Papers by Lilit Kazanchian

Регион и мир / Region and the World
In a modern democratic, legal and social state research devoted to the peculiarities of the legal... more In a modern democratic, legal and social state research devoted to the peculiarities of the legal restriction of state power is of fundamental importance. It should be noted, that in modern legal literature the concept of “legal limitation” is determined as a legal deterrence of an illegal act, creating conditions for satisfying the interests of the counter-subject and public interests [7, p. 85; 20]. It includes not only the barriers established in law, within which subjects must act, but also the prohibition of certain the activities of persons [3]. The importance of limiting state power cannot be overlooked, because without limiting it, it may suddenly become unregulated and unenforceable, serving the purpose of promoting individual and collective welfare. In modern legal literature, it has been repeatedly noted that state power can be limited by the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. Moreover, the spectrum of human rights and freedoms is not only a legal restriction ...

Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis
Training, management and development of professional resources is important for the development o... more Training, management and development of professional resources is important for the development of critical thinking among students. It is no coincidence that the manifestations of critical thinking are more common in students' research activities, as it allows students to assess the study criteria and determine directions of behavior. Moreover, it can be in any key level of study, making new psychological and legal requirements to the whole pedagogical process. To achieve success in some professions, such as a lawyer, psychologist, political scientist, sociologist, a high level of critical thinking is important. Therefore, in the context of teaching critical thinking, various special methods are used, which are presented in this article, and which are aimed not only to improve the quality of learning, increase participation of students, but also develop student-centered learning. The term of critical thinking was observed from socio-psychological and personal-creative points of...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 8, 2023
Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международн... more Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности понятия "Конституция", а так же особенности иерархии нормативных актов в современном демократическом государстве. В частности, раскрываются особенности юридической (формальной) конституции и фактической (материальной) конституции.

“Katchar” Collection of Scientific Articles International Scientific-Educational Center NAS RA
In this article we present the features of the mutual responsibility and obligations (duties) of ... more In this article we present the features of the mutual responsibility and obligations (duties) of the state and the individual in a legal democratic state, based on the study of international and domestic legislation and the opinions of famous jurists. In particular, the features of the concepts of “personality”, “obligation”, “duty” and other important components of the concept of “responsibility” are revealed. For instance, we emphasize that some modern jurists identify the term “obligation” as an action that a citizen is required to fulfill by law and “responsibility” as an action that a citizen should take for the sake of the common good. Legal obligation is presented in the article as the necessary behavior of a participant in legal relations provided by law and protected by law in relation to an eligible subject (person, organization, society, or state). The article describes the problem of “legal liability (responsibility)” and the need to study it and its characteristics. Leg...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 21, 2022
Member of the RA Chamber of Advocates, Applicant of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and La... more Member of the RA Chamber of Advocates, Applicant of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности института гражданства в контексте взаимоотношений между личностью и государством. В частности, раскрываются особенности видов приобретения гражданства, а также понятий "стабильность отношений", "наличие правовой связи между гражданином и государством" и других важные компонентов понятия "гражданство".

In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, intern... more Abstract
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the institution of citizenship in the context of the relationship between the individual and the state are presented. In particular, the features of the types of acquisition of citizenship, as well as the concepts of “stability of relations”, “the presence of a legal connection between a citizen and the state” and other important components of the concept of “citizenship” are revealed.
В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности института гражданства в контексте взаимоотношений между личностью и государством. В частности, раскрываются особенности видов приобретения гражданства, а также понятий "стабильность отношений", "наличие правовой связи между гражданином и государством" и других важные компонентов понятия "гражданство".
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, inter... more Abstract
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the concept of “Constitution”, as well as the features of the hierarchy of normative acts in a modern democratic state, are presented. In particular, the features of the legal (formal) constitution and the actual (material) constitution are revealed.
Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности понятия "Конституция", а так же особенности иерархии нормативных актов в современном демократическом государстве. В частности, раскрываются особенности юридической (формальной) конституции и фактической (материальной) конституции.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 7, 2022
Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, Kонституции... more Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, Kонституции и законодательства Республики Армения, и Российской Федерации, раскрываются особенности права на получения юридической помощи. В частности, представлены понятие "адвокатура", а также особенности адвокатской деятельности и оказания бесплатной юридической помощи.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 22, 2022
Republic of Armenia Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных пра... more Republic of Armenia Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, Конституции, законодательства Республики Армения и Российской Федерации представлены особенности взаимоотношений между личностью и государством. В частности, раскрываются особенности понятий "правовой статус личности", "права человека", "гражданство и подданство", а также содержание социального государства и гражданской активности личности.

The key to the successful and effective development of any society is the socio-psychological wel... more The key to the successful and effective development of any society is the socio-psychological well-being of the population and personality, based on certain legal and philosophical concepts. Modern society experiences a kind of civilizational, philosophical, legal and socio-psychological crisis - the transformation of norms and behavior, against the background of which various forms of deviation are clearly manifested. As a result, in the context of the transformation of society, for a more complete and deeper study of the characteristics of human behavior, it becomes necessary to understand the causes of their occurrence. This methodological position allows first of all describing the mental world of a person who acts in the frames of the certain understanding and perception of social-psychological and legal norms of behavior. In this context, the procedure of psychological and legal-philosophical reconstruction of scientific concept of anomie is used as a methodological tool, whic...

