli aspetti teorici e pratici relativi alla infrastrutturazione idrica del... more Il contributo illustra gli aspetti teorici e pratici relativi alla infrastrutturazione idrica della Sicilia meridionale, nel corso del ventennio fascista, finalizzato alla lotta al latifondo e alla creazione dei borghi rurali.
L’Acqua Marcia e uno degli acquedotti dell’antichita romana che ha il rapporto piu longevo con Ro... more L’Acqua Marcia e uno degli acquedotti dell’antichita romana che ha il rapporto piu longevo con Roma. Infatti, ripercorrere le tappe della sua costruzione, trasformazione, interruzione e rivitalizzazione, significa ripercorre la storia stessa dell’Urbe e di parte del territorio laziale. Sull’acquedotto esiste una lunga tradizione di studi, dall’antichita a oggi, che hanno consentito di ricostruirne, con buona approssimazione, il percorso antico dalle sorgenti fino all’interno della citta imperiale, di identificare le diramazioni di volta in volta aggiuntesi e le destinazioni finali della sua acqua. Inoltre, sul territorio regionale e nell’Urbe sono ancora evidenti gli imponenti resti dell’acquedotto, dalle singole componenti architettoniche (spechi, ponti, arcate) ai monumenti sorti per lo sfruttamento dell’acqua (ville, terme, ecc.). Ad essi si aggiunge un ricchissimo patrimonio di documenti storici scritti e iconografici, epigrafici e archeologici, conservati in vari archivi e muse...
Both Southern Italy and Central China feature historic rural settlements characterized by undergr... more Both Southern Italy and Central China feature historic rural settlements characterized by underground constructions with residential and service functions. Many of these areas are currently tackling economic, social and environmental problems, resulting in unemployment, disengagement, depopulation, marginalization or loss of cultural and biological diversity. Both in Europe and in China, policies for rural development address three core areas of intervention: agricultural competitiveness, environmental protection and the promotion of rural amenities through strengthening and diversifying the economic base of rural communities. The challenge is to create innovative pathways for regeneration based on raising awareness to inspire local rural communities to develop alternative actions to reduce poverty while preserving the unique aspects of their local environment and culture. In this view, cultural heritage can be a catalyst for the sustainable growth of the rural community. Through a ...
The concept of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) itself implies that the integration of geological, ... more The concept of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) itself implies that the integration of geological, biological and anthropogenic factors and related values, both tangible and intangible, are at the base of any interpretation, communication, educative practices and enhancement aiming at strengthening the sense of place in local communities, as well as guiding those areas toward sustainable economic growth. However, the measures and good practices codified for UGGps limit their impact on the properties’ boundaries, sometimes neglecting the strong natural, social and cultural link between the listed areas, their surroundings and other serial geosites. The paper introduces a five-step study on selected examples of Geoparks and geosites in Italy, Japan and Tunisia, sometimes also including areas inscribed in the UNESCO list as cultural sites, focusing on the possible role of UGGps as drivers for sustainable development of geotourism. The research considers the contextualization of UNESCO UG...
ICVBC was founded in 2001 and is located in Florence with units in Rome and Milan. The institutio... more ICVBC was founded in 2001 and is located in Florence with units in Rome and Milan. The institutional tasks of ICVBC include research, coordination, consultancy and training. ICVBC’s features is its multidisciplinary character, promoting an interdisciplinary approach to research, guaranteed by different professionals, and through the development of an extensive national and international network of cooperation with research institutes, universities and public or private subjects involved in the conservation of Cultural Heritage. In the field of conservation, various issues are addressed: study and development of materials for the conservation of stone, metallic artefacts and painted surfaces; development of diagnostic systems for identification and monitoring of the environmental parameters useful for the characterization of causes and mechanisms of decay; development of protocols for the conservation and scheduled maintenance; integrated enhancement and fruition of works of art and t...
Today, dismissed mines are considered significant local tangible and intangible cultural heritage... more Today, dismissed mines are considered significant local tangible and intangible cultural heritage elements and they are more and more often at the core of dedicated enhancement processes, being sometimes inscribed in the UNESCO list; included in geoparks; transformed worldwide into industrial museums; or reused. Italy has a peculiar approach to the topic even if it has been underestimated, and research in the field might be improved. Which models should be looked at? Is it possible to identify some basic criteria to look at to obtain positive results? If yes, where should one start? Our proposal is that the application to the newly born class underground built heritage (UBH) can provide instruments for their historical functional classification and introducing several criteria for their interpretation and reuse could eventually support future enhancement projects in this specific sector. This methodology has been already applied worldwide to this category of good, giving positive re...
