Papers by Lantana Dioren Rumpa

Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Jan 6, 2020
The emergence of new tourist attraction is expected to be a business opportunity for local reside... more The emergence of new tourist attraction is expected to be a business opportunity for local residents. Therefore, the purpose of this program is to empower the community around the location of tourist attraction in making accessories in the form of bracelets and necklaces that are made of Toraja based on beads. Through this activity, productive age housewives and teenagers acquire skills in making handicraft items with materials that are easily obtained. Besides being able to improve the skills of citizens, it can also provide opportunities to increase their income. The activity consisted of 80% of practice and the rest shared experiences on how to obtain materials, processes and packaging. This training makes participants become skilled at making proven accessories from the products they produce in the form of bracelets and necklaces typical of Toraja made from beads.
Journal Dynamic SainT, Dec 14, 2017

Journal of applied informatics and computing, Dec 8, 2022
Computing dan Affective medicine dapat menjadi bidang yang menggabungkan teknik komputasi, ilmu k... more Computing dan Affective medicine dapat menjadi bidang yang menggabungkan teknik komputasi, ilmu kesehatan dan psikologi. Bidang ini dikembangkan untuk mempelajari dan mengkomputasi psikologi manusia dengan menggunakan metode matematika. Dalam paper ini, kami meneliti sinyal psikofisiologis Marah Manusia dengan menggunakan fitur pNN50 Heart Rate Variability. Dalam penelitian ini kami menggunakan sensor EKG untuk merekan reaksi jantung manusia terhadap stimuli video marah yang dipertunjukkan ke mereka. Sinyal tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi kubiosHRV untuk mendapat nilai pNN50 dari masing-masing partisipan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan nilai pNN50 sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan Stimuli Video. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pNN50 dapat digunakan sebagai fitur untuk membedakan sinyal jantung manusia pada saat marah dan normal.

Journal of physics, Apr 1, 2020
Many researcher said that emotion or mood can be detected from physiological changes like the hea... more Many researcher said that emotion or mood can be detected from physiological changes like the heartbeat. In order to measure human heart activity, we were using tools like Electrocardiograph. The changes on human emotion or mood affect physiology. This paper is part of our research that talked about Analysis of Mood State from Heart Signal during Playing Flappy Bird. In this paper, we will explain how we design ECG tools that could measure or detect the human heartbeat especially that affect by mood changes. E-Health Sensor Platform v2.0 and Arduino Uno were used to build this system. E-Health Sensor Platform v2.0 contains several sensors that can measure the biological state of humans such as heart rate, breathing, skin conductance and many others. This device can operate when connected with Arduino Uno as a microcontroller. Arduino uno role as a liaison between the Platform and the PC via a serial port. We were using C programming languange on Arduino Uno. 100 Hz were sett in programming code so we can read all data from ECG sensor clearly. To visualize the heartbeat signals we were using KSTPlot. This system has successfully read the heart signals of 20 participants. Although there is signal noise but it does not affect the data. The noise can also be removed with a filter.In our next study, the raw data will be analyzed using the HRV method, but this will be discussed in another paper.

Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing
Affective Computing dan Affective medicine dapat menjadi bidang yang menggabungkan teknik komputa... more Affective Computing dan Affective medicine dapat menjadi bidang yang menggabungkan teknik komputasi, ilmu kesehatan dan psikologi. Bidang ini dikembangkan untuk mempelajari dan mengkomputasi psikologi manusia dengan menggunakan metode matematika. Dalam paper ini, kami meneliti sinyal psikofisiologis Marah Manusia dengan menggunakan fitur pNN50 Heart Rate Variability. Dalam penelitian ini kami menggunakan sensor EKG untuk merekan reaksi jantung manusia terhadap stimuli video marah yang dipertunjukkan ke mereka. Sinyal tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi kubiosHRV untuk mendapat nilai pNN50 dari masing-masing partisipan. Hasil penelitina ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan nilai pNN50 sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan Stimuli Video. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pNN50 dapat digunakan sebagai fitur untuk membedakan sinyal jantung manusia pada saat marah dan normal.
Journal Dynamic Saint, Dec 14, 2017

