Papers by Ardianto Lahagu

Kejadian yang menimpa remaja akhir-akhir inicenderung mengarah kepada kasus kriminalitas seperti ... more Kejadian yang menimpa remaja akhir-akhir inicenderung mengarah kepada kasus kriminalitas seperti tawuran,bullying atau begal. Hal-hal itu merupakan gambaranbetapa merosotnya moral remaja sehingga pendidikan karakterdirasa perlu. Penanaman karakter perlu diintegrasikan dalampendidikan formal, sehingga akan didapatkan nilai-nilaikebaikan pada diri peserta didik sejak dini. Sekolah adalahtempat pendidikan, dimana anak didik diarahkan untuk bertindakatau memiliki wawasan pengetahuan (bersifat normatif).Pembelajaran lebih kompleks lagi karena mengarah kepadatujuan akhirnya yakni seseorang dapat bertingkah laku ataumemiliki kepribadian yang lebih baik (bersifat operasional).Sebenarnya pendidikan moral dan karakter tidak terpisahkandari pembentukan kerohanian yang merupakan kesatuandalam materi ajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Sekolahmenengah yang di dalam kurikulumnya terdapat PendidikanAgama Kristen, dalam segala proses belajar mengajar yangterencana ataupun tersembunyi, harus mampu mengem...

Jurnal Teologi Gracia Deo, Jan 31, 2024
Even though the patriarchal cultural system is still inherent in Indonesia, especially in Christi... more Even though the patriarchal cultural system is still inherent in Indonesia, especially in Christian society, which shows the dominant centrality of men in the Church and family, this research reveals the phenomenon of an increasing tendency for women to become more religious. In carrying out religious responsibilities, such as attendance at weekly services, daily prayer, witnessing, and preaching the Gospel in the family, women are exposed to gender disparities related to patriarchal traditions. This article aims to discover God's intended design for women as equal partners in preaching the Gospel by exploring women's responses to their call to preach the Gospel in the context of gender equality amidst men's function as priests in the family; preaching the Gospel is considered to continue. The author uses a qualitative approach through Phenomenological Studies. The research results highlight factors such as gender equality, which cannot be separated from the Bible, the reality of the rise of women as one of the church's strengths in ecclesiastical vocations, and gender responsibility as an essential element in designing women's roles in preaching the Gospel.

Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International Conference, BIC 2021, 11 - 12 October, 2021, Batusangkar-West Sumatra, Indonesia
The church has a responsibility to humans (congregation) spiritually and physically. Ideally, the... more The church has a responsibility to humans (congregation) spiritually and physically. Ideally, the church is an educational center for the community because the church teaches, fosters, and assists the assembly from birth to the elderly (from children to the elderly). This discussion provides an understanding that Christian religious education in the church is the center of education for the congregation. This study uses a literature review method, namely the data obtained from theories in various journals and books related to this discussion. This study aims to provide an understanding and awareness to the church that the church in carrying out its role is not just lecturing on Sundays. Still, there must be a program that must be implemented to form the congregation spiritually and physically. The church teaches, educates, and accompanies the congregation for spiritual life; it is also crucial for physical energy.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
This article discusses Christian Education in an anticipatory family to develop children's spirit... more This article discusses Christian Education in an anticipatory family to develop children's spirituality and morality in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The rapid development of technology in Industrial Revolution 4.0 can affect children's spirituality and morality. Therefore, parents have a role in the family to anticipate technology in children in everyday life. The functions that parents must do in the family as anticipation are: understanding how to educate children by the times, making agreements with children in the use of technology, controlling children using technology, educating children to balance life in the virtual world and the real world, teaching children to keep believing in Lord. The method used in this research is literature review and literature study.

