Scientific Journal Publishers, 2017
We proposed that a moderator, others' similarity, would determine the impact of high participatio... more We proposed that a moderator, others' similarity, would determine the impact of high participation rates of others on an individual's charitable behavior, and aimed to show that this moderator would work through the diffusion of responsibility motive. Participants (N = 152 undergraduate students) completed measures of charitable behavior and diffusion of responsibility, after being assigned to 1 of 2 conditions where a set percentage of other students (manipulated as either similar undergraduate students or dissimilar graduate students) were stated to have already donated to a charitable campaign (high contribution condition = 70% participation, low contribution condition = 30% participation). Our results showed that the high participation rate of others increased an individual's charitable behavior when the others in question were similar to that individual, but not when the others were dissimilar. In addition, the high rate of participation by others increased the diffusion of responsibility motive when the others in question were dissimilar to that individual, leading to a negative effect on that individual's charitable behavior.
SAGE, 2017
We argue that the concept of power has been inadvertently sidelined in recent theory and research... more We argue that the concept of power has been inadvertently sidelined in recent theory and research on husband violence. Three types of relationship power may matter with respect to husband violence: attempted power, actual power, and achieved power. Analyses of a randomly selected representative sample of 270 married or partnered women in Kathmandu showed that actual power was related to husband violence prevalence, severity, and injury. Achieved power was related to husband violence prevalence and severity, and attempted power was related to husband violence injury. Implications are discussed.

This study attempts to answer the following questions: What are the potential factors that intern... more This study attempts to answer the following questions: What are the potential factors that internally affect the effectiveness of an organisation's experiential learning, and how do the network characteristics of an organisation influence the impact of those internal factors on that effectiveness? This study examines the automotive engine plants in North America between 1995 and 2006 to suggest two factors that influence the effectiveness of experiential learning: (1) the change in part-time worker ratio and (2) the in-house manufacturing ratio. We also pay attention to the interaction effects of the network properties of engine plants and each internal factor of the effectiveness of learning by doing to examine the influence of the networks in which engine plants are embedded. The network properties of engine plants used in this study are degree centrality and closeness centrality, which are obtained from the engine plants' production-based networks. The findings show that both the increase in part-time worker ratio and the high in-house manufacturing ratio negatively affect learning outcomes and that those negative effects are mitigated when plants have high centralities in networks.

MDPI, 2017
Mobile money adoption can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda but the... more Mobile money adoption can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda but the factors affecting its sustainable adoption remain largely unknown. This paper explores the extent to which mobile money users' trust and risk perceptions affect mobile money services adoption of in Uganda. A survey was conducted with 438 mobile money users from Uganda and data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). From the results, we obtained new empirical evidence for applying trust and risk perceptions for analyzing mobile money acceptance. We found that mobile money users rely on the structural soundness of mobile money services providers and their ability to provide mobile money services with low perceived risk. Performance expectancy, perceived risk and structural assurance significantly influenced behavioral intention to adopt mobile money. Trust belief did not significantly influence behavioral intention. These results help us to understand and promote mobile banking services in underdeveloped countries, which is of practical and scientific interests. We finally provide practical implications for mobile money services providers, commercial banks and central banks in Africa.

Korean Medical Association, 2017
Children with autism are often medicated to manage emotional and behavioral symptoms; yet, data o... more Children with autism are often medicated to manage emotional and behavioral symptoms; yet, data on such pharmacotherapy is insufficient. In this study, we investigated the Korean National Health Insurance Claims Database (NHICD) information related to autism incidence and psychotropic medication use. From the 2010-2012 NHICD, we selected a total of 31,919,732 subjects under 19 years old. To examine the diagnostic incidence, we selected patients who had at least one medical claim containing an 10th revision of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) code for pervasive developmental disorder, F84, not diagnosed in the previous 360 days. Psychotropics were categorized into seven classes. Then, we analyzed the data to determine the mean annual diagnostic incidence and psychotropic prescription trends. Diagnostic incidence was 17,606 for the 3 years, with a mean annual incidence per 10,000 population of 5.52. Among them, 5,348 patients were prescribed psychotropics. Atypical antipsychotics were the most commonly used, followed by antidepressants. An older age, male sex, and the availability of medical aid were associated with a higher rate of prescription than observed for a younger age, female sex, and the availability of health insurance. Psychotropic drugs were used for less than one-third of patients newly diagnosed with autism, and prescription differed by sex and age. Increased diagnostic incidence is associated with an increased prescription of psychotropic drugs. Therefore, medication-related safety data and policies for psychotropic drugs in autism should be prepared.