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Recent studies have revealed the relationship between human Emotion and health. Researchers are t... more Recent studies have revealed the relationship between human Emotion and health. Researchers are trying to find the best features to distinguish human Emotion through its psychophysiology signals in the Affective Computing study. Humans have six basic emotions, such as Anger, Sadness, Happy, Surprise, Fear, and Disgust. Emotions affect human ANS (Autonomous Nervous System). The heart is one of the human inner organs affected by the ANS (working under ANS). Heart rate is one of the Psychophysiological signals that changed depends on human Emotion. This study tried to analyze the difference between human heart rate during Anger and Normal Emotion Stimulation. Video Stimuli were used to Evoke Emotion. 15 Participant’s heartbeats were recorded using an ECG sensor from E-Health Sensor Platform v2.0. We used HRV (Heart Rate Variability) MeanRR feature as a comparison. Some studies said that experiencing long-term Anger Emotions can cause serious illness to the human body. There are some di...
Perlunya untuk menjaga kelestarian budaya sebuah daerah sangat penting untuk menjaga keaslian seb... more Perlunya untuk menjaga kelestarian budaya sebuah daerah sangat penting untuk menjaga keaslian sebuah budaya dan kelangsungan hidup masyarakatnya. Toraja merupakan sebuah suku yang mempunyai budaya unik dan mempunyai nilai luhur di dalamnya. Untuk menjaga nilai -nilai tersebut diperlukan sebuah metode atau cara untuk melestarikannya. Seni Tari, Museum dan Cerita Rakyat Toraja adalah sebagian dari budaya yang dimiliki Toraja. Teknologi augmented reality digunakan untuk menjaga kelestarian Seni Tari dan juga sebagai wadah promosi. Teknologi 3D digunakan untuk merevitalisasi museum tanpa adanya penghilangan aura museum itu sendiri. Teknik digital storytelling (DST) sangat baik digunakan untuk menjaga kelestarian Cerita Rakyat Toraja.
Sepeda merupakan salah satu sarana transportasi yang masih banyak digunakan di negara Indonesia. ... more Sepeda merupakan salah satu sarana transportasi yang masih banyak digunakan di negara Indonesia. Sepeda statis merupakan salah satu jenis sepeda yang penggunaannya di dalam ruangan. Sepeda statis mempunyai panel elektronik yang membantu penggunanya mengetahui jarak tempuh, kecepatan, serta pembakaran kalori. Oleh sebab itu sepeda statis dapat dikatakan lebih menarik daripada sepeda outdoor. Dengan bantuan mikrokontrol AVR sebagai pemroses dan pengolah data maka panel elektronik yang ada pada sepeda statis dapat diaplikasikan pada sepeda outdoor khususnya sepeda gunung. Mikrokontrol akan berperan sebagai minikomputer yang akan mengolah data putaran ban yang berasal dari sensor magnet dan menampilkan hasil olahan data mikrokontrol pada seven segment display.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Many people choose to trade binary options because it is not difficult to understand. They need t... more Many people choose to trade binary options because it is not difficult to understand. They need to predict whether the price will be higher or lower than their open position in a specific timeframe. The most popular timeframe for binary options traders is the M5 (5-minutes). Many traders prefer to use a candlestick chart model to predict. We use SVM (Support Vector Machine) to indicate the next-candlestick based on the previous-candlestick features in this research. This paper uses six features such as Open Value, Close Value, High Value, Low Value, Volume Value, and previous Candlestick Color on each candlestick. The result of the prediction accuracy using SVM is only 56%.

Penelitian ini merupakan temuan awal dari Survei Identifikasi dan Disain (SID) potensi ekowisata ... more Penelitian ini merupakan temuan awal dari Survei Identifikasi dan Disain (SID) potensi ekowisata pada lansekap penggembalaan di Paliorong, Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan. Masyarakat menggunakan lahan pertanian kering sebagai penggembalaan kerbau Toraya. Hasil penaksiran kapasitas produksi hijauan segar di lahan ini hanya mencapai 1.233.765 kg/tahun dengan rata-rata produksi mencapai 4.558 kg/ha/tahun. Kebutuhan dasar hijauan pakan segar sebesar 18% dari bobot hidup ternak, sementara rata-rata bobot ternak dewasa yang digembalakan pada kawasan penggembalaan sebesar 200 kg atau 200kg/ST. Maka dalam setahun diperlukan sebesar 6,5 ton hijauan segar/ST (6,5 ton/ST/thn). Rencana pengembanganekowisata pada kawasan penggembalaan ini untuk mewujudkan sistem peternakan terintegrasi dan zero waste system. Tahap penelitian setelah SID bertujuan untuk mencapai: 1) peningkatan daya tampung penggembalaan; 2) penyediaan sarana dan prasarana kawasan yang berkualitas; 3) tata kelola air yang menjamin ...
Education without paper is a popular issue today. The world was hit by the global warming due to ... more Education without paper is a popular issue today. The world was hit by the global warming due to the amount of deforestation everywhere. We all know that wood is the raw material of paper. With advances in information technology today allows a learning without paper. Some technologies LMS (Learning Management System) currently allows us to conduct distance learning. Attendance in the class will not be needed anymore. Moodle is an LMS that helps teachers and students to study without having to meet physically. Google Classroom is a product developed by Google to help education through the web. In this paper we will explains the effects and benefits of google classroom. it has several advantages such as shortening the distance and time for teachers and students. It has a positive effect on the attitude and spirit of students

