Papers by Laksni Sedyowati

E3S Web of Conferences
Nowadays, the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies is taking place worldwide... more Nowadays, the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies is taking place worldwide. Every year, the amount of renewable energy installed increases dramatically. Many small-scale renewable energy technologies have been developed, for example at the household level, or at the environmental level as community-owned renewable energy. This research focuses on the development of renewable energy technology using the resource potential and local community wisdom of Glintung Water Street (GWS), a flood-prone area in Malang City. The objectives of the study were to analyze the potential of water resources in the study area to be developed as renewable energy, particularly under low flow conditions, and to investigate community support for the program of energy independence as a basis for developing a green economy to strengthen GWS as a food security village. This study uses 2 types of data, namely qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is used to deepen the urgen...

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Mar 7, 2022
Changes in characteristics due to land use change and global warming in the Lower Bengawan Solo S... more Changes in characteristics due to land use change and global warming in the Lower Bengawan Solo Sub-watershed have resulted in a decrease in the availability of water in the watershed. This significantly affected the availability of raw water for drink water for Gresik Regency, as the worst occurred in the extreme dry month of 2018 for four months (June-September). However, this raw water shortage will be fulfilled if the construction of the barrage Sembayat is completed. With the construction of this infrastructure facility, Gresik Regency is planned to get additional raw water services of up to 1,000 liters per second; so that the local PDAM can guarantee the fulfillment of 3K elements (quality, quantity and continuity) throughout the years of service. Currently the raw water shortage in October is proposed to get a water supply of 40% of the total intake for the 1st and 2nd daily tenths Period, while for the 3rd daily tenth period it is 20%. In order to anticipate the condition of decreasing water availability in the downstream Bengawan Solo Sub-watershed, an integrated watershedbased water resource management policy is needed, so that there is a suitability management of one river, one plan and one management from upstream to downstream. This is done in order to maintain the sustainable water supply for many aspects in sustainably.

Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) adalah pembangkit listrik berskala kecil yang menggu... more Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) adalah pembangkit listrik berskala kecil yang menggunakan potensi aliran air yang terdapat di saluran irigasi, drainase dan sungai. Dalam perencanaan PLTMH di Jalan Salatiga Kota Malang, peniliti menggunakan konsep drainase berwawasan lingkungan pada desain outlet PLTMH dengan tujuan untuk mengendalikan debit aliran tinggi yang ada di saluran drainase Jalan Salatiga Kota Malang.Konsep drainase berwawasan lingkungan (ecodrain) yang memerlukan lahan yang tidak luas, mampu diandalkan untuk suatu sistem pengendali debit di suatu saluran air atau sungai. Pengoperasian pintu sorong di inlet dan outlet PLTMH juga dimanfaatkan sebagai sistem pengendali debit aliran tinggi. Peneliti dalam pengambilan data debit saluran drainase menggunakan aturan SNI mengenai tata cara pengukuran debit aliran sungai dan saluran terbuka menggunakan alat ukur arus dan pelampung. Dari hasil pengamatan, didapat hubungan tinggi muka air dan debit yang kuat dengan nilai...

Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering
The rapid development of infrastructure development causes the reduction of land catchment areas.... more The rapid development of infrastructure development causes the reduction of land catchment areas. As a direct impact, the greater the runoff that occurs along the flow. Observations to determine the relationship between rainfall intensity, slope and runoff were carried out through field experiments. The experiment was carried out on a test plot scale with a rain simulator that could adjust the rainwater pressure and the slope of the test plot so that it was close to the actual conditions in the field. Observations were made by varying the intensity of rain and 3 variations of the slope of the test plot, namely: 0%, 2% and 5%. The results of the observations show the coefficientof determination of the relationship between rain intensity and runoff using the exponential function in the strongest excel software at the slope of the test plot of 0% (flat) with the coefficientof determination R2 = 0.8455. The greater the slope of the test plot, the smaller the value of the coefficientof d...

