Papers by Kulvinder K O C H A R Kaur

Editorial: Weighing the impact of being overweight on female reproductive function and fertility, 2025
Fortunately, the medical
community is increasingly acknowledging that overweight and obesity are ... more Fortunately, the medical
community is increasingly acknowledging that overweight and obesity are associated
with severe complications, including cardiometabolic disorders, chronic kidney disease,
cognitive decline, malignancies, obstructive sleep apnea, urinary incontinence,
osteoarthritis, and depression, among others (2, 3).
However, the link between obesity and female infertility is probably one of the most
underestimated aspects of increased adiposity. Epidemiological data suggest a three-fold
higher risk of infertility in women living with obesity compared to women with normal
body weight (4). Although both overweight and obesity have been associated with a
lower probability of conception, the risk becomes significantly greater as the body mass
index (BMI) increases (5). Available studies with long follow-up suggest that childhood
obesity contributes to an increased risk of infertility later in life (6). Given the high
prevalence of overweight/obesity in developing parts of the world, the problem affects
women in both high- and low-income countries (7); however, limited resources in the
latter make the challenge even greater.
Insulin resistance, inflammation, coagulation abnormalities, polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS), and disturbances in oocyte differentiation and maturation have been
proposed as potential links between the two disorders (8). Women with obesity may
have elevated elevated androgen levels levels even in the absence of PCOS, resulting in reduced
concentrations of luteinizing hormone (9). In some cases, obesity itself is the main
source of causal mechanisms, while in others, it simply represents a mediator between
infertility and a cascade of other disorders that negatively affect women’s health.
However, several pathophysiological aspects of this bidirectional relationship remain
poorly understood. Interestingly, weight reduction has been shown to improve the
probability of conception (10), underlining the need to effectively implement weight
loss interventions to improve relevant outcomes.
The present research topic includes cutting-edge research that
aims to elucidate the association between female reproductive
disorders and obesity.
Here we report a case of proven allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis(ABPA)which complicated th... more Here we report a case of proven allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis(ABPA)which complicated the progress of bronchial asthmaalong with having repeated abortions with PCOS .Subsequent to treating herbreathlessness and on repeating Total IgE-221.1(nor-<423),IgE levels that were not indicative of active ABPA we gave her iv depot medroxyprednisolone(Solumedral) 1g following which she conceived spontaneously despite v high AMH -8.44.On conception she has been put on duphaston 10mg bd &ecosprin75 mg bd and is progressing smoothly -while pregnancy has reached 9plus wks pregnancy by now.No enoxaparin added in view of her APL was normal and costprohibitivenes.Patient will be followed strictly I view of exacerbation of ABPA reported earlier in contrast simple bronchial asthma patients.

The significance of gut microbiota controlling of epigenetic modifications in obesity with its therapeutic impact: a narrative review. , 2025
The global prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions, significantly escalating the p... more The global prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions, significantly escalating the predisposition to various cardio metabolic disorders and some kinds of cancer, as reviewed by us on the role of gut microbiota (GM) in obesity generation basically through controlling variable kind of metabolic events. As per recent scientific research epigenetic modifications might work in the form of critical pathways via which GM and their metabolites aid in etio-pathogenesis of obesity and associated metabolic conditions. Thereby getting insight in the close cross talk amongst GM and epigenetic mechanistic modes is critical to display influence of obesity on the host. Apart from resulting in metabolic aberrations for instance insulin resistance (IR), escalated blood glucose, lipids, ectopic fat accrual, obesity further possess the capacity of causing injury to pancreatic islet cells, endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes via chronic inflammation, further facilitating generation of a microenvironment which aids in cancer initiation. Thus here in this review we basically concentrate on the association of GM and their microbial metabolites with epigenetic mechanistic modes in above cited comorbidities inclusive of energy disequilibrium, metabolic inflammation, and maternal inheritance. Further incorrect dietary habits and absence of physical exercise are significant behavioural factors which escalate the risk of obesity, that possess the capacity of influencing gene expression via epigenetic modifications. Actually here a summary of the studies on the manner probiotics, prebiotics along with other modulators that are capable of impacting GM constitution and affecting epigenetic mechanistic modes are detailed. Epigenetic alterations might take place in early stage of obesity, certain of which are reversible, whereas others continue with time along with result in obesity-associated complications. Thereby, the dynamic adjustability of epigenetic modifications might be bargained for reverting the generation of obesity-correlated diseases via behavioural interventions, drugs, and bariatric surgery.

’An update on Targeting Gut Microbiota(GM) for Avoidance of Metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis propagation to Hepatocellular Carcinoma-A Narrative Review’’, 2025
Metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease(namely MAFLD) as well as propagation to ... more Metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease(namely MAFLD) as well as propagation to Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), displayed unique molecular along with immune traits .Such properties get impacted by a plethora of factors inclusive of gut microbiome that crosstalk with liver via the 'gut-liver axis'. The bidirectional association amongst gut in addition to its microbiota along with liver possesses a critical part in guiding different liver diseases, with microbial metabolites as well as immune reactions possessing a central part in such events .Here we have attempted to update our earlier work with regards to part of gut microbiota(GM) aiding in generation of Metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis(MASH) as well as propagation to HCC, highlighting the recent advancements in diagnostic in addition to therapeutic interventions with regards to use of faecal microbiota transplantation(FMT), probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, antibiotics, along with immunotherapy using a plethora of clinical as well as preclinical studies in avoidance of MASH along with propagation to HCC as well as detailed mechanistic modes of such treatments exhaustively inclusive of methodologiesof administration of FMT as well as their approval by Food and Drug Administration(FDA), just for treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection(CDI) ,with future opportunities for therapeutic interventions in a plethora of diseases like obesity, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Parkinson's disease, metabolic syndrome (MetS) type 2 Diabetes mellitus(T2DM), neuropsychiatric disease (NPD) (Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) .More research is needed to overcome the restrictions along with correlated hurdles.

Testosterone generation by Leydig cells(LC’s ) possess a critical part in male reproduction. Degeneration of working LC’s possess the capacity of resulting in testosterone insufficiency which finally leads to primary male hypogonadism. transplantation of exogenous LC’s which have capabili..., 2025
Testosterone generation by Leydig cells(LC's) possess a critical part in male reproduction. Degen... more Testosterone generation by Leydig cells(LC's) possess a critical part in male reproduction. Degeneration of working LC's possess the capacity of resulting in testosterone insufficiency which finally leads to primary male hypogonadism. transplantation of exogenous LC's which have capability of generating testosterone in reactions to controlling by the hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal (H-P-G)axis might be an attractive solution for the treatment of primary male hypogonadism. Recently it has been illustrated that Leydig like cells might be produced from stem cells by separate strategies. Additionally, somatic cells for instance embryonic or adult fibroblasts reprogramming have been performed to Leydig like cells successfully.With escalation of life expectancy we would encounter greater case of late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) which require treatment in view of testosterone insufficiency .Here we have recent advancements in the production of Leydig like cells, highlighting, contrasting of efficacy in addition to safety of variable protocols as well as cells generated. Furthermore evaluationof properties of produced Leydig like cells, it was observed that Despite possessing the capacity of production of Leydig like cells they are separate from actual LC's. It is significant steroidogenic cells asssessment is done apart from steroidogenic working, however further by theirmetabolic status is needed by transcriptomics and proteomics for further applications in future.

Metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease(namely MAFLD) as well as propagation to ... more Metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease(namely MAFLD) as well as propagation to Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), displayed unique molecular along with immune traits .Such properties characteristics get impacted by a plethora of factors inclusive of gut microbiome that crosstalk with liver via the 'gutliver axis'. The bidirectional association amongst gut in addition to its microbiota along with liver possesses a critical part in guiding different liver diseases, with microbial metabolites as well as immune reactions possessing a central part in such events .Here we have attempted to update our earlier work with regards to part of gut microbiota(GM) aiding in generation of Metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis(MASH) as well as propagation to HCC, highlighting the recent advancements in diagnostic in addition to therapeutic interventions with regards to use of faecal microbiota transplantation(FMT), probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, antibiotics, along with immunotherapy using a plethora of clinical as well as preclinical studies in avoidance of MASH along with propagation to HCC as well as detailed mechanistic modes of such treatments exhaustively inclusive of methodologiesof administration of FMT as well as their approval by Food and Drug Administration(FDA), just for treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection(CDI) ,with future opportunities for therapeutic interventions in a plethora of diseases like obesity, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Parkinson's disease, metabolic syndrome (MetS) type 2 Diabetes mellitus(T2DM), neuropsychiatric disease (NPD) (Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) .More research is needed to overcome the restrictions along with correlated hurdles.

