Measurements of the total and differential cross sections d= dpB Tand d= dyB for B þ mesons produ... more Measurements of the total and differential cross sections d= dpB Tand d= dyB for B þ mesons produced in pp collisions at ffiffiffi sp ž 7 TeV are presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 5: 8 pbĀ1 collected by the CMS experiment operating at the LHC. The exclusive decay B þ! J= cKþ, with J= c! þ Ā, is used to detect B þ mesons and to measure the production cross section as a function of pB Tand yB. The total cross section for pB T> 5 GeV and jyBj< 2: 4 is measured to be 28: 1 Æ 2: 4 Æ 2: 0 Æ 3: 1 b, where the first ...
Measurements of the total and differential cross sections d= dpB Tand d= dyB for B þ mesons produ... more Measurements of the total and differential cross sections d= dpB Tand d= dyB for B þ mesons produced in pp collisions at ffiffiffi sp ž 7 TeV are presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 5: 8 pbĀ1 collected by the CMS experiment operating at the LHC. The exclusive decay B þ! J= cKþ, with J= c! þ Ā, is used to detect B þ mesons and to measure the production cross section as a function of pB Tand yB. The total cross section for pB T> 5 GeV and jyBj< 2: 4 is measured to be 28: 1 Æ 2: 4 Æ 2: 0 Æ 3: 1 b, where the first ...
Papers by L. Demortier