Lucas Pawlik
Dr. Lucas Pawlik is a philosopher, ethicist of science, and cyberneticist. His main field is transcultural human life and survival through the analysis of communication and organization of humanity in its feedback with its technologies. His focus is the transdisciplinary ethics of science that ensure sustainable human survival. In his friendship and collaboration with Heinz von Foerster, the co-founder of cybernetics, both worked on a narrative model of the history of science and humanity. Their joint work on the autobiography and summary of Heinz von Foerster's life's work "Part of the World - Fractals of an Ethics" became the basis for Pawlik's research. How do we act to create a world we want to live in? Following this fundamental cybernetic question, Lucas Pawlik has trained educators from all educational sectors, including in the blended learning university course for PROvocative Pedagogy he co-founded at Danube University Krems. Through the same fundamental self-organizing question, in 2015, Dr. Pawlik, with Dr. Urska Starc-Peceny, built a role-model community of protective migrants, Pioneers of Peace, and the nationally and internationally successful integration and education platform Innogees. Because of a severe car accident in 2016, Pawlik developed Evolutionary Movement, a meditative movement therapy based on evolutionary medicine and neuroscience research, as well as traditional indigenous healing methods. This approach is informed by Wéi Wú Wéi - psilocybin experiences to heal the skull fracture and cranial trauma caused by accidents. Through his publications during this time, Pawlik became internationally active again in 2019 as one of the four primary authors of the Mahatma Gandhi Petition in international peace work with 82 international experts from 25 countries, including 4 Nobel laureates. He developed solutions against the looming threat of a nuclear world war and the impending social and environmental collapse. For regional and global resilience against ecocide to be understood and implemented, Dr. Pawlik designed 2019 and 2020 strategy papers for regional resilience and a biosphere recovery plan, Fungi Future, based on the life's work of Mark Stüttler. Combining medical and geopolitical analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic Dr. Pawlik became the scientific advisor of the Mykoverse Foundation in Lichtenstein, and an Executive Advisor of the Global Transition¹ co-founded by Dr. Jagdhish Gandhi.
Supervisors: Heinz von Foerster, Bernard Scott
Supervisors: Heinz von Foerster, Bernard Scott
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Drafts by Lucas Pawlik
Bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASD) handelt es sich um eine Gruppe komplexer neurologischer und entwicklungsbedingter Zustände, die sich durch Schwierigkeiten in der sozialen Interaktion, Kommunikation und durch repetitive Verhaltensweisen äußern. Diese Störungen werden als „Spektrum“ bezeichnet, weil die Art und Schwere der Symptome stark variieren können. Zu den Kernmerkmalen zählen Kommunikationsprobleme, soziale Interaktionsschwierigkeiten sowie repetitive Verhaltensweisen. Die Prävalenz von frühkindlichem Autismus hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Da Mädchen immer noch weniger diagnostiziert werden als Jungen, ist zudem anzunehmen, dass die tatsächliche Anstieg der Autismusstörungen noch deutlich höher ist, da die geschlechtsspezifischen Ausprägungen des weiblichen Autismus wahrscheinlich schlechter erkannt werden.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of complex neurological and development-related conditions characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication and repetitive behavior. These disorders are referred to as a spectrum because the nature and severity of symptoms can widely vary. The core features include communication problems, social interaction difficulties and repetitive behavior. The prevalence of early childhood autism has significantly increased in recent years. As girls are still diagnosed less frequently than boys, it is also assumed that the actual increase in autism disorders is significantly higher as the gender-specific manifestations of female autism are probably more difficult to recognize.
This is a public letter I have offered for publication in US, UK, Australia, Canada. It consists of letters of encouragement for newly diagnosed autists.
Eingebettet in die unsichtbare Matrix unserer Wahrnehmungen, die uns selbst und die Welt so erscheinen lassen, wie sie sind, stellen wir Fragen, suchen wir nach Antworten. Wir verstehen den Gebrauch unserer Sprache dabei zumeist so, dass sie die Dinge und Prozesse dieser Welt abbildet. Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der wir dies tun, macht eben diesen Prozess des Verstehens unsichtbar.
All dies verändert sich jedoch, wenn wir uns unserer eigenen Form des Verstehens zuwenden. Plötzlich beginnen wir zu bemerken, wie wir uns selbst und die Strukturen dieser Welt durch unser Denken und Sprechen unaufhörlich verändern, jedes „So-sein” durch unsere Art des Handelns selbst produzieren.