‘’Can Vitamin D Supplementation prevent / delay/ halt the progression of Diabetic nephropathy;A Systematic Review on mechanism of Vitamin D Crosstalk with Vitamin D Receptor,with others like Megalin-Cubilin and Amnioless Complex along with FGF23-Klotho Complex.’’, 2021
Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) represents one of the worst Diabetes complications... more Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) represents one of the worst Diabetes complications as well as remains the commonest etiology of end stage renal disease(ESRD), that is the last stage of chronic renal disease. At present haemodialysis or transplantation are the commonest modes for treatment of ESRD. There are drawbacks for both methods, that include costly as well as organ availability being totally uncertain.Hence we recently highlighted how ECV might be of help in treating this .Besides that recently lot of hype has been there with regards to role of Vitamin D along with its binding protein,receptor in therapy or prevention of DN. Vitamin D possesses actions like antiproteinuria ,anti fibrotic ,anti inflammatory along with avoidance of podocyte injury . Vitamin D represents a type of steroid whose active form a kind of steroid whose active form is 1,25(OH)2D3, has been highlighted for its key part in the serum calcium along with phosphorus amounts .Its actions get modulated by binding along with the Vitamin D receptor(VDR) . VDR is a transcription factor existing on chromosome 12 possessing 8 exons as well as is one of the nonsteroid nuclear hormone receptors superfamily that takes part in the transcriptional control of genes in tissue particular along with cell-particular . Here we conducted a systematic review utilizing the MeSH terms ; type1Diabetes mellitus; T2D; Vitamin D ; Vitamin D receptor;DN ESRD;Megalin-cubilin;amnionless complex;FGF23;Klotho, Vitamin D binding protein(DBP);Calcium phosphate homeostasis; ; Extra cellular vesicles;treatment potential in DM utilizing the search engine pubmed,google scolar ;web of science ;embase; Cochrane review library from 1950 to 2021 till date.We found a total of 550 articles out of which we selected 120 articles for this review .No meta analysis was carried out.Thus here we have given in detail how Vitamin D works in concert with VDR along with others like Megalin-cubilin;amnionless complex besides role of interaction of FGF23 with coreceptor Klotho and detailed actions of Vitamin D / VDR in avoidance of podocyte damage ,tubular lesions ,interstitial fibrosis along with inflammation .Still a lot of work needs to be done on this field to utilize it clinically in DN to replace the current expensive methods.
Key Words;DN;CKD; Vitamin D ; VDR; Megalin;cubilin;amnionless complex;FGF23;Klotho,

Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) Becomes Further Advantageous on Addition of Medium -Chain Fatty Acids Prior to VLCKD Initiation for Obesity Treatment-A Short Communication., 2025
Having reviewed the role of different antiobesity agents, bariatric surgery, role of GM in obesit... more Having reviewed the role of different antiobesity agents, bariatric surgery, role of GM in obesity, type 1 diabetes mellitus
(T1DM), role of Probiotics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)along with other co-morbidities of obesity along with
type 2 diabetes mellitus( T2DM ) for obesity therapy recent again shift has come towards dietary perspectives like use of
Mediterranean diet (MD) diet, very low calorie ketogenic diet(VLCKD) in therapy of obesity as well as alterations in gut
microbiota (GM) subsequent to VLCKD. Here we further add how VLCKD might be made more efficacious strategy for attaining
weight reduction. With recent emerging insight on how VLCKD‘s are efficacious in obesity is by emphasizing the part of
medium -chain FA’s (MCT’s). Here further emphasis is laid on how utilization of MCT’s prior to initiating VLCKD active phase
was much more efficacious (equivalent to 7-8kg weight reduction) in contrast to MCT’s supplementation at the time of VLCKD
beginning (with practically negligible body weight reduction (-0.5 to-0.7kg) as well as Waist Circumference (WC)-1.5-1.8cm).
Two times reduction in fat mass as well as escalated muscle mass was found in the VLCKD + early MCT’s group in contrast to
control group is. Therefore, as much as 8kg can be lost by using this therapy holding lot of promise.
Keywords: Obesity; Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD); MCT’s Supplementation Prior to Initiating VLCKD Active Phase;
Weight Reduction
Short Commentary-‘Gonadal Dysgenesis-with special emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of SRY mutations as a part of causative mechanismin disorders of sex development(DSD) resulting in female sex reversal in 46XY males”, 2016
SRY related high mobility group box (Sox) transcription factors have emerged in the animal
kingd... more SRY related high mobility group box (Sox) transcription factors have emerged in the animal
kingdom to help cells maintain stemness, commit to a specific lineage, proliferate or die.
Encoded by 20 genes in humans and mice they show a highly conserved high-mobility .Further details how Swyer syndrome with partial or total gonadal dysgenesis occurs with different mutations of SRY &OTHER MUTATIONS

An Update on Primary Adult Hypogonadism in Elderly Males Secondary to Inflammaging: A Narrative Review, 2024
With the escalation of life expectancy, it is obvious that greater prevalence of conditions like ... more With the escalation of life expectancy, it is obvious that greater prevalence of conditions like late-onset hypogonadism (LOH)
are bound to be encountered in an escalating manner in elderly males. LOH the properties of reduction in testosterone
quantities in addition to possess significant influence in physical along with mental health. Whereas, the etiological factor
of LOH continue to uncharted, an escalating interest is existent in the evaluation of part of inflammageing in its production.
Inflammageing portrays theposit of chronic low grade systemic inflammation which takes place at the time of ageing. Such
inflammatory status has been held responsible in the generation of variable age associated diseases. Separate cellular along
with molecular mechanistic modes have been isolated to aid in inflammageing inclusive of cellular senescence, mitochondrial
impairment, autophagy abnormalities in addition to immune senescence alias immunosenescence. Having reviewed earlier
the part of inflammageing in addition to immunosenescence in ovarian ageing & variable infectious diseases we provide a a
narrative review in reference to LOH. Further we deal with the, recent advance in its therapies inclusive of adrenomedullin,
SS-31,amitochondria targeting peptide Leydig cells transplantation with use of CRISPR/Cas or use of variable stem cells.
Keywords: Late Onset Hypogonadism (LOH); Inflammageing; Immunosenescence; Mitochondrial Impairment; Leydig
Cells Transplantation

An update on MRI of Brain ofNeonates with its associated hurdles and Advancements for Analysis of Brain Morphology , Structural ,FunctionalcConnectivity and Functional Architecture for avoidance ofNeurodevelopmentalDiseases’-ASystematicReview’’, 2022
Recently, assessment, of the generating brain has attained a great area of concentration with reg... more Recently, assessment, of the generating brain has attained a great area of concentration with regards to researchersand clinicians for attaining insight, in what aids children in acquisition of dramatic along with distinctive capacity of influenceof early interfering signals(like prematurity, neonatal damages) which might result in a broad kinds of neurodevelopmental conditions. Noninvasive neuro imaging methodologies like MRI,are necessary for determination of association amongst brain and behavioural alterations in newborn and infants.Here the objective, of this review is to emphasize the recent and studies that possessthe capacity of ,being representative with utilization of accessible technologies inclusive of ;i) anatomical MRI,ii) Quantitative MRI(like relaxometry , diffusion MRI ), Multi parameteric strategies andfunctional MRI .The utilization of 1.5-3T MRI scanners is made intechnologies for protocols, besides specialized procedures in current times for acquisition of results and processing for studying the technological hurdles in particular for this patients population,like sensitivity to movement. MR sequences have requirements to adapt to the brain of newborn along with infants for deriving greater soft tissue contrast,with the knowledge of tiny sizes of cerebral structures along with partial maturation of the tissues . The utilization of age particular image post processing gadgets isfurther necessary, in view of greater variable signal and contrast from adult brain.Thus precise techniques aid in provision of evaluation of dynamic events seen right via generation at molecular besides cellular levels to analyze brain morphology , structural and functional connectivity ,micro structural characteristic, of gray and white matter, and functional architecture. Thus here we conducted a systematic review utilizing search engine pubmed,google scholar ;web of science ;embase; Cochrane review library utilizing the MeSH terms like anatomical; Quantitative(diffusion MRI), Multi parameteric strategies ; functional MRI ;In functional MRI;preterm/fullterm infants from 1995till date in 2022.We found 18,000 articles of which we selected 153 art for his review. Key Words; non invasive MRI ;Quantitative MRI ;functional MRI; newborn;inf