Crowdfunding is regarded as a novel way of collecting money for innovators to introduce products ... more Crowdfunding is regarded as a novel way of collecting money for innovators to introduce products or services they ultimately wish to launch. The question arises, however, of what makes funding projects on these online platforms, with their different features of project evaluation and risk management, more successful than traditional fundraising approaches. We examine this question in the context of a preordering model, which is also known as the reward-based crowdfunding model. A large-sample data analysis based on 116,956 crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter showed that most founder (i.e., identity disclosure and prior experience) and project (i.e., comments, updates, description elaborateness, and campaign duration) features have a positive effect on successful crowd fundraising. We also found a negative relationship between the funding goal amount and successful fundraising. Our findings may contribute not only to knowledge accumulation in crowdfunding research, but also to founders by offering evidence-based guidelines on the design of successful crowdfunding projects in an online fundraising platform.
This study investigates the role of content and noncontent cues of tourism information quality in... more This study investigates the role of content and noncontent cues of tourism information quality in forming users' destination image in social media. Empirical analysis based on data collected from Sina Weibo users suggests that several content cues and web page design as a noncontent cue are positively related with cognitive and affective images, which lead to a conative image. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on the role of tourism information quality in social media by providing empirical evidence on destination image formation. It also helps tourism managers build their marketing strategies to attract more tourists through social media.

Springer , 2017
Landmarks play an important role in representing tourist destinations because they symbolize a de... more Landmarks play an important role in representing tourist destinations because they symbolize a destination's image and personality. Despite the significance of landmarks to the perception of a destination's image and personality, a personality scale based on landmarks has not been developed. To this end, the purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual foundation of a landscape personality scale based on a destination personality scale using online travel reviews, which are regarded as more valid sources for understanding actual tourist perceptions than simple answers to survey questionnaires. The results of this study imply that the words that describe specific landmarks may differ from those that portray the entire destination and suggest that the words tourists actually use in real situations to characterize tourism resources can be distinguished from hypothetical words of a destination personality scale. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the research and directions for future studies are discussed.

Online travel reviews have become increasingly important as a result of the intangible and hetero... more Online travel reviews have become increasingly important as a result of the intangible and heterogeneous characteristics of the tourism industry as well as the recent diffusion of social media. This exploratory case study intends to examine the comparative importance of the six heuristic attributes (reviewer location, reviewer level, reviewer helpful vote, review rating, review length, and review photo) with respect to review helpfulness in the online hotel review context. Moreover, the salience of the individual levels within each review attribute and the importance of the attributes in positive and negative review-rating groups are compared. In total, 1,158 reviews of a hotel on TripAdvisor were collected and analyzed through conjoint analyses. This study found that the review rating and reviewer helpful vote attributes are the two most important factors. Finally, three major propositions are suggested based on findings of the study, and several theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

Elsevier, 2017
Nowadays, it is common for people to find product or service information from various information... more Nowadays, it is common for people to find product or service information from various information sources on social networking sites (SNS). Among many embedded communication tools in SNS, our study focuses on fan pages and page followers, highlighting their continuous visiting behavior to company fan pages in the context of Facebook. Based on uncertainty reduction theory, our study proposes a research model examining the relationship between uncertainty reduction strategies and continuous visiting behavior, mediated by the low level of uncertainty. In addition, we employ the perceived usefulness of postings on fan pages as a mediator between uncertainty and visiting behavior. Lastly, we adopt two moderating factors: SNS satisfaction and SNS loyalty. To test hypotheses, we analyzed survey data from 189 Facebook users who have subscribed to at least one fan page on Facebook using a partial least squares (PLS) method. We found that uncertainty reduction strategies are positively associated with a low level of uncertainty about information regarding products or services on fan pages. In addition, perceived usefulness of postings is significantly accounted for by the low level of uncertainty. Both the low level of uncertainty and usefulness of postings explain continuous visiting behavior jointly. Our research findings also revealed that SNS satisfaction and SNS loyalty have significant moderating effects on the relationships between the low level of uncertainty/perceived usefulness and continuous visiting behavior. Based on research findings, implications and limitations are discussed.