Kopi Toraja merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang mengalami perubahan warna menuju proses ... more Kopi Toraja merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang mengalami perubahan warna menuju proses pematangannya. Perubahan warna pada buah Kopi Toraja dapat diamati secara lansung oleh mata. Pada umumnya warna buah Kopi Toraja muda berwarna hijau dan perlahan menjadi merah. Pakar tanaman telah mengidentifikasikan warna buah Kopi Toraja yang matang secara tampilan visual. Digital Image Processing (DIP) menjadi solusi mendapatkan nilai warna pada buah Kopi Toraja yang matang. Nilai didapat dari proses mendeteksi nilai RGB (Red, Green and Blue) pada warna buah Kopi Toraja. Dimulai dari mendeteksi nilai warna setelah nilai diolah menjadi keputusan matang atau tidaknya buah Kopi Toraja yang dilihat. Faktor cahaya dan tingkat sensitivitas kamera pada webcam berpengaruh dalam pengambilan data pada Kopi Toraja.Tekstur warna pada buah Kopi Toraja dapat diidentifikasi cirinya dengan menggunakan metode deteksi warna (color detection). Informasi yang terdapat pada sebuah citra Kopi Toraja berupa...

Kopi Toraja merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang mengalami perubahan warna menuju proses ... more Kopi Toraja merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang mengalami perubahan warna menuju proses pematangannya. Perubahan warna pada buah Kopi Toraja dapat diamati secara lansung oleh mata. Pada umumnya warna buah Kopi Toraja muda berwarna hijau dan perlahan menjadi merah. Pakar tanaman telah mengidentifikasikan warna buah Kopi Toraja yang matang secara tampilan visual. Digital Image Processing (DIP) menjadi solusi mendapatkan nilai warna pada buah Kopi Toraja yang matang. Nilai didapat dari proses mendeteksi nilai RGB (Red, Green and Blue) pada warna buah Kopi Toraja. Dimulai dari mendeteksi nilai warna setelah nilai diolah menjadi keputusan matang atau tidaknya buah Kopi Toraja yang dilihat. Faktor cahaya dan tingkat sensitivitas kamera pada webcam berpengaruh dalam pengambilan data pada Kopi Toraja.Tekstur warna pada buah Kopi Toraja dapat diidentifikasi cirinya dengan menggunakan metode deteksi warna (color detection). Informasi yang terdapat pada sebuah citra Kopi Toraja berupa...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Many researcher said that emotion or mood can be detected from physiological changes like the hea... more Many researcher said that emotion or mood can be detected from physiological changes like the heartbeat. In order to measure human heart activity, we were using tools like Electrocardiograph. The changes on human emotion or mood affect physiology. This paper is part of our research that talked about Analysis of Mood State from Heart Signal during Playing Flappy Bird. In this paper, we will explain how we design ECG tools that could measure or detect the human heartbeat especially that affect by mood changes. E-Health Sensor Platform v2.0 and Arduino Uno were used to build this system. E-Health Sensor Platform v2.0 contains several sensors that can measure the biological state of humans such as heart rate, breathing, skin conductance and many others. This device can operate when connected with Arduino Uno as a microcontroller. Arduino uno role as a liaison between the Platform and the PC via a serial port. We were using C programming languange on Arduino Uno. 100 Hz were sett in prog...