An Update on Microrna’s and Metabolic Regulation with Future Therapeutic Potentials Regarding Diagnosis and Treatment of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Other Related Disorders, 2015
Micro RNAs is a family of highly conserved, single stranded 19-
23 nucleotide long noncoding endo... more Micro RNAs is a family of highly conserved, single stranded 19-
23 nucleotide long noncoding endogenous RNAs which negatively
regulate gene expression, either by inhibiting translation or by
degrading largest mRNAs.Here we reviewed role of in miRNAs in Adipose Tissue, Insulin Resistance (IR),Obesity and Diabetes,in WAT differentiation,in Obesity in Infancy and Early Childhood,Micro RNAs as biomarkers for DM in obesity,
Micro RNAs and lipid metabolism,Potential Therapeutic Use.Thusin this review we have tried to summarize how miR’s
have a role in the current known aetiopathogenetic factors of
obesity at different age groups starting with infancy where how
bottlesfeeding has become an important cause of increased obesity
in early infancy and role of miR 155 in development of Treg cells
and its relation besides bifidobecteria, mTORC1 in development
of allergic disorders and obesity. Then in early childhood the role
of miR27a and 130a is emphasized in the PPAR gamma and role in
adipocyte differentiation and Treg cell differentiation besides role of
macrophages in development of inflammation and correlation with
chemokine CCL2 monocytes [186,187] and importance of miR223
in inflammation and chemokine is emphasized [187], not only do
miR’S affect preadipocyte conversion but also affect macrophage
conversion and then HDL’S are carriers and transport miR223 and
help explaining recent involvement of HDL in innate and adaptive
immunity. Further the complications are interlinked e.g., miR 143/145
cluster has a role in preadipocyte differentiation, VSMC proliferation
which is used therapeutically e.g., in cases of restenosis and further has
been used for breast cancer as well [188]. Although miR33 offered a
lot of promise to start with, still its use in human beings can not be
offered with the results ofchronic use by Goedecke [183]. The process
of miR’s not only helps us to understand the pathophysiology of lipid
metaboilism and its correlation in the development of obesity but helps
us to use circulating miR’s as biomarkers for disease process and then
to further get pharmacological strategies to treat obesity and related
disorders. Further two stable nucleic acid lipid particle ( SNALP)-
formulated siRNA drugs were designed to treat high levels of blood
cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia, though TKM-ApoB (Tekmira)
targeted ApoB [189]; while ALN-PCS (Alnylam) targeted proprotein
convertase subtilisn/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) [188]. Both drugs were
tested in Phase 1 clinical trials and were determined to be safe and
well tolerated with no serious adverse events associated with drug
administration. Polymer-based nanomedicine,an arena that entails
the use of polymeric nanoparticles, polymer micelles, dendrimers,
polymersomes, polyplexes, polymer-lipid hybrid systemsand polymerdrug/
protein conjugates has greatly revolutionized the therapy of
cancer by surmounting the current limitations in conventional
chemotherapy, which include undesirable biodistribution, cancer cell drug
resistanceand severe systemic side effects and in combination of various
miRNA and siRNA can achieve efficient cancer chemotherapy

“Will Utilization of Resveratrol’s’s Effects be Practical in Multiple Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Autoimmune Diseases: A Detailed Review of its Immune Responses and Further Clinical Development in Humans in Future - A Systematic Review"., 2019
Resveratrol is a very well known polyphenolic stilbenoid that exists in mulberries, peanuts, rhub... more Resveratrol is a very well known polyphenolic stilbenoid that exists in mulberries, peanuts, rhubarb, redwine, grapes, blueberries
and in various other plants. It has been found to be of benefit in the prevention of chronic diseases that are associated with
inflammation like diabetes mellitus, obesity cardiovascular diseases (CVD), neurodegeneration, cancers and many other diseases.
Further Resveratrol controls immunity by interfering with control of immune cells, proinflammatory cytokines synthesis and gene
expression. It affects sirtuin, adenosine monophosphate kinase, nuclear factor – B, inflammatory cytokines, antioxidant enzymes at
molecular level, besides the cellular processes like gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis and
apoptosis. It also represses the toll like receptor (TLR), and proinflammatory genes expression. Moreover the antioxidant action of
Resveratrol and its capability to inhibit enzymes involved in the production of eicasonoids, add to its anti-inflammatory effects. Its
actions on the immune system have multiple beneficial effects on health, regarding various autoimmune and chronic inflammatory
diseases. The aim of this review is to get insight on how Resveratrol targets various inflammatory components and exerts immune
regulatory effects on immune cells.

An Update on Primary Adult Hypogonadism in Elderly Males Secondary to Inflammaging: A Narrative Review. Open, 2024
With the escalation of life expectancy, it is obvious that greater prevalence of conditions like ... more With the escalation of life expectancy, it is obvious that greater prevalence of conditions like late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) are bound to be encountered in an escalating manner in elderly males. LOH the properties of reduction in testosterone quantities in addition to possess significant influence in physical along with mental health. Whereas, the etiological factor of LOH continue to uncharted, an escalating interest is existent in the evaluation of part of inflammageing in its production. Inflammageing portrays theposit of chronic low grade systemic inflammation which takes place at the time of ageing. Such inflammatory status has been held responsible in the generation of variable age associated diseases. Separate cellular along with molecular mechanistic modes have been isolated to aid in inflammageing inclusive of cellular senescence, mitochondrial impairment, autophagy abnormalities in addition to immune senescence alias immunosenescence. Having reviewed earlier the part of inflammageing in addition to immunosenescence in ovarian ageing & variable infectious diseases we provide a a narrative review in reference to LOH. Further we deal with the, recent advance in its therapies inclusive of adrenomedullin, SS-31,aSS-31Leydig cells transplantation with use of CRISPR/Cas or use of variable stem cells.

“Reemphasizing the Significance of Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients Needing Chemotherapy and/or Radiotherapy - A Case Report"., 2024
With the greater advancements in field of survivors treatment, the survival rates ha... more Introduction
With the greater advancements in field of survivors treatment, the survival rates have escalated remarkably, thus the need arising for the fertility preservation in the survivors with regards to oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue/Cortical tissue/testicular tissue transplantation/sperm cryopreservation has assumed great importance particularly for those receiving chemotherapy that too with alkylating agents. Earlier we have extensively detailed however still we come across akin patients who never received any counselling keeping longterm fertility in mind. The case report we present here highlights this issue. Here we present a case report of how a couple presented With a previous child having diagnosis of type II Arnold Chiari malformations. Later husband gave history of certain axillary mass which was surgically removed in addition to got chemotherapyx 6 cycles and radiotherapy for4 cycles although the nature of chemotherapy was not known he later told diagnosis was non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Despite his semen parameters were normal 10 years subsequent to chemotherapy and radiotherapy couple was not willing to go for Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with blastocyst transfer subsequent to preimplantation embryo genetic testing (PGT) for aneuploidy (PGT-A), and particular congenital abnormalities. Thereby here we re emphasize the role of counselling for sperm cryopreservationor testicular tissue preservation as per age prior to administration of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment

Exposition of Lost Function of Exhausted CD8+ T Cells in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)/cHCV Infections: Enolase as Ametabolic Checkpoint for Variable Exhaustion Programmes in Hepatitis Virus- Particular CD8+ T Cells- A Short Communication"., 2024
Earlier it was shown that exhausted CD8 + T cells accrual in patients with chronic hepatitis B vi... more Earlier it was shown that exhausted CD8 + T cells accrual in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections and infections , aided in nonexistent clearance of viral infections. Such exhausted CD8 + T cells have incapability of adequate antiviral working. Nevertheless, as the exact mechanistic modes estimating such exhausted T cell programmes were uncharted, recently asssessment of exhaustion, metabolic profiles, transcriptome of virus particular CD8 + T cells in chronic HBV (n = 31) and HCV (n = 52) infected patients and ex vivo direct-acting antivirals (DAA's) treatment , metabolic flux and metabolic checkpoint were estimated in vitro. Outcomes showed that HBV particular (core 18-27-and polymerase 455-461)) and HCV particular (NS3 1073-1081-, NS3 1406-1415-and NS5B 2594-2602-) CD8+ T cells reactions illustrated heterogenous metabolic profiles correlated with their exhaustion status profiles instead of causation of infections. Regarding mitochondrial impairment although there was pronounced nondamaged glucose uptake present in robustly exhausted T cell correlating with liver inflammation in cHCV infections and in HBV polymerase 455-461 particular T cell reactions, contrarily germane metabolic fitness was found at HBeAg-infection in HBV core18-27 particular reactions. DAA's treatment showed partly improvement in mitochondrial programming in robustly exhausted HCV particular T cells. Enolase got isolated as a metabolic checkpoint in exhausted T cell. Metabolic bypassing caused improvement of glycolysis and T cell effector working taking place. Akin enolase insufficiency was found in intrahepatic HBV particular CD8 + T cells in a murine model of chronic infection.Thus concluding metabolism of HBV particular/ HCV particular Tcells is robustly correlated with their robustness of exhaustion .They correlate differential bioenergetic fitness with unique exhaustion subkinds and different liver disease with repercussions on treatment approaches.