In dieser Hinwendung erkennen wir uns selbst, in einer Welt, die noch nie zuvor gewesen ist … mit einem Vorwort von Heinz von Foerster.
Pawlik, Lucas (2005), Verstehen Verstehen Nichtverstehen Verstehen. Eine kybernetische Synthese von Realismus und Konstruktivismus, Sonnberg: Presshaus.
But the picture spoke more to me than thousands of my words.
This is how I had perceived myself all my life. My whole life I was concerned with understanding the broadest possible spectrum of the human being. Mmy actual interests and strengths always seemed to me to be outside the perception and understanding possibilities of others. Unlike others, I sought and invented my life through my way of living. Everything interested me except the "normal life", in which I always tried to remain as invisible as possible. Now I had it not only in writing, but I could look at it in a colorful picture.
I still can't believe I was crazy enough to go to a psychologist on my own initiative. Some occasional psychologists are incredible judges of character or genius scientists. Still, since I had studied together, I knew I was probably looking for one of the last specimens of a dying species.
The actual strength of the competition, who dominates, can only be determined by permanent attempts to manipulate the other. The old social reality is replaced in the post-real world by propaganda-driven hacking wars in which our new reality is a state of “Wariety,” a constant state of everchanging war-like conflict situations.
The end of humanity, and the end of the world as we know it, was a myth or could only become a reality through natural disasters. But ever since the cold war nuclear arms race created the delicate balance of nuclear terror, we've barely escaped nuclear self-extinction so many times that it's already a miracle our humanity still exists. Digitalization is a timebomb that ticks.
Beim Aspie-Quiz (Ekblad 2022) ging es nicht um die erreichte Punktzahl 192/200, denn Quantität ohne qualitative Interpretation ist für mich von geringem Wert.
Aber das Bild sprach mehr zu mir als Tausende meiner Worte.
So hatte ich mich mein ganzes Leben lang wahrgenommen. Mein ganzes Leben lang ging es mir darum, ein möglichst breites Spektrum des menschlichen Seins zu verstehen, meine eigentlichen Interessen und Stärken schienen mir immer außerhalb der Wahrnehmungs- und Verständnismöglichkeiten anderer zu liegen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen suchte und erfand ich mein Leben durch meine Art zu leben. Alles interessierte mich, nur nicht das "normale Leben", in dem ich immer versuchte, so unsichtbar wie möglich zu bleiben. Jetzt hatte ich es nicht nur schriftlich, sondern ich konnte es in einem bunten Bild betrachten.
Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich verrückt genug war, aus eigenem Antrieb zu einem Psychologen zu gehen. Es gibt gelegentlich Psychologen, die unglaubliche Menschenkenner oder geniale Wissenschaftler sind, aber da wir zusammen studiert hatten, wusste ich, dass ich wahrscheinlich nach einem der letzten Exemplare einer aussterbenden Spezies suchte.
This presentation discusses the current research and the related process of legalizing the "Break-Through-Drug" psilocybin to mitigate this escalating global health crisis. It shows psilocybin could revolutionize treatment options for neurohormonal brain disorders such as depression, addiction, and anxiety by increasing and modulating our neuroplasticity. These current research findings could yield a new paradigmatic understanding of the mind-body interplay and disorders.
Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik 2019
Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik ist Teil der “Mahatma Gandhi -Gandhica-Petition für globale Gewaltlosigkeit und Frieden”. Anlässlich des Mahatma Gandhi Jahres zum “150-Jahre Mahatma-Gandhi-Jubiläum” hat die Welt-Harmoniegesellschaft (GHA - Global Harmony Association) ein Grundlagenwerk zur Friedensarbeit für Universitäten und Institutionen publiziert. 82 Autoren aus 25 Ländern, darunter 4 Nobelpreisträger und 3 Nachfahren Mahatma Gandhis haben an diesem Grundlagenwerk geschrieben. Als einer der vier Hauptautoren und Haupt-Editoren hat Lucas Pawlik darin die Conclusio zum Buch und zur gegenwärtigen Weltsituation verfasst.
