Papers by Lídia Zytynski Moura
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2019
Note: The purpose of these Guidelines is to inform. They do not substitute the clinical judgment ... more Note: The purpose of these Guidelines is to inform. They do not substitute the clinical judgment of doctors who, in final analysis, must determine which treatments are appropriate for their patients.
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2021
Nota: Estas atualizações se prestam a informar e não a substituir o julgamento clínico do médico ... more Nota: Estas atualizações se prestam a informar e não a substituir o julgamento clínico do médico que, em última análise, deve determinar o tratamento apropriado para seus pacientes.

The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2022
Aims: Treatment with mechanical circulatory support (MCS) has been proposed to mitigate mortality... more Aims: Treatment with mechanical circulatory support (MCS) has been proposed to mitigate mortality in cardiogenic shock (CS). However, there is a lack of data on MCS programs implementation and the effect of the learning curve on its outcomes in limited resources countries such as Brazil. Methods: Prospective cohort of patients with CS admitted in four tertiary-care centers treated with Impella CP or veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO). Clinical outcomes were peri-procedural complications, short-term mortality rate, and the centers’ learning curve. The cohort was divided into two periods: from April 2017 to July 2018 ( n = 24), and from August 2018 to December 2020 ( n = 25). Results: The study enrolled 49 patients [age 59 (43–63) years; 34 (70%) males]. The most common causes for CS were acute myocardial infarction in 22 (45%) and acute decompensation of chronic heart failure in 10 (20%). VA-ECMO was employed in 35 (71%) and Impella CP in 14 (29%) of patients...

Autores da Diretriz: Fabiana G. Marcondes-Braga,1 Lídia Ana Zytynski Moura,2 Victor Sarli Issa,3 ... more Autores da Diretriz: Fabiana G. Marcondes-Braga,1 Lídia Ana Zytynski Moura,2 Victor Sarli Issa,3 Jefferson Luis Vieira,4 Luis Eduardo Rohde,5,6,7 Marcus Vinícius Simões,8 Miguel Morita Fernandes-Silva,9,10 Salvador Rassi,11 Silvia Marinho Martins Alves,12,13 Denilson Campos de Albuquerque,14 Dirceu Rodrigues de Almeida,15 Edimar Alcides Bocchi,1 Felix José Alvarez Ramires,1,17 Fernando Bacal,1 João Manoel Rossi Neto,18 Luiz Claudio Danzmann,19,20 Marcelo Westerlund Montera,21 Mucio Tavares de Oliveira Junior,1 Nadine Clausell,5 Odilson Marcos Silvestre,22 Reinaldo Bulgarelli Bestetti,23 Sabrina Bernadez-Pereira,16 Aguinaldo F. Freitas Jr,11 Andréia Biolo,5 Antonio Carlos Pereira Barretto,1 Antônio José Lagoeiro Jorge,24 Bruno Biselli,1 Carlos Eduardo Lucena Montenegro,12,13 Edval Gomes dos Santos Júnior,25,26 Estêvão Lanna Figueiredo,27,28 Fábio Fernandes,1 Fabio Serra Silveira,29,30 Fernando Antibas Atik,31 Flávio de Souza Brito,32 Germano Emílio Conceição Souza,33,34 Gustavo Calad...

International Journal of Cardiology, 2006
Background: Optimizing oral therapy in patients with unstable decompensated and/or dobutamine-dep... more Background: Optimizing oral therapy in patients with unstable decompensated and/or dobutamine-dependent congestive heart failure (CHF) is a challenge. Methods and results: We investigated the effects of high doses of recombinant human growth hormone (GH) in 6 patients with cardiac cachexia and unstable decompensated CHF (5 dobutamine-dependent), including its influence in the optimization of oral CHF treatment. Patients received 8 IU of subcutaneous GH per day for median 26 (range 61) days. GH improved the systolic systemic blood pressure (SSBP, in mm Hg) from median 85 (range 34) to 100 (20) (p < .01), and the left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (in %) from median 23 (range 22) (pretreatment) to 28 (18) (posttreatment) and 38 (28) (later) (p < .007). The NYHA functional class improved from IV to I in 2 patients, from IV to II in 3, and from IV to II-III in one. All patients were discharged from the hospital. It was possible in the hospital to initiate and after discharge to optimize long-term CHF treatment from 37.5 to 50 mg of carvedilol in 5 patients and with higher doses of captopril (from 50 to 150 mg) in all patients. Three patients are alive after 67, 75, and 11 months of follow-up. The remaining 3 patients died from a pulmonary abscess at 9 months, septicemia at 21 months, and progressive heart failure due to unplanned withdrawal of carvedilol at 36 months. Conclusion: The use of GH in patients with decompensated CHF and cardiac cachexia provided clinical stability without the need for inotropic drugs permitting introduction of nonpreviously tolerated drugs. This could represent a new option for optimizing long-term CHF therapy and discharging hospitalized patients who are dobutamine-dependent.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2005
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
... Tem ações da indústria Alexandre Siciliano Não Não Não Não Não Não Não ... Ricardo Simões Não... more ... Tem ações da indústria Alexandre Siciliano Não Não Não Não Não Não Não ... Ricardo Simões Não Não Não Não Sankyo; Novartis Não Não ... Vera Maria C. Salemi Não Não Não Não Não Não Não Victor Sarli Issa Amgen Não Não Não Não Não Não ...
Introducao A drenagem anomala de veias pulmonares (DAVP) e uma doenca rara, correspondendo a cerc... more Introducao A drenagem anomala de veias pulmonares (DAVP) e uma doenca rara, correspondendo a cerca de 1 a 3% das cardiopatias congenitas. Pode existir na forma total, em que todas as veias pulmonares (VP) estao envolvidas, ou parcial, na qual somente algumas VP drenam de modo anomalo para uma ou mais veias sistemicas ou diretamente para o atrio direito (AD)., Essa condicao ocorre isoladamente ou em associacao a um defeito do septo interatrial, mais frequentemente a comunicacao interatrial (CIA) do [...]

