Papers by Wojciech Kowalewski
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2018
Public universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks (... more Public universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks (interactive online textbooks) and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with: publication and distribution of e-textbooks, e-book readers, and editing tools. The paper also discusses a survey that targeted students of medical sciences, which focused on their understanding of their educational needs that can be met through new online resources as well as their expectations of how such e-textbooks should be like.
Standard Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) – ewaluacja wiedzy studenta

In education, assessment is a continuous process which may perform numerous functions, such as di... more In education, assessment is a continuous process which may perform numerous functions, such as diagnosing, supporting, motivating, controlling or summarising. As a continuous process, assessment takes time, and therefore, where possible, it is replaced by e-assessment. In medical sciences, theoretical knowledge is often assessed using electronic tests based on multiple choice questions. However, the method of preparation to this type of exams and the mere filling of the test form may be problematic for students. Given the above, the authors have decided to monitor the students' approach to the online tests in order to eliminate or correct any arising problems. This document presents the results of surveys taken in the academic years 2014/15 and 2015/16. In addition, the article shows the role of formative and summative evaluation in eassessment as well as the need to apply standards for the development of assessment tools and systems. Even with many advantages, the e-assessment ...
Interactive elements constitute an important part of educational materials and make a significant... more Interactive elements constitute an important part of educational materials and make a significant impact on the memorization process. With the development of programming technologies, the range of interactive elements, such as games, simulations, and decision-making labyrinths that match the characteristics of the knowledge they present has significantly expanded. The article presents a review of the available technologies based on their use in creation of interactive content for distance education. The authors also present the applications of selected interactive elements in different educational contexts.
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2016
As defined by the National Institutes of Health: “Biomedical engineering integrates physical, che... more As defined by the National Institutes of Health: “Biomedical engineering integrates physical, chemical, mathematical, and computational sciences and engineering principles to study biology, medicine, behavior, and health”. Many issues in this area are closely related to fluid dynamics. This paper provides an overview of the basic concepts concerning Computational Fluid Dynamics and its applications in medicine.
Monotonicity Properties of Banach Lattices and Their Applications – a Survey
Trends in Mathematics, 2016
This is a survey of the most important results from the wide literature concerning monotonicity p... more This is a survey of the most important results from the wide literature concerning monotonicity properties of Banach lattices and their applications.
Exposed Points in Musieilak-Orlicz Spaces Equipped with the Luxemburg Norm
Mathematica Japonicae, 1995
Learning Content Development System (LCDS) jako narzędzie tworzenia materiałów powtórkowych
E Mentor, 2013

Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2015
Enhancement of teaching using digital materials is rapidly entering the world of medical studies.... more Enhancement of teaching using digital materials is rapidly entering the world of medical studies. Creation of a self-learning environment supported with self-tests is received well, or even enthusiastically, among students. On the other hand, there is a relatively large group of opponents among university teachers, who do not see the need for changes in teaching and testing methodology to be made. This attitude may be surfacing as a result of anxiety connected with implementing new technologies in teaching medical subjects, as well as the belief that implementing new technologies does not have an immediate effect on learning quality. The authors of this article attempt to demonstrate that a thoughtful choice of e-learning platform facilitates the process of implementing online learning and testing aids in medical faculties. The second part of the article presents initial results of studies concerning the efficiency of learning enhanced with self-tests. Our analysis details the resul...

Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2015
The necessary prerequisites for efficiently pursuing distance learning include carefully planned ... more The necessary prerequisites for efficiently pursuing distance learning include carefully planned organization of work and resource management tools, typically found in an internet application – a distance learning portal. The portal application must meet a number of capacity and functionality requirements. Learning goals are pursued through implementation of appropriate tools available in the portal. In the article that follows, the authors attempt to analyze this aspect of medical education as utilized by blended learning and e-learning classes. The article presents a proposal for a set of tools to organize classes in an e-learning portal at a medical school. In addition, the article presents the opinions of students of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences and the Medical University of Bialystok who took part in distance education classes.