ㅇ Purpose
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of two types of presentation formats... more ㅇ Purpose
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of two types of presentation formats (textual and imagery) involving online restaurant reviews (ORRs). The study examines ORRs on the basis of review usefulness and review enjoyment; the study investigates the effects of the two presentation formats on review usefulness and review enjoyment.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Data from 1,776 reviews were collected from using a Web data-harvesting technique. Hypothesized relations in the model were tested by Tobit regression analysis.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical results show that different formats of ORRs affect review usefulness and review enjoyment in different manners; whereas both attributes of textual format (review length and readability) affect review usefulness, both aspects of imagery format (physical environment images and food and beverage images) are positively related to review enjoyment. However, review length and food and beverage images are the most important factors affecting both review usefulness and review enjoyment. In particular, the relation between the two formats of ORRs and review usefulness is mediated by review enjoyment.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
The focus of this study is the two formats of ORRs in terms of dual coding theory and the mediating role of review enjoyment. The findings help online review website organizers manage the operation of various review formats in a proper manner. Managers can effectively select those formats that would achieve the desired effect.
ㅇ Originality/value
Unlike previous studies on the relation of attributes to online reviews, this study examines the perceptions of ORRs’ usefulness and enjoyment. In addition, this study encompasses diverse ORR factors (review length, review readability, physical environment images, food and beverage images) for a more comprehensive interpretation of ORRs.

Emerald, 2017
ㅇ Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the country-of-origin (COO)... more ㅇ Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the country-of-origin (COO) effect on overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels. Integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the concepts of country-induced biases, the current study develops an empirically testable model that explains and predicts overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Hypotheses were tested using primary data stemmed from a survey of channel relationships between exporters and their overseas distributors. Data were collected from 103 distributors in the USA.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical evidence shows that attitude towards foreign brands, social valuation of the origin of brands, and perceived behavioural control affect overseas distributors’ intention to place foreign brands. In addition, country-induced bias factors – buyer animosity and country-related affect to the origin of manufacture – are considered to be the antecedents of attitude towards foreign brands.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
Because this study adopted a cross-sectional design, the limitations of this method can be applied to the study. In addition, because of the research context, the results of the present research may lack generalizability. This manuscript, however, integrated the TPB and the concepts of country-induced biases and addressed the calls for research on the COO effects on overseas distributors’ decision in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Practical implications
The manuscript suggests that to build positive attitudes towards foreign brands, a firm should focus on promotions through various media in international markets to lower animosity and the perceived risk to the origin of manufacture. In addition, firms with foreign brands need to identify and target a segment that feels comfortable about spending their resources on those brands. Finally, international marketers should focus on creating positive attitudes towards foreign brand goods and proper pricing strategies.
ㅇ Originality/value
This manuscript fills the knowledge gap of the COO effect on organizational buyer behaviour in international marketing channels.
Elsevier, 2017
Obtaining analytic expressions for characteristics in probabilistic systems with finite buffer ca... more Obtaining analytic expressions for characteristics in probabilistic systems with finite buffer capacities such as (higher) moments and tail probabilities of stationary waiting times, and blocking probabilities is by no means trivial. This is also true even for a system with deterministic processing times. By using the max-plus algebraic approach in this study, we introduce closed-form formulae for characteristics of stationary waiting time in a complete buffer-sharing m-node tandem system with constant processing times. Numerical examples are also provided.

