Papers by Kristian Pérez Zurutuza

International Journal of Teaching and Learning Sciences, Jan 7, 2025
LGTBIQ+ shows a social reality academic syllabus need tackle to raise awareness of the multi-face... more LGTBIQ+ shows a social reality academic syllabus need tackle to raise awareness of the multi-faceted social reality of today. Often vague, often difficult to address, LGTBIQ+ stretches across curricular constraints which pose various demands when teachers and students attempt to respond to satisfactorily as for inclusive curriculum and behavior. Nonetheless, more complex pedagogical processes involving teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills are needed to bridge new social and academic grounds to transform students into competent and knowledgeable assets with a creative critical mind in pursue of inclusion and justice. Furthermore, civic education and gender equality-based awareness enhances students' critical thinking and assertive adaptation to equality and motivation to become active educators across different school fields of knowledge. The current paper is a longitudinal study of a cooperative interdisciplinary project based upon body percussion and literary production as an instrument to raise awareness of LGTBIQ+ at school and further social scenarios. Our findings conclude intrinsic motivation levels increase significantly when students' self-efficacy and meta-awareness is accomplished, students' inclusion in decision-making processes favors motivation and cooperation, blurs gender differences in favor of tolerance, and facilitates more complex cognitive strategies that lead to better performance, greater engagement, and higher marks.

International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 2025
Research shows the use of learners' L1 enables and channels the acquisition of L2/L3, for which W... more Research shows the use of learners' L1 enables and channels the acquisition of L2/L3, for which Word Order serves as a canvas for learners to build the linguistic knowledge of any target language upon. This study tests the linguistic intuitions of participants in Basque with transitive constructions which involve full use of word order and morphological patterns necessary to test how participants elaborate their intuitions. Participants are newly-arrived migrants with no previous experience with Basque. Data obtained out of three tests-Comprehension Test, Production Test, and Grammaticality Judgment Test-shows that the layout and distribution of word order(s) and all functional and lexical categories as colored cutouts representing syntactic aspects of L1 and L2/L3 enables learners' active manipulation of these different elements crosslinguistically, allowing them to build up their own syntactic knowledge comparatively with greater cognitive and syntactic efficiency, scarce errors, and accomplishing significantly higher motivational rates than in traditional settings. As colored cutouts act as visual enhancers of morphosyntactic patterns boosting cognitive efficiency, patterns become easier to internalize and higher motivation levels appear as frustration is reduced. Finally, perceived similarity between Basque as L2 or L3 and the participants' L1 plays a key role, for which colored patterns have the role of facilitating the participants' predictions with English as a filter, increasing metalinguistic awareness and competence.

JARSS - Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, 2024
Competence describes pedagogical processes involving teachers, students, contents, methodologies,... more Competence describes pedagogical processes involving teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills for new social and academic grounds. It encompasses gender equality-based awareness to enhance students' critical thinking as active educators. This longitudinal study describes an interdisciplinary project to raise awareness of gender equality at secondary school, provides a space for teachers and students to address gender-based violence in a flexible student-based and response-based PBL methodology while self-sustained engagement and motivation heightens more complex cognitive development and competence. Results conclude that intrinsic motivation levels increase dramatically when students' awareness regarding social impact is accomplished, schools benefit from students' inclusion in planning and decision-making processes, and gender awareness is enhanced as they become active social educators. Most importantly, students' self-motivated and sustained increase of meta-awareness and metacognitive strategies relate to active decision-making in the context of gender-based violence and social and academic education.