Possibility of Generation of An Efficacious Neovagina in Cases of Mayer Rokitansky–Kuster–Hauser syndrome with Satisfactory Vaginal Length, and Sexual Working of the Neovagina with an Innovative Technique-A Short Communication, 2024
Earlier we have extensively detailed Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome as well as procedure... more Earlier we have extensively detailed Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome as well as procedures meant for generation of neovagina inclusive of utilization of graduated dilators of the non-surgical methodologies in the generation of neovagina dilators. Here our presentation is the manipulation of other surgical methodologies detailed is the innovative dissection of the neovagina utilizing bilateral 12 x5 cm fasciocutaneous skin flaps from the labiocrural folds implicating substantially greater dissection in contrast to other tissue grafts as well as there was prolongation of surgical time period in addition to stay in the postoperative period. Nevertheless, the plausible benefits of such tissue graft regions (for instance sufficient vaginal length, width leading to sexual working of the neovagina) might finally provide greater working postoperative results in contrast to other tissue grafts utilized with greater frequency. Need for the objective determination of nerves as well as sexual working is there in reference to theoretical estimation of such surgical methodology leads to greater advantages prior to the broader utilization of the tissue grafts by multidisciplinary teams gets put in to action.

An Update on Mitophagy Facilitating Substances: Their Future for Facilitating Healthy Ageing Along with Treating NDG (Parkinson’s Disease; Alzheimer’s Disease), Cancer, Ovarian Ageing: A Mini Narrative Review, 2024
The elimination of injured mitochondrial constituents via an event called mitochondrial autophagy... more The elimination of injured mitochondrial constituents via an event called mitochondrial autophagy (alias mitophagy)is necessary for appropriate mitochondrial working, Thereby mitophagy is crucial for the health of all the aerobic animals inclusive of humans.To our misfortune reduction of mitophagy takes place with age.A plethora of age related diseases for instance Alzheimer’sdisease, along with Parkinson’s diseases have the properties of accrual of injured mitochondria in addition to oxidative injury. Thereby utilizing small molecule pharmacolological agents, for activating mitophagy is an upcoming approach the treatment of myriad of diseases. Recent studies have isolated natural agents, as well as synthetic agents which facilitate mitophagy.Categorization of such substances have been done in the form of mitophagy stimulators inclusive of i)antioxidants ii)) mitochondrial uncouplers iii) complex I hampering agents iv) redox manipulators v) metabolic manipulators vi) neuronal manipulators vi) autophagy manipulators vii) antibiotics along with anti fungal agents viii) reactive oxygen species(ROS) producers.Their influence on stimulating the prolongation of life- along with healthspan in addition to mechanistic modes is further illustrated if acknowledged .Lastly, mitochondrial biogeneration leads to harmony amongst mitophagy for guaranteeing appropriate mitochondrial network homeostasis. Intriguingly, mitochondrial biogeneration activation might be caused by akin molecules stimulating mitophagy for instance, resveratrol in addition to metformin. Although remarkable work has been undertaken regarding acquisition of insight regarding such events, plethora of information needs unraveling, specifically in the context of acquisition of insight of their interassociation at the level of organism along with evaluation of combination of such agents which target mitophagy as well as biogeneration. Future asssessment of such field might beunveiling the manner such combinations might be influencing lifespan along with healthspan in different biological models.
Keywords: mitophagy, injured mitochondria, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease.

Hypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative review, 2024
Type2 Diabetesmellitus (T2DM) portrays a chronic disease possessing considerable hyperglycemia; d... more Type2 Diabetesmellitus (T2DM) portrays a chronic disease possessing considerable hyperglycemia; dysfunctional insulin liberation by
pancreatic βcells is an emblem of such disease. Recent studies have illustrated that hypoxia takes place in the pancreatic βcells of patients
having T2D with hypoxia as a result leading to abnormalities of insulin liberation in addition to elimination of βcell mass via
mechanistic modes inclusive of activation of hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α), induction of transcriptional suppressors along
with activation of 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK) . Earlier we had reviewed on the aetiopathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes
mellitus(T2D) along with role of gutmicrobiota (GM),diabesity, oral health AGEs stimulated & ERand Inflammatory Stress- modulated
control of the GLUT4 expression (SLC2A4) promoted genes,; details of epigenetics, mitochondrial melatonergic pathwaysand different
methods of use of various plant products ,role of extra cellular vesicles ,iron&mineral metabolism and umpteen other articles Here our
concentration is on insight into βcell hypoxia that might result in dysfunctional insulin liberation in T2DM .An understanding of βcell
hypoxia might aid in generation of innovative strategies for the treatment of T2DM . Further with emerging evidence of how autophagy
might be implicated in propagation of Type 2 Diabetes, thereby targeting both hypoxia and autophagy might be the mechanistic modes of
how separate plant products are contributing in T2D avoidance as well as propagation. Here we have attempted to give insight regarding
how βcells hypoxia aids in generation of βcells impairment in T2D. Achieving greater insight of βcell hypoxia might aid in generating
innovative approaches for T2D treatment.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes(T2D); hypoxia; Hypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative reviewHypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative review; hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α);pancreatic βcells; transcriptional suppressors

