Papers by Lars Abrahamczyk

Bautechnik, 2021
In 2019 und 2020 wurde die Balkanregion von zwei Erdbeben der Stärke MW = 6,4 heimgesucht. Am 26.... more In 2019 und 2020 wurde die Balkanregion von zwei Erdbeben der Stärke MW = 6,4 heimgesucht. Am 26. November 2019 erschütterte ein Erdbeben den Nordwesten Albaniens. Es war das stärkste Erdbeben seit mehr als 40 Jahren. Städte wie Thumanë, Tirana und Durrës erlitten Schäden, wobei Durrës mit mehreren eingestürzten Gebäuden am stärksten betroffen war. Die Region Sisak‐Moslavina in Kroatien, etwa 50 km südlich von Zagreb, wurde am 29. Dezember 2020 erschüttert. Auch hier war es das stärkste Erdbeben seit dem Pokupsko‐Erdbeben vom 8. Oktober 1909 und das größte Erdbeben in der Region seit 140 Jahren. Es verursachte umfangreiche Schäden in den Städten Petrinja, Glina und Sisak sowie in zahlreichen benachbarten Kleinstädten und kleinen Siedlungen der Region. Die Schüttereffekte und Gebäudeschäden beider Erdbeben konnten im Rahmen von Feldeinsätzen untersucht und dokumentiert werden. In Durrës (Albanien) verursachte das Erdbeben erhebliche Schäden an Stahlbetonskelettbauten mit Ausfachungsw...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 28, 2021

Frontiers in Built Environment, Jan 30, 2023
The characteristic values of climatic actions in current structural design codes are based on a s... more The characteristic values of climatic actions in current structural design codes are based on a specified probability of exceedance during the design working life of a structure. These values are traditionally determined from the past observation data under a stationary climate assumption. However, this assumption becomes invalid in the context of climate change, where the frequency and intensity of climatic extremes varies with respect to time. This paper presents a methodology to calculate the non-stationary characteristic values using state of the art climate model projections. The non-stationary characteristic values are calculated in compliance with the requirements of structural design codes by forming quasistationary windows of the entire bias-corrected climate model data. Three approaches for the calculation of non-stationary characteristic values considering the design working life of a structure are compared and their consequences on exceedance probability are discussed.

Frontiers in Built Environment
The present article aims to provide an overview of the consequences of dynamic soil-structure int... more The present article aims to provide an overview of the consequences of dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) on building structures and the available modelling techniques to resolve SSI problems. The role of SSI has been traditionally considered beneficial to the response of structures. However, contemporary studies and evidence from past earthquakes showed detrimental effects of SSI in certain conditions. An overview of the related investigations and findings is presented and discussed in this article. Additionally, the main approaches to evaluate seismic soil-structure interaction problems with the commonly used modelling techniques and computational methods are highlighted. The strength, limitations, and application cases of each model are also discussed and compared. Moreover, the role of SSI in various design codes and global guidelines is summarized. Finally, the advancements and recent findings on the SSI effects on the seismic response of buildings with different structur...

The seismic performance assessment of heritage architecture presents many challenges due to the r... more The seismic performance assessment of heritage architecture presents many challenges due to the restrictions set forth by the conservation principles to protect the associated social and cultural values. These buildings are typically characterized by unreinforced masonry walls connected by tie-rods, vaults, and wooden floors. The era of construction dates to the time when seismic design regulations were largely unknown, making heritage structures potentially vulnerable to earthquake damage. This study presents the seismic performance assessment of the Jesuit College located in the southern part of the Old City of Dubrovnik. A series of field surveys were conducted to qualitatively examine the material composition and obtain geometrical details in part of the Croatian Science Foundation research project IP-2020-02-3531 entitled “Seismic Risk Assessment of Cultural Heritage in Croatia—SeisRICHerCRO”. The structural response is thoroughly investigated by means of a complex finite eleme...

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
The ERASMUS+ initiative funded, in 2019, a Capacity Building project named ERAMCA (Environmental ... more The ERASMUS+ initiative funded, in 2019, a Capacity Building project named ERAMCA (Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Central Asia) to build up a study plan at the Master of Science level (120 ECTS in 2 academic years) open to Architects, Civil, Building, and Environmental Engineers to build-up a new generation of professionals able to work in a team with different specialities to document Cultural Heritage assets by considering environmental risks. These new professionals will be able to set up the helpful basic knowledge to plan future actions of preservation and enhancement by following the most recent development in the restoration field at the international level. The ERAMCA project started with a survey of the basic knowledge of architects and engineers in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on the documentation of natural and anthropic risks. By considering the common knowledge, the Partners of the ERAMCA project (3 European Universities from Italy, Germany, and Croatia and 4 Universities from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) realised a study plan by concentrating the teaching activity on the following disciplines: Geomatics, Restoration, Structure and Seismic Engineering, Hydrogeology and Geotechnics. ERAMCA project is in its last year of activity, and the final results can be presented and discussed among the Cultural Heritage Documentation community to offer possible suggestions for future actions to diffuse documentation strategies.

9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'23)
An important part of engineering education is specific training in laboratories. If done properly... more An important part of engineering education is specific training in laboratories. If done properly, such a hands-on approach is much more effective than pure lectures, where knowledge is only passively absorbed. The traditional lab is usually on-site, requires students to be on campus, and learning content is restricted to the particular focus of that institution. For this reason, five European universities formed a partnership and developed a joint platform that offers experiments conducted in virtual labs. This way students profit from the expertise of different institutions, while gaining intercultural work experience. Additionally, virtual labs reduce the immense expense of student mobility, are more inclusive towards minority groups and reduce costs of universities in the long term. Virtual labs have shown to be an effective way to improve engineering education for students and teaching staff alike.