Grasas y Aceites, 2013
Discriminación de aceites de oliva comestibles mediante espectroscopía de fluorescencia sincrónic... more Discriminación de aceites de oliva comestibles mediante espectroscopía de fluorescencia sincrónica y análisis multivariante Se ha investigado el potencial de la espectroscopía de fluorescencia para la clasificación de los aceite de oliva. Para ello, se recogieron espectros de fluorescencia sincrónica en el rango de 240-700 nm con intervalos de longitud de onda de 10, 30, 60 y 80 nm. Las proyecciones algorítmicas sucesivas (SPA) se aplicaron para la determinación de las longitudes de onda representativas mientras que el método de análisis discriminante lineal (LDA) se empleó para clasificar los aceites de oliva. Se obtuvo un error de clasificación del método bajo (0,9-6,4%) para las medidas recogidas en todos los intervalos de onda. La mejor precisión de clasificación se obtuvo para intensidades de fluorescencia sincrónica adquiridos a 10 longitudes de onda seleccionadas con intervalos de longitud de onda de 10 nm.
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 2006
We prove that approximative compactness of a Banach space X is equivalent to the conjunction of r... more We prove that approximative compactness of a Banach space X is equivalent to the conjunction of reflexivity and the Kadec-Klee property of X. This means that approximative compactness coincides with the drop property defined by Rolewicz in Studia Math. 85 (1987), 25-35. Using this general result we find criteria for approximative compactness in the class of Musielak-Orlicz function and sequence spaces for both (the Luxemburg norm and the Amemiya norm) as well as critria for this property in the class of Lorentz-Orlicz spaces. Criteria for full rotundity of Musielak-Orlicz spaces are also presented in the case of the Luxemburg norm. An example of a reflexive strictly convex Köthe function space which is not approximatively compact and some remark concerning the compact faces property for Musielak-Orlicz spaces are given.
Zastosowanie Fluorymetrii Synchronicznej Do Wykrywania Zafałszowania Oliwy Z Oliwek Wybranymi Olejami Z Nasion
Zywnosc.Nauka.Technologia.Jakosc/Food.Science.Technology.Quality, 2013
Organizacja akademickiej edukacji zdalnej a akademickiej edukacji tradycyjnej
This paper presents a comparison of the organization of academic distance education and tra-ditio... more This paper presents a comparison of the organization of academic distance education and tra-ditional academic education based on the research results available in bibliography as well as the authors’ experience in the field of distance education. The authors pay attention to the issues that are critical in the organization and management of the academic distance education. They discuss the following topics: –selection of e-learning platform in terms of functionality and performance, –integration of dean’s office managing system and the e-learning platform, –workflow and –communication between students and faculty. The article includes a preliminary analysis of a survey on deployment of the distance learning course “Information technologies”
Gesture recognition technology in education
The paper includes a description of the contactless interface technologies by example of Kinect s... more The paper includes a description of the contactless interface technologies by example of Kinect sensor, Samsung Smart TV and Leap Motion Controller, showing both their capabilities and weaknesses. Based on the existing applications and authors’ Kinect programming experience we present both OpenNI and Microsoft SDK capabilities. Last part of the paper is focused on the discussion on the use of contactless interfaces in the classroom education and the distance education

Dairy Science & Technology, 2015
The fraudulent addition of plant oils during the manufacturing of hard cheeses is a real issue fo... more The fraudulent addition of plant oils during the manufacturing of hard cheeses is a real issue for the dairy industry. Considering the importance of monitoring adulterations of genuine cheeses, the potential of fluorescence spectroscopy for the detection of cheese adulteration with plant oils was investigated. Synchronous fluorescence spectra were collected within the range of 240 to 700 nm with different wavelength intervals. The lowest detection limits of adulteration, 3.0 and 4.4%, respectively, were observed for the application of wavelength intervals of 60 and 80 nm. Multiple linear regression models were used to calculate the level of adulteration, with the lowest root mean square error of prediction and root mean square error of cross validation equalling 1.5 and 1.8%, respectively, for the measurement acquired at the wavelength interval of 60 nm. Lower classification errors were obtained for the successive projections algorithm-linear discriminant analysis (SPA-LDA) rather than for the principal component analysis (PCA)-LDA method. The lowest classification error rates equalled 3.8% (Δλ=10 and 30 nm) and 0.0% (Δλ=60 nm) for the PCA-LDA and SPA-LDA classification methods, respectively. The applied technique is useful for detecting the addition of plant fat to hard cheese.

Academic blended learning - competences and tools
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2014
ABSTRACT Teaching with the blended learning method has many supporters in the academic circles, a... more ABSTRACT Teaching with the blended learning method has many supporters in the academic circles, as it emphasises the key role of the teacher (mentor) in the learning process, and fits well with the idea of the life-long learning. The volatility of materials and the continuous evolution of tools and distance teaching and learning portals must involve a continuous improvement of ICT competences among people involved in teaching with this method. This article discusses selected aspects of preparing and teaching classes and evaluating students' knowledge in teaching with the use of the blended learning method, with a special consideration of ICT competences necessary in this respect. Moreover, the authors present certain issues which are frequently less known to academic teachers but would significantly facilitate and streamline their work, such as: virtual seminars, leading project groups, distributing information via a portal, organisational consultation tools, etc.
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2014
This article presents an overview of generally available applications for creating multimedia and... more This article presents an overview of generally available applications for creating multimedia and interactive educational materials, such as presentations, instructional videos, self-tests and interactive repetitions. With the use of the presented tools, pilot materials were developed to support the teaching of biostatistics at a medical university. The authors conducted surveys among students of faculties of medicine in order to evaluate the materials used in terms of quality and usefulness. The article presents the analysis of the results obtained.
Approximative compactness and continuity of metric projector in Banach spaces and applications
Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2008
Abstract First we prove that the approximative compactness of a nonempty set C in a normed linear... more Abstract First we prove that the approximative compactness of a nonempty set C in a normed linear space can be reformulated equivalently in another way. It is known that if C is a semi-Chebyshev closed and approximately compact set in a Banach space X, then the metric projector πC ...
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 2017
This paper presents several applications of the dimensional analysis method to problems investiga... more This paper presents several applications of the dimensional analysis method to problems investigated in medical sciences. The method is used to analyze various complex processes without using formal laws governing the same. It is particularly suitable for a general analysis of fluid transfer (liquids and gases) in the human body. This paper mainly serves as an overview of selected applications, mostly those emerging in the recent years, and includes a discussion of the mathematical fundamentals of dimensional analysis together followed by its critical analysis. Containing detailed calculations of two examples, the paper also serves as training material in the area of the computational method of the dimensional analysis algorithm.
Papers by Wojciech Kowalewski