‘’An update on the role of Cutibacterium acnes in Etiopathogenesis of Acne Vulgaris with emphasis on Gut-Skin axis and its crosstalk with intestinal Microbiota: implications of Probiotics for replacing canonical therapies-A narrative review’’, 2024
Here we tried to find the impact of human microbiota in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris and the... more Here we tried to find the impact of human microbiota in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris and the manner the treatment with probiotics as adjuvant adjuncts /alternate treatment impact it subsequent to evolution of acne vulgaris. Acne represents a chronic inflammatory skin disease implicating the pilosebaceous units.The etiopathogenesis is complicated for which plethora of factors are responsible modes inclusive of genetic, metabolic and hormonal factors, where both the skin and gut microbiota(GM) are involved.A plethora of studies have illustrated a bidirectional connection amongst intestinal microbiota and skin homeostasis ,a connection usually generated by manipulation of immune system. Escalating outcomes regarding the germaneness of C. acnes mechanistic modes in the initiation and generation of acne and the significance of gut-skin axis are getting acknowledged. Variation of& separate in vitro studies have been further illustrated in plausibility of advantageous actions of probiotics .Nevertheless, clinical trial on oral/topical probiotics are occasional, despite they have illustrated positive outcomes .Nevertheless, the corroboration regarding plausibly advantageous actions of oral probiotics are higher. Orally delivered probiotics would be impacting their advantageous function via the manipulation of intestinal microbiota, forming an antiinflammatory reactions,resurrecting intestinal intactness or via metabolic implicating Insulin like growth factor1 (IGF1). Topical probiotics apparently generate their actions via the hampering of Cutibacterium acnes growth in pilosebaceous units . Acknowledged the hostile nature of certain canonical acne therapies , probiotics need to be pursuedas adjuvant or alternate treatments . The aim of this narrative review is to describe the pathogenic
mechanistic modes of acne, particularly the impact of human microbiota in the pathogenesis of acne and the manner modulation of such human microbiota via utilization of Probiotics in the form of adjuncts /alternate treatment impacts the evolution of acne vulgaris .
Key Words; acne vulgaris; gut- skin axis ;skin microbiota ;gut microbiota(GM); Cutibacterium acnes ;probiotics
Papers by Kulvinder K O C H A R Kaur
community is increasingly acknowledging that overweight and obesity are associated
with severe complications, including cardiometabolic disorders, chronic kidney disease,
cognitive decline, malignancies, obstructive sleep apnea, urinary incontinence,
osteoarthritis, and depression, among others (2, 3).
However, the link between obesity and female infertility is probably one of the most
underestimated aspects of increased adiposity. Epidemiological data suggest a three-fold
higher risk of infertility in women living with obesity compared to women with normal
body weight (4). Although both overweight and obesity have been associated with a
lower probability of conception, the risk becomes significantly greater as the body mass
index (BMI) increases (5). Available studies with long follow-up suggest that childhood
obesity contributes to an increased risk of infertility later in life (6). Given the high
prevalence of overweight/obesity in developing parts of the world, the problem affects
women in both high- and low-income countries (7); however, limited resources in the
latter make the challenge even greater.
Insulin resistance, inflammation, coagulation abnormalities, polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS), and disturbances in oocyte differentiation and maturation have been
proposed as potential links between the two disorders (8). Women with obesity may
have elevated elevated androgen levels levels even in the absence of PCOS, resulting in reduced
concentrations of luteinizing hormone (9). In some cases, obesity itself is the main
source of causal mechanisms, while in others, it simply represents a mediator between
infertility and a cascade of other disorders that negatively affect women’s health.
However, several pathophysiological aspects of this bidirectional relationship remain
poorly understood. Interestingly, weight reduction has been shown to improve the
probability of conception (10), underlining the need to effectively implement weight
loss interventions to improve relevant outcomes.
The present research topic includes cutting-edge research that
aims to elucidate the association between female reproductive
disorders and obesity.
Key Words;DN;CKD; Vitamin D ; VDR; Megalin;cubilin;amnionless complex;FGF23;Klotho,
(T1DM), role of Probiotics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)along with other co-morbidities of obesity along with
type 2 diabetes mellitus( T2DM ) for obesity therapy recent again shift has come towards dietary perspectives like use of
Mediterranean diet (MD) diet, very low calorie ketogenic diet(VLCKD) in therapy of obesity as well as alterations in gut
microbiota (GM) subsequent to VLCKD. Here we further add how VLCKD might be made more efficacious strategy for attaining
weight reduction. With recent emerging insight on how VLCKD‘s are efficacious in obesity is by emphasizing the part of
medium -chain FA’s (MCT’s). Here further emphasis is laid on how utilization of MCT’s prior to initiating VLCKD active phase
was much more efficacious (equivalent to 7-8kg weight reduction) in contrast to MCT’s supplementation at the time of VLCKD
beginning (with practically negligible body weight reduction (-0.5 to-0.7kg) as well as Waist Circumference (WC)-1.5-1.8cm).
Two times reduction in fat mass as well as escalated muscle mass was found in the VLCKD + early MCT’s group in contrast to
control group is. Therefore, as much as 8kg can be lost by using this therapy holding lot of promise.
Keywords: Obesity; Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD); MCT’s Supplementation Prior to Initiating VLCKD Active Phase;
Weight Reduction
kingdom to help cells maintain stemness, commit to a specific lineage, proliferate or die.
Encoded by 20 genes in humans and mice they show a highly conserved high-mobility .Further details how Swyer syndrome with partial or total gonadal dysgenesis occurs with different mutations of SRY &OTHER MUTATIONS
are bound to be encountered in an escalating manner in elderly males. LOH the properties of reduction in testosterone
quantities in addition to possess significant influence in physical along with mental health. Whereas, the etiological factor
of LOH continue to uncharted, an escalating interest is existent in the evaluation of part of inflammageing in its production.
Inflammageing portrays theposit of chronic low grade systemic inflammation which takes place at the time of ageing. Such
inflammatory status has been held responsible in the generation of variable age associated diseases. Separate cellular along
with molecular mechanistic modes have been isolated to aid in inflammageing inclusive of cellular senescence, mitochondrial
impairment, autophagy abnormalities in addition to immune senescence alias immunosenescence. Having reviewed earlier
the part of inflammageing in addition to immunosenescence in ovarian ageing & variable infectious diseases we provide a a
narrative review in reference to LOH. Further we deal with the, recent advance in its therapies inclusive of adrenomedullin,
SS-31,amitochondria targeting peptide Leydig cells transplantation with use of CRISPR/Cas or use of variable stem cells.
Keywords: Late Onset Hypogonadism (LOH); Inflammageing; Immunosenescence; Mitochondrial Impairment; Leydig
Cells Transplantation
23 nucleotide long noncoding endogenous RNAs which negatively
regulate gene expression, either by inhibiting translation or by
degrading largest mRNAs.Here we reviewed role of in miRNAs in Adipose Tissue, Insulin Resistance (IR),Obesity and Diabetes,in WAT differentiation,in Obesity in Infancy and Early Childhood,Micro RNAs as biomarkers for DM in obesity,
Micro RNAs and lipid metabolism,Potential Therapeutic Use.Thusin this review we have tried to summarize how miR’s
have a role in the current known aetiopathogenetic factors of
obesity at different age groups starting with infancy where how
bottlesfeeding has become an important cause of increased obesity
in early infancy and role of miR 155 in development of Treg cells
and its relation besides bifidobecteria, mTORC1 in development
of allergic disorders and obesity. Then in early childhood the role
of miR27a and 130a is emphasized in the PPAR gamma and role in
adipocyte differentiation and Treg cell differentiation besides role of
macrophages in development of inflammation and correlation with
chemokine CCL2 monocytes [186,187] and importance of miR223
in inflammation and chemokine is emphasized [187], not only do
miR’S affect preadipocyte conversion but also affect macrophage
conversion and then HDL’S are carriers and transport miR223 and
help explaining recent involvement of HDL in innate and adaptive
immunity. Further the complications are interlinked e.g., miR 143/145
cluster has a role in preadipocyte differentiation, VSMC proliferation
which is used therapeutically e.g., in cases of restenosis and further has
been used for breast cancer as well [188]. Although miR33 offered a
lot of promise to start with, still its use in human beings can not be
offered with the results ofchronic use by Goedecke [183]. The process
of miR’s not only helps us to understand the pathophysiology of lipid
metaboilism and its correlation in the development of obesity but helps
us to use circulating miR’s as biomarkers for disease process and then
to further get pharmacological strategies to treat obesity and related
disorders. Further two stable nucleic acid lipid particle ( SNALP)-
formulated siRNA drugs were designed to treat high levels of blood
cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia, though TKM-ApoB (Tekmira)
targeted ApoB [189]; while ALN-PCS (Alnylam) targeted proprotein
convertase subtilisn/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) [188]. Both drugs were
tested in Phase 1 clinical trials and were determined to be safe and
well tolerated with no serious adverse events associated with drug
administration. Polymer-based nanomedicine,an arena that entails
the use of polymeric nanoparticles, polymer micelles, dendrimers,
polymersomes, polyplexes, polymer-lipid hybrid systemsand polymerdrug/
protein conjugates has greatly revolutionized the therapy of
cancer by surmounting the current limitations in conventional
chemotherapy, which include undesirable biodistribution, cancer cell drug
resistanceand severe systemic side effects and in combination of various
miRNA and siRNA can achieve efficient cancer chemotherapy
and in various other plants. It has been found to be of benefit in the prevention of chronic diseases that are associated with
inflammation like diabetes mellitus, obesity cardiovascular diseases (CVD), neurodegeneration, cancers and many other diseases.