2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering ‒ 2CroCEE
Cultural heritage buildings generally refer to the ancient structures having high cultural and hi... more Cultural heritage buildings generally refer to the ancient structures having high cultural and historical significance. These buildings are constructed using obsolete practices and require special considerations with respect to the lateral resistance, especially in moderate and high seismic regions. This study focuses on the earthquake performance assessment of the Episcopal Seminary Building and Classical Gymnasium (Jesuit College) located in the Old City of Dubrovnik, Croatia (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The construction dates back to 1662 and was developed in different stages until 1765. During this period, Jesuit College suffered damages from two major earthquakes i.e., M7.6 Dubrovnik in 1667 and M6.9 Montenegro in 1979. The material composition, structural drawings, and fundamental frequencies of the building were previously obtained in the framework of the research project “Seismic Risk Assessment of Cultural Heritage in Croatia – SeisRICHerCRO”. The material is predominantly...

2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering ‒ 2CroCEE
Within the literature, no examples of equations were found that account for out-of-plane inter-st... more Within the literature, no examples of equations were found that account for out-of-plane inter-storey drift force resistance, nor any that tested RC frames under them. Moreover, no studies were even done that combined in-plane forces. Consequently, this paper presents an equation development for estimating the resistance of RC frames containing infill walls with and without openings subjected to simultaneous IP and OoP loading. The equations were derived from data obtained from 3D high fidelity finite-element micromodels calibrated against a series of small- and large-scale experimental tests. An estimation of resistance is done by obtaining a coefficient based on the opening area and the angle of the resultant in-plane and out-of-plane load and multiplying it with the in-plane load-bearing capacity of a bare frame. The derived equation showed a good correlation with the computational data.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Historical masonry arch bridges still form an important part of Croatian transportation network. ... more Historical masonry arch bridges still form an important part of Croatian transportation network. There are approximately 680 masonry arch bridges and culverts currently being used for railways and roadways. Many of these bridges are relatively old (more than hundred years in most cases) but still in usage. Increasing vehicle load and speeds as well as deterioration due to anthropogenic and environmental influence have highlighted the need for reliable assessment of their service condition and regular maintenance. The aim of this study is to provide a review of existing masonry arch bridges in Croatia. Firstly, a historical review of bridges is given showing the time period in which they were built, indicating the materials and design principles used for their construction. Next, bridge typologies are presented as well as their detailed analysis of geometric characteristics for brickwork bridges. Finally, a short review of damages and their impact on serviceability of bridges is give...

Deveti susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, 2019
Sažetak Konstrukcijski sustavi okvir-ziđe jedni su od najčešćih vrsta građevnih konstrukcija. Iak... more Sažetak Konstrukcijski sustavi okvir-ziđe jedni su od najčešćih vrsta građevnih konstrukcija. Iako se ispunsko ziđe u kojem se ne nalaze otvori pri provjeri potresne otpornosti pouzdano predočava tlačnim štapovima, način uzimanja u obzir veličine, vrste i razmještaja otvora u ziđu nije u potpunosti razjašnjen. Nekolicina razvijenih proračunskih postupaka u kojima se razmatra ovaj problem su, ili proračunski vrlo zahtjevni, ili su nepouzdani, jer pokazuju prevelika odstupanja u rezultatima proračuna. Razvijeni proračunski postupak također se temelji postupku zamjenjujućih tlačnih štapova, ali se ziđe u kojem se nalaze otvori raščlanjuje na dovoljan broj dijelova kako bi se izdvojio otvor. Proračunski postupak odlikuje se mogućnošću izravnog uzimanja u obzir veličine, vrste i razmještaja otvora te utvrđivanja djelomičnog oštećenja ispunskog ziđa.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Aug 3, 2022

Geleneksel kanıya göre donatısız yığma yapılar, kuvvetli deprem etkisine karş ı daha az dayanıklı... more Geleneksel kanıya göre donatısız yığma yapılar, kuvvetli deprem etkisine karş ı daha az dayanıklıdırlar. Ancak, bu binaların davranışını ifade edebilecek uygun modeller pek bulunmamaktadır. Orta Avrupa Standartlarına göre (EuroCode 8) sadece analitik yöntemlerle yapılan yığma binaların deprem davranışı çalışmaları, deprem sonrası yapılan hasar gözlemleriyle karşılaştırıldığında, hasar ilerlemesinin birinci şiddetten ikinci şiddete geçişinde çok fa zla kötümser sonuçlar vermediği yönündedir. Bu çalışmada, farklı analiz yöntemleri ve programlar kullanılarak yapılan analitik inceleme sonucu elde edilen verilere göre çok amaçlı yerinde aletsel test prosedürü uygulanmıştır. Ek olarak malzeme elemanları üzerinde laboratuvar testleri yapılarak yerel malzeme özellikleri de belirlenmiştir. İki boyutlu deneysel testlerin mevcut yapıların üç boyutlu kalitelerini belirlemede uygun olmadığından, doğrusal olmayan davranışı ifade etmek, hasar ilerlemesini ve duru mlarını belirlemek için büyük ölçe...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 20, 2022
Papers by Lars Abrahamczyk