Jurnal Penelitian
To date, flood is a problem that often plagues the city of Malang. Floods that occur are mainly c... more To date, flood is a problem that often plagues the city of Malang. Floods that occur are mainly caused by poor drainage channels and silting of drainage channels due to people's habits of throwing garbage in rivers. In the Pulosari Kiosk Area of Malang city, the flood was worsened by the capacity of the Pulosari Channel which narrowed due to illegal building. In heavy rain, so much water overflowed into the Pulosari Road, resulting in losses to traders in the area. The purpose of this study was to find a solution to reduce flooding in the Pulosari Channel with the appropriate flood control technology in the area. This study used interviews and questionnaires to investigate the community's response to flood control development efforts. Data analysis was carried out using statistical analysis to obtain a description of the community response to a flood control system implemented by the city government. The research results show that constructing flood diversion channels in the...

Civil and Environmental Science, 2019
High rainfall intensity will generate different response on the concrete block pavement (CBP) per... more High rainfall intensity will generate different response on the concrete block pavement (CBP) performance. A study found that larger openings of CBP did not lead more water penetrated. In other study, larger openings can lead greater decrease in runoff velocity. The correlation between the openings, water penetration and runoff velocity has remained unclear. In this study, we investigated hydraulic performance of CBP as an impact of surface roughness condition, under high rainfall intensities, saturated sub-base layer, and various slope surfaces. We conducted experiment using a 2 m by 6 m of rectangular CBP layer with herringbone 90 o and basket-weave pattern. We used a modified dye tracing method in view to monitor the surface flow velocity under various high rainfall intensities. The results showed that hydraulic performance of surface runoff in the CBP layer was more influenced by the surface roughness condition. The roughness condition was very sensitive to the change in surface configuration of the CBP. The relationship between rainfall intensity, surface slope and roughness number followed polynomial functions. A further study is required to investigate the appropriate quality of CBPs, which have high durability applied over a steep slope surface and under high rainfall intensities.

Perubahan iklim sebagai akibat pemanasan bumi telah menyebabkan perubahan karakteristik hujan, ya... more Perubahan iklim sebagai akibat pemanasan bumi telah menyebabkan perubahan karakteristik hujan, yaitu hujan turun dengan intensitas yang tinggi dan durasi yang singkat. Sistem pengelolaan drainase perkotaan saat ini lebih difokuskan pada upaya meminimalkan debit limpasan permukaan pada periode hujan, khususnya dengan menggunakan konsep kendali sumber (source control). Konsep ini mengendalikan debit limpasan di tempat sumber limpasan tersebut berasal. Paving blok adalah salah satu teknologi perkerasan yang menerapkan konsep kendali sumber. Penggunaan paving blok yang semakin meningkat, baik jumlah maupun ragam penggunaannya, akan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan karakteristik kekasaran permukaan suatu kawasan. Di sisi lain, kekasaran permukaan mempunyai peran penting dalam penghambatan laju aliran, menunda waktu aliran limpasan, dan pada akhirnya dapat menurunkan puncak banjir. Penelitian ini menyelidiki tentang faktor retardasi (hambatan) aliran dan waktu aliran pada empat jenis lapi...
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Fakultas Teknik 2020, Jan 18, 2021

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Dealing with flooding in a densely populated flood-prone area poses complex challenges. Almost al... more Dealing with flooding in a densely populated flood-prone area poses complex challenges. Almost all residents realize that living in the area is hazardous. However, they choose to stay there. Therefore, flood risk management should be applied in the area. This study aims to: 1) develop facts of the local community in a flood-prone area in decreasing the flood risk while improving well-being through modifying drainage channels used for fish and vegetable farming; 2) evaluate all benefits of drainage investments include the social and economic benefits. The research method consists of a quantitative approach through the distribution of questionnaires and a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews and field surveys. In this study, a concerted community effort was developed as a design parameter. At the same time, the observation parameters include knowledge of the causes of flooding, knowledge of flood risk, community involvement, and government flood control programs. The resul...