7th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
Competence describes pedagogical processes which involve teachers, students, contents, methodolog... more Competence describes pedagogical processes which involve teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills to be developed for the world of tomorrow, alongside multilingualism and interdisciplinarity to bridge new social and academic grounds. Moreover, civic education and gender equality-based awareness enhances students' critical thinking and assertive adaptation to equality and motivation to become active educators across different school fields of knowledge. Thus, there is an objective need to incorporate teachers in the direct process(es) of competence development. In the light of these premises, the current paper analyzes PBL-Project-based Learning-as the working scenario for a flexible student-based and response-based methodology to ensure self-sustained engagement and motivation that may route the use of multiple intelligences to create new and more complex cognitive development and knowledge, hence, competence. To this respect, pedagogical processes must fulfill certain key factors: (i) the code and its accessibility; (ii) cultural difficulty; (iii) task familiarity, (iv) the teacher's role, and (v) cognitive difficulty. When correctly tackled, projects enhance meaningful learning. Additionally, teachers would need autonomy to empower students on decision-making spheres to provide new grounds for cooperative personal and academic development. This longitudinal study analyzes the case of a pedagogical and interdisciplinary musical project to approach gender equality and provide a space to make a claim against gender-based violence encompassing the creation, production, recording and spreading of such model to other neighboring institutions as a valid pedagogical project.
Social Science Research Network, Dec 1, 2015
About The Journal The Canadian Research Centre for Humanities and Science encourages Undergraduat... more About The Journal The Canadian Research Centre for Humanities and Science encourages Undergraduate students and PostGraduates Students of Colleges and Universities to submit their papers for publication in the Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education. In addition, The CRCHS will give letter of acceptance for all papers accepted for publication and a Certificate of publication.
Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2015
The vampire is a cultural construct that impersonates the Gothic, man-focused power discourse, sh... more The vampire is a cultural construct that impersonates the Gothic, man-focused power discourse, shaped as the economical symbol of Western white man's capitalist identity. It has developed through the aristocratic vampire characters such as Polidori's Lord Ruthven, Rymer's Sir Varney, or Stoker's Count Dracula; and has evolved into portraying the predatory patriarchal conceptions of white economy in Marxist, gender, and colonial redefinitions of masculinity and whiteness that Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga has come to depict, as departures from traditional constructions of masculinity and its new gender and racial assertions.

Social Science Research Network, Apr 1, 2016
Linguistic typology's applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structur... more Linguistic typology's applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind. This relates to the use of typological patterns to form a methodology of multilingual language teaching for primary schools through the use of typological parameters, such as word order, verb inflection, comparative morphology, or syntax, among others. Their use would enable young learners to acquire second language(s) parallel to their own mother tongue in a direct manner in multilingual contexts through a single method common to the multiple target languages. Such methodology breaks down language into a skeleton learners approach regardless of previous knowledge, cultural background, or age. Permanently, all second languages are addressed through their features related to the native tongue of the learner, which leads to their comprehension and quick, effortless, natural assimilation and acquisition through visual and memory methods, along a plethora of exercises. It may be used traditionally, or with ITs, fluidly to help migrants banish linguistic barriers when integrating within foreign communities. Simultaneously, as migrants access alien educational institutions and life in the community within a minority language, this methodology may help preserve and ensure its growth through the increase of speakers. By doing so, the creation of cultural production in that minority language-and the preservation of the language itself-may be reassured. This methodology approaches the teaching of Basque-one of the oldest minority language in the world-and other European or Asian languages, although expandable to whatever language.

Chapter 2: Anthropology of the Vampire………………………… 2.1. Definition of Vampire as an anthropological... more Chapter 2: Anthropology of the Vampire………………………… 2.1. Definition of Vampire as an anthropological phenomenon… 2.2. Origins of the vampire: Towards a vampiric genealogy……. 2.3. The rite of becoming a vampire…………………………….. 2.4. Tipology of vampires……………………………………….. 2.4.1. Lore approach to vampire typology…………………… 2.4.2. Vampires and the supernatural………………………… 2.4.3. Vampirism and licanthropy within Christian doctrine. Practice and punishment……………………………….. 2.5. The greatest vampire symbol. Blood: meaning, symbolism, and significance in vampirism………………….. 2.6. The vampire figure across the world………………………… 2.7. The science of vampires and vampirism……………………… 2.8. Modern and postmodern approaches to vampirisn in the End of the Millenium era. Psychic vampirism………………… 2.9. Facing the beast. True accounts of vampire case histories…….. 2.9.1. Vlad Tepes………………………………………………… 2.9.2. Gilles de Rais……………………………………………… 2.9.3. Erzebeth Bathory………………………………………….. 2.9.4. Arnold Paole………………………………………………. 2.9.5. Fritz Haarman……………………………………………… 2.9.6. Bela Kiss…………………………………………………... Page 2.9.7. John Haigh………………………………………………… 148 2.9.8. Peter Kürten……………………………………………….. 148 2.10. Artistic expressions of the vampire in modern society……….. 150 Chapter 3: Capitalism, or the True Façade of the Vampire…….…… 3.1. Capital and vampires. From myth to metonimy………….……... 155 3.2. Class, ideology, and corporate power as selfhood construction… 167 3.3. Genealogy of capitalist power. Private dominion of the public.…176 3.4. Public discoordination and the new capitalist slavery of vampires………………………………………………………….187 3.5. The antisemitic wandering spirit and global vampire capitalism………………………………………………………...199 Chapter 4: Profiling the Vampire. An insight into its Psychology.........207 4.1. Formation of personality. Principles of social learning…….…….209 4.2. The Imitation Game, or the acquisition of behavioural patterns… 220 4.3. The origin of evil and fear. A profile on the predatory nature of the vampire…………………………………………….. 226 4.4. Vampire attraction……………………………………………….. 237 4.5. Pathology and vampires………………………………………….. 244 Page Chapter 5: The Construction of the Vampire's Whiteness………… 5.1. Social and cultural construction of race……………………….. 5.2. Family roots of the creation of whiteness……………………… 5.3. Racial construction of Gothic…………………………………. 5.4. Social class and "choice" conceptions of racial identity and assimilation………………………………………. 5.5. Redefining multiracial and white identities. Vampires versus werewolves…………………….……………. 5.6. Louis and Carlisle Cullen, or the neoliberal supreme sense of postcolonial white metaracial justice….……………… Chapter 6: Images of Vampire Masculinity………….………………. 6.1. Defining the identities of masculinity………..………………… 6.1.1. Archetype and masculine identity……..………………….. 6.1.2. Constructing a male vampire……….…………………….. 6.1.3. Homophobic depiction of maleness.……………………… 6.2. Gothic reflection of masculinity as the patriarchal narrative of Darwinist Imperialism……………..………………………… 6.3. Racial approach to masculine identity…..……………………… 6.4. Vampiric violence, or the male construction of violent behaviour……………………………..………………………… 6.4.1. The male discourse of violence….………………………… Page 6.4.2. The shaping of masculinity through violence…………… 6.4.3. Classifying hardship of masculinity…………………….. 6.4.4. The household as the domestic sphere of masculine violence………………………………………………….. 6.5. The vampire as the embodiment of masculine capitalist economy and power…………………………………...…..