Real Coster : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
This activity started from data from the Bethel research center, the GBI Synod which conducted re... more This activity started from data from the Bethel research center, the GBI Synod which conducted research in May-June 2020 throughout Indonesia. Surprisingly 64% of the total GBI officials are experiencing economic hardship. Based on this need, the Department of Mission and Tribal Church Planting was neglected by the GBI synod, in collaboration with the Community Service Team (PkM) of STT Real Batam, which took the initiative to hold a national webinar. The purpose of this assistance is to improve the skills of God's servants in procuring daily needs and increase the knowledge of pioneering servants of God or pastors in the mission field for economic strengthening in the context of independent mission services. The method used is debriefing by practitioners in their respective fields, workshops, questions and answers, discussions. Even though this activity is carried out zooming in on the pandemic, this activity has a very positive impact on God's servants in growing an intere...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
This study aims to determine the extent to which students view batik craftsmen at STT Real Batam.... more This study aims to determine the extent to which students view batik craftsmen at STT Real Batam. This research also provides an insight into the important role of students in preserving the cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation which must be preserved and preserved. By using the qualitative analysis method and collecting data based on literature review and questionnaires, data will be formulated regarding the views of STT Real Batam students about written batik. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the students' view of batik craftsmen is that making batik takes a lot of time, can be done part-time, requires a large amount of capital, requires an artistic spirit, is more suitable for women and requires perseverance. With research, strategies can be formulated and things that must be improved for the development of extracurricular batik at STT Real Batam. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sejauh mana pandangan para mahasiswa terhadap pengerajin batik di...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
This research is a study on “Efforts to Prevent Interfaith Marriages for STT Real Batam Students.... more This research is a study on “Efforts to Prevent Interfaith Marriages for STT Real Batam Students. The main problems are 1. What are the causes of the rise of interfaith marriages, 2? What efforts are being made to minimize the prevalence of interfaith marriages, 3? What is the solution to the rise of interfaith marriages? The goal is whether or not interfaith marriages are carried out according to religion according to the biblical perspective. The type of research used is qualitative research, with a sociological approach. The results of the study indicate that efforts to educate the basics and criteria in choosing a life partner according to the teachings of the Christian religion must be planted in Christian families as early as possible so that wherever they are in the future or in whatever environment they are, they are still able to hold and have one principle. choosing the right life partner according to the Bible.AbstrakPenelitian ini adalah studi tentang “Upaya Pencegahan P...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Spirituality is the value or understanding possessed by humans in behaving with one another, even... more Spirituality is the value or understanding possessed by humans in behaving with one another, even their relationship with God which is influenced by the environment, experience and knowledge. Every human being has Spirituality in him, and spirituality affects both individual behaviour in society or other individuals. The Indonesian state by law certainly has the goal of creating good community conditions in the midst of society. The state wants the assisted citizens or Correctional Institution communities to receive guidance in order to create this good condition. However, this wish has not been carried out properly, due to a lack of experts. So how does Christianity view this? Certainly the question will arise as well what should be done to bring the assisted people from living the wrong way to the right direction by cultivating their spirituality and of course teaching them Christian spirituality. AbstrakSpritualitas adalah nilai atau pemahaman yang dimiliki oleh mansuia dalam ber...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
This article discusses the Creativity Program initiated by the Theology Study Program with STT Re... more This article discusses the Creativity Program initiated by the Theology Study Program with STT Real Batam students to take advantage of their free time to cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of students through the skills of making tofu and tempeh. This was initially motivated by daily needs in the dormitory so that students could also eat simple, everyday foods that are no less healthy and beneficial for the body. The implementation method for this PkM program is by visiting one of the tofu-tempe production centres in Batu Aji. The purpose of the activity is to provide skills to students so as to foster an entrepreneurial spirit for STT Real Batam students. From the results of the evaluation, it was noted that he had attended several pieces of training from theory to practice. Students are motivated to develop such training in the campus environment. The implementation of this PKM is very useful to increase student creativity so that the production of tofu and tempeh can be used a...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Papua, one of the richest provinces in Indonesia, contributes the most taxes, but Papua is one of... more Papua, one of the richest provinces in Indonesia, contributes the most taxes, but Papua is one of the poorest regions in Indonesia with a low Human Development index. Indicators can be seen from the level of Education and the level of Health. One of the biggest humanitarian disasters in Papua's history in 2018 was the case of malnutrition in Asmat District, in Nakai village, Pulau Tiga District, and Agats City. The lack of volunteers and a large number of victims moved the PKM STT Real Batam in collaboration with volunteer doctors from GBI Myhome Tanjungpinang to go directly to help deal with malnutrition and other health treatments, as well as serve the community. The implementation method in this community service program, namely direct treatment and providing counseling, assistance to families who pay less attention to health. From the results of the evaluation with the PKM team, going directly to see the conditions and mentoring activities is very useful because, in addition...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Since it was officially announced by the government, that covid has entered Indonesia and the gov... more Since it was officially announced by the government, that covid has entered Indonesia and the government is working hard to deal with the transmission. Galang Island Infection Special Hospital was built quickly. As a lay community and educational institution in Batam city, STT Real through LPMM in general and PKM Real in particular took part. Especially with the absence of medical masks. PKM STT Real Batam. The purpose of providing these masks is to help the government, especially the RSKI, to have sufficient stock of masks so that medical staff/health workers who work without psychological burdens will run out of masks. The methods used are fundraising, searching/purchasing masks and giving directly to N-users in this case are medical personnel and RSKI staff, volunteers. This gift has had a very positive impact on STT Real Batam for its concern and greatly helped RSKI in overcoming the shortage of pioneering masks and spearheading services.AbstrakSejak di umumkan oleh pemerintah s...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2019
This research was conducted by the author aims to determine how the influence of PAK Teacher Prof... more This research was conducted by the author aims to determine how the influence of PAK Teacher Professionalism on Student Interest in Learning. The research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods by interviewing several active teaching staff and browsing several books related to PAK teacher professionalism and learning interest. The results of the study show that the influence of PAK Teacher Professionalism on Student Interest in School is very large and good in meeting the development of knowledge and spiritual character of students towards Christian Religious Education. AbstrakPenelitian ini di lakukan oleh penulis bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh Profesionalisme Guru PAK terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dekriptif dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap beberapa tenaga pengajar yang aktif dan menelusuri beberapa buku yang berkaitan dengan profesonalisme Guru PAK dan Minat Belajar. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan penga...