Resettlement programmes in riverbank areas remain an alternative solution to overcoming the probl... more Resettlement programmes in riverbank areas remain an alternative solution to overcoming the problems of urban flooding, the addressing of which can also lead to reducing slums. Such programmes have many weaknesses, but even so, several countries continue to implement them. This paper will elaborate: 1) an understanding that reductions in flood risk and enhancements to environmental quality along riverbanks can be realised, without the need for resettlement, as a result of cooperation between local communities, governments and businesses; 2) the socio-economic benefits of improving the riverbank environment in Tridi Kampong, Malang City, Indonesia. This study employed qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of quantitative analysis and of interviews and direct observation indicate that collective action by the community has the greatest influence on the construction of that community’s commitment to improving the environment. Environmental improvements have resulted in sign...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICoSMI 2020, 14-16 September 2020, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Flood risk management are considerably influenced by several factors, such as all sources of floo... more Flood risk management are considerably influenced by several factors, such as all sources of flooding, social circumstances, policy and even the potential for local economic growth. To encourage government, business, community and other parties to continue investing in flood risk management projects, it is necessary to give understanding that the projects can also provide economic benefits through systematic predictions and assessments of costs, benefits and social values, especially on flood-affected communities. This study aims: (1) to develop knowledge and understanding on small-scale flood risk management project in Malang City, Indonesia, and; (2) to assess the economic efficiency of the project investment considering all benefits, both monetary and non-monetary. The research method is a mixed method combining quantitative questionnaires (N = 53 from 162 families) with qualitative in-depth interviews (N = 10) and field observations. The runoff discharge and the inundation depth...

Paving blocks have been widely known as an alternative technology for reducing runoff discharge d... more Paving blocks have been widely known as an alternative technology for reducing runoff discharge due to their infiltration performance and capability of retarding the flow. Surface configuration of the different paving blocks types and the openings area play important role in decreasing the runoff velocity. In this study, we investigated the surface runoff velocity on two types of paving blocks layers, and a smooth pavement as comparison. The paving blocks type were rectangular blocks, which have 3.2% openings ratio and hexagonal blocks, which have 6.5% openings ratio. We used a tilted plot covering area of 2 × 6 m, equipped by a rainfall simulator to accommodate the variation of surface slope and rainfall intensity. We measured the velocity by using modification of dye tracer and buoyancy method. The data were then tabulated and graphed based on the paving types and the surface slopes. Generally, the velocity-slope relationship has demonstrated that the increase in surface slope lea...

There have been various technologies developed to solve the inundation problem that occurs in alm... more There have been various technologies developed to solve the inundation problem that occurs in almost all urban areas. Some of these technologies, such as low impact development (LID), are developed through the concept of source control. The first step of LID practice is to know the runoff behavior on a certain surface of an area, following that, the LID practice is then designed. One of the objectives of LID is to decrease inundation depth on the road. This study aims to learn the profile and behavior of storm water flow along roads before they reach an intersection of a road system in Purwantoro region, Malang City, Indonesia. The study design consisted of field measurements and analytical activities as follows: determination of the independent and dependent variables; field measurements and data collection; simulation of flow profiles with various return periods of rainfall using Hydraulic Simulation Model HEC-RAS ver. 4.1; and verification of the simulation result of flow profiles using observation data. This research concluded that slopes on the branch road and runoff discharge on the main road significantly influenced flow depth at the road intersection. The relationship was expressed by power equations. In contrast, the runoff velocity at the branch road was more influenced by the discharge on the branch road and the main road, and the relationship followed a linear equation. A further study is required to decrease the runoff discharge on the road using LID technology such as concrete block pavement as a replacement for asphalt pavement.
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang
Papers by Laksni Sedyowati