Further Resveratrol controls immunity by interfering with control of immune cells, proinflammatory cytokines synthesis and gene
expression. It affects sirtuin, adenosine monophosphate kinase, nuclear factor – B, inflammatory cytokines, antioxidant enzymes at
molecular level, besides the cellular processes like gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis and
apoptosis. It also represses the toll like receptor (TLR), and proinflammatory genes expression. Moreover the antioxidant action of
Resveratrol and its capability to inhibit enzymes involved in the production of eicasonoids, add to its anti-inflammatory effects. Its
actions on the immune system have multiple beneficial effects on health, regarding various autoimmune and chronic inflammatory
diseases. The aim of this review is to get insight on how Resveratrol targets various inflammatory components and exerts immune
regulatory effects on immune cells.
With the greater advancements in field of survivors treatment, the survival rates have escalated remarkably, thus the need arising for the fertility preservation in the survivors with regards to oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue/Cortical tissue/testicular tissue transplantation/sperm cryopreservation has assumed great importance particularly for those receiving chemotherapy that too with alkylating agents. Earlier we have extensively detailed however still we come across akin patients who never received any counselling keeping longterm fertility in mind. The case report we present here highlights this issue. Here we present a case report of how a couple presented With a previous child having diagnosis of type II Arnold Chiari malformations. Later husband gave history of certain axillary mass which was surgically removed in addition to got chemotherapyx 6 cycles and radiotherapy for4 cycles although the nature of chemotherapy was not known he later told diagnosis was non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Despite his semen parameters were normal 10 years subsequent to chemotherapy and radiotherapy couple was not willing to go for Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with blastocyst transfer subsequent to preimplantation embryo genetic testing (PGT) for aneuploidy (PGT-A), and particular congenital abnormalities. Thereby here we re emphasize the role of counselling for sperm cryopreservationor testicular tissue preservation as per age prior to administration of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Keywords: mitophagy, injured mitochondria, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease.
pancreatic βcells is an emblem of such disease. Recent studies have illustrated that hypoxia takes place in the pancreatic βcells of patients
having T2D with hypoxia as a result leading to abnormalities of insulin liberation in addition to elimination of βcell mass via
mechanistic modes inclusive of activation of hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α), induction of transcriptional suppressors along
with activation of 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK) . Earlier we had reviewed on the aetiopathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes
mellitus(T2D) along with role of gutmicrobiota (GM),diabesity, oral health AGEs stimulated & ERand Inflammatory Stress- modulated
control of the GLUT4 expression (SLC2A4) promoted genes,; details of epigenetics, mitochondrial melatonergic pathwaysand different
methods of use of various plant products ,role of extra cellular vesicles ,iron&mineral metabolism and umpteen other articles Here our
concentration is on insight into βcell hypoxia that might result in dysfunctional insulin liberation in T2DM .An understanding of βcell
hypoxia might aid in generation of innovative strategies for the treatment of T2DM . Further with emerging evidence of how autophagy
might be implicated in propagation of Type 2 Diabetes, thereby targeting both hypoxia and autophagy might be the mechanistic modes of
how separate plant products are contributing in T2D avoidance as well as propagation. Here we have attempted to give insight regarding
how βcells hypoxia aids in generation of βcells impairment in T2D. Achieving greater insight of βcell hypoxia might aid in generating
innovative approaches for T2D treatment.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes(T2D); hypoxia; Hypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative reviewHypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative review; hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α);pancreatic βcells; transcriptional suppressors
mechanistic modes of acne, particularly the impact of human microbiota in the pathogenesis of acne and the manner modulation of such human microbiota via utilization of Probiotics in the form of adjuncts /alternate treatment impacts the evolution of acne vulgaris .
Key Words; acne vulgaris; gut- skin axis ;skin microbiota ;gut microbiota(GM); Cutibacterium acnes ;probiotics
community is increasingly acknowledging that overweight and obesity are associated
with severe complications, including cardiometabolic disorders, chronic kidney disease,
cognitive decline, malignancies, obstructive sleep apnea, urinary incontinence,
osteoarthritis, and depression, among others (2, 3).
However, the link between obesity and female infertility is probably one of the most
underestimated aspects of increased adiposity. Epidemiological data suggest a three-fold
higher risk of infertility in women living with obesity compared to women with normal
body weight (4). Although both overweight and obesity have been associated with a
lower probability of conception, the risk becomes significantly greater as the body mass
index (BMI) increases (5). Available studies with long follow-up suggest that childhood
obesity contributes to an increased risk of infertility later in life (6). Given the high
prevalence of overweight/obesity in developing parts of the world, the problem affects
women in both high- and low-income countries (7); however, limited resources in the
latter make the challenge even greater.
Insulin resistance, inflammation, coagulation abnormalities, polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS), and disturbances in oocyte differentiation and maturation have been
proposed as potential links between the two disorders (8). Women with obesity may
have elevated elevated androgen levels levels even in the absence of PCOS, resulting in reduced
concentrations of luteinizing hormone (9). In some cases, obesity itself is the main
source of causal mechanisms, while in others, it simply represents a mediator between
infertility and a cascade of other disorders that negatively affect women’s health.
However, several pathophysiological aspects of this bidirectional relationship remain
poorly understood. Interestingly, weight reduction has been shown to improve the
probability of conception (10), underlining the need to effectively implement weight
loss interventions to improve relevant outcomes.
The present research topic includes cutting-edge research that
aims to elucidate the association between female reproductive
disorders and obesity.
Key Words;DN;CKD; Vitamin D ; VDR; Megalin;cubilin;amnionless complex;FGF23;Klotho,
(T1DM), role of Probiotics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)along with other co-morbidities of obesity along with
type 2 diabetes mellitus( T2DM ) for obesity therapy recent again shift has come towards dietary perspectives like use of
Mediterranean diet (MD) diet, very low calorie ketogenic diet(VLCKD) in therapy of obesity as well as alterations in gut
microbiota (GM) subsequent to VLCKD. Here we further add how VLCKD might be made more efficacious strategy for attaining
weight reduction. With recent emerging insight on how VLCKD‘s are efficacious in obesity is by emphasizing the part of
medium -chain FA’s (MCT’s). Here further emphasis is laid on how utilization of MCT’s prior to initiating VLCKD active phase
was much more efficacious (equivalent to 7-8kg weight reduction) in contrast to MCT’s supplementation at the time of VLCKD
beginning (with practically negligible body weight reduction (-0.5 to-0.7kg) as well as Waist Circumference (WC)-1.5-1.8cm).
Two times reduction in fat mass as well as escalated muscle mass was found in the VLCKD + early MCT’s group in contrast to
control group is. Therefore, as much as 8kg can be lost by using this therapy holding lot of promise.
Keywords: Obesity; Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD); MCT’s Supplementation Prior to Initiating VLCKD Active Phase;
Weight Reduction
kingdom to help cells maintain stemness, commit to a specific lineage, proliferate or die.
Encoded by 20 genes in humans and mice they show a highly conserved high-mobility .Further details how Swyer syndrome with partial or total gonadal dysgenesis occurs with different mutations of SRY &OTHER MUTATIONS
are bound to be encountered in an escalating manner in elderly males. LOH the properties of reduction in testosterone
quantities in addition to possess significant influence in physical along with mental health. Whereas, the etiological factor
of LOH continue to uncharted, an escalating interest is existent in the evaluation of part of inflammageing in its production.
Inflammageing portrays theposit of chronic low grade systemic inflammation which takes place at the time of ageing. Such
inflammatory status has been held responsible in the generation of variable age associated diseases. Separate cellular along
with molecular mechanistic modes have been isolated to aid in inflammageing inclusive of cellular senescence, mitochondrial
impairment, autophagy abnormalities in addition to immune senescence alias immunosenescence. Having reviewed earlier
the part of inflammageing in addition to immunosenescence in ovarian ageing & variable infectious diseases we provide a a
narrative review in reference to LOH. Further we deal with the, recent advance in its therapies inclusive of adrenomedullin,
SS-31,amitochondria targeting peptide Leydig cells transplantation with use of CRISPR/Cas or use of variable stem cells.
Keywords: Late Onset Hypogonadism (LOH); Inflammageing; Immunosenescence; Mitochondrial Impairment; Leydig
Cells Transplantation
23 nucleotide long noncoding endogenous RNAs which negatively
regulate gene expression, either by inhibiting translation or by
degrading largest mRNAs.Here we reviewed role of in miRNAs in Adipose Tissue, Insulin Resistance (IR),Obesity and Diabetes,in WAT differentiation,in Obesity in Infancy and Early Childhood,Micro RNAs as biomarkers for DM in obesity,
Micro RNAs and lipid metabolism,Potential Therapeutic Use.Thusin this review we have tried to summarize how miR’s
have a role in the current known aetiopathogenetic factors of
obesity at different age groups starting with infancy where how
bottlesfeeding has become an important cause of increased obesity
in early infancy and role of miR 155 in development of Treg cells
and its relation besides bifidobecteria, mTORC1 in development
of allergic disorders and obesity. Then in early childhood the role
of miR27a and 130a is emphasized in the PPAR gamma and role in
adipocyte differentiation and Treg cell differentiation besides role of
