Papers by Kouassi Kouadio Christian

ASJP, Jan 30, 2013
La chromatographie sur Couche Mince (CCM) est une méthode qualitative qui a servi à identifier le... more La chromatographie sur Couche Mince (CCM) est une méthode qualitative qui a servi à identifier les phytoconstituants contenus dans les extraits aqueux de deux angiospermes Morinda mucida (ML) et Solanum aethiopicum (SA). Les résultats des tests pharmacologiques des extraits réalisés sur des lapins ont montré qu'ils induisent des hypotensions dose-dépendant. Toutefois, l'extrait de S. aethiopicum a présenté une efficacité plus accrue (DE50 = 3,31 mg/kg de PC.) Mots-clés : Étude chimique et pharmacologique, plantes anti hypertensives, CCM, Côte d'Ivoire. Abstract Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a qualitative method that served to identify phytoconstituents contained in aqueous extracts of two angiosperms Morinda mucida (ML) and Solanum aethiopicum. The results of pharmacological tests of the extracts achieved on rabbits showed that they lead dose-dependent hypotensions. However, S. aethiopicum extract presented an efficiency more increased (DE50 = 3.31 mg/kg of b.w.)

Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) commonly called Aubergine, is a popular plant and one of the ... more Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) commonly called Aubergine, is a popular plant and one of the most eaten as a leaf and vegetable. Due to the lack of phytochemical and biological information on the species of Côte d'Ivoire, the goal of our previous investigations was mainly a qualitative analysis by TLC and anti-hypertensive activity of organic extracts from the flower stalk. This research has highlighted the richness of the plant in different secondary metabolites and an efficient in vivo hypotensive activity. The aim of the present work was to certify by HPLC analyzes, the phytochemical composition of n-butanol fraction (F4) of S. aethiopicum flower stalk obtained from the methanol extract and study its anticancer activity on Jurkat cell lines. The results have confirmed our previous findings in relation to the diversity of bioactive phytocompounds contained in S. aethiopicum flower stalk; on one hand, Quercetin identified in F4 at a retention time of 2.65 min and on the oth...

The appropriated type of formulation for an efficient bioavailability of phytocompounds (PCD) and... more The appropriated type of formulation for an efficient bioavailability of phytocompounds (PCD) and plant extracts still a huge challenge for scientists and pharmaceutical industries as extracts generally contain multiple of hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances with different solubility. Even though the richness of Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) in bioactive substances has already been reported, never the crude extract (F0) has been used in a formulation in order to assess the best way of administration of the embedded phytochemicals. The aim of this work is firstly to manufacture an extract-based microemulsion (µEm Labrasol-F0), characterize its stability and secondly, to evaluate the anticancer activity of F0 on Jurkat cells. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) results show that the particles size distribution in F1-F4 is ranged from 128 ± 14.6 nm (0.1 µm) to 3862 772 nm (4 µm). Hygroscopic values in 97 % K2SO4 RH attest a better stability of µEm Labrasol-F0, F0- F4 moreover, F0...

Hyperlipidemia often results from delayed or defective clearance, or overproduction of VLDL by th... more Hyperlipidemia often results from delayed or defective clearance, or overproduction of VLDL by the liver, which is subsequently transformed into LDL. The whole plant of Azadirachta indica was collected from local areas of Jaipur district areas of Rajasthan. The plant is authenticated by university of rajasthan by Drmanju Sharma dept of botany Selected medicinal plant were cut into small pieces, cleaned and shade dried at room temperature then subjected to physical evaluation with different parameters. Macerated 5 g of air dried drug coarsely powdered with 100 ml of ethanol of the specified strength in a closed flask for twenty four hours, shaking frequently during six hours and allowed to stand for 18 h. About 2-3 g of powder is accurately weighed in a china dish and kept in hot air oven maintained at 110±1 o C for four hours. After cooling in a desiccator, the loss in weight was recorded. This procedure was repeated till constant weight was obtained. For insoluble ash value Boiled the ash for 5-10 minutes with 25 ml of diluted hydrochloric acid, collected the insoluble matter in a Gooch crucible washed with hot water, ignited and weighed. Whole plant of Azadirachtaindicawas reduced to fine powder and was subjected to maceration in a 1 liter conical flask for 7 days at room temperature with alcohol (70%) water (30%). In the present study we aimed to screen various extracts of selected plants on Cholesterol induced hyperlipidemic rat model. Thus the results of the present investigation clearly indicated that the selected medicinal plants possess good antihyerlipidemic activity in atherogenic diet induced hyperlipidemic rats and led to the development of new Herbal formulation possessing antihyperlipidemic and antiatherosclerotic activities. This is the first study which investigates the hypolipidemic activity.

UV-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) is one of the most used analytical technics because of its ... more UV-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) is one of the most used analytical technics because of its accuracy, however, it application in phytochemicals and extracts characterization still a huge challenge even for the choice of appropriate wavelength at HPLC detector. TLC screening of Solanum aethiopicum L.(Solanaceae) hexanic and n-butanolic excerpts respectively F1, F4 has been reported but these extracts have