Papers by Krzysztof Jasiecki

From the perspective of the diversity of capitalism and that of economic sociology, the article d... more From the perspective of the diversity of capitalism and that of economic sociology, the article deals with the issue of center-peripheral relations as one of the key dimensions of economic diversification that determines the development opportunities of the European Union. The collapse of the convergence processes during the 2008-2010 financial crisis revealed the separateness of development trajectories of various countries and geographical regions of the EU. Without reversing this phenomenon and working out new mechanisms of development convergence and institutions supporting them, the process of European integration will enter further structural crises that may lead to the disintegration of the EU. Various classifications of the core and of the peripheries of the euro area are characterized, within which several types of countries are identified with different economic characteristics (countries of the Northern core and of the Southern peripheries of the euro area, different types of peripheries in Southern Europe and in Central and Eastern Europe, the internal core and the external core or the outer core, and the internal peripheries and the external peripheries, as well as the super-peripheries including candidates or potential candidates to join the EU). The COVID-19 crisis has an asymmetric impact on the economic situation of the Member States. As with other crises, this impact will be the result of the interconnection of the prior state of economies, structural differences in growth patterns, and responses to new challenges brought about by the pandemic. Also, the consequences of the pandemic for the reconfiguration of center-peripheral relations in the EU are discussed, with a particular focus on the CEE.

Studia Polityczne, May 16, 2023
The article describes the issue of deinstitutionalisation policy in the area of social assistance... more The article describes the issue of deinstitutionalisation policy in the area of social assistance in the European Union (EU). It presents the genesis, context and evolution of this policy. Based on the analysis of materials available on the offi cial websites of the European Commission (EC), it addresses the issues involved in the assumptions of the deinstitutionalisation policy, its main stakeholders, the place it occupies in EU priorities, implementation instruments and ways of setting the boundaries of deinstitutionalisation in the area of social assistance. It discusses terminological issues, including sociological interpretations of the concept of deinstitutionalisation and the resulting connotations with Erving Goffman's concept of total institution. It analyses the most important documents related to addressing these issues at the EU level and their implementation. It also contains selected important elements involved in monitoring and evaluating deinstitutionalisation processes in Member States before the coronavirus pandemic, considered from the perspective of common indicators for children, children with disabilities, adults with disabilities, adults with mental health problems and seniors. It presents the main barriers, trends and challenges of deinstitutionalisation processes in the EU.
Studia Politologiczne
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 caused Europe’s largest influx of war refuge... more Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 caused Europe’s largest influx of war refugees to the European Union after World War II. This is unprecedented in many aspects, covering primarily the Central and Eastern Europe, which historically have been countries of emigration rather than migration. Against this background, grassroots initiatives and civic actions taken in Poland, local government bodies, state authorities, as well as the Catholic Church are considered. The key challenges and problems in supporting migrants from Ukraine are interpreted in terms of the theory of resource mobilization and the concept of “new social movements”.

Polish Sociological Review, Jun 19, 2019
Interest groups are one of the main types of representation which mediate between public opinion ... more Interest groups are one of the main types of representation which mediate between public opinion and decision-making processes in the EU. The crisis of global capitalism and the crisis of liberal democracy as well as the accumulation of crises in the EU have shaped system of representing interests in a new way. The article features the latest changes in this system including the intermediary institutions activity conditions in the Member States and in the EU. Since the 2008 crisis, populist and authoritarian politicians, both "right-wing" and "left-wing," have questioned the current system. In this context key aspects of the weakness of representation of interests in Central and Eastern Europe are presented. They result from the overlap of the global crises into the specific problems of the post-communist "dependent market economies." In conclusion, some theoretical limitations of research on the representation of interests in the EU and the possibility of overcoming them are being discussed.