Academic Journal of Science, Dec 26, 2020
Competence has become a key word when describing pedagogical processes which involve teachers, st... more Competence has become a key word when describing pedagogical processes which involve teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills to be developed. Moreover, as the school of today must provide students with the necessary knowledge and competence for the world of tomorrow, multilingualism is also a must, especially, as migration has generated a plethora of new school environments and linguistic and cultural soundscapes. Thus, there is an objective need to incorporate teachers in the direct process(es) of task design and assessment, not as mere passive transmitters of knowledge, but as active facilitators of competence development. In the light of the aforementioned premises, the current paper analyzes PBL-Project-based Learning-as the working scenario for a flexible student-based and response-based methodology to ensure self-sustained engagement and motivation that may route the use of multiple intelligences to create new and more complex cognitive development and knowledge, hence, competence. To this respect, pedagogical processes must fulfill certain key factors: (i) the code and its accessibility; (ii) cultural difficulty; (iii) task familiarity, (iv) the teacher's role, and (v) cognitive difficulty. When correctly tackled, projects enhance meaningful learning. Additionally, teachers would need to be eclectic in its widest sense as for approach and competence with actual autonomy to generate and assess tasks and empowering students on decision-making spheres in order to provide new grounds for cooperative personal and academic development to pursue happiness as a primary goal of Education. This paper analyzes the case of two students who have displayed the ability to go beyond the limitations of traditional pedagogy and, within and despite this framework, mature a technology-based cooperative and interdisciplinary project of a wireless cellphone charger on their own as they realized and self-sustained the need to go beyond the academic constraints of the educational stage-Middle School-in which they are.

Linguistic Typology has been a useful tool for the establishment of a unitary linguistic structur... more Linguistic Typology has been a useful tool for the establishment of a unitary linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind with the usage of various typological patterns to build a methodology that enables multilingual language teaching in infant, primary, and secondary education environments. This has occurred by making use of unified typological items, such as word order pattern, verb inflection, comparative morphology, or syntax, among others; permitting young learners to acquire second language(s) parallel to their own mother tongue in a direct manner in multilingual contexts through a unique methodology common to all multiple languages used as target languages, but considering pupils’ native tongue as a solid reference. Such methodology breaks down language into a skeleton young learners approach to regardless of previous knowledge, cultural background, or age. It becomes sustainable at all levels, for all second languages are addressed through their fe...

