BACKGROUND: Population-based study of semen quality is rare in literature. METHODS: Healthy men a... more BACKGROUND: Population-based study of semen quality is rare in literature. METHODS: Healthy men aged 20-60 years from six Chinese provinces were invited to participate in the study between December 2000 and November 2002. Posters were distributed in the participating counties to enroll 200 subjects from each province. Medians, percentiles, and proportions below lower threshold of the WHO criteria for semen parameters were calculated. Generalized linear models were used to examine the determinants of semen quality. RESULTS: Semen samples from 1191 healthy Chinese men were collected and analysed. The medians (5th and 95th percentiles) were 2.3 ml (1.0-4.5) for semen volume, 65 ´ 10 6 /ml (20-150) for semen concentration, 154 ´ 10 6 /ejection (29-421) for sperm count, 19% (5-32) for rapid progressive motility, 46% (29-66) for progressive motility, 67% (47-81) for total motile spermatozoa, 70% (48-88) for sperm viability and 39% (23-76) for normal morphology. Many healthy Chinese men had semen parameter values below the lower threshold of the WHO criteria. Region, age, abstinence duration and season were important determinants of semen quality. CONCLUSIONS: Chinese men have lower values of semen parameters according to WHO standard, and a lower threshold for normal semen parameters for Chinese men should be considered.
Usually fishery managers do not have complete information on the questions they are supposed to e... more Usually fishery managers do not have complete information on the questions they are supposed to evaluate, hence they have to make decisions taking risks because of the underlying uncertainty. We used decision theory and a bayesian version of a biomass dynamic model to assess the problem of introducing a new purse-seine fleet in the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fishery of the southwest Atlantic ocean (SWAO). Adaptive importance sampling (AIS) followed by the sampling importance resampling (SIR) were used to build and explore the posterior distributions. Because skipjack of the SWAO has been under-exploited increasing the catches by introducing purse-seine boats probably will not reduce too much the biomass. However the endorsement of purse-seine fishing days results in large economic risks for the traditional bait-boat fleet.
Service (RASAS) inició sus funciones al principio de este año. Nos encontramos ahora a mediados d... more Service (RASAS) inició sus funciones al principio de este año. Nos encontramos ahora a mediados de Febrero. La compañía RASAS está constituida por tres distribuidoras de automóviles que venden y proveen servicios para automóviles estadounidenses y japoneses de varias marcas, además de dos locales de autopartes, un taller de chapa y pintura para vehículos y un gran patio para restauración de autos. Vikky Roberts, la propietaria de RASAS, incursionó en el negocio automovilístico hace más de 20 años, cuando heredó de su padre una agencia distribuidora de Studebaker. La Studebaker Corporation ya estaba en decadencia cuando ella se hizo cargo de esta empresa, pero Roberts consiguió capitalizar sus conocimientos y experiencia para hacer de su agencia este diversificado y exitoso "imperio en miniatura" que es en la actualidad. Su lema "Vendélos hoy y reparalos mañana!", refleja una estrategia a la cual ella misma suele referirse en privado como "Intentá que los clientes nunca dejen de venir!".
BACKGROUND: Population-based study of semen quality is rare in literature. METHODS: Healthy men a... more BACKGROUND: Population-based study of semen quality is rare in literature. METHODS: Healthy men aged 20-60 years from six Chinese provinces were invited to participate in the study between December 2000 and November 2002. Posters were distributed in the participating counties to enroll 200 subjects from each province. Medians, percentiles, and proportions below lower threshold of the WHO criteria for semen parameters were calculated. Generalized linear models were used to examine the determinants of semen quality. RESULTS: Semen samples from 1191 healthy Chinese men were collected and analysed. The medians (5th and 95th percentiles) were 2.3 ml (1.0-4.5) for semen volume, 65 ´ 10 6 /ml (20-150) for semen concentration, 154 ´ 10 6 /ejection (29-421) for sperm count, 19% (5-32) for rapid progressive motility, 46% (29-66) for progressive motility, 67% (47-81) for total motile spermatozoa, 70% (48-88) for sperm viability and 39% (23-76) for normal morphology. Many healthy Chinese men had semen parameter values below the lower threshold of the WHO criteria. Region, age, abstinence duration and season were important determinants of semen quality. CONCLUSIONS: Chinese men have lower values of semen parameters according to WHO standard, and a lower threshold for normal semen parameters for Chinese men should be considered.
Usually fishery managers do not have complete information on the questions they are supposed to e... more Usually fishery managers do not have complete information on the questions they are supposed to evaluate, hence they have to make decisions taking risks because of the underlying uncertainty. We used decision theory and a bayesian version of a biomass dynamic model to assess the problem of introducing a new purse-seine fleet in the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fishery of the southwest Atlantic ocean (SWAO). Adaptive importance sampling (AIS) followed by the sampling importance resampling (SIR) were used to build and explore the posterior distributions. Because skipjack of the SWAO has been under-exploited increasing the catches by introducing purse-seine boats probably will not reduce too much the biomass. However the endorsement of purse-seine fishing days results in large economic risks for the traditional bait-boat fleet.
Service (RASAS) inició sus funciones al principio de este año. Nos encontramos ahora a mediados d... more Service (RASAS) inició sus funciones al principio de este año. Nos encontramos ahora a mediados de Febrero. La compañía RASAS está constituida por tres distribuidoras de automóviles que venden y proveen servicios para automóviles estadounidenses y japoneses de varias marcas, además de dos locales de autopartes, un taller de chapa y pintura para vehículos y un gran patio para restauración de autos. Vikky Roberts, la propietaria de RASAS, incursionó en el negocio automovilístico hace más de 20 años, cuando heredó de su padre una agencia distribuidora de Studebaker. La Studebaker Corporation ya estaba en decadencia cuando ella se hizo cargo de esta empresa, pero Roberts consiguió capitalizar sus conocimientos y experiencia para hacer de su agencia este diversificado y exitoso "imperio en miniatura" que es en la actualidad. Su lema "Vendélos hoy y reparalos mañana!", refleja una estrategia a la cual ella misma suele referirse en privado como "Intentá que los clientes nunca dejen de venir!".
Papers by Lalo Andrade