In te gra cja z Unią Eu ro pej ską ja ko struk tu ral na de ter mi nan ta pol skie go sys te mu p... more In te gra cja z Unią Eu ro pej ską ja ko struk tu ral na de ter mi nan ta pol skie go sys te mu po li tycz ne go "Eu ro pe iza cja" kra jów człon kow skich UE Od lat osiem dzie sią tych XX wie ku ro śnie za in te re so wa nie wpły wem in te gra cji eu ro pej skiej na po li ty kę państw człon kow skich wcho dzą cych w skład obec nej Unii Eu ro pej skiej. Unia, jak in ne or ga ni za cje mię dzy naro do we, zo sta ła utwo rzo na przez kra je, któ re są na dal głów ny mi ak to rami w two rze niu po li ty ki te go ugru po wa nia. Rów no cze śnie jed nak szczegól ny cha rak ter Unii po wo du je, że od usta no wie nia Jed no li te go Ak tu Eu ro pej skie go, ra ty fi ka cja trak ta tu z Ma astricht, wpro wa dze nie wspól nej wa lu ty, a ostat nio trak ta tu re for mu ją ce go UE, sys te ma tycz nie zwięk sza się wie lo wy mia ro wy wpływ in sty tu cji unij nych na kra je człon kow skie, jak i rela cje po mię dzy ni mi. Po mi mo stop nio we go uszczu pla nia upraw nień na rodo wych państw człon kow skich na dal, "ro śnie licz ba kra jów dą żą cych do przy łą cze nia się do UE w na dziei na uzy ska nie ko rzy ści go spo dar czych i unik nię cie po li tycz nej izo la cji" (Bud ge i New ton red. 1999: 50) 1. Pro ble ma ty ka ta zna la zła od zwier cie dle nie w utwo rze niu i spo pu la ryzo wa niu ter mi nu "eu ro pe iza cja". Si mon Bul mer i Chri stian Le qu esne (2005: 12) za uwa ża ją, że o ile kwe stie zwią za ne z in te gra cją eu ro pej ską kon cen tru ją się zwy kle na po li ty ce i roz wo ju po li tycz nym in sty tu cji wspólno to wych na po zio mie po nadna ro do wym, to sło wo eu ro pe iza cja jest sto-1 Po twier dze niem tej ten den cji jest te ry to rial na eks pan sja UE, któ ra po roz sze rzeniu w 2007 ro ku, skła da się z 27 państw człon kow skich w po rów na niu z 6 pań stwa mi, któ re by ły pre kur so ra mi in te gra cji eu ro pej skiej pod czas usta no wie nia Eu ro pej skiej Wspól no ty Go spo dar czej oraz Eu ro pej skiej Wspól no ty Ener gii Ato mo wej w Rzy mie w 1957 ro ku. Strukturalne podstawy demokracji : praca zbiorowa. Red. A. Rychard. Warszawa : Wydawn. IFIS PAN, 2008. Krzysz tof Ja siec ki so wa ne głów nie w ana li zach kon se kwen cji te go pro ce su dla państw człon kow skich i ich po li ty ki we wnętrz nej. Nie ma jed nej de fi ni cji eu rope iza cji, cho ciaż ter min ten jest czę sto sto so wa ny do opi su roz ma itych zja wisk i pro ce sów. Na przy kład, Ri nus van Schen de len (2006: 27-28) de fi niu je eu ro pe iza cję ogól nie ja ko kształ to wa nie spraw pu blicz nych i pry wat nych w UE nie ogra ni czo ne gra ni ca mi jed ne go pań stwa. Jak większość ba da czy, Schen de len pod kre śla, że ma ona cha rak ter in te rak tyw ny i dwu kie run ko wy: prze bie ga "z po zio mu eu ro pej skie go w kie run ku pozio mu kra jo we go lub od wrot nie. W pierw szym przy pad ku ma my do czynie nia ze spra wą, któ ra po wsta ła w ja kimś pań stwie człon kow skim lub na fo rum unij nym, a na stęp nie prze nik nę ła do sys te mu we wnętrz ne go, two rząc obo wią zek do sto so wa nia się do pod ję tych po sta no wień. W drugim przy pad ku spra wa po wsta je w re aliach we wnątrz pań stwo wych, a następ nie jest prze no szo na do in ne go pań stwa człon kow skie go lub na szcze bel eu ro pej ski". Z ko lei Clau dio Ra da el li (2003: 30) okre śla euro pe iza cję ja ko pro ces kon stru owa nia, dy fu zji i in sty tu cjo na li za cji for malnych oraz nie for mal nych za sad, pro ce dur, pa ra dyg ma tów po li tycz nych, sty lów dzia ła nia, po glą dów i norm, któ re de fi niu ją i kon so li du ją pro ces de cy zyj ny Unii, a tak że włą cza ją go w lo gi kę we wnątrzpań stwo wych dyskur sów, iden ty fi ka cji, struk tur po li tycz nych i po li ty ki pu blicz nej. Jo han P. Ol sen (2007), któ ry do ko nał prze glą du róż nych de fi ni cji i inter pre ta cji ter mi nu eu ro pe iza cja, wy róż nił pięć je go za sto so wań: 1) eu rope iza cja jest roz pa try wa na ja ko roz sze rze nie te ry to rial ne go za się gu Unii Europejskiej; 2) two rze nie in sty tu cji na szcze blu unij nym, któ re zmie niają wa run ki dzia ła nia ak to rów po li ty ki tak że na szcze blu na ro do wym; 3) wpływ in sty tu cji unij nych na kra je człon kow skie, zmia ny w ich sys te mach za rzą dza nia, po li ty ce i wzor cach za cho wań; 4) roz prze strze nia nie się insty tu cji eu ro pej skich po za Unię (eks port form or ga ni za cji po li tycz nej, naśla dow nic two, dy fu zja itd.) 2 ; 5) po li tycz na uni fi ka cja Eu ro py, po głę bienie in te gra cji państw kon ty nen tu w ra mach UE. Jak za uwa ża Ol sen, w prak ty ce klu czo wy dla ro zu mie nia zna cze nia "eu ro pe iza cji" jest spo sób uży cia te go ter mi nu i je go kon kret ne apli ka cje. Waż ną czę ścią de ba ty wo kół eu ro pe iza cji po li ty ki unijnych kra jów człon kow skich jest rów nież 224 2 Wcze śniej szy mi prze ja wa mi tak ro zu mia nej eu ro pe iza cji by ła eks pan sja ko lo nialna i im pe ria li stycz na czę ści państw Eu ro py Za chod niej. Po 1945 ro ku by ła ona roz patry wa na ja ko stra te gia obro ny przed za gro że niem ko mu ni stycz nym i eks pan sją blo ku wschod nie go. Obec nie po strze ga na jest w ka te go riach in spi ru ją ce go mo de lu no we go sys te mu za rzą dza nia po nadna ro do we go, jak rów nież re gio nal nej re ak cji wo bec wyzwań glo ba li za cyj nych, w tym prze ciw wa gi dla USA, a co raz czę ściej tak że Chin. Strukturalne podstawy demokracji : praca zbiorowa. Red. A. Rychard.
Studia z Polityki Publicznej, Apr 3, 2016

