Studia methodologica by Ksenia Nesterenko

Русская филология: Вестник Харьковского национального педагогического университета имени Г.С. Ско... more Русская филология: Вестник Харьковского национального педагогического университета имени Г.С. Сковороды. 2018. № 1 (63) 3 ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЕ УДК 811.161.1 К. В. Нестеренко РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ КОНЦЕПТА «СУД» В РАССКАЗАХ РУССКИХ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ КОНЦА ХIХ-НАЧАЛА ХХ ВЕКОВ К. В. НЕСТЕРЕНКО. РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ КОНЦЕПТУ «СУД» В ОПОВІДАННЯХ РОСІЙСЬКИХ ПИСЬМЕННИКІВ КІНЦЯ Х1Х-ПОЧАТКУ ХХ ВІКІВ. Мета статті-аналіз репрезентації концепту «суд», який є важливою складовою цілісної правової картини світу, в оповіданнях російських письменників. В аспектах зображення і художніх характеристиках цієї суспільної інституції також виявляються індивідуально-авторські погляди і ідеї письменників. Для Чехова опис суду-це можливість показати людські типи і соціальні ситуації. Андрєєв викриває рутинність судової тяганини, суспільне і церковне лицемірство щодо долі людини, яка стоїть перед судом, обмеженість людей, занятих у судочинстві. Купрін також вимальовує формальну і бездушну процедуру суду, але й показує, яким насправді може бути суд-справедливим і неупередженим. Ключові слова: концепт, суд, репрезентація, правова картина світу, авторська характеристика, оповідання. К. В. НЕСТЕРЕНКО. РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ КОНЦЕПТА «СУД» В РАССКАЗАХ РУССКИХ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ КОНЦА Х1Х-НАЧАЛА ХХ ВЕКОВ. Цель статьи-анализ репрезентации концепта «суд» как важнейшей составляющей целостной правовой картины мира в рассказах русских писателей. В аспектах изображения и художественных характеристиках данного общественного института проявляются индивидуально-авторские взгляды и идеи писателей. Для Чехова описание суда-это возможность показать человеческие типы и социальные ситуации. Андреев вскрывает рутину судебных тяжб, общественное и церковное лицемерие, ограниченность людей, занятых в судопроизводстве. Куприн также изображает формальную и бездушную процедуру суда, но и показывает, каким на самом деле может быть суд-справедливым и непредвзятым. Ключевые слова: концепт, суд, репрезентация, правовая картина мира, авторская характеристика, рассказ. К. V. NESTERENKO. REPRESENTATION realistic description of life and people in different literary genres. There also a great social impact of the literature of the stated period should be considered that can mean the development of social and legal awareness. The genre of short story allows concentrating on a particular character or episode and assessing it by the means of artistic description. The short stories by A. Chekhov, L. Andreev and A. Kuprin have their individual specifics, style and grounds for writing. That is what unites them is not only the period of creation, literary and historic meaning, but the attitude to the court and trial, the ability of the authors to see and to depict different sides in court functioning and trials of the Imperial

To the issue of the typology of psychopathological characters in literature (Based on the works of Russian writers of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries), 2019
The article raises the question of the possibility of creating a typology of psychopathological
c... more The article raises the question of the possibility of creating a typology of psychopathological
characters, which are often found in the works of the writers of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.
The realism in describing mental illness symptoms and manifestations in the characters
of V. Garshin, L. Andreev, and A. Chekhov’s literary works is noted, which, on the one hand,
is explained by the authors’ direct acquaintance with mental ailments. On the other hand, the
specified images are created to embody the authors’ certain philosophical and moral ideas, the
identification of which can also become the basis of the typology of psychopathological images.
The article argues characterization of literary characters in terms of psychiatric symptoms and
diagnosis manifestations. Even taking into account the integrated approach which is necessary
in such kinds of works, determining the diagnosis of a character, taking into account his way of
thinking and behaviour, will not give enough reason to identify his place in the structure of a piece
of literature and his role in the ideological and artistic meaning of it. There is also insufficient to
classify so called “yurodivyi” (blessed) as insane or mentally ill characters as they already have
acquired the stable position as the Russian culturally specific phenomenon. The article contains
a brief analysis of some famous short stories by V. Garshin, L. Andreev and A. Chekhov with
some psychopathological characters acting. The article also offers some typological foundations
(one author’s creativity, literary direction, sociality / anti-sociality of the character’s behaviour)
for creating the typology of psychopathological characters in the literary works.
Збірник Studia methodologica внесено до Переліку фахових видань ВАК України за спеціальністю «філ... more Збірник Studia methodologica внесено до Переліку фахових видань ВАК України за спеціальністю «філологія» згідно з постановою від 01.07.2010 р. № 1-05/5. Друкується за рішенням Ученої ради ТНПУ імені Володимира Гнатюка.
Papers by Ksenia Nesterenko
Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, Jul 23, 2021

Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, Apr 14, 2021
The article reveals the modern status of historicity as a social form la virtu, due to the absolu... more The article reveals the modern status of historicity as a social form la virtu, due to the absolutization of this quality, characterized by the crisis of the will to history and the emancipation of conjecture. In the conditions of the screen landscape of communication, historicity tends towards figurative simultaneity, towards the guasihyletic quality of the simulative continuum. Thus, the self-negative tendency of the dynamics of historicity is realized. The metamorphosis of social quality into an online universal in its spatial aspect is obvious. The observed outflow of the qualities of the subject of history into the technogenic material qualities is the abolition of the fullness of oneself by means of its affective-bodily hypostasis and the replacement of being by presence. The ontological lack of historicity receives digital spatial compensation.