Digitalisierung dekodiert: Hack or Die
Die Wahl der Menschheit: Ein gandhischer Hack der Gewaltlosigkeit oder Sterben in einer Eskalation der Gewalt
Synopse: Durch die Weiterentwicklung von KI und Hyperschallwaffen wird Gandhis “Goldene Regel der Gewaltlosigkeit” zum wichtigsten Überlebensprinzip der Menschheit bei der Steuerung ihrer Digitalisierung. Entweder hacken wir gewaltfrei den digital ermächtigten Gewaltkreislauf der Menschheit oder wir sterben an seiner Eskalation.
Bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASD) handelt es sich um eine Gruppe komplexer neurologischer und entwicklungsbedingter Zustände, die sich durch Schwierigkeiten in der sozialen Interaktion, Kommunikation und durch repetitive Verhaltensweisen äußern. Diese Störungen werden als „Spektrum“ bezeichnet, weil die Art und Schwere der Symptome stark variieren können. Zu den Kernmerkmalen zählen Kommunikationsprobleme, soziale Interaktionsschwierigkeiten sowie repetitive Verhaltensweisen. Die Prävalenz von frühkindlichem Autismus hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Da Mädchen immer noch weniger diagnostiziert werden als Jungen, ist zudem anzunehmen, dass die tatsächliche Anstieg der Autismusstörungen noch deutlich höher ist, da die geschlechtsspezifischen Ausprägungen des weiblichen Autismus wahrscheinlich schlechter erkannt werden.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of complex neurological and development-related conditions characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication and repetitive behavior. These disorders are referred to as a spectrum because the nature and severity of symptoms can widely vary. The core features include communication problems, social interaction difficulties and repetitive behavior. The prevalence of early childhood autism has significantly increased in recent years. As girls are still diagnosed less frequently than boys, it is also assumed that the actual increase in autism disorders is significantly higher as the gender-specific manifestations of female autism are probably more difficult to recognize.
This is a public letter I have offered for publication in US, UK, Australia, Canada. It consists of letters of encouragement for newly diagnosed autists.
Eingebettet in die unsichtbare Matrix unserer Wahrnehmungen, die uns selbst und die Welt so erscheinen lassen, wie sie sind, stellen wir Fragen, suchen wir nach Antworten. Wir verstehen den Gebrauch unserer Sprache dabei zumeist so, dass sie die Dinge und Prozesse dieser Welt abbildet. Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der wir dies tun, macht eben diesen Prozess des Verstehens unsichtbar.
All dies verändert sich jedoch, wenn wir uns unserer eigenen Form des Verstehens zuwenden. Plötzlich beginnen wir zu bemerken, wie wir uns selbst und die Strukturen dieser Welt durch unser Denken und Sprechen unaufhörlich verändern, jedes „So-sein” durch unsere Art des Handelns selbst produzieren.
In dieser Hinwendung erkennen wir uns selbst, in einer Welt, die noch nie zuvor gewesen ist … mit einem Vorwort von Heinz von Foerster.
Pawlik, Lucas (2005), Verstehen Verstehen Nichtverstehen Verstehen. Eine kybernetische Synthese von Realismus und Konstruktivismus, Sonnberg: Presshaus.
But the picture spoke more to me than thousands of my words.
This is how I had perceived myself all my life. My whole life I was concerned with understanding the broadest possible spectrum of the human being. Mmy actual interests and strengths always seemed to me to be outside the perception and understanding possibilities of others. Unlike others, I sought and invented my life through my way of living. Everything interested me except the "normal life", in which I always tried to remain as invisible as possible. Now I had it not only in writing, but I could look at it in a colorful picture.
I still can't believe I was crazy enough to go to a psychologist on my own initiative. Some occasional psychologists are incredible judges of character or genius scientists. Still, since I had studied together, I knew I was probably looking for one of the last specimens of a dying species.
The actual strength of the competition, who dominates, can only be determined by permanent attempts to manipulate the other. The old social reality is replaced in the post-real world by propaganda-driven hacking wars in which our new reality is a state of “Wariety,” a constant state of everchanging war-like conflict situations.
The end of humanity, and the end of the world as we know it, was a myth or could only become a reality through natural disasters. But ever since the cold war nuclear arms race created the delicate balance of nuclear terror, we've barely escaped nuclear self-extinction so many times that it's already a miracle our humanity still exists. Digitalization is a timebomb that ticks.
Beim Aspie-Quiz (Ekblad 2022) ging es nicht um die erreichte Punktzahl 192/200, denn Quantität ohne qualitative Interpretation ist für mich von geringem Wert.