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
The "Mental Spiritual Development" program was initiated by STT REAL Batam and GBI Wind... more The "Mental Spiritual Development" program was initiated by STT REAL Batam and GBI Windsor House of Glory. This coaching program is a routine program of STT REAL Batam to carry out the threefold missions of higher education, which is the first program/pilot project in collaboration with GBI Windsor Square House of Glory which is committed to the field of Mental Spiritual Development of Christian Inmates in Child Correctional Institutions Batam. It is hoped that this coaching program, can support government programs in rehabilitative, corrective, and educative services to the inmates and take part in building the values of life so that they can equip the inmates spiritually so that they can carry out their roles as good and good citizens of society. useful. This coaching program itself is a mentoring movement to improve the quality of piety to God Almighty, intellectual, professional attitudes and behaviour, physical and spiritual health of the inmates. Furthermore, coachin...

Fidei: Jurnal Teologi Sistematika dan Praktika, 2021
Sikap intoleransi yang ada di Indonesia saat ini telah menciptakan suatu perbedaan didalam masyar... more Sikap intoleransi yang ada di Indonesia saat ini telah menciptakan suatu perbedaan didalam masyarakat khususnya di antara siswa di sekolah. Dengan melihat problem tersebut maka diharapkan para guru agama Kristen mampu memberi membimbing kepada setiap siswa. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah melihat sejauhmana keterlibatan para guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam mendeteksi intoleransi diantara siswa. Metode yang digunakan penelitian adalah kulitatif deskriptif dengan kajian adalah guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen sebagai ujung tombak dalam menekan terjadinya intoleransi di antara siswa di sekolah. Hasil kajian ini adalah guru sebagai pelopor utama dalam mencintai keberagaman, mengajarkan perbedaan sebagai anugerah Tuhan, mengajarkan toleransi sebagai ajaran Tuhan Yesus. Dengan demikian salah satu cara dalam menekan terjadinya intoleransi adalah lewat pengajaran, pendampingan dan pembimbingan oleh guru-guru agama Kristen di sekolah.

KURIOS, 2021
Jesus, reflecting on the context of the mission in the Gospels, often touches on various dimensio... more Jesus, reflecting on the context of the mission in the Gospels, often touches on various dimensions, both physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual for each person and his environment. Many Gospel narratives show the face of friendliness as well as the social responsibility of Jesus in public spaces. Jesus didn't just stop at the gracious nature of God in His mission of ministry but also inspired his listeners to bring out the same kind of hospitality that Jesus did. This needs to reflect the portrait of church life in Indonesian society, which in general tends to focus on religious formalism. This paper aims to explore the concept of Jesus' mission and to realize it practically in the context of Indonesian society today. The method used is descriptive analysis and a hermeneutic approach to the narratives in the Gospels. This study seeks to offer a contextual concept and model of Jesus' ministry to the community served not only as an object of God's ho...

