Papers by P. Dinesh Kumar

Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021
Facial expression recognition in the wild is challenging due to various unconstrained conditions.... more Facial expression recognition in the wild is challenging due to various unconstrained conditions. Although existing facial expression classifiers have been almost perfect on analyzing constrained frontal faces, they fail to perform well on partially occluded faces that are common in the wild. To avoid those challenges in recent work this paper deals with the facial expression detection and recognition through Viola-Jones algorithm and HCNN using LSTM method. For face detection, basically utilize the face detection Viola-Jones algorithm and it recognizes the occluded face and it helps to perform the feature selection through the whale optimization algorithm, once after compression and further, it minimizes the feature vector given into the Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (HCNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for identifying the facial expression in efficient manner. In existing work, feature extraction Dinesh Kumar P and B. Rosiline Jeetha 36 stage exact finding of the corner becomes very difficult task. To solve this issue, we need to use corner detection algorithm to enhance the feature extraction (corner points) from the face image. One of the main drawbacks of WOA is that it is not good at exploring the search space. To overcome those issues this work introduced an improved framework for facial image recognition, in which first edges are detected using Canny edge detection operator. Then improved linear contrast stretching is used for image enhancement. Then in feature extraction, we propose hybrid Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) with double -LBP (D-LBP) to obtain the features that are illumination and pose independent. For face detection, we utilize the face detection Viola-Jones algorithm and it recognizes the occluded face and significant features are selected by using self-learning chicken swarm optimization, it minimizes the feature vector given into the Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (HCNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for identifying the facial expression in efficient manner. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed work in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure.

Digital Image Processing, 2017
The detection of blood vessels from the retinal images is generally a slow process. Also, it is u... more The detection of blood vessels from the retinal images is generally a slow process. Also, it is used to detect the diabetes in early stages by evaluating all the retinal blood vessels together. As digital imaging and computing power increasingly develop, so these technologies are used in ophthalmology. The main divisions include Image processing, Image analysis and Computer vision are increasingly becoming more prominence in all fields of medical science, and they are especially suited to the field of modern ophthalmology. Exciting developments in image processing relevant to ophthalmology over the past 15 years includes the progress being made towards developing a good solution for diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and retinopathy of prematurity. The quantitative measurements of retinal vascular topography using digital image analysis from retinal photography have been used as research tools to better understand the relationship between the ret...

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021
Facial expression, as one of the most significant means for human beings to show their emotions a... more Facial expression, as one of the most significant means for human beings to show their emotions and intensions in the process of communication, plays a significant role in human interfaces. In recent years, facial expression recognition has been under especially intensive investigation, due conceivably to its vital applications in various fields including virtual reality, intelligent tutoring system, health-care and data driven animation. The main target of facial expression recognition is to identify the human emotional state (e.g., anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise ) based on the given facial images. This paper deals with the Facial expression detection and recognition through Viola-jones algorithm and HCNN using LSTM method. It improves the hypothesis execution enough and meanwhile inconceivably reduces the computational costs. In feature matching, the author proposes Hybrid Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) with double δ-LBP (Dδ-LBP) and it ...

Computer vision is one among the thrust research area in the field of Image processing. Facial ex... more Computer vision is one among the thrust research area in the field of Image processing. Facial expression recognition is one among the thrust research dimension in computer vision. The process of recognition and identification is important due to the similarity of facial expressions. The motivation behind this research area is its capability to resolve an image processing problem and its wide range of applications. The main rationale of all images processing and computer vision algorithms is to build the visual data in a useful manner. For this reason in the domain of computer vision, the facial expression recognition begins with its applications in the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) where visual look of human, sight and touch sensations (also known as moods) and voice are utilized at the same time. This research article reviews several literatures pertaining to facial expression recognition.
Journal of Chemical Sciences, Nov 1, 2009
We describe here a simple modification of the HN(C)N experiment for the generation of serine/ thr... more We describe here a simple modification of the HN(C)N experiment for the generation of serine/ threonine check points in the three-dimensional experiment. The various 'triplet of residue' specific peak patterns in the spectra are documented for ease of analysis and sequential backbone resonance assignment. The performance of this experiment, referred to as HN(C)N-ST, is demonstrated using two proteins, one properly folded and the other completely denatured. It is noteworthy that, even in the denatured protein, where spectral dispersions are rather poor, about 90% of the sequential connectivities through the chain could be established from this single experiment. This would have great implications for structural genomics efforts.

