Papers by LUIZ Claudio dos Santos
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2019
This paper provides a list of the most important terms from all areas of polymer science includin... more This paper provides a list of the most important terms from all areas of polymer science including polymer chemistry, polymer physics, polymer technology and polymer properties. These have been assembled into a representative list of terms that serves as an IUPAC recommended list of keywords for polymer science.
Economia e Sociedade, 2017
Resumo Estudos recentes indicam que a elasticidade-preço das importações brasileiras é baixa. Est... more Resumo Estudos recentes indicam que a elasticidade-preço das importações brasileiras é baixa. Este trabalho procura racionalizar o referido resultado revisitando as estimativas das importações do país desagregadas por “categoria de uso”. Os resultados reportados sugerem que a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações agregadas reflete fundamentalmente a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações de combustíveis, bens intermediários e de alguns tipos de serviços - notadamente, transporte, aluguel de equipamentos e pagamentos de royalties - produtos que, somados, respondem por pouco menos de dois terços do total importado. Isso ocorre porque vários desses produtos têm pouca ou nenhuma possibilidade de substituição por similares nacionais, devido principalmente a deficiências estruturais na oferta nacional.

Ao contrário do que sugerem a teoria econômica tradicional e a sabedoria convencional de boa part... more Ao contrário do que sugerem a teoria econômica tradicional e a sabedoria convencional de boa parte dos macroeconomistas brasileiros, estudos recentes indicam que a elasticidade-câmbio das importações nacionais é baixa. Este trabalho procura racionalizar o referido resultado revisitando as estimativas das importações do país desagregadas por categoria de uso. Os resultados reportados sugerem que a baixa elasticidade-câmbio das importações agregadas reflete fundamentalmente aquela das importações de combustíveis, bens intermediários e de alguns tipos de serviçosnotadamente, transporte, aluguel de equipamentos e pagamentos de royalties-que respondem por pouco menos de dois terços do total importado. Isso ocorre porque vários desses produtos têm pouca ou nenhuma possibilidade de substituição por similares nacionais, devido principalmente a deficiências estruturais na oferta nacional. Palavras-chave: elasticidade-câmbio das importações; câmbio; importações desagregadas; categorias de uso.

International journal for parasitology, May 4, 2016
Repeated treatments with praziquantel reduce schistosomiasis prevalence and morbidity, but transm... more Repeated treatments with praziquantel reduce schistosomiasis prevalence and morbidity, but transmission persists and populations often recover within a few years. To identify factors associated with persistence, we surveyed and treated all identified Schistosoma mansoni infections in two rural Brazilian communities (Jenipapo and Volta do Rio) in 2009, 2012 and 2013. Eggs were collected from all infected individuals and genotyped with 11 microsatellite markers to evaluate parasite differentiation and diversity. After successive rounds of community-wide treatment, prevalence decreased from 45% to 24% then 16%. Intensity of infection decreased by 57% over this period, and the number of eggs transmitted to the environment decreased by 92%. During all time periods the majority of eggs were excreted by those >15years of age. The incidence was 23% in 2012 and 15% in 2013, consistent with a decrease in transmission. There was little immigration or gene flow over a distance of 6km. On rei...
SANTOS, C. T. DOS. Effect of boron additions on the magnetostriction of polycrystalline alloys of... more SANTOS, C. T. DOS. Effect of boron additions on the magnetostriction of polycrystalline alloys of the Fe-Al and Fe-Ga systems. 2013. 179p. Thesis (Doctorate in Science)

PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2015
Urbanization is increasing across the globe, and diseases once considered rural can now be found ... more Urbanization is increasing across the globe, and diseases once considered rural can now be found in urban areas due to the migration of populations from rural endemic areas, local transmission within the city, or a combination of factors. We investigated the epidemiologic characteristics of urban immigrants and natives living in a neighborhood of Salvador, Brazil where there is a focus of transmission of Schistosoma mansoni. In a cross-sectional study, all inhabitants from 3 sections of the community were interviewed and examined. In order to determine the degree of parasite differentiation between immigrants and the native born, S. mansoni eggs from stools were genotyped for 15 microsatellite markers. The area received migrants from all over the state, but most infected children had never been outside of the city, and infected snails were present at water contact sites. Other epidemiologic features suggested immigration contributed little to the presence of infection. The intensity...
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2014
This document provides some basic rules and guidelines regarding the use and creation of abbrevia... more This document provides some basic rules and guidelines regarding the use and creation of abbreviations for the names of polymers. An extended list of currently used abbreviations for polymers and polymeric materials is appended.

Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação, 2008
Business network is a subject which shows relevance in the academic literature in the last few ye... more Business network is a subject which shows relevance in the academic literature in the last few years. Companies form networks when there is cooperation and commitment in the actual relationship between them. On the other hand, the use of information systems to connect companies-known as interorganizational systems (IOS)-is increasing. The basic issue delt by this article is: can we say that companies in networks are those which use IOS in a more advanced way? To answer this question indicators need to be created which allow measuring the relationship intensity among companies in networks as well as the use of inter-organizational systems. This study offers a first proposal for the creation of those indicators and identification of their importance, based on literature analysis of the two constructs-company networks and inter-organizational systems. The 15 indicators created were submitted to the analysis of a Systems Manager who worked on the implementation of a recent interorganizational system by one of the major car assemblers in Brazil, which connects the company to 470 suppliers. It is an exploratory study which revealed indicators "mutual dependency" and "product development agreements" as the most important for networks, and "integration depth" and "business process specificity" for IOS.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1993
The synthesis of branched poly(methyl methacrylate) is described. The method used is based on an ... more The synthesis of branched poly(methyl methacrylate) is described. The method used is based on an anionic technique with initiation by enolate ions. details of product characterization are included.

Cell Metabolism, 2008
Cell growth (accumulation of mass) needs to be coordinated with metabolic processes that are requ... more Cell growth (accumulation of mass) needs to be coordinated with metabolic processes that are required for the synthesis of macromolecules. The PI3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway induces cell growth via activation of complex 1 of the target of rapamycin (TORC1). Here we show that Akt-dependent lipogenesis requires mTORC1 activity. Furthermore, nuclear accumulation of the mature form of the sterol responsive element binding protein (SREBP1) and expression of SREBP target genes was blocked by the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin. We also show that silencing of SREBP blocks Akt-dependent lipogenesis and attenuates the increase in cell size in response to Akt activation in vitro. Silencing of dSREBP in flies caused a reduction in cell and organ size and blocked the induction of cell growth by dPI3K. Our results suggest that the PI3K/Akt/TOR pathway regulates protein and lipid biosynthesis in an orchestrated manner and that both processes are required for cell growth.
Memórias e temporalidades, 2005
Page 23. Envelhecimento, memória e psicoterapia Cláudio LN Guimarães dos Santos Conferência revis... more Page 23. Envelhecimento, memória e psicoterapia Cláudio LN Guimarães dos Santos Conferência revista Kairós, São Paulo, 8 (1), jun. 2005, pp. 23-108 RESUMO: Este artigo parte das seguintes questões: como deve ser encarado ...
Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo estimar um modelo econométrico linear com parâmetros variáve... more Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo estimar um modelo econométrico linear com parâmetros variáveis para análise da carga tributária bruta brasileira (CTBB) trimestral no período 1995-2008. A utilização desse tipo de modelo é justificada pelo fato de o sistema tributário nacional ter sido submetido a seguidas mudanças durante boa parte do período em questão-mais freqüentemente em alíquotas e bases de incidência de tributos pré-existentes, mas vez por outra também por conta da eliminação (temporária ou não) desses últimos e/ou a criação de novos tributos. As principais conclusões do artigo são que: (i) o PIB é certamente a principal variável explicativa da dinâmica da CTBB no período em questão; (ii) a parcela da CTBB "autônoma em relação ao PIB" cresceu significativamente durante todo esse último período (possivelmente indicando contínuas melhorias nos procedimentos de fiscalização adotados pelas autoridades tributárias e/ou aumentos na formalização da economia); e, finalmente, que (iii) a elasticidade-PIB da CTBB permaneceu significativamente inferior à unidade ao longo do período em questão, ao contrário do que sugerem estimativas feitas com modelos com parâmetros constantes.
Papers by LUIZ Claudio dos Santos