macrophages in development of inflammation and correlation with
chemokine CCL2 monocytes [186,187] and importance of miR223
in inflammation and chemokine is emphasized [187], not only do
miR’S affect preadipocyte conversion but also affect macrophage
conversion and then HDL’S are carriers and transport miR223 and
help explaining recent involvement of HDL in innate and adaptive
immunity. Further the complications are interlinked e.g., miR 143/145
cluster has a role in preadipocyte differentiation, VSMC proliferation
which is used therapeutically e.g., in cases of restenosis and further has
been used for breast cancer as well [188]. Although miR33 offered a
lot of promise to start with, still its use in human beings can not be
offered with the results ofchronic use by Goedecke [183]. The process
of miR’s not only helps us to understand the pathophysiology of lipid
metaboilism and its correlation in the development of obesity but helps
us to use circulating miR’s as biomarkers for disease process and then
to further get pharmacological strategies to treat obesity and related
disorders. Further two stable nucleic acid lipid particle ( SNALP)-
formulated siRNA drugs were designed to treat high levels of blood
cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia, though TKM-ApoB (Tekmira)
targeted ApoB [189]; while ALN-PCS (Alnylam) targeted proprotein
convertase subtilisn/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) [188]. Both drugs were
tested in Phase 1 clinical trials and were determined to be safe and
well tolerated with no serious adverse events associated with drug
administration. Polymer-based nanomedicine,an arena that entails
the use of polymeric nanoparticles, polymer micelles, dendrimers,
polymersomes, polyplexes, polymer-lipid hybrid systemsand polymerdrug/
protein conjugates has greatly revolutionized the therapy of
cancer by surmounting the current limitations in conventional
chemotherapy, which include undesirable biodistribution, cancer cell drug
resistanceand severe systemic side effects and in combination of various
miRNA and siRNA can achieve efficient cancer chemotherapy
and in various other plants. It has been found to be of benefit in the prevention of chronic diseases that are associated with
inflammation like diabetes mellitus, obesity cardiovascular diseases (CVD), neurodegeneration, cancers and many other diseases.
Further Resveratrol controls immunity by interfering with control of immune cells, proinflammatory cytokines synthesis and gene
expression. It affects sirtuin, adenosine monophosphate kinase, nuclear factor – B, inflammatory cytokines, antioxidant enzymes at
molecular level, besides the cellular processes like gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis and
apoptosis. It also represses the toll like receptor (TLR), and proinflammatory genes expression. Moreover the antioxidant action of
Resveratrol and its capability to inhibit enzymes involved in the production of eicasonoids, add to its anti-inflammatory effects. Its
actions on the immune system have multiple beneficial effects on health, regarding various autoimmune and chronic inflammatory
diseases. The aim of this review is to get insight on how Resveratrol targets various inflammatory components and exerts immune
regulatory effects on immune cells.
With the greater advancements in field of survivors treatment, the survival rates have escalated remarkably, thus the need arising for the fertility preservation in the survivors with regards to oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue/Cortical tissue/testicular tissue transplantation/sperm cryopreservation has assumed great importance particularly for those receiving chemotherapy that too with alkylating agents. Earlier we have extensively detailed however still we come across akin patients who never received any counselling keeping longterm fertility in mind. The case report we present here highlights this issue. Here we present a case report of how a couple presented With a previous child having diagnosis of type II Arnold Chiari malformations. Later husband gave history of certain axillary mass which was surgically removed in addition to got chemotherapyx 6 cycles and radiotherapy for4 cycles although the nature of chemotherapy was not known he later told diagnosis was non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Despite his semen parameters were normal 10 years subsequent to chemotherapy and radiotherapy couple was not willing to go for Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with blastocyst transfer subsequent to preimplantation embryo genetic testing (PGT) for aneuploidy (PGT-A), and particular congenital abnormalities. Thereby here we re emphasize the role of counselling for sperm cryopreservationor testicular tissue preservation as per age prior to administration of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Keywords: mitophagy, injured mitochondria, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease.
pancreatic βcells is an emblem of such disease. Recent studies have illustrated that hypoxia takes place in the pancreatic βcells of patients
having T2D with hypoxia as a result leading to abnormalities of insulin liberation in addition to elimination of βcell mass via
mechanistic modes inclusive of activation of hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α), induction of transcriptional suppressors along
with activation of 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK) . Earlier we had reviewed on the aetiopathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes
mellitus(T2D) along with role of gutmicrobiota (GM),diabesity, oral health AGEs stimulated & ERand Inflammatory Stress- modulated
control of the GLUT4 expression (SLC2A4) promoted genes,; details of epigenetics, mitochondrial melatonergic pathwaysand different
methods of use of various plant products ,role of extra cellular vesicles ,iron&mineral metabolism and umpteen other articles Here our
concentration is on insight into βcell hypoxia that might result in dysfunctional insulin liberation in T2DM .An understanding of βcell
hypoxia might aid in generation of innovative strategies for the treatment of T2DM . Further with emerging evidence of how autophagy
might be implicated in propagation of Type 2 Diabetes, thereby targeting both hypoxia and autophagy might be the mechanistic modes of
how separate plant products are contributing in T2D avoidance as well as propagation. Here we have attempted to give insight regarding
how βcells hypoxia aids in generation of βcells impairment in T2D. Achieving greater insight of βcell hypoxia might aid in generating
innovative approaches for T2D treatment.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes(T2D); hypoxia; Hypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative reviewHypoxia in βcells and Autophagy: 2 innovative
targets for Treating and Preventing Propagation
of Type 2 Diabetes-A narrative review; hypoxia inducible factor alpha(HIF 1-α);pancreatic βcells; transcriptional suppressors
mechanistic modes of acne, particularly the impact of human microbiota in the pathogenesis of acne and the manner modulation of such human microbiota via utilization of Probiotics in the form of adjuncts /alternate treatment impacts the evolution of acne vulgaris .
Key Words; acne vulgaris; gut- skin axis ;skin microbiota ;gut microbiota(GM); Cutibacterium acnes ;probiotics
and polycystic 44.9 x19.7 with a cyst 36.8 x28 mm. Patient was
asked to get an MRI done for baseline before starting therapy but
was postponed for 3 weeks(19/9/2013) due to monetary reasonsHaemogram, LFT, RFT were within normal limits.
S.TSH-2.03 ui/ml, cortisol-11.34 (evening 3.1-16.4 μg/ml)
Mammography was normal. Patient was put on topiramate 25
mg od and mifepristone (Mp) 50 mg alternate day x 3 months.
She developed marked improvement in leg pain and pressure
symptoms and except for mild acidity no other side effects were
encountered and gradual follow up with ultrasonography showed
shrinkage of fibroids and repeat MRI done on (27/1/2014) (one
month post stoppage of Mp) showed uterus was anteverted,
large but considerably smaller than before, parenchyma had 4
discrete intramural fibroids. Largest of these was 60 x54 mm in
left lateral wall and 2 were seen in anterior wall (17 mm andx 21 mm respectively)and one in right lateral wall 25 mm, visualization
of endometrium was much easier than earlier which
was pushed earlier (Figures 5,6,7) rest was same with significant
improvement as compared to previous MRI.thereby showing a huge broad ligament fibroid was treated nonsurgically with simple Selective Progesterone ReceptorModulator(SPRM), -mifepristone
KeyWords; or ischaemic Stroke(IS) ; brain gut axis; dysbiosis ; Intestinal flora ;SCFA’s
Key Words;DKD;Epigenetics,Histoneacetylation ;Histone crotonylation; Apabetalone ;BET Proteins;BRD’s
all over the world.Earlier we reviewed the the pathophysiology of type1 and 2 DM ,we have concentrated on avoiding the complications related to DM like how to treat diabetic neuropathy(DN) ,All complications utilizing ECV’S ,then emphasis of Sodium –glucose cotransporter 2(SGLT2) inhibitors on cardiovascular outcome trials(CVOT) trials , role of Vitamin D in avoidance of DN.Here we further reviewed the role of epigenetics influenceon DKD generation . Epigenetics controllers regulate gene expression and recently a hype ofthem might betherapeutic targets.Thus here we conducted a systematic review utilizing search engine pubmed,google scholar and othersutilizing the MeSH terms like DKD;Epigenetics;DNA methylation;Histone post-translational modifications; Histone acetylation ; Histone crotonylation; Histoneβhydroxybutyrylation;Apelin;curcuminanalogs;Apabetalone; from 1950 to 2021 till date.We found a total of 300 articles out of which we selected 150 articles for this review.No meta-analysis was done.Further readers of epigenetic marks like BETproteins were therapeutic targets.HenceBD2 selective BET inhibitor and Apabetalone was the first Epigenetics controllers that have gone via phase -3 Clinical trial in DKD) with the endpoint of Kidney function.Directly one can manipulate the Epigenetics prop by pharmacological manipulation of particular enzymes implicated along with therapeutic utilization of needed substrates.Moreover indirect nephroprotective actions on Epigenetics control.Here HDAC inhibitors like Valproic acid (VPA), trichostatin A (TSA) ,with Na butyrate manipulating Histone -β-hydroxy butyrylation , curcumin analogues like C66 and C646.Further significance of SGLTi is detailed .
Key Words;DKD;Epigenetics,Histoneacetylation ;Histone crotonylation; Apabetalone ;BET Proteins;BRD’s
KeyWords; telomeres ;telomerase, oocytes; embryos;ageing
the treatment of hyperprolactinemic patients. However, patient compliance
and side-effects led doctors to search for a better alternative. A recently
launched long acting dopaminergic drug, cabergoline, has been reported to
be highly effective in these patients. A better patient compliance and fewer
side effects was reported by patients on cabergoline. In this prospective
study, an attempt was made to study the role of Cabergoline in hyperprolactinemic
patients undergoing IVF/ICSI cycles.