ESC Heart Failure
The use of sacubitril/valsartan significantly reduces death or hospitalization in patients with e... more The use of sacubitril/valsartan significantly reduces death or hospitalization in patients with ejection fraction < 40%. There is no study evaluating this drug effects in non-compaction cardiomyopathy (NCCM) individuals. The aim of this article is to report a case of a patient with NCCM initially refractory to gold standard treatment and afterwards treated with sacubitril/valsartan and its improvements. This is a case report of a 48-year-old woman, presenting with NCCM heart failure, who had received standard guideline-directed medical therapy for 18 months without any improvement in clinical and echocardiographic parameters. After that period, sacubitril/valsartan was initiated. After 18 months of refractory usage of guideline-directed medical therapy, sacubitril/valsartan was started, and significant change in functional class (III to I) and important ventricular remodelling were achieved with an improvement of 29% in the ejection fraction, reduction of 7 mm in ventricular diastolic diameter, and mild to none mitral valve functional regurgitation. In this case report, sacubitril/valsartan use was associated with improvement of echocardiographic and clinical parameters in a patient with NCCM.
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2018
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia
A 27-year-old patient with tertiary syphilis, manifested as myocardial ischemia, presenting unsta... more A 27-year-old patient with tertiary syphilis, manifested as myocardial ischemia, presenting unstable angina, secondary to left coronary trunk occlusion. The diagnosis was confirmed by the serological findings and the pathological assessment of the aorta fragment.
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2011

Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2010
Heart failure (HF) is associated with resting increased peripheral and central chemosensitivity w... more Heart failure (HF) is associated with resting increased peripheral and central chemosensitivity which may correlate with an increased ventilatory response to exercise. However, its sensitivity in HF during exercise was never really reported. We tested if stimulation of central and peripheral chemoreceptors in HF patients could modulate ventilatory, chronotropic, and neurohormonal response during submaximal exercise. We investigated central and peripheral chemosensitivity in 15 HF and 7 control (C) comparing response through three 6 minute walking tests conducted in a treadmill with : room air, hypoxia, and hypercapnia (in a randomic order). RR at room air C and HF was 17±2 and 22±2 (p<.0001); at hypoxia 17±1 and 23±2 (p<.02); at CO25% was 20±2 and 22±5 (p<.02). Tidal volume (TV) at room air was 1.25±0.17 and 1.08±0.19 (p<.01); at hypoxia 1.65±0.34 and 1.2±0.2 (p<.0001); at CO25% 1.55±0.46 and 1.29±0.39 (p<.0001). At rest the increment in HF was higher for VE (C 33±...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2012
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2009
Graus de recomendação Classe I: consenso que é RECOMENDADA a indicação do procedimento ou tratame... more Graus de recomendação Classe I: consenso que é RECOMENDADA a indicação do procedimento ou tratamento. Classe IIa: DEVE ser CONSIDERADA a indicação do procedimento ou tratamento. Classe IIb: PODE ser CONSIDERADA a indicação do procedimento ou tratamento. Classe III: NÃO é RECOMENDADA a indicação do procedimento ou tratamento. Níveis de evidência: A: dados obtidos a partir de estudos randomizados ou metanálises de ensaios randomizados. B: dados obtidos de um único ensaio clínico randomizado ou vários estudos não randomizados. C: dados obtidos de estudos que incluíram série de casos e/ou opiniões de especialistas.
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2009
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2010
Papers by Lídia Zytynski Moura