Papers by Jean-Philippe Lagrange

Bulletin d'information de I'IGN N°62Le bulletin dresse un bilan de la recherche menée à I... more Bulletin d'information de I'IGN N°62Le bulletin dresse un bilan de la recherche menée à I'IGN en 1993. Il poursuit deux objectifs : - informer un public aussi large que possible sur les domaines d'activité de I'IGN en matière de recherche, - faire un compte rendu succinct des progrès réalisés en 1993 pour informer les chercheurs qui travaillent sur des questions proches des axes de recherche de I'IGN et qui connaissent I'IGN. Ces deux objectifs conduisent à proposer deux grandes parties : - un aperçu des travaux effectués en 1993 ; ils comportent des articles courts sans rappel de la problématique et du contexte ; il présente principalement les actions pluriannuelles ; c'est la partie D du bulletin , - une présentation détaillée de quelques actions particulières et nouvelles ; c'est la partie B . En ce qui concerne les articles courts, ils ont été écrits en tenant compte du bilan de recherche 1992 qui précise le contexte des actions pluriannuelles...
The workshop sessions addressed both fundamental and applied sides of the research and could be s... more The workshop sessions addressed both fundamental and applied sides of the research and could be summarized as follows: ICT for interoperability: A science-based approach ICT plays an important role in exchanging data among diverse functional groups involved in a supply chain or product lifecycle processes. However, specific research is still needed to solve semantic and architectural issues. Some presentations focused on the interoperability concepts and also barriers due to diversity of used technologies. They also reviewed technologies to capture common meaning of data exchanged among interoperable information systems (through development of ontologies) and to provide comprehensive interoperability frameworks.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995
In this paper we propose the use of new representations of linear features in order to make up fo... more In this paper we propose the use of new representations of linear features in order to make up for the weakness of classical generalisation algorithms. Such representations are developed from spectral tools: Fourier series and wavelet decomposition. The theoretical ...
We propose a new definition of a case-based reasoning system. Focusing on both search for similar... more We propose a new definition of a case-based reasoning system. Focusing on both search for similar cases and the reuse of previous solution, we propose a relation of entailment by similarity, motivated from an epistemic point of view. This relation states that two cases will be denoted as similar if they share common patterns and if the pattern which distinguish them can be neglected with respect to the context.
This paper begins by presenting the objectives which underpin this research, the basic modules of... more This paper begins by presenting the objectives which underpin this research, the basic modules of graphic interface and then the integration in PlaGe of a number of generalization algorithms. Subsequently, two practical research applications of this platform are detailed : the development of new generalization algorithms (for linear feature caricature) and studies on automated generalization. Objectives
This paper begins by presenting the objectives which underpin this research, the basic modules of... more This paper begins by presenting the objectives which underpin this research, the basic modules of graphic interface and then the integration in PlaGe of a number of generalization algorithms. Subsequently, two practical research applications of this platform are detailed : the development of new generalization algorithms (for linear feature caricature) and studies on automated generalization. Objectives

Le but du travail presente ici est d'affranchir le developpeur de programmes d'applicatio... more Le but du travail presente ici est d'affranchir le developpeur de programmes d'application de la necessite de construire ses requetes en fonction du schema logique de la base de donnees. La demarche retenue est de proposer un langage d'interrogation ne faisant reference qu'au schema conceptuel, le systeme assurant la construction des requetes au SGBD a partir de specifications ecrites dans ce langage. Par ailleurs, un des objectifs vises, par opposition aux travaux anterieurs, est d'imposer le moins de contraintes possible pour le schema logique (relationnel) et pour le schema conceptuel associe. Pour cela on propose: une mise en correspondance souple entre le schema relationnel et un schema conceptuel exprime en fonction d'un modele d'une grande puissance d'expression; de faire assurer la generation des requetes par un systeme a base de connaissances, qui s'appuie sur des connaissances relatives a la base de donnees, une meta-base, et sur des con...
Geographic Information Research
New Zealand Geographer, 1996
Geoinformatica, 1997
Research on generalization implies a need for intensive experiments with the tools developed. Thi... more Research on generalization implies a need for intensive experiments with the tools developed. This need implies in turn that a research platform be available which allows for an easy development and integration of new algorithms, and which provides interactive facilities for determining the best tools sequences and tunings with respect to the geometrical characteristics of the features to generalize. We
Papers by Jean-Philippe Lagrange