ABSTRACT The area of polymer–drug conjugates is expanding spectacularly in recent years. From mac... more ABSTRACT The area of polymer–drug conjugates is expanding spectacularly in recent years. From macromolecular prodrugs of established anticancer agents to novel targeted polymeric drug conjugate systems, their application has expanded exponentially. Delivery of new anticancer agents, combination therapies, treatment of diseases other than cancer, and novel polymer architectures are highly exciting and promising areas. It is hoped that in the next decade, some of these new approaches will reach clinical evaluation and few will see the light of marketing phase. The successful development of first-generation polymer–drug conjugates in the mid-1980s and 1990s has inspired more recent studies assessing their potential as drug delivery platforms for combination therapy. These early works unveiled unexpected therapeutic benefits but raised new issues, in particular in relation to “system design.” A better understanding of how drug combinations impact on cellular and molecular mechanisms is needed to rationally design new therapeutics. In nutshell it is to be believed that the interdisciplinary scientific approach to the applications of polymer–drug conjugate (PDC) will result in their translation into the clinic within this decade.
ABSTRACT In the present study, antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of stem extract of Eup... more ABSTRACT In the present study, antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of stem extract of Euphorbia hirta were studied in albino mice by administering graded oral doses (250 and 500 mg/kg body weight) of the extract for 21 days. The ethanolic and petroleum ether ...

Microelectronic Engineering, Mar 31, 2010
In this paper we report on the formation of nickel silicide by electroless process. The nickel pl... more In this paper we report on the formation of nickel silicide by electroless process. The nickel plating solution was composed of a mixture of NiSO 4 Á6H 2 O, NaH 2 PO 2 ÁH 2 O, Na 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 , and NH 4 Cl, where NiSO 4 Á6H 2 O is the main nickel source and NaH 2 PO 2 ÁH 2 O is the reducing agent. The nickel silicide formation was carried out by heating the deposited samples in vacuum at temperatures from 100°C to 800°C. The evolution of NiSi phase from the nickel film was verified using the X-ray diffraction technique and Raman spectroscopy. The surface morphology was studied using AFM technique. The electroless plating technique can provide a cheap and easy process for forming nickel silicide, and has potentiality of application for the electronic device industries. Fig. 4. (a) AFM surface morphology of as deposited Si/NiP sample. (b) AFM surface morphology of 500°C annealed Si/NiP sample. (c) AFM surface morphology of 600°C annealed Si/NiP sample. 288 A. Kumar et al. / Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) 286-289
Acta Pharmaceut, 2008
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.(Cucurbitaceae) je ljekovita biljka koja se tradicionalno upotr... more Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.(Cucurbitaceae) je ljekovita biljka koja se tradicionalno upotrebljava kao abortiv i za liječenje konstipacije, edema, bakterijskih infekcija, karcinoma i dijabetesa. Preliminarno fitokemijsko pretraivanje ukazalo je na prisutnost velikih ...
Vacuum, 2004
Glassy Se-In alloys have drawn great attention because of their potential application in solar ce... more Glassy Se-In alloys have drawn great attention because of their potential application in solar cells . The effect of a incorporation of a third element in binary chalcogenide glassy alloys has always been an interesting problem in obtaining relatively stable glassy alloys, as well as to change the conduction type from p to n as most of these glasses show p-type conduction only. In Ge-Se and Se-In systems, some metallic additives have been found [3-8] to change conduction from ptype to n-type and hence these binary systems are of great importance.

Nanotechnology has achieved the status as one of the vital research endeavors of 21st century, wh... more Nanotechnology has achieved the status as one of the vital research endeavors of 21st century, which may be called as “Nano-Century” with nanotechnology making its presence felt in different spheres of lives. Nanotechnology may be defined as the creation of materials, drugs and devices that are used to manipulate matter of size in the range of 1-100nm. Nanotechnology has found its applications in many fields related to medicine including novel drug delivery systems. Many different types of nanosystems have been utilized in diagnostics and therapeutics of various diseases. To subside the disadvantages of conventional cancer therapeutics, nanotechnology has been given considerable attention. The purpose of this expert review is to discuss the impact of nanotechnology in the treatment of the cancer. These have been applied to improve drug delivery and to overcome some of the problems of drug delivery in cancer. Current nanotechnology platforms for cancer therapeutics encompass a vast a...

Conventional drug delivery systems are known to provide an immediate release of drug, in which on... more Conventional drug delivery systems are known to provide an immediate release of drug, in which one can not control the release of the drug and can not maintain effective concentration at the target site forlonger time. Osmotically controlled drug delivery systems (OCDDS) are most promising systems for controlleddrug delivery. Osmotically controlled drug delivery systems utilize osmotic pressure for controlled delivery ofactive agents. Various patents are available for osmotic drug delivery system like Rose and Nelson pump,Higuchi Leeper pump, Higuchi Theeuwes pump, Elementary osmotic pump etc. Various techniques available for preparation of OCDDS include push pull osmotic pump, Osmotic bursting osmotic pump, Liquid OROS,Telescopic capsule for delayed release, OROS-CT (colon targeting), and Sandwiched osmotic tablet system.These systems can be used for systemic as well as targeted delivery of drugs. Drug delivery from these systems,to a large extent, is independent of physiological f...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
This paper presents an improved method for detecting statistically significant shape differences ... more This paper presents an improved method for detecting statistically significant shape differences between image populations based on the multivariate Hotelling’s T2 test applied directly to image transformations. Performance of the method was evaluated using two phantom populations each consisting of 30 2D images with known average shape and known shape variability. Inverse-consistent linear-elastic image registration (ICLEIR) was used to construct a deformable template average image for both populations. The average image for the “normal” phantom population was used as the reference coordinate system to estimate ICLEIR correspondence transformations from the reference image to each population image. Following the work of Thirion et al., a multivariate two population Hotelling’s T2 test was performed on the displacement fields of these transformations at each voxel location in the reference coordinate system. We show that adding a conditioning constant ε to the singular values of the sample covariance matrices used in the Hotelling’s T2 test reduces the false-positive rate. Furthermore, it is shown that adjusting the value of ε focuses the statistical test response to the region of known shape differences present in the phantom image populations. Although limited, the phantom results presented in this paper provide baseline information for interpreting future results generated from real 3D medical images.