Perigel, Aug 26, 2023
Judging based on the results of observations made by the PKM team at Clarissa Batu Aji Middle Sch... more Judging based on the results of observations made by the PKM team at Clarissa Batu Aji Middle School, the team found the problem that some students still did not understand the importance of counseling guidance in schools, which was caused by the thinking factors of participants who considered counseling to be scary and unimportant. The purpose of implementing this PKM is to provide students with an understanding of the importance of counseling guidance. The application of counseling guidance has benefits that include several things, namely: achieving positive mental health, individual effectiveness, ability to make decisions, and changes in behavior. In this case, it will help students to explore and increase their potential. The implementation of this PKM uses the method of observation, implementation of activities, and evaluation. The results obtained are students are able to better understand the importance of counseling guidance to increase the potential of interest and morale.
Berangkat dari masalah-masalah yang terlihat dalam kehidupan para remajayang penulis teliti, dima... more Berangkat dari masalah-masalah yang terlihat dalam kehidupan para remajayang penulis teliti, dimana pecandu narkoba identik terhadap kurangnyaperhatian dan kasih sayang dari keluarga bahkan bisa juga akibat daripergaulan dan rasa ingin tahu apa itu narkoba. Seorang pecandu narkobatidak akan dapat dipulihkan secara cepat atau singkat. Yayasan Galileatempat penulis melakukan penelitian merupakan Pusat rehabilitasi yangdapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas tentang bahayanyanarkoba serta informasi tentang HIV/AIDS. Oleh karena itu tulisan inibertujuan untuk memaparkan bahayanya narkoba dan mengtahui fungsi atauperanan seorang konselor adiksi.

Kejadian yang menimpa remaja akhir-akhir ini cenderung mengarah kepada kasus kriminalitas seperti... more Kejadian yang menimpa remaja akhir-akhir ini cenderung mengarah kepada kasus kriminalitas seperti tawuran, bullying atau begal. Hal-hal itu merupakan gambaran betapa merosotnya moral remaja sehingga pendidikan karakter dirasa perlu. Penanaman karakter perlu diintegrasikan dalam pendidikan formal, sehingga akan didapatkan nilai-nilai kebaikan pada diri peserta didik sejak dini. Sekolah adalah tempat pendidikan, dimana anak didik diarahkan untuk bertindak atau memiliki wawasan pengetahuan (bersifat normatif). Pembelajaran lebih kompleks lagi karena mengarah kepada tujuan akhirnya yakni seseorang dapat bertingkah laku atau memiliki kepribadian yang lebih baik (bersifat operasional). Sebenarnya pendidikan moral dan karakter tidak terpisahkan dari pembentukan kerohanian yang merupakan kesatuan dalam materi ajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Sekolah menengah yang di dalam kurikulumnya terdapat Pendidikan Agama Kristen, dalam segala proses belajar mengajar yang terencana ataupun tersembunyi, h...

ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Merokok merupakan perilaku yang salah dalam status pelajar maupun non pelajar karna merusak keseh... more Merokok merupakan perilaku yang salah dalam status pelajar maupun non pelajar karna merusak kesehatan tubuh dan tidak membangun spritualitas pribadi setiap orang. Pada tingkat SMP banyak pelajar sudah merokok dengan di pengaruhi banyak faktor, seperti pergaulan, lingkungan, keluarga dan faktor lainya. Tujuan dalam melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ialah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran siswa SMP Hosannah Batam tentang bahayanya perilaku merokok terhadap kesehatan tubuh serta meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka pada pengajaran yang benar sesuai dengan Alkitab tentang larangan merokok. Adapun metode yang di lakukan dalam menyelengarakan kegiatan PkM ini yakni; Tim membuat perencanaan lalu melakukan survei terlebih dahulu di tempat mitra kegiatan, melaksanakan penyuluhan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dan pembahasan kegiatatan PkM ini ialah siswa SMP Hosannah Batam mengalami peningkatan pada kesadaran dan pengetahuan mereka tentang bahaya rokok terhadap kesehatan tubuh s...

ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya, 2021
This article aims to discuss drug abuse in the perspective of Christian religious education. Narc... more This article aims to discuss drug abuse in the perspective of Christian religious education. Narcotics are basically good drugs when used according to the dosage or doctor's recommendations for health. However, if someone uses it without medical indication or without a doctor's instructions because of the disease or other things recommended by the doctor, it will cause addiction / addiction and dependence popularly known as narcotics. In this case, without the indication (use) recommended by a doctor or an improper dose it will be dangerous to human health and can even cause sudden death. Bible neither directly addresses the topic of drug abuse nor mentions literal prohibition on narcotics and their use. However, it does not mean drug abuse is allowed. In Christian faith, believers must abstain from drugs because drugs can damage both physically and spiritually. In Corinthians 7: 1, it explains "purify yourselves from all things that can defile body and spirit, so that ...
Papers by Ardianto Lahagu