DESIGN: Prospective , randomized, comparative study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comparative, randomized, singlecentre
trial was done on patients with hyperprolactinemia undergoing IVF/
ICSI cycles. The patients were divided into two groups, Group A (cabergoline
group, n28) and Group B(bromocriptine group, n30) . A dose of
cabergoline 0.5mg twice a week (Caberlin, Sun Pharma, India) and bromocriptine
1.25mg twice a day (Sicryptin, Serum Institute, India) was
administered to the patients in Group A and Group B respectively. The
response was evaluated at 4 weeks and 8 weeks subsequently from the start
of the treatment. The efficacy and safety was evaluated on the basis of
normalization of prolactin levels, normalization of menstrual cycle, disappearance
of galactorrhoea and adverse effects with each of these medications.
The clinical pregnancy rate in the both the arms of the study was also
RESULTS: Normoprolactinemia was achieved in 4 weeks in 26/28patients
(92.86%) on cabergoline whilst only 23/30 ( 76.67%) patients on 92.86%) on cabergoline whilst only 23/30 ( 76.67%) patients on
bromocriptine had normal prolactin levels by the 4th week. 25/28 patients
(89.57%) had disappearance of galactorrhoea in Group A while only 22/30
(73.33%) patients in Group B reported disappearance of galactorrhoea.
Normalization of menses was observed in 22/28(78.57%) and 20/30
(66.67%) in Group A and Group B respectively. There were very few
adverse effects recorded in cabergoline group (8/28,28.57%) as compared to
the bromocriptine group(21/30, 70%). The clinical pregnancy rate per cycle
was 35.71% and 26.6% in the cabergoline and bromocriptine group respectively.
Six patients who were previously on bromocriptine therapy before
coming to our Center were put on cabergoline during the study and of those
four conceived.
CONCLUSION: Cabergoline is a very effective drug for lowering of
prolactin levels in hyperprolactinemic patients and is very efficacious ,
better tolerated and much more safe drug than the reference compound,
Supported by: None
A Prospective Randomized Comparison of the Wallace Catheter and
the Sure-View Catheter for Ultrasound-Guided Embryo Transfer (ET).
G. N. Allahbadia, U. R. Athavale, K. S. Kadam, G. N. Gandhi, G. S. Digra,
K. Kaur. Rotunda - The Center For Human Reproduction, Mumbai, India.
OBJECTIVE: More and more clinicians and embryologists worldwide
have witnessed demonstrable improvement in pregnancy rates when they
use ultrasound during the embryo-transfer procedure. Our objective was to
compare the performance of a new Ultrasonic Embryo Transfer catheter
(Sure-View, Smiths Medical, UK) with the Wallace catheter during ultrasound-
guided ET.
DESIGN: This was a prospective, randomized study conducted in a
private academically affiliated infertility center.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty patients undergoing IVF-ET
underwent ultrasound-guided ET by a single physician with a standardized
technique randomly using one of the two catheters. The main outcome
measures studied were implantation rates, pregnancy rates, ease of transfer,
visualization, and status of catheter tip.
RESULTS: The echo-dense tip as well as the entire length of the
Sure-View catheter was consistently seen with ultrasound guidance, minimizing
the need for catheter movement to identify the tip.Implantation rate
(10.6 vs. 8.36) and clinical pregnancy rate (26.3% vs. 26.2%) were similar
in both groups. However, there was a remarkable degree of ease of transfer
noticed by the physician using the Sure-View catheter.
CONCLUSION: The Sure-View ET catheter combines all of the benefits
of the classic Wallace catheter with the unique opportunity to view the
entire length of the catheter under ultrasound. The Sureview catheter with
its ultrasonic contrast properties simplifies ultrasound-guided ET, but pregnancy
success rates are similar to those obtained when a Wallace catheter is
Supported by: None
and/or polycystic ovaries with exclusion of hyperprolactinaemia and 21 hydroxylase deficiency. Over 60% of PCOS patients
seen in clinical settings are obese and it becomes challenging to Manage these obese infertile PCOS patients. Importance of life style
interventions, role of bariatric surgery when required, various ovulation induction agents with primarily clomiphene citrate and
letrozole along with role of anti-obesity drugs and insulin sensitizers like metformin is discussed. Second line treatment include gonadotropins,
IVF, electroacupuncture and management according to BMI groups is discussed which needs individualized treatment.
Keywords: Obese; PCOS; Bariatric Surgery; Anti-Obesity Drugs; Metformin; Letrozole; cc
to cause weight loss in contrast to other anti epileptics-novel
structure from D-fructose+sulfamate-has +ve modulatory
activity of GABA at GABA-R-this effect expected to promote
weight gain.
For weight loss-Tp has been shown to be insulin sensitizing
in vivo with direct effects on adipocytes and enhanced insulin
sensitivity at level of tissue glucose disposal (in ISGDR liver
inhibition of hepatic glucose output (HGO) and adipose
tissue suppression of lipolysis also causes skeletal muscle
insulin sensitization and increased high molecular weight
adiponectin (A Crp 30(3-4)49 increase in phospho AMPK
in skeletal muscle. Also topiramate has been found effective
for weight reduction and improvement in glycaemic control
in obese subjects with type 2 diabetestreated with metforminmonotherapy50 and hence should prove effective in controlling
hyperinsulinemia of obese PCOS patients and the authors are
conducting a study on the same.
Evaluation of Diabetesmellitus (DM)kinds has demonstrated significant patterns.Of these the ones of maximum importance are inclusive of Oxidative stress ,inflammation in addition to cellular demise .Till date drug treatments for DM are not optimal ,hence need for innovative therapy has assumed great significance that is key for trying to discover the same.In the past decades medicinal plants have got thoroughly explored as well as their utilization is being escalatingly done in the form of alternative ones as natural product s with the idea of curing the disease.We had reviewed various phytochemical therapiesearlier that were inclusive of Dietary polyphenols , like resveratrol,curcumin, proteintyrosine phosphatase1B(PTP1B)inhibitors,plantterpenes(specificallymonoterpenes),flavonoids (quercetin,kaempherol),ursolic acid , besides epigenetic modes of certain plant agents. Our aimwas to extensively evaluate the modes of biochemical actions in control of DM ,to be able to utilize them clinically.Here we conducted a systematic review utilizing search engine pubmed,google scholar ;web of science ;etc utilizing the MeSH terms likeDM;Plant preparations from Nigella Sativa(NS); Berberine(Ber); curcumin(CUR); MoringaOlifera(MO); Portulaca Oleracea( PO); Punica Granatum(PG); typeIIIDMorAlzheimer’sdisease;AMPK;STAT3,PI3K/Akt;PTP1BInhibiors;IRS1;2;NADPHOxidase; AGE;RAGE; NFκB,; proinflammatory cytokines;COVID19 from 2010 till date.Although main idea was to include human studies ,we did include animal studies for validation of biochemical mode to help in their utilization with oral hypoglycaemic agentsinfutureifnotalone. We found a total of 3600 articles out of which we selected 168 articles for this review.No meta-analysis was done.Itwasobservd that most of these 6 major plants studied(NS ,Ber, CUR, MO, PO, PG ,targeted 5’(adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase(AMPK) actionthat was followed by downstream actions of ACC,Akt as well as PI3K by which they ameliorated the disease.Thus with least toxicity ,economical,easy access it is warranted to get over whatever bioavailability, problems we have faced with drugs like curcumin sothat they can get easily used singly or for reduction of oral antidiabetics.
Key Words; DM;herbal plants; NS ,Ber; CUR; MO; AMPK; DM complications
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) is the processes used to synthesize a 3D object under computer control with successive material layers. 3D printing witnessing a huge potential market with new business modules, by establishing its own prominent position in Medical (Clinical, Dental, Orthopedic and many), Architecture, Engineering (Aerospace,Automobile, Bio-material, Material and many) etc.
3D printing 2017 created a platform for 3D printers, researchers, bio printers, Surgeons, Material Engineers, 3D printing Industries & who all are the part of 3D printing, to pool the knowledge on current trends, innovations and methodology in 3D printing. It came up with a theme “Innovations in Medicine through 3D Printing”.
gestational. Gestational choriocarcinoma is the result of a pregnancy and is exemplified by its location
in the uterine corpus. Primary extrauterine choriocarcinoma is very rare, found mostly in the genital
tract (tube, cervix, ovary, and vagina) in patients with coincident or antecedent pregnancy. Although
nongestational choriocarcinoma of the uterine cervix has been reported[1,2], primary nongestational
choriocarcinoma of uterine body has never been reported. Non gestational choriocarcinoma of uterus
are likely to arise from germ cells and therefore behave like germ cell tumors .It is also possible by
dedifferentiation of epithelial cells into choriocarcinoma. In some instances, these are mixed tumors
comprising epithelial elements and choriocarcinoma but in others, they may have completely lost their
epithelial phenotype[3]. Till date the primary nongestational choriocarcinom of uterine cervix had been
treated by hysterectomy combined with chemotherapy .We report the first case in world literarature of
nongestational choriocarcinoma of uterine body successfully treated with combination chemotherapy without recommended TAH &BSO and preservation of fertility who later conceived &has live baby now
alone (modified EMA-CO therapy) and thus preserving her fertility.
Disturbed autonomic nervous system(ANS) has been revealed tobe the common denominator in f Metabolic Syndrome(MetS) ,however a clear picture emerged with dys regulation of sympathetic /para sympathetic tone in variable intraabdominal compartments .To simplify in separate body compartments for instance liver ,pancreas,visceral however not subcutaneous(s/c)it is a dominant para sympathetic tone in the intraabdominal compartments and sympathetic tone in the thoracic resulting in disturbed ANS as cause of MetS ,as revealedby Krauer et al. in addition to that they proposed a compartment specific organization of vagal motor neurons and regional malfunction in the form of a component as cause of MetS in drug induced obesity -Furthermore we detailed how hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dy regulationtakes place &explained in detail role of leptin &how topiramate helped in treating it. sympathetic nervous system(SNS) involvement occurs in stress induced obesity &we detailed pathways in its causation &neurotransmitters perturbed& role of meditation in treating it .
Key Words; autonomic nervous system ANS); hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis ; drug induced obesity
Key Words; Bilirubin; DKD; Oxidative stress( OS;, apoptosis; inflammation; fibrosis ;antioxidant; antiinflammatory