Italy and China, although they are very different in geographical scale, have the bigger number o... more Italy and China, although they are very different in geographical scale, have the bigger number of World Heritage sites included in the UNESCO List. Thus, apart from the most famous and frequented areas there is a multitude of lesser-known sites, including many archaeological sites, suffering from poor local development, the lack of adequate conservation interventions and enhancement, and limited tourist flows. Nevertheless, all these sites have to face daily issues related to conservation, management and enhancement. These are not simple issues to deal with, given that these actions are part of a broader and more intricate framework of interconnections of economic, political, social and cultural factors, determined not only by local and national dynamics but, often, by global trends. The volume collects the contributions of a multidisciplinary team of scholars and representatives of local authorities with the aim of presenting a review of positive and current cases in both nations in the field of conservation and restoration, management and promotion of archaeological sites, aiming at creating a shared knowledge base, useful in identifying joint research solutions and initiatives.
Borghi rurali 201 1. Il ruolo dell'acqua nella ruralizzazione della società All'alba del ... more Borghi rurali 201 1. Il ruolo dell'acqua nella ruralizzazione della società All'alba del Ventennio, in Sicilia la popolazione era concentrata per lo più in grossi borghi a domi-nante agricola afflitti da vistose carenze in materia di igiene e infrastrutture 1. Per contro le campagne erano pressoché disabitate. Nell'isola, inoltre, convivevano due realtà pro-duttive apparentemente contrastanti: al perimetro costiero di città che, oltre alle opportunità di un'eco-nomia marinara, potevano permettersi colture irri-gue grazie alla disponibilità di sorgenti, si contrapponeva un entroterra marcato dalla presenza di latifondi privi di alberi, senza acqua, regno di monotone estensioni di grano, maggese e leguminose. La penuria d'acqua per le colture, specialmente nella porzione centrale dell'Isola era il prodotto di un forte squilibrio idrologico, dovuto solo parzial-mente al clima. Pure la composizione chimico-fisica dei suoli e l'esaurimento dei manti boschivi 2...
The project TeCon@BC, focused on the Etruscan archaeological site of Sovana. It was coordinated b... more The project TeCon@BC, focused on the Etruscan archaeological site of Sovana. It was coordinated by the ICVBC and financed by the Tuscan Region. It represents a multitask and multidisciplinary approach, integrating different levels of conservation and enhancement processes and reinforcing their dialogue using new information technologies, with the aim to promote sustainable protection interventions and to enhance fruition. The project developed both innovative products, environmentally friendly, for the conservation of different kind of materials and new tools able to evaluate on different materials the conservation efficacy of the products developed. It also developed, through 3D modelling, tools for managing and monitoring conservation interventions. Finally, the methodological approach introduced, producing multimedia digital Apps and innovative software, posed the basis for an integrated understanding of the Etruscan world aiming to the valorisation of heritage assets and the pro...
In order to guarantee conditions for a "lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth&q... more In order to guarantee conditions for a "lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth" based on the development of tourism, there is the necessity to evaluate a strategy taking into account not only the economic and environmental implications, but also the socio-cultural ones. This means undertaking a process of research and actions, that at first must bring the community closer to the heritage by developing a sense of belonging and care, then have to make people aware of both the cultural and economic potential of cultural heritage. Communicating research results, the community participation, the training are some of the key actions required coming from the "public archeology" and aiming at developing a relationship with citizens, and that have been for years the focus of ICVBC's research and actions.
I tre progetti bilaterali tra l'Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Cu... more I tre progetti bilaterali tra l'Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali (ICVBC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) e l'Institute for Heritage Studies della Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) si iscrivono nel quadro di un Accordo Bilaterale e del relativo Programma di Cooperazione, siglato fra il CNR e la CACH nel novembre 2014 e avviato nel 2015. I progetti, di durata triennale (2016-2018), affrontano tematiche relative sia alla conservazione che alla valorizzazione, basandosi sull'esperienza pluridecennale e alle competenze multidisciplinari dei ricercatori dell'ICVBC e della collaborazione di esperti di altri istituti CNR (IRISS; IRPI; ISSM).
La resilienza dei territori rispetto a fenomeni catastrofici legati al cambiamento climatico, e u... more La resilienza dei territori rispetto a fenomeni catastrofici legati al cambiamento climatico, e un tema di discussione sempre piu diffuso a livello di enti pubblici e privati ed istituti di ricerca, reso urgente dalla congiuntura climatica sfavorevole. Tuttavia, un'analisi condotta su una scala territoriale frammentata e in un'ottica slegata da analisi di lungo periodo, rischia di portare a soluzioni temporanee e poco efficaci. Data questa convinzione, il team, composto da giovani studiosi di varia provenienza Istituzionale, ha impostato una serie di ricerche e di azioni mirate a valutare queste criticita per mettere il proprio know how a servizio della collettivita. Il dialogo instaurato col mondo della ricerca, della formazione, delle professioni, con gli amministratori e gli enti di gestione delle acque, approfondisce le criticita legate alla carenza o all'eccesso d'acqua, sotto il profilo infrastrutturale, economico e socio-culturale, attraverso l'analisi di ...