2018 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM), 2018
Researchers have discovered so far, that there is a closed relationship between psychological con... more Researchers have discovered so far, that there is a closed relationship between psychological conditions and the physiological condition. Many researchers found that emotions affect a person’s health, especially negative emotions. In this paper, we evaluated the correlation between the human’s emotions and the heart signals. Heart signals were recorded using ECG sensors. Then, by using Kubios HRV we collected the HRV value both in time and frequency domain. This paper focused on data which was extracted using the RR Interval feature. The 29 healthy subjects were induced using video stimuli after they agreed through the consent form. The RR Interval feature that has been extracted was then analyzed using KUBIOS to obtain the value of HRVi (Heart Rate Variability Triangular Index) in time domains. The results show that the average HRVi value after being induced by video stimuli is 14.87. There is a significant difference between HRVi value before and after the stimulation process. Immediate increase of HRVi can lead to a fatal heart attack. The result showed us that in seven minute, HRVi value can immediately increase after experiencing Sad Emotion induced by Sad Video Stimuli.

2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 2016
Many studies have shown that there is a close relationship between emotions and human health. Neg... more Many studies have shown that there is a close relationship between emotions and human health. Negative emotions have a bad influence on patients with chronic diseases, otherwise positive emotions have a good effect on human health. Early detection on emotional state of patients with chronic diseases is necessary to avoid more severe consequences. This study is a preliminary approach to achieve that goal. In this research 6 emotional states were identified via a video stimuli by using a pulse sensor, there were disgust, fear, surprised, angry, sad and happy. Thirty participants were involved in this research. Ten parameters were anayzed via pulse sensor such as mean value of the data relative to the baseline threshold, min and max value, standard deviation, number of Onset and Offset, and number and total of amplitude value, total of rising time, and time of arrousal. Optimum parameters for data classification using Learning Vector Quantization was presented ed in this study. The accuracy of LVQ in predicting emotion according to the physiological data was 68, 52% with precentage split 70%. This preliminary study showed that some improvement is needed so that each emotion state can be recognized uniquely by using physiological data from the pulse sensor.

2015 4th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), 2015
It has been known widely that human emotions has a significant effect on human health. There have... more It has been known widely that human emotions has a significant effect on human health. There have been many studies that showed the positive and negative impact of human emotion to human's health. Even some emotions have been categorized as dangeraous for some researchers. In developing e-health monitoring system, sufficient knowledge in elicitating emotion and its stage are significantly important to recognize and early detect the patient's emotion. In this paper we evaluate the basic human emotions, such as Happy, Sad, Angry, Disgust, Surprise and Fear, and how these emotions can be trigerred by using an external stimulation, such as video. The main goal of this paper is to validate the 14 videos that will be used in e-health monitoring study to detect subject's fisiological pattern due to the expression of subject's emotion. Some video stimulations were used to elicit the basic emotion of 31 participants of people of Toraja, Indonesia. 14 videos from youtube were donwloaded to be used as stimulator. A questionnaire was prepared to be asnwered by participants to record their respond regarding the videos. Valid percent and Intensity are the two parameters that were used to determined the most effective videos for stimulating participants emotion. The result showed that all the 14 videos have been validated and showing that they can be used as a video stimulator for eliciting basic human emotion. Some videos showed ambiguity in eliciting emotion. Arousal time of all emotions was also recorded as an important aspect in this experiment result.
Abstrak-Emosi Manusia mempunyai hubungan dengan kesehatan manusia. Emosi Negatif dipercaya bisa m... more Abstrak-Emosi Manusia mempunyai hubungan dengan kesehatan manusia. Emosi Negatif dipercaya bisa menjadi pemicu beberapa penyakit kronis. Emosi SEDIH adalah salah satu dari emosi diskrit yang bersifat negative. Stimuli Audiovisual digunakan untuk menstimulir emosi SEDIH. Beberapa video yang didownload dari internet dievaluasi dan divalidasi untuk mengetahui hasil stimuli dari video tersebut. Subyek penelitian akan menonton video-video tersebut dan menilainya melalui Post Film Questionnaire. Dari 3 video yang terpilih untuk divalidasi, ketiganya berhasil membangkitkan emosi SEDIH dari subyek yang menonton. Walaupun diikuti oleh emosi tambahan pada setiap video. Masing-masing video, sebanyak 87% subyek penelitian menyatakan bahwa video tersebut membangkitkan emosi SEDIH pada diri mereka.
Papers by Lantana Dioren Rumpa