In the context of the European integration processes in Ukraine, intellectual property issues are... more In the context of the European integration processes in Ukraine, intellectual property issues are increasingly covered, with almost 70% of the content of the economic part of the Association of Ukraine with the EU is devoted to questions of intellectual property, which opens for Ukrainian lawyers relatively new servicessector intellectual property. In this regard, in the near future it's expected increasing of the demand for legal services in cases of this type. It will also result in an influx law on the Ukrainian market of specialists with this specialty. Ukrainian lawyers to compete, have to quickly learn the necessary new skills. What is intellectual property? "Intellectual property" includes the rights relating to: literary, artistic and scientific works; performances of performing artists, phonograms, radio and television broadcasts; inventions in all fields of human activity; scientific discoveries; industrial designs; trademarks, brand names and commercial designations, protection against unfair competition and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or

English culture acquisition through humour English humour as well as English traditions is an int... more English culture acquisition through humour English humour as well as English traditions is an integral part of the country's culture and its understanding and adequate interpretation is important for good communication. Pragmatics of humour serves the functions of social interaction, psychological relaxation, etc. The ability to appreciate humour, to accept it, and to react on humorous situations properly, to our mind, should be taught in the course of studying English and English culture. Englishmen are said to use humour practically in all spheres of life. They tell jokes, write anecdotes and funny stories; they make comedic films and create humorous signs and notices. They make fun of everything they see, hear, taste or feel and everything that may be smiled or laughed at. Sense of humour may be called a national feature of English character, and so is their reaction to the humouristic situations with perfect calm. The themes of the jokes are various, from family life to the social structure of society, famous people and events, features of character and the fails in behavior. Particularly silly jokes are called the Elephant or banana-skin jokes. Humour is the reaction of a person to some social situation, strength, embarrassment or ridicule, or may be just an expression of a good mood. There are various ways for Englishmen to achieve humoristic effect. These may be a funny event or situation, a word-play, slapstick, even smut and some innuendo, irony, parody on stereotypes, bullying and sarcasm, ambiguity, absurd and nonsense implied in numerous genres. The thing is that English humour is not always expected, as it is supposed to be, for example, when listening to a fresh joke or watching a sitcom on TV. It may be quite unexpected, when the situation seems to be far from being comic. Nevertheless, Englishmen can make fun of it, and the person studying English culture should be aware of this.
Revista Inclusiones, 2021

Nowadays the important task of the system of education is to teach the students of all levels and... more Nowadays the important task of the system of education is to teach the students of all levels and age groups the interaction and interpersonal communication and present the teaching material interactively achieving the goals of successful communication. A lot of factors should be considered with this: the students' basic level of English, individual psychology of each student, teacher's ability to choose the methods, to raise the students' interest, to involve them into interaction. Interpersonal communication means that the students do not study individually, but decide the learning tasks together with the others, leading, assisting, finding the solutions and involving the others into the learning process. Unofficial character, easiness, spontaneity, freedom of personal expression, communicative compatibility is the characteristics of interpersonal communication. According to the theory of communication this process should include the communicative situation, the participants and the channel. During the classes the teacher encourages the students to speak English and facilitates to realize their communicative acts with the language means available for them. If the
Studia methodologica by Ksenia Nesterenko
characters, which are often found in the works of the writers of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.
The realism in describing mental illness symptoms and manifestations in the characters
of V. Garshin, L. Andreev, and A. Chekhov’s literary works is noted, which, on the one hand,
is explained by the authors’ direct acquaintance with mental ailments. On the other hand, the
specified images are created to embody the authors’ certain philosophical and moral ideas, the
identification of which can also become the basis of the typology of psychopathological images.
The article argues characterization of literary characters in terms of psychiatric symptoms and
diagnosis manifestations. Even taking into account the integrated approach which is necessary
in such kinds of works, determining the diagnosis of a character, taking into account his way of
thinking and behaviour, will not give enough reason to identify his place in the structure of a piece
of literature and his role in the ideological and artistic meaning of it. There is also insufficient to
classify so called “yurodivyi” (blessed) as insane or mentally ill characters as they already have
acquired the stable position as the Russian culturally specific phenomenon. The article contains
a brief analysis of some famous short stories by V. Garshin, L. Andreev and A. Chekhov with
some psychopathological characters acting. The article also offers some typological foundations
(one author’s creativity, literary direction, sociality / anti-sociality of the character’s behaviour)
for creating the typology of psychopathological characters in the literary works.
Papers by Ksenia Nesterenko
characters, which are often found in the works of the writers of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.
The realism in describing mental illness symptoms and manifestations in the characters
of V. Garshin, L. Andreev, and A. Chekhov’s literary works is noted, which, on the one hand,
is explained by the authors’ direct acquaintance with mental ailments. On the other hand, the
specified images are created to embody the authors’ certain philosophical and moral ideas, the
identification of which can also become the basis of the typology of psychopathological images.
The article argues characterization of literary characters in terms of psychiatric symptoms and
diagnosis manifestations. Even taking into account the integrated approach which is necessary
in such kinds of works, determining the diagnosis of a character, taking into account his way of
thinking and behaviour, will not give enough reason to identify his place in the structure of a piece
of literature and his role in the ideological and artistic meaning of it. There is also insufficient to
classify so called “yurodivyi” (blessed) as insane or mentally ill characters as they already have
acquired the stable position as the Russian culturally specific phenomenon. The article contains
a brief analysis of some famous short stories by V. Garshin, L. Andreev and A. Chekhov with
some psychopathological characters acting. The article also offers some typological foundations
(one author’s creativity, literary direction, sociality / anti-sociality of the character’s behaviour)
for creating the typology of psychopathological characters in the literary works.