Papers by Lailatuzz Zuhriyah

Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak, 2020
This article examines the shift in gender relations in the context of the families of Indonesian ... more This article examines the shift in gender relations in the context of the families of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). By taking an object in Rejotangan District as the most PMI area in Tulungagung Regency, this article uses a symbolic approach to attempts to portray the process of interaction between individuals in the context of PMI families. In this case, the concept of patriarchy is no longer valid. The husband begins to play a role in the domestic sector; cooking, taking care of children and doing everything about the household. While the wife, only has a role to fulfill the familyās living, whether as a housemaid, taking care of elderly parents, or in other sectors abroad. Such matter does not only have implications for material-economic factors but also psychologically and sociologically; there is a complexity of family problems whose impact can lead to the destruction of household relations and the education of their children.

Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak, 2018
This article intends to explain that women have a considerable role in the effort to build a nati... more This article intends to explain that women have a considerable role in the effort to build a nation's civilization. So far, the stereotype that has always been attached to women is that women are only as konco wingking who have less contribution in the public sphere, so that their existence is less calculated. As second-class beings, women are considered not to need a high education because women only have role in the domestic sphere which is often referred to as the kitchen, wells and mattresses. In fact, if women are given good education, then women are quite capable of providing an extraordinary contribution to the nation. As it is believed that education functions as a driving force for social change. That means that education is the key for women to improve the quality of their lives and contribute in planning the development of a more dignified nation of civilization. In this article, we will examine how important education for women in relation to the development of national civilization.
Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak, 2017

Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2015
This article scrutinizes the concept of cosmology held by the Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningra... more This article scrutinizes the concept of cosmology held by the Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The writer observes that the process of islamization in Java island has, more or less, influenced the mindset of javanese people, including the people of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Once islamized, the Sultanate has adapted islamic teachings and made them as a part of its cultural mindset. In this stage, the acculturation has been done succesfully. Such acculturation has subsequently influenced their view on cosmology, which is different from-and does not reflect-Hinduism"s and Buddhism"s cosmology. The use of title Senopati ing Alaga Sayidin Panatagama KhalƮfatullah by the sultans of Yogyakarta clearly indicates that they respect the old concept. Since the advent of Islam, javanese culture, including the culture of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, has been subsequently islamized.

Gender Equality: International Journal of Child and Gender Studies, 2020
Toilet training is a way to train children in controlling their bodies when going to defecate (BA... more Toilet training is a way to train children in controlling their bodies when going to defecate (BAB) and urinate (BAK), carried out when the childrenare ready both physically, mentally and intellectually. In kindergarten aged, they should be able to control the urinary tract so that children no longer wet or bulge. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of toilet training in the perspective of Islam in RA Al Furqon 2 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. The method used is descriptive qualitative method, where researchers as key instruments. The results of this study: 1) the teacher explains cleanliness, purity and impurity, and manners when defecating, urinating and how to use the toilet and clean it. 2) Taught prayer reading into the toilet and exiting the toilet, 3) gives students the opportunity to defecate (BAB) or small (BAK). ) When they find a sign of students want to urinate (BAK) and defecate (BAB) and escort him to the toilet. 5) students are taught to queue, alte...

ReligiĆ³: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, 2016
Religion does not occur in human life as a single reality, which cannot be separated from histori... more Religion does not occur in human life as a single reality, which cannot be separated from historical and cultural realm. It consists achievement of rational and spiritual domain, supporting historical needs of mankind life. Religion presents itself as an inseparable part of human history at various level of civilizations. When debate of truth claims and salvation becomes a major theme, the theology of convergence is needed to create inter-religious harmony. The main purpose of theological convergence is to unite essential elements of religion. Religion and its adherents can be unified in one concept of universal theology. If convergence theology can be fully understood, it surely will build inter-religious harmony. Besides bring opportunities to create inter-religious harmony, theological convergence also faced a number of challenges that will be an obstacle to the realization of the ideals of society for religious harmony. Therefore, before apply the convergence of theological disc...

Religion does not occur in human life as a single reality, which cannot be separated from histori... more Religion does not occur in human life as a single reality, which cannot be separated from historical and cultural realm. It consists achievement of rational and spiritual domain, supporting historical needs of mankind life. Religion presents itself as an inseparable part of human history at various level of civilizations. When debate of truth claims and salvation becomes a major theme, the theology of convergence is needed to create inter-religious harmony. The main purpose of theological convergence is to unite essential elements of religion. Religion and its adherents can be unified in one concept of universal theology. If convergence theology can be fully understood, it surely will build inter-religious harmony. Besides bring opportunities to create inter-religious harmony, theological convergence also faced a number of challenges that will be an obstacle to the realization of the ideals of society for religious harmony. Therefore, before apply the convergence of theological disc...
Papers by Lailatuzz Zuhriyah