WILEY, 2017
ㅇ Objective:
A pilot randomized trial assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of an intervent... more ㅇ Objective:
A pilot randomized trial assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of an intervention combining Smartcare (activity tracker with a smartphone application) and financial incentives.
ㅇ Methods:
A three-arm, open-label randomized controlled trial design involving traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives was involved in this study. The latter group received financial incentives depending on the achievement of daily physical activity goals (process incentive) and weight loss targets (outcome incentive). Male university students (N 5 105) with body mass index of 27 were enrolled.
ㅇ Results:
The average weight loss in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups was 20.4, 21.1, and 23.1 kg, respectively, with significantly greater weight loss in the third group (both Ps < 0.01). The final weight loss goal was achieved by 0, 2, and 10 participants in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups (odds ratio for the Smartcare with financial incentive vs. Smartcare 5 7.27, 95% confidence interval: 1.45-36.47). Levels of physical activity were significantly higher in this group.
ㅇ Conclusions:
The addition of financial incentives to Smartcare was effective in increasing physical activity and reducing obesity.
The White Horse Press, 2017
Using the social-psychological literature on the antecedents of environmental behaviour and compa... more Using the social-psychological literature on the antecedents of environmental behaviour and comparative data from Germany, India, Israel and South Korea, we test four value types that correspond with environmental behaviour. Our cross-national context represents varying social, economic, cultural and environmental configurations, giving credence to the effects of values. The authors collected survey data among students on a variety of environmental behaviours and on questions that comprise Schwartz's value scale. The results show similarities between the countries in the effect of biospheric values and differences in the effects of the other values tested. We also find that biospheric value is

Elsevier , 2017
DNA topoisomerase 2, which is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotic cells, is an essential nuclear... more DNA topoisomerase 2, which is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotic cells, is an essential nuclear enzyme that promotes cell survival by regulating DNA topology and chromatid separation. This enzyme has been validated as a target for anticancer agent screening. It can be poisoned by common chemotherapeutics, such as etoposide and doxorubicin, which leads to the accumulation of cytotoxic enzyme-linked DNA double-stranded breaks. However, recent studies have suggested that the topoisomerase 2a isozyme is predominantly responsible for the carcinogenic side effects associated with etoposide and doxorubicin chemotherapy. Thus, we need to find a promising topoisomerase 2-targeting anticancer agent that avoids these carcinogenic side effects. Recent studies have found that cryptotanshinone has obvious anticancer activities against diverse cancer cells. Here, we demonstrate that cryptotanshinone markedly decreases the steady-state mRNA level of topoisomerase 2a, thereby decreasing the protein and activity levels of this enzyme. Moreover, cryptotanshinone exhibited dramatic in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity with low toxicity to normal tissues. Collectively, our findings support the development of cryptotanshinone as a promising candidate for treating cancer by targeting topoisomerase 2a.

Elsevier , 2017
Sentiments from online word-of-mouth (WOM) are often controversial, since individuals have differ... more Sentiments from online word-of-mouth (WOM) are often controversial, since individuals have different preferences toward the same products. Past studies have focused on online WOM effects by measuring WOM volume and valence. However, few studies have investigated how the entropy of the review text sentiment influences the relationship between online WOM and product sales. As WOM valence and volume are usually provided at an aggregated level, consumers often do not have enough information to make a decision. In this case, reading online review text has become an important process for consumers to make purchasing decisions. However, when consumers encounter too many positive review texts, they may doubt the credibility of online WOM itself. Thus, we analyzed the entropy of the review text sentiments by conducting text-mining techniques. We classified review text sentiment into positive, negative, and neutral categories and created an entropy variable. A high level of entropy in review texts indicates that sentiment from review texts are equally distributed, but not biased, towards positive or negative sentiment. We estimated our research model with the entropy variable in a panel dataset for 204 movies over a half-year period. The results suggest that the entropy level in the review texts has a positive moderating impact on the relationship between WOM (e.g., valence and volume) and movie box office sales. The findings imply that deleting negative reviews to enhance product sales may not help online retailers or related parties.