Aber das Bild sprach mehr zu mir als Tausende meiner Worte.
So hatte ich mich mein ganzes Leben lang wahrgenommen. Mein ganzes Leben lang ging es mir darum, ein möglichst breites Spektrum des menschlichen Seins zu verstehen, meine eigentlichen Interessen und Stärken schienen mir immer außerhalb der Wahrnehmungs- und Verständnismöglichkeiten anderer zu liegen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen suchte und erfand ich mein Leben durch meine Art zu leben. Alles interessierte mich, nur nicht das "normale Leben", in dem ich immer versuchte, so unsichtbar wie möglich zu bleiben. Jetzt hatte ich es nicht nur schriftlich, sondern ich konnte es in einem bunten Bild betrachten.
Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich verrückt genug war, aus eigenem Antrieb zu einem Psychologen zu gehen. Es gibt gelegentlich Psychologen, die unglaubliche Menschenkenner oder geniale Wissenschaftler sind, aber da wir zusammen studiert hatten, wusste ich, dass ich wahrscheinlich nach einem der letzten Exemplare einer aussterbenden Spezies suchte.
This presentation discusses the current research and the related process of legalizing the "Break-Through-Drug" psilocybin to mitigate this escalating global health crisis. It shows psilocybin could revolutionize treatment options for neurohormonal brain disorders such as depression, addiction, and anxiety by increasing and modulating our neuroplasticity. These current research findings could yield a new paradigmatic understanding of the mind-body interplay and disorders.
Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik 2019
Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik ist Teil der “Mahatma Gandhi -Gandhica-Petition für globale Gewaltlosigkeit und Frieden”. Anlässlich des Mahatma Gandhi Jahres zum “150-Jahre Mahatma-Gandhi-Jubiläum” hat die Welt-Harmoniegesellschaft (GHA - Global Harmony Association) ein Grundlagenwerk zur Friedensarbeit für Universitäten und Institutionen publiziert. 82 Autoren aus 25 Ländern, darunter 4 Nobelpreisträger und 3 Nachfahren Mahatma Gandhis haben an diesem Grundlagenwerk geschrieben. Als einer der vier Hauptautoren und Haupt-Editoren hat Lucas Pawlik darin die Conclusio zum Buch und zur gegenwärtigen Weltsituation verfasst.
Digitalisierung dekodiert: Hack or Die
Die Wahl der Menschheit: Ein gandhischer Hack der Gewaltlosigkeit oder Sterben in einer Eskalation der Gewalt
Synopse: Durch die Weiterentwicklung von KI und Hyperschallwaffen wird Gandhis “Goldene Regel der Gewaltlosigkeit” zum wichtigsten Überlebensprinzip der Menschheit bei der Steuerung ihrer Digitalisierung. Entweder hacken wir gewaltfrei den digital ermächtigten Gewaltkreislauf der Menschheit oder wir sterben an seiner Eskalation.
System Thinking – A Bedtime Story of the Second Order demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor of Second Order Cybernetics, Heinz von Foerster, reinventing him and his perspectives on knowledge and communication. It was first performed at the American Society of Cybernetics conference in Urbana in 2007 to remember the 40-year closure of Heinz von Foerster’s Biological Computer Lab. The original recording is available on YouTube (Pawlik 2007a, 2007b, 2007c).
Lucas Pawlik beschreibt in seinem Artikel, warum wir - so wie Ikarus, gefangen in der Tyrannei des Königs, zur Flucht aufbricht - trotz unserer Gefangenschaft in der Tyrannei innerer und äußerer Arbeitsaufträge immer wieder zu kreativen Höhenflügen aufbrechen müssen, damit wir uns als selbstwirksam erleben können und das, was wir für wesentlich halten, nicht zur Sisyphusarbeit wird.
The second part of the essay explores how the search for an “insane lone perpetrator,” who is recognized and has to be denied access to guns, is a product of the system. This system ignores both the actual circumstances of how someone becomes a school shooter and the significant study on school shootings published in 2004. According to this study, school shooters are mostly suicidal and bullied students who want to achieve more than they can and announce their deeds in despair. The multi-causal context of how a student becomes a frenzied school shooter remains ignored. Instead of analyzing the prevailing educational and social system, the fiction of an insane lone perpetrator is maintained, perpetuating the problem of school shooters until the next killing spree.
