Papers by Lasse Björklund

Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 2019
Vid den senaste lärarutbildningsreformen beslutades att på de flesta lärarutbildningsprogrammen s... more Vid den senaste lärarutbildningsreformen beslutades att på de flesta lärarutbildningsprogrammen ska lärarstudenter skriva självständiga arbeten omfattande totalt 30 högskolepoäng. Vid många lärosäten har detta lett till en uppdelning i två olika självständiga arbeten: en konsumtions- och en produktionsuppsats. Denna studie undersöker om konsumtionsuppsatser – en typ av kunskapsöversikter – innebär en ny bedömningspraktik för lärarutbildare som examinatorer. Examinatorer vid lärosäten med lärarutbildning har blivit intervjuade och fått besvara en enkät rörande dessa bedömningskriterier. Resultaten indikerar att en majoritet av examinatorerna inte ser stora skillnader mellan att bedöma en konsumtionsuppsats och en mer traditionell produktionsuppsats där egen empiri i form av till exempel intervjuer samlas in och analyseras. Vid intervjuerna framkom dock några skillnader mellan de två uppsatstyperna. Dessa hänger huvudsakligen ihop med antingen hur strukturen byggs upp, vad som är meto...

The writing of student theses is an important activity at universities and is expected to demonst... more The writing of student theses is an important activity at universities and is expected to demonstrate the students’ academic skills. In the teacher-education programme, examiners from different academic disciplines are involved in supervising and examining student theses. Moreover, different subject disciplines have different traditions concerning what is seen as knowledge and the way research is performed, which could result in different assessment practices and judgements. Earlier studies demonstrate a fragmented picture concerning the importance of the examiners’ academic discipline in judging theses. The purpose of this article is to investigate whether examiners from different academic subject disciplines emphasise similar or different criteria when assessing student theses. A total of 66 examiners from six universities with teacher education programmes in Sweden have answered an online Q-survey where they compared different criteria and rank-ordered them. The results demonstra...

This paper examines the relationship between the explicit and the implicit memory and learning sy... more This paper examines the relationship between the explicit and the implicit memory and learning systems in terms of recent findings in neuropsychology and outlines the implications for technology education in terms of student learning. The psychological Dual Systems Theory situates the processing of perception, assessment, decision-making and action in two parallel but different cognitive systems. The Declarative/Explicit system is conscious, remembering facts and episodes; it is rational and logical but also limited in complexity and speed. Working Memory's (WM) capacity, an "end station" of this system, is severely limited. Depending on modality between 4 and 9 variables or steps in a sequence may be handled at once. More will lead to cognitive loading and impasse. Since WM probably is our consciousness, we will not be able to analyse what was dropped out or what happened, we will just get confused. The narrow view of conscious vision, the slow speed and the problems ...
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2013
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
In recent years the interest in expertise and proficiency has been rising, in educational researc... more In recent years the interest in expertise and proficiency has been rising, in educational research, knowledge management as well as in cognitive science. The expert's know-how or procedural knowledge is often hidden even for him-or herself; it is tacit. "We know more than we can tell" (Polanyi, 1966 p. 4). This paper is an "Integrative research review", trying to show new aspects of experience-based learning and the development of expertise. Several new results from brain imaging studies and from neuropsychology give reason to believe that experts utilize nondeclarative, implicit memories to perform better. These results deliver new ways of understanding how experts perceive, assess, decide and take action.
In recent years the interest in expertise and proficiency has been raising, in educational resear... more In recent years the interest in expertise and proficiency has been raising, in educational research, knowledge management as well as in cognitive science. The expert’s know how or procedural knowledge is often hidden even for him or her self, it is tacit. ”We can know more than we can tell”.(Polanyi, 1967) This paper is an “Integrative research review”, trying to show new aspects of experience-based learning and the development of expertise. Several new results from brain imaging studies and from neuropsychology gives reason to believe that experts utilize nondeclarative, implicit memories to perform better. These results delivers new ways of understanding how experts perceive, assess, decide and take action.

Higher Education
Previous research shows a discrepancy between different teachers’ assessment of student theses. T... more Previous research shows a discrepancy between different teachers’ assessment of student theses. This might be an even larger problem in the context of teacher education, since teacher trainers originate from different disciplines. This study aims to investigate how different assessors prioritise between criteria for assessment. Criteria were elucidated using repertory grid interviews with teacher trainers. These criteria formed the basis for a web-based Qsort that was distributed to teacher trainers at three different universities. The 66 teacher trainers in this study represented different disciplines, but were all engaged in the supervision and examination of student theses from teacher education programmes. The analysis revealed three different factors, which have been labelled: logic text structure as product, research process as product and results as product. The differences may not be explained by the background (e.g. discipline, university or gender) of the teacher trainers....

This paper examines the relationship between the explicit and the implicit memory and learning sy... more This paper examines the relationship between the explicit and the implicit memory and learning systems in terms of recent findings in neuropsychology and outlines the implications for technology education in terms of student learning. The psychological Dual Systems Theory situates the processing of perception, assessment, decision-making and action in two parallel but different cognitive systems. The Declarative/Explicit system is conscious, remembering facts and episodes; it is rational and logical but also limited in complexity and speed. Working Memory's (WM) capacity, an "end station" of this system, is severely limited. Depending on modality between 4 and 9 variables or steps in a sequence may be handled at once. More will lead to cognitive loading and impasse. Since WM probably is our consciousness, we will not be able to analyse what was dropped out or what happened, we will just get confused. The narrow view of conscious vision, the slow speed and the problems ...
Papers by Lasse Björklund