El vampiro ha fascinado a toda civilizacion como constructo cultural desde tiempos inmemoriales. ... more El vampiro ha fascinado a toda civilizacion como constructo cultural desde tiempos inmemoriales. Como imagen del lado oscuro de la naturaleza y del hombre, el mito se ha desarrollado incesantemente para explicar la psique humana a traves su propia existencia. Desde personificar la imagen de la naturaleza y su poder destructivo, hasta la construccion social de diversos ordenes del ser humano, el vampiro ha sabido resurgir con todo su vigor hasta nuestros dias. Esta Tesis se basa en la premisa de comprender el vampiro como la imagen de la masculinidad del hombre blanco occidental en su aspecto capitalista, analizando su construccion y evolucion dentro de la literatura gotica inglesa y americana en lengua inglesa. La critica marxista analiza el vampiro como elemento parasitario del capital dentro de la lucha de clases, pero esta Tesis ahonda en la imagen del vampiro como la construccion de la masculinidad del capital, o mejor dicho, del hombre occidental de raza blanca, bajo el supuest...
International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2015
The vampire is a cultural construct that impersonates the Gothic, man-focused power discourse, sh... more The vampire is a cultural construct that impersonates the Gothic, man-focused power discourse, shaped as the economical symbol of Western white man’s capitalist identity. It has developed through the aristocratic vampire characters such as Polidori’s Lord Ruthven, Rymer’s Sir Varney, or Stoker’s Count Dracula; and has evolved into portraying the predatory patriarchal conceptions of white economy in Marxist, gender, and colonial redefinitions of masculinity and whiteness that Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga has come to depict, as departures from traditional constructions of masculinity and its new gender and racial assertions.

Linguistic typology’s applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structur... more Linguistic typology’s applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind. This relates to the use of typological patterns to form a methodology of multilingual language teaching for primary schools through the use of typological parameters, such as word order, verb inflection, comparative morphology, or syntax, among others. Their use would enable young learners to acquire second language(s) parallel to their own mother tongue in a direct manner in multilingual contexts through a single method common to the multiple target languages. Such methodology breaks down language into a skeleton learners approach regardless of previous knowledge, cultural background, or age. Permanently, all second languages are addressed through their features related to the native tongue of the learner, which leads to their comprehension and quick, effortless, natural assimilation and acquisition through visual and memory methods, a...
Canadian International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2015
The vampire as a cultural construction has come to impersonate the Gothic male centered discourse... more The vampire as a cultural construction has come to impersonate the Gothic male centered discourse of power, which was shaped as the economical symbol of Western white man’s capitalist identity. Developing through the aristocratic vampire characters such as Polidori’s Lord Ruthven, Rymer’s Varney, or Stoker’s Dracula; it has evolved as a predatory embodiment of patriarchal conceptions of white economy in Marxist, gender, and colonial redefinitions of masculinity and whiteness that Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga has come to portray as departures from traditional masculinity constructions and its new gender and racial assertions.

International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 2016
Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and ... more Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and time in the form of graveyards, cemeteries, or ancient torn castles to reflect upon the forces of destruction and dominance that mirror vampires’ personality. Whereas former traditional vampires of the eighteenth and nineteenth-century Gothic literature predominantly depict Freudian elements when building their persona, contemporary vampire forms arise from more complex discourses of gender and racial nature that explain the evolution of vampire personality within the Gothic framework. Such external construction of Gothic imagery responds to a gender and race discourse of Gothic vampires’ white masculine personality and its evolution into new discourses of morality, ethics, and symbiotic behavior that alter the traditional conceptions of masculinity in order to redefine new grounds in terms of diluted images of masculinity that help shape the vampire beyond its traditional image.

IJAS - International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2020
Competence has become a key word when describing pedagogical processes which involve teachers, st... more Competence has become a key word when describing pedagogical processes which involve teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills to be developed. Moreover, as the school of today must provide students with the necessary knowledge and competence for the world of tomorrow, multilingualism is also a must, especially, as migration has generated a plethora of new school environments and linguistic and cultural soundscapes. Thus, there is an objective need to incorporate teachers in the direct process(es) of task design and assessment, not as mere passive transmitters of knowledge, but as active facilitators of competence development. In the light of the aforementioned premises, the current paper analyzes PBL-Project-based Learning-as the working scenario for a flexible student-based and response-based methodology to ensure self-sustained engagement and motivation that may route the use of multiple intelligences to create new and more complex cognitive development and knowledge, hence, competence. To this respect, pedagogical processes must fulfill certain key factors: (i) the code and its accessibility; (ii) cultural difficulty; (iii) task familiarity, (iv) the teacher's role, and (v) cognitive difficulty. When correctly tackled, projects enhance meaningful learning. Additionally, teachers would need to be eclectic in its widest sense as for approach and competence with actual autonomy to generate and assess tasks and empowering students on decision-making spheres in order to provide new grounds for cooperative personal and academic development to pursue happiness as a primary goal of Education. This paper analyzes the case of two students who have displayed the ability to go beyond the limitations of traditional pedagogy and, within and despite this framework, mature a technology-based cooperative and interdisciplinary project of a wireless cellphone charger on their own as they realized and self-sustained the need to go beyond the academic constraints of the educational stage-Middle School-in which they are.