The third part addresses why this problem is also relevant to Austria. It outlines the critical situation of the global education system and schoolchildren and examines why a further drastic deterioration brought about by digitalization is to be expected. The necessity of self-initiative and the steps the author asks for help to solve the growing problems and open up new possibilities are shown.
demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor of Second Order Cybernetics, Heinz von Foerster, re-inventing him and his perspectives on knowledge and communication. It was first performed at the American Society of Cybernetics conference in Urbana in 2007. You can now listen to it online as part of the 100th year's celebration of Heinz von Foerster's birthday.
Dr. Pawlik folgt in seiner Analyse McLuhan, Heinz von Foerster und Chuangtse.
Eine Fraktale aus Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009 Presshaus Sonnberg
Threat and Chance for the Future of Healthcare and Education
An Urgent Call for Action During and After the Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis
#Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis
by Lucas Pawlik
“(What) has movement got to do with education? And why to worry now during the Corona Virus Lockdown Crises?” we might ask.
Lucas Pawlik turns the question around: “How can we have education without movement? How do we stabilize our global health systems during and after the global lockdowns? ” Against the background of current drastic studies on the fourth most frequent cause of death, lack of physical activity, he shows how education and movement can be optimally interlinked in such a way that digital education in movement and movement in digital education happen simultaneously.
He asks the question: “Has the Corona Virus Lockdowns pushed us over the tipping point where the lack of movement and mindfulness has destabilized our global health care systems beyond recovery?”
Dr. Lucas Pawlik's presentation explores the relationship between psilocybin-induced mystical experiences, near-death experiences (NDEs), and divine encounters. It compares field reports and results from over a century of scientific research, demonstrating how psilocybin has validated mystical experiences and enhanced non-psychedelic mystical experience research.
The talk provides an overview of key findings in psilocybin research, showcasing its ability to reliably induce mystical experiences comparable to classical religious contexts. By comparing field reports from psilocybin studies with those of spontaneous mystical experiences, the presentation highlights the wide-ranging therapeutic and personal impacts observed in both contexts. These comparative analyses reopen debates about whether these experiences are hallucinations or genuine epistemological phenomena.
Two critical comparative studies, which analyze field reports and quantitative data, are highlighted:
1. Sweeney et al. (2022) examined psilocybin-induced experiences and spontaneous NDEs. Comparing field reports and survey results, they found both types improved well-being, life purpose, and meaning. Psychedelic experiences showed stronger mystical and near-death measures, while non-drug experiences were often rated as life's most significant events. Both led to changes in death attitudes, reduced anxieties and fostered positive views on life and dying.
2. Griffiths et al. (2019) compared field reports of natural and psychedelic-induced God encounters. Both types decreased atheist self-identification, with over two-thirds of former atheists changing views post-experience. Analysis of reports showed non-drug groups often used "God" to describe encounters, while psychedelic groups preferred "Ultimate Reality." Despite these linguistic differences, the transformative nature was similar across groups.
Dr. Pawlik's personal near-death and psilocybin experiences, including divine light encounters typical for atheists, provide additional field reports for comparison. His perspective as an autistic science philosopher adds a unique dimension, as NDEs have only been documented in autistic children, and psilocybin's effects on autistic individuals remain largely unexplored. Dr. Pawlik's academic background further enriches this perspective: his master's thesis explored the relationship between empirical knowledge, everyday experience, and epiphanies, such as the sacrament of Jesus Christ. His doctoral thesis delved into the meaning of Eastern mysticism within the context of system sciences, quantum physics, and cybernetics.
The presentation emphasizes the therapeutic potential revealed by comparing field reports of psilocybin and spontaneous mystical experiences. It discusses integrating these insights into palliative care to ease dying and comfort patients and families, including exploring shared death experiences.
Dr. Pawlik argues that recognizing mystical experiences is crucial for individual and societal health. Comparative studies of field reports indicate that inadequate societal handling has negative consequences, necessitating an end to their pathologization.
Participants gain insights into:
* Scientific validation of mystical experiences through field report comparisons
* Therapeutic potential of psilocybin revealed by comparative analyses
* The transformative power of near-death and God encounters across contexts
* Unique perspectives from autistic individuals' field reports
* Importance of integrating these experiences into palliative care
The presentation aims to improve the quality of life for those with life-threatening illnesses by fostering an understanding of these profound experiences and their potential applications, as evidenced by diverse field reports and research results.