2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'06), 2006
This method is novel because it performs boundary constrained intensity based image registration ... more This method is novel because it performs boundary constrained intensity based image registration by combining surface-and intensity-based registration. The method registers a region of interest and ignores everything outside the region eliminating interference caused by surrounding regions. The boundaries of the two objects are first registered using the transitive inverse-consistent manifold registration (TICMR) described in . This provides the boundary conditions, which are used to compute the displacement over the object using the Element Free Galerkin Method (EFGM). The EFGM solution is used as an initialization and is fine-tuned using the intensity information inside the object. The transformations are represented with shape specific basis functions that have local support. These basis functions are defined only over the region of interest and help improve the computational performance. The BICIR method was tested for a number of 2-dimensional test images. The method was validated using the similarity cost, relative overlap and inverse consistency error.
Radiation Protection and Environment, 2013
Remote sensing satellite data have been used to recognize structures having tectonic significance... more Remote sensing satellite data have been used to recognize structures having tectonic significance. Based on satellite data, lineament map of Nurpur and its adjoining area of District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, has been generated. LR-115 solid state nuclear track detectors have been used for the measurement of soil gas radon at 71 different locations of the study area. Radon monitoring in underground water at 26 different locations of the study area has been carried by scintillometry. The results indicate zones of lineament density and tectonically induced radon in soil and underground water. The results are co-relatable with regional geology of the area.
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2009
Managing client perceived pageview response time for multiple classes of service is essential in ... more Managing client perceived pageview response time for multiple classes of service is essential in today's highly competitive, e-commerce environment. We present Connection and Performance Model Driven Optimization (CP-MDO), a novel approach for providing optimal QoS as defined by a cost objective based on client perceived pageview response time and pageview drop rate. Our approach combines two vital models: (1) a
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006
This paper presents a new algorithm for segmentation and classification of S1 and S2 heart sounds... more This paper presents a new algorithm for segmentation and classification of S1 and S2 heart sounds without ECG reference. The proposed approach is composed of three main stages. In the first stage the fundamental heart sound lobes are identified using a fast wavelet transform and the Shannon energy. Next, these lobes are validated and classified into S1 and S2 classes based on Mel-frequency coefficients and on a non supervised neural network. Finally, regular heart cycles are identified in a post-processing stage by a heart rhythm criterion. This approach was tested using sound samples collected from prosthetic valve implanted patients. Results are comparable with ECG based approaches.

Advances in Delivery Science and Technology, 2013
ABSTRACT The area of polymer–drug conjugates is expanding spectacularly in recent years. From mac... more ABSTRACT The area of polymer–drug conjugates is expanding spectacularly in recent years. From macromolecular prodrugs of established anticancer agents to novel targeted polymeric drug conjugate systems, their application has expanded exponentially. Delivery of new anticancer agents, combination therapies, treatment of diseases other than cancer, and novel polymer architectures are highly exciting and promising areas. It is hoped that in the next decade, some of these new approaches will reach clinical evaluation and few will see the light of marketing phase. The successful development of first-generation polymer–drug conjugates in the mid-1980s and 1990s has inspired more recent studies assessing their potential as drug delivery platforms for combination therapy. These early works unveiled unexpected therapeutic benefits but raised new issues, in particular in relation to “system design.” A better understanding of how drug combinations impact on cellular and molecular mechanisms is needed to rationally design new therapeutics. In nutshell it is to be believed that the interdisciplinary scientific approach to the applications of polymer–drug conjugate (PDC) will result in their translation into the clinic within this decade.
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2012
... Sharma S, Lakshmi KS, Patidar A, Chaudhary A, Dhaker S. Studies on anti-inflammatory effect o... more ... Sharma S, Lakshmi KS, Patidar A, Chaudhary A, Dhaker S. Studies on anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Holoptelea integrifolia, Planch in rats. ... Srinivas RB, Kiran KKR, Naidu VG, Madhusudhana K, Agwane SB, Ramakrishna S, Diwan PV. ...
Papers by P. Dinesh Kumar