We investigate how manufacturers' advertising competition, when advertising has a dynamic impact ... more We investigate how manufacturers' advertising competition, when advertising has a dynamic impact on the goodwill that affects market demand, interacts with the price competition in a manufacturer-retailer channel. Specifically, we examine the strategic choices made by manufacturers, the role of the retailer in exacerbating or mitigating competition among manufacturers, the total channel profit and how that is split among the different players. Using prices, sales, and advertising data in the laundry detergent category we find that advertising and pricing are strategic complements as manufacturer advertising increases the price elasticity of demand; advertising competition intensifies price competition but it also improves the profitability of manufacturers; the presence of retailers in the channel leads to increased advertising spending while mitigating the extent of price competition. Manufacturers can enjoy a higher profit from using retailers when they compete in both price and advertising. Finally, we show that the emergence of ecommerce, which enables manufacturers directly selling to end consumers, has asymmetric profit impacts on manufacturers, as brands with lower cost and lower brand goodwill are more benefited from ecommerce.
This study drew on the existing decision process theory to empirically examine the effect of word... more This study drew on the existing decision process theory to empirically examine the effect of word of mouth (WOM) generated by social media. The prospect theory was adopted to illustrate how both the volume and valence of WOM influence a person's decision to watch a movie through the movie quality evaluation stage. Using U.S. movie industry data and online post data from Twitter, the authors found that the effect of online WOM is well explained by the prospect theory. Particularly, findings suggest that intensively advertising a movie before its release to attract moviegoers could backfire by raising the moviegoers' expectations.
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of two types of presentation formats (textual and imagery) involving online restaurant reviews (ORRs). The study examines ORRs on the basis of review usefulness and review enjoyment; the study investigates the effects of the two presentation formats on review usefulness and review enjoyment.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Data from 1,776 reviews were collected from using a Web data-harvesting technique. Hypothesized relations in the model were tested by Tobit regression analysis.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical results show that different formats of ORRs affect review usefulness and review enjoyment in different manners; whereas both attributes of textual format (review length and readability) affect review usefulness, both aspects of imagery format (physical environment images and food and beverage images) are positively related to review enjoyment. However, review length and food and beverage images are the most important factors affecting both review usefulness and review enjoyment. In particular, the relation between the two formats of ORRs and review usefulness is mediated by review enjoyment.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
The focus of this study is the two formats of ORRs in terms of dual coding theory and the mediating role of review enjoyment. The findings help online review website organizers manage the operation of various review formats in a proper manner. Managers can effectively select those formats that would achieve the desired effect.
ㅇ Originality/value
Unlike previous studies on the relation of attributes to online reviews, this study examines the perceptions of ORRs’ usefulness and enjoyment. In addition, this study encompasses diverse ORR factors (review length, review readability, physical environment images, food and beverage images) for a more comprehensive interpretation of ORRs.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the country-of-origin (COO) effect on overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels. Integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the concepts of country-induced biases, the current study develops an empirically testable model that explains and predicts overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Hypotheses were tested using primary data stemmed from a survey of channel relationships between exporters and their overseas distributors. Data were collected from 103 distributors in the USA.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical evidence shows that attitude towards foreign brands, social valuation of the origin of brands, and perceived behavioural control affect overseas distributors’ intention to place foreign brands. In addition, country-induced bias factors – buyer animosity and country-related affect to the origin of manufacture – are considered to be the antecedents of attitude towards foreign brands.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
Because this study adopted a cross-sectional design, the limitations of this method can be applied to the study. In addition, because of the research context, the results of the present research may lack generalizability. This manuscript, however, integrated the TPB and the concepts of country-induced biases and addressed the calls for research on the COO effects on overseas distributors’ decision in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Practical implications
The manuscript suggests that to build positive attitudes towards foreign brands, a firm should focus on promotions through various media in international markets to lower animosity and the perceived risk to the origin of manufacture. In addition, firms with foreign brands need to identify and target a segment that feels comfortable about spending their resources on those brands. Finally, international marketers should focus on creating positive attitudes towards foreign brand goods and proper pricing strategies.
ㅇ Originality/value
This manuscript fills the knowledge gap of the COO effect on organizational buyer behaviour in international marketing channels.
A pilot randomized trial assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of an intervention combining Smartcare (activity tracker with a smartphone application) and financial incentives.
ㅇ Methods:
A three-arm, open-label randomized controlled trial design involving traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives was involved in this study. The latter group received financial incentives depending on the achievement of daily physical activity goals (process incentive) and weight loss targets (outcome incentive). Male university students (N 5 105) with body mass index of 27 were enrolled.
ㅇ Results:
The average weight loss in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups was 20.4, 21.1, and 23.1 kg, respectively, with significantly greater weight loss in the third group (both Ps < 0.01). The final weight loss goal was achieved by 0, 2, and 10 participants in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups (odds ratio for the Smartcare with financial incentive vs. Smartcare 5 7.27, 95% confidence interval: 1.45-36.47). Levels of physical activity were significantly higher in this group.
ㅇ Conclusions:
The addition of financial incentives to Smartcare was effective in increasing physical activity and reducing obesity.
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of two types of presentation formats (textual and imagery) involving online restaurant reviews (ORRs). The study examines ORRs on the basis of review usefulness and review enjoyment; the study investigates the effects of the two presentation formats on review usefulness and review enjoyment.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Data from 1,776 reviews were collected from using a Web data-harvesting technique. Hypothesized relations in the model were tested by Tobit regression analysis.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical results show that different formats of ORRs affect review usefulness and review enjoyment in different manners; whereas both attributes of textual format (review length and readability) affect review usefulness, both aspects of imagery format (physical environment images and food and beverage images) are positively related to review enjoyment. However, review length and food and beverage images are the most important factors affecting both review usefulness and review enjoyment. In particular, the relation between the two formats of ORRs and review usefulness is mediated by review enjoyment.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
The focus of this study is the two formats of ORRs in terms of dual coding theory and the mediating role of review enjoyment. The findings help online review website organizers manage the operation of various review formats in a proper manner. Managers can effectively select those formats that would achieve the desired effect.
ㅇ Originality/value
Unlike previous studies on the relation of attributes to online reviews, this study examines the perceptions of ORRs’ usefulness and enjoyment. In addition, this study encompasses diverse ORR factors (review length, review readability, physical environment images, food and beverage images) for a more comprehensive interpretation of ORRs.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the country-of-origin (COO) effect on overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels. Integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the concepts of country-induced biases, the current study develops an empirically testable model that explains and predicts overseas distributors’ behaviour in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Design/methodology/approach
Hypotheses were tested using primary data stemmed from a survey of channel relationships between exporters and their overseas distributors. Data were collected from 103 distributors in the USA.
ㅇ Findings
Empirical evidence shows that attitude towards foreign brands, social valuation of the origin of brands, and perceived behavioural control affect overseas distributors’ intention to place foreign brands. In addition, country-induced bias factors – buyer animosity and country-related affect to the origin of manufacture – are considered to be the antecedents of attitude towards foreign brands.
ㅇ Research limitations/implications
Because this study adopted a cross-sectional design, the limitations of this method can be applied to the study. In addition, because of the research context, the results of the present research may lack generalizability. This manuscript, however, integrated the TPB and the concepts of country-induced biases and addressed the calls for research on the COO effects on overseas distributors’ decision in international marketing channels.
ㅇ Practical implications
The manuscript suggests that to build positive attitudes towards foreign brands, a firm should focus on promotions through various media in international markets to lower animosity and the perceived risk to the origin of manufacture. In addition, firms with foreign brands need to identify and target a segment that feels comfortable about spending their resources on those brands. Finally, international marketers should focus on creating positive attitudes towards foreign brand goods and proper pricing strategies.
ㅇ Originality/value
This manuscript fills the knowledge gap of the COO effect on organizational buyer behaviour in international marketing channels.
A pilot randomized trial assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of an intervention combining Smartcare (activity tracker with a smartphone application) and financial incentives.
ㅇ Methods:
A three-arm, open-label randomized controlled trial design involving traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives was involved in this study. The latter group received financial incentives depending on the achievement of daily physical activity goals (process incentive) and weight loss targets (outcome incentive). Male university students (N 5 105) with body mass index of 27 were enrolled.
ㅇ Results:
The average weight loss in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups was 20.4, 21.1, and 23.1 kg, respectively, with significantly greater weight loss in the third group (both Ps < 0.01). The final weight loss goal was achieved by 0, 2, and 10 participants in the traditional education, Smartcare, and Smartcare with financial incentives groups (odds ratio for the Smartcare with financial incentive vs. Smartcare 5 7.27, 95% confidence interval: 1.45-36.47). Levels of physical activity were significantly higher in this group.
ㅇ Conclusions:
The addition of financial incentives to Smartcare was effective in increasing physical activity and reducing obesity.