Polish Sociological Review, Mar 22, 2021
The article deals with the issue of the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on political ... more The article deals with the issue of the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on political changes in the EU from a neo-institutional perspective. The pandemic has created qualitatively new challenges for the European Union after a "decade of crises." Due to the dramatic and destructive nature of COVID-19, it is becoming a catalyst for unprecedented systemic changes in the Member States and EU institutions. The impact of the coronavirus on conflicts and divisions in the EU is analysed using the category of Europeanization in selected key dimensions: political unification within the EU, institutional changes at the EU level, the impact of the EU institutions on the Member States, the territorial scope of the EU and the spread of EU institutions beyond Europe. Selected consequences of the pandemic affecting the future of European integration are discussed in terms of different variants of disintegration or reintegration of the EU and the role and place of Central and Eastern European countries in these changes.

Polish Sociological Review, 2008
This article is about the discussion which has been going on in Western Europe concerning interpr... more This article is about the discussion which has been going on in Western Europe concerning interpretation of the Europeanization concept and the resulting theoretical instruments for the analysis of the effects of European integration on the political transformation in Poland after the fall of communism. It presents selected mechanisms and channels of Europeanization of EU member states with reference to the "new democracies" and the anticipative modernization of Central-Eastern Europe. This perspective is used to discuss the specific nature of Europeanization of the post-communist countries and the posttransformation crisis of democracy in some countries in the region following accession to the European Union in 2004. This crisis, according to the author, was also caused to a certain extent by the contingencies and conditions of EU accession. In Poland these contingencies and conditions triggered fears of perpetuation of the country's peripheral position vis-à-vis the "old" European countries. These fears are related to various interpretations of modernization, dependency theory, the world system theory and globalization.

International Journal of Management and Economics
From the perspective of the diversity of capitalism and that of economic sociology, the article d... more From the perspective of the diversity of capitalism and that of economic sociology, the article deals with the issue of center-peripheral relations as one of the key dimensions of economic diversification that determines the development opportunities of the European Union. The collapse of the convergence processes during the 2008–2010 financial crisis revealed the separateness of development trajectories of various countries and geographical regions of the EU. Without reversing this phenomenon and working out new mechanisms of development convergence and institutions supporting them, the process of European integration will enter further structural crises that may lead to the disintegration of the EU. Various classifications of the core and of the peripheries of the euro area are characterized, within which several types of countries are identified with different economic characteristics (countries of the Northern core and of the Southern peripheries of the euro area, different type...

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe, 2021
The article describes political changes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that are m... more The article describes political changes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that are members of the European Union against the background of the global condition of democracy. The frame of reference are selected results of the Economist Democracy Index 2020 report examining the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on political changes in the world, considering some conclusions from the previous publications of the ranking. The theoretical premises and methodology of the Democracy Index are presented, including the typology of political systems as a tool for classifying the countries covered by the study into one of the four types of the systems compared: full democracy, flawed democracy, hybrid regime and authoritarian regime. The strengths and weaknesses of the Democracy Index have characterized as well as the symptoms of the global decline of democracy. Changes in the values of the Index indicators in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe between 2006 and 2020 are a...

ABSTRACT Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economi... more ABSTRACT Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. This book combines both an elite approach with a varieties-of-capitalism approach. Comparing Poland, Hungary and East and West Germany, we perceive the transformations in East Central Europe and in Germany after 1989 as being intertwined. Based on a joint survey, this book seeks to measure the level of the convergence of ideas among European business leaders, assuming it to be more extensive than the institutional convergence expected under the dominance of neoliberal discourse. Analysing the institutional framework, organizational features like size, ownership and labour relations, and subjective characteristics like age, social origin, career patterns and attitudes of the recent business elites, we found significant differences between countries and the types of organization. The growing importance of economic degrees and internationalization shows astonishingly little explanatory power on the views of business leaders. The idea of a coordinated market economy is still relatively widespread among Germans, while their Hungarian and Polish counterparts are more likely to display a minimalist view of corporate responsibility to society and adverse attitudes towards employee representation. However, their attitudes frequently tend to be inconsistent, which mirrors the mixed type of capitalism in East Central Europe.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
The author describes the political concepts of Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Kuomintang party, whose... more The author describes the political concepts of Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Kuomintang party, whose views largely shaped the thinking of the Chinese elite about the modernization of the state and China’s place in the world. These concepts are considered in relation to contemporary interpretations of the systemic and economic development of the People’s Republic of China, the otherness of the ‘Confucian capitalism’ of East Asia, the limitations of the western concept of global government, and the crisis of neoliberal globalization.
E u ro pe a n U n io n a n d i n P ol a n d . ! e se co n d s ec ti on f oc u se s on t h e ev a ... more E u ro pe a n U n io n a n d i n P ol a n d . ! e se co n d s ec ti on f oc u se s on t h e ev a lu a ti on o f th e co n d it io n o f P ol is h c iv ic d ia lo gu e pa st 1 98 9. ! e th ir d s ec ti on c on si d er s so ci a l d ia lo gu e in P ol a n d f ro m t h e co m p a ra ti ve p er sp ec ti ve o f p ol it ic a l p a rt ic ip a ti on a n d p ol it ic a l cu lt u re i n d ic a to rs o f th e D em oc ra cy I n d ex . ! e pa pe r en d s w it h " n a l r em a rk s. . K ey w o rd s: c iv ic d ia lo gu e, s oc ia l d ia lo gu e, E ur op ea n U n io n , D em oc ra cy I n de x
Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2014
... na decyzje globalne Skanska SA (Grupa Exbud SA od holdingu narodowego do lokalnej koncentr... more ... na decyzje globalne Skanska SA (Grupa Exbud SA od holdingu narodowego do lokalnej koncentracji w ... Koło zamachowe czy bariera rozwoju polskiej gospodarki?, op.cit. ... W Polsce konflikt iracki jest przez elity polityczne i gospodarcze postrzegany najczęściej jako wyjątkowa ...
Papers by Krzysztof Jasiecki