IJAS - International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Apr 27, 2017
Linguistic Typology has been a useful tool for the establishment of a unitary linguistic structur... more Linguistic Typology has been a useful tool for the establishment of a unitary linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind with the usage of various typological patterns to build a methodology that enables multilingual language teaching in infant, primary, and secondary education environments. This has occurred by making use of unified typological items, such as word order pattern, verb inflection, comparative morphology, or syntax, among others; permitting young learners to acquire second language(s) parallel to their own mother tongue in a direct manner in multilingual contexts through a unique methodology common to all multiple languages used as target languages, but considering pupils' native tongue as a solid reference. Such methodology breaks down language into a skeleton young learners approach to regardless of previous knowledge, cultural background, or age. It becomes sustainable at all levels, for all second languages are addressed through their features related to the native tongue of the learner, leading to a more efficient comprehension and quick, effortless, natural assimilation and acquisition through visual and memory methods, along a plethora of exercises that only act as tools for such process, not as the main source for language learning nor teaching. The methodology does not depend on economic basis, for it may be used traditionally, or with ICTs, in a fluid manner to help natives and migrants banish linguistic barriers when integrating within foreign communities and their educational institutions, as well as helping preserve and ensure the growth of minority languages through the increase of speakers, which may lead to the creation of cultural production of whatever type. This shall indeed reassure the preservation of the (minority) languages while building the knowledge of foreign ones. Although this methodology approaches the teaching of Basque (minority language being one of the oldest in the world) and other European or Asian languages, although expandable to whatever language, it may be adapted to any language.

Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and ... more Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and time in the form of graveyards, cemeteries, or ancient torn castles to reflect upon the forces of destruction and dominance that mirror vampires' personality. Whereas former traditional vampires of the eighteenth and nineteenth-century Gothic literature predominantly depict Freudian elements when building their persona, contemporary vampire forms arise from more complex discourses of gender and racial nature that explain the evolution of vampire personality within the Gothic framework. Such external construction of Gothic imagery responds to a gender and race discourse of Gothic vampires' white masculine personality and its evolution into new discourses of morality, ethics, and symbiotic behavior that alter the traditional conceptions of masculinity in order to redefine new grounds in terms of diluted images of masculinity that help shape the vampire beyond its traditional image.

Linguistic typology's applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structur... more Linguistic typology's applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind. This relates to the use of typological patterns to form a methodology of multilingual language teaching for primary schools through the use of typological parameters, such as word order, verb inflection, comparative morphology, or syntax, among others. Their use would enable young learners to acquire second language(s) parallel to their own mother tongue in a direct manner in multilingual contexts through a single method common to the multiple target languages. Such methodology breaks down language into a skeleton learners approach regardless of previous knowledge, cultural background, or age. Permanently, all second languages are addressed through their features related to the native tongue of the learner, which leads to their comprehension and quick, effortless, natural assimilation and acquisition through visual and memory methods, along a plethora of exercises. It may be used traditionally, or with ITs, fluidly to help migrants banish linguistic barriers when integrating within foreign communities. Simultaneously, as migrants access alien educational institutions and life in the community within a minority language, this methodology may help preserve and ensure its growth through the increase of speakers. By doing so, the creation of cultural production in that minority language —and the preservation of the language itself— may be reassured. This methodology approaches the teaching of Basque —one of the oldest minority language in the world— and other European or Asian languages, although expandable to whatever language.
Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and ... more Gothic aesthetics features a series of motifs such as darkness, horror, and the use of space and time in the form of graveyards, cemeteries, or ancient torn castles to reflect upon the forces of destruction and dominance that mirror vampires's personality. Whereas former traditional vampires of the eighteenth and nineteenth century Gothic literature predominantly depict Freudian elements when building their persona, contemporary vampire forms rise from more complex discourses of gender and racial nature that explain the evolution of vampire personality within the Gothic framework. Such external construction of Gothic imagery responds to a gender and race discourse of Gothic vampires's white masculine capitalist personality and its evolution into new discourses of morality, ethics, and symbiotic behaviour.
Papers by Kristian Pérez Zurutuza
An insight into Stoker’s knowledge of previous vampire literature and folklore is offered to the reader, so that Stoker’s depiction of his Count is understood.
The reader will discover Elizabeth Bathory, the Vampire Countess; and the real Dracula, Vlad Tepes, who was known as Vlad the Impaler. Stoker’s knowledge of these historical figures, as well as other various fascinating stories, myths and facts; will show the reader a new face of the most popular and well-known vampire figure in universal literature.