La pandemia del Sars-CoV-2 sollecita la sociologia dell'ambiente a interrogarsi sugli approcc... more La pandemia del Sars-CoV-2 sollecita la sociologia dell'ambiente a interrogarsi sugli approcci adeguati a renderne conto. A lungo la disciplina è stata dominata dal dibattito tra realismo e costruttivismo, de facto privilegiando quest'ultimo. La "svolta ontologica" nelle scienze sociali e umane ha portato alla ribalta materialismi anti-dualisti, idonei sulla carta a confrontarsi con un ibrido socio-materiale quale il Sars-CoV-2. Tuttavia, le implicazioni emancipative tratte dalla critica dei dualismi moderni non hanno riscontro in una situazione in cui l'estrazione di valore coincide sempre più con la negazione della distinzione tra natura e tecnica. Il dibattito sull'Antropocene offre una prospettiva utile a fare chiarezza.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, May 18, 2023
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, 2016
Il capitolo affronta il ruolo degli esperti nei processi deliberativi. Questi ultimi sono quasi s... more Il capitolo affronta il ruolo degli esperti nei processi deliberativi. Questi ultimi sono quasi sempre presenti ma l'entit\ue0 e il tipo di impatto sulla discussione non \ue8 stato approfondito a sufficienza. A partire da due casi empirici si evidenzia la complessit\ue0 di tale ruolo e come l'interazione con il gruppo deliberante non sia necessariamente n\ue8 di predominio n\ue8 di sudditanza, ma si plasmi in base a sottili processi di negoziazione della portata e del significato dell'apporto esperto nel contesto problematico in discussione

Research activities that aim to redevelop areas that present a risk may be carried out in differe... more Research activities that aim to redevelop areas that present a risk may be carried out in different ways, using various methods developed by the social sciences. Among the methods that take on a particular meaning when applied to these areas are focus groups, qualitative analysis and participant observations. Which work tools to choose, what to investigate, what to look at and for how long, and how to communicate the results of the research are among the issues that need to be addressed at the beginning of research. Research in areas that present risks implies a clear commitment to issues of development, to relationships with the environment, to the perception of well-being and the definition of risk. Through an example of research and observations carried out in Gela, the chapter provides some useful clues for social scientists working in these areas. The events analysed started in the early 1950s, when oil was discovered in Sicily and the populations enthusiastically welcomed the petrochemical plants. Then, many people thought of Sicily as Texas. Half a century later, the bright dream has turned to dark reality: congenital malformations, diseases related to industrialization, natural resources depleted, and organized crime. The chapter discusses redevelopment plans and describes the socioeconomic impact of the petrochemical industry, of which Gela is one of the Italian capitals
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, 2016

Deliberative democracy spread rapidly regardless of differences in political and administrative t... more Deliberative democracy spread rapidly regardless of differences in political and administrative traditions. An equally fast-evolving debate has addressed both its virtues and drawbacks, gradually shifting from theory to practice and from a focus on deliberative arenas to a concern for their policy and institutional context but without questioning the fundamentally benign nature and implications of public deliberation. However, we may be approaching a turning point. A growing literature is developing a different, more corrosive type of critique, the underlying theme of which is not the revitalization of democracy and the role of deliberative forums in governance but the neoliberalization of society and the integration of deliberative democracy in the rationality of government at work as part of this process. As a consequence, well-known problems are read or ranked differently and new questions gain salience for being closely related to politics and the political realm. This paper dis...