Il volume rappresenta un momento di sintesi e di analisi critica maturata nell’arco di vari anni ... more Il volume rappresenta un momento di sintesi e di analisi critica maturata nell’arco di vari anni di ricerca sulla evoluzione della scienza idraulica e delle sue relazioni con le teorie militari, tra antichita e prima eta moderna, finalizzato a porre delle basi interpretative in assenza di una sistematizzazione sul tema nella ricerca archeologica. Lo studio incrociato di fonti letterarie e documentarie, da un lato, e di dati di scavo dall’altro di ambito sia Campano che euro-mediterraneo hanno condotto non solo al riconoscimento di tradizioni costruttive locali, fortemente ancorate al passato classico e, in qualche caso, vitali fino al secolo scorso, ma hanno evidenziato l’esistenza di tecniche e di soluzioni analoghe su scala piu ampia, riconducibili a somiglianze di habitat, ma anche a influenze culturali e teorizzazioni codificate, largamente debitrici alla circolazione di uomini e di idee lungo rotte che vedevano la Campania in posizione di rilievo. Emergerebbe nello specifico l’...
The city of Rome and its landscape still show an extraordinary stratification of traces of the pa... more The city of Rome and its landscape still show an extraordinary stratification of traces of the past. As a river city, its birth and development have been conditioned at all times by the natural and geographical characteristics, in particular by the presence of the Tiber River. A multitude of data coming from historical and archaeological records allowed to highlight how to the conflictual relationship between Rome and the Tiber have contributed also human activities. Actually, from the very funding of the city the landscape have been extensively and deeply manipulated and domesticated in order to establish an artificial balance between the settlement and the territory, and to address if not prevent, weather fancies and natural disasters linked to the Tiber. The aim of the research have been to understand if, even in ancient times, human activity influenced territory resilience in facing stresses related to climatic variations, contributing at various levels to speed up or slow down,...
Il contributo illustra gli aspetti teorici e pratici relativi alla infrastrutturazione idrica del... more Il contributo illustra gli aspetti teorici e pratici relativi alla infrastrutturazione idrica della Sicilia meridionale, nel corso del ventennio fascista, finalizzato alla lotta al latifondo e alla creazione dei borghi rurali.
L’Acqua Marcia e uno degli acquedotti dell’antichita romana che ha il rapporto piu longevo con Ro... more L’Acqua Marcia e uno degli acquedotti dell’antichita romana che ha il rapporto piu longevo con Roma. Infatti, ripercorrere le tappe della sua costruzione, trasformazione, interruzione e rivitalizzazione, significa ripercorre la storia stessa dell’Urbe e di parte del territorio laziale. Sull’acquedotto esiste una lunga tradizione di studi, dall’antichita a oggi, che hanno consentito di ricostruirne, con buona approssimazione, il percorso antico dalle sorgenti fino all’interno della citta imperiale, di identificare le diramazioni di volta in volta aggiuntesi e le destinazioni finali della sua acqua. Inoltre, sul territorio regionale e nell’Urbe sono ancora evidenti gli imponenti resti dell’acquedotto, dalle singole componenti architettoniche (spechi, ponti, arcate) ai monumenti sorti per lo sfruttamento dell’acqua (ville, terme, ecc.). Ad essi si aggiunge un ricchissimo patrimonio di documenti storici scritti e iconografici, epigrafici e archeologici, conservati in vari archivi e muse...
Both Southern Italy and Central China feature historic rural settlements characterized by undergr... more Both Southern Italy and Central China feature historic rural settlements characterized by underground constructions with residential and service functions. Many of these areas are currently tackling economic, social and environmental problems, resulting in unemployment, disengagement, depopulation, marginalization or loss of cultural and biological diversity. Both in Europe and in China, policies for rural development address three core areas of intervention: agricultural competitiveness, environmental protection and the promotion of rural amenities through strengthening and diversifying the economic base of rural communities. The challenge is to create innovative pathways for regeneration based on raising awareness to inspire local rural communities to develop alternative actions to reduce poverty while preserving the unique aspects of their local environment and culture. In this view, cultural heritage can be a catalyst for the sustainable growth of the rural community. Through a ...
Papers by Laura Genovese