Papers by Lilik Budiyanto

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat - PIMAS
Dalam rangka kepedulian terhadap masyarakat yang tertimpa musibah banjir di desa Jaketro Kecamata... more Dalam rangka kepedulian terhadap masyarakat yang tertimpa musibah banjir di desa Jaketro Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobokan Jawa Tengah, Tim Pelaksana kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Maritim AMNI (UNIMAR AMNI) bersama sivitas Akademik melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa operasi SAR (Search And Rescue) dalam rangka evakuasi pencarian korban di desa Jaketro. Kegiatan evakuasi pencarian korban banjir ini dilaksanakan bersama-sama dengan masyarakat desa Jaketro. Masyarakat bersama sivitas akademik UNIMAR AMNI Semarang, menyisir wilayah kecamatan Gubug untuk mengevakuasi korban banjir. Pengambilan data dalam penulisan ini diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat secara langsung yang sebelumnya telah melaksanakan observasi kebutuhan evakuasi lapangan yang bertujuan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan atas musibah banjir di desa Jaketro

Dinamika Bahari
Indonesia is a country consisting of islands and oceans. The existence of ships as a means of sea... more Indonesia is a country consisting of islands and oceans. The existence of ships as a means of sea transportation plays an important role in connecting between regions separated by the ocean in human distribution and logistics needs. Part of the ships that often suffers damage due to operational and corrosive environments is the hull. One of the protections for the hull is paint coating. As a protector on the ship the paint layer is thinning due to friction with water media which can cause damage to the paint layer and reduce the protection function of the ship's hull plate from corrosion. This study aims to determine the effect of the flow of seawater, fresh water and brackish water on the hull paint. This research uses an experimental method, with the experimental variables were three types of paint which are applied to the steel plate remaining from the ship's hull installation. In this study, a comparison of the paint layer was calculated before and after the specimen pla...

The function of ship is as a transportation above the sea. Protection of ships is important, espe... more The function of ship is as a transportation above the sea. Protection of ships is important, especially on the hull of the ship. The damage of the hull occurs due to corrosion. The corrosion prevention has been carried out by installing zinc anode, carbonizing, chrome plating and painting. The corrosion protection is commonly used through the painting process. That is to cover the surface of the hull plate. In this study characterization evaluate the quality of paint that used in corrosion protection of ship hulls plates. The experiment corrosion used an equipment which the specimen is immersed in the water flow in the pipe. The rate corrosion was stated by MPY. Characterization included XRF testing with 4 different types of paint samples, namely: base paint, paint1, paint2, paint3. Corrosion rate testing on plates was carried out by using weight loss method refers to ASTM G31-72. The standard specimens have been painted on Soak in seawater for 7 days and then measure by weight. The results of this research indicate that corrosion protection by painting can reduce the corrosion rate in seawater media
Dinamika Bahari
Sistem gas buang pada diesel generator memerlukan material yang tahan panas.penggunaan logam tita... more Sistem gas buang pada diesel generator memerlukan material yang tahan panas.penggunaan logam titanium dirancang untuk material sistem gas buang. Sistem pelapisan material untuk aplikasi temperature tinggi yang di kenal dengan Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) telah di aplikasikan pada material mesin diesel. TBC memiliki kemampuan menurunkan temperature pada permukaan dan melindungi oksidasi thermal pada saat temperature tinggi. Pada penelitian ini membahas tentang pelapisan material keramik hydroxyapatite (HA) pada logam titanium yang akan digunakan sebagai material sistem gas buang dengan variasi temperature pelapisan.Metode yang dilakukan adalah pengujian kandungan komposisi kimia pada logam titanium,pengujian mikroskop makro pada pelapisan keramik dan pengujian kerekatan dengan specimen variable suhu 7000C,8000C dan 9000C.
Papers by Lilik Budiyanto