WISDOM, 2021
The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the legal status of the individual in the Ru... more The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the legal status of the individual in the Russian scientific, political and legal doctrines in the context of Philosophy of Law. In the given research, the author, based on the study of the materials of the history of legal-political thought, not only reveals the peculiarities of the legal status of the individual in the Philosophy of Law but also implements versatile, holistic, systematic (methodical) analysis of content and of the concept “legal status of the individual”. Summing up the investigated issues, the author came to the conclusion that the scientific views and developments of Russian jurists (from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century) had a tremendous impact on the development of the legal status of the individual, and civil society, as well as the relationship between the state and the individual. Therefore, theoretical and practical research of the problems of the development of the legal ...

The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the concept of “civil society” in the modern... more The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the concept of “civil society” in the modern, legal state. In the given research, the author implements a holistic, systematical (methodical) analysis of peculiarities of the relationship between the state and society. Therefore, the theoretical and practical research of problems of development of the relationship between civil society and the state gives an opportunity to find new solutions in problems of cooperation of individual and shared interests. Moreover, the study is also focusing on various approaches of well-known jurists on the essence, content and legislative consolidation of civil society. The author concludes that in recent decades, the philosophy of law took under its active protection the civil society, where the harmonious combination of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the person should correspond to public interests. Therefore, the theoretical and practical analysis of interactions between the state...

WISDOM, 2020
The article explores the notion and peculiarities of fundamental rights of the individual in the ... more The article explores the notion and peculiarities of fundamental rights of the individual in the modern, legal state. In the given research the author implements versatile, holistic, systematical (methodical) analysis of content and distinguishing features of the structural element of the concept “legal status of the individual”. Therefore, the theoretical and practical research of problems of development of fundamental human rights, gives an opportunity to find new solutions in protections of relations concerning the individual's legal status. This study is also focusing on various approaches of well-known jurists on the essence, content and legislative consolidation of the fundamental rights of the individual. Summering up the results of explored issues, we concluded, that in recent decades, the philosophy of law (with the theory of state and law) took under its active protection and guardianship man with his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, and which have ceased to ...

WISDOM, 2020
The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the concept of “human dignity” in the modern... more The article explores the notion and peculiarities of the concept of “human dignity” in the modern democratic, legal state. In the given research the author implements holistic, systematical (methodical) analysis of content and distinguishing features of the dignity as the structural element of the concept “legal status of the individual”. This study is also focusing on various approaches of well-known jurists on the essence, content and legislative consolidation of the dignity of the individual. The author comes to a conclusion, that the dignity of a person, who is a subject of law, is ensured by the complex of subjective rights and freedoms assigned to him or her, which constitute the legal status of a person. In other words, the person is both a subject of law and of “dignity”. Therefore, the dignity of the person becomes, from a legal point of view, a complex interdisciplinary legal institute. Consequently, the whole mission of this legal institute is to fulfil the virtues of man...
Papers by Lilit Kazanchian
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the institution of citizenship in the context of the relationship between the individual and the state are presented. In particular, the features of the types of acquisition of citizenship, as well as the concepts of “stability of relations”, “the presence of a legal connection between a citizen and the state” and other important components of the concept of “citizenship” are revealed.
В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности института гражданства в контексте взаимоотношений между личностью и государством. В частности, раскрываются особенности видов приобретения гражданства, а также понятий "стабильность отношений", "наличие правовой связи между гражданином и государством" и других важные компонентов понятия "гражданство".
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the concept of “Constitution”, as well as the features of the hierarchy of normative acts in a modern democratic state, are presented. In particular, the features of the legal (formal) constitution and the actual (material) constitution are revealed.
Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности понятия "Конституция", а так же особенности иерархии нормативных актов в современном демократическом государстве. В частности, раскрываются особенности юридической (формальной) конституции и фактической (материальной) конституции.
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the institution of citizenship in the context of the relationship between the individual and the state are presented. In particular, the features of the types of acquisition of citizenship, as well as the concepts of “stability of relations”, “the presence of a legal connection between a citizen and the state” and other important components of the concept of “citizenship” are revealed.
В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности института гражданства в контексте взаимоотношений между личностью и государством. В частности, раскрываются особенности видов приобретения гражданства, а также понятий "стабильность отношений", "наличие правовой связи между гражданином и государством" и других важные компонентов понятия "гражданство".
In this scientific article, based on the study of the opinions of famous jurists, international and domestic legislation, the features of the concept of “Constitution”, as well as the features of the hierarchy of normative acts in a modern democratic state, are presented. In particular, the features of the legal (formal) constitution and the actual (material) constitution are revealed.
Аннотация В данной научной статье, на основании изучения мнений известных правоведов, международного и внутригосударственного законодательства, представлены особенности понятия "Конституция", а так же особенности иерархии нормативных актов в современном демократическом государстве. В частности, раскрываются особенности юридической (формальной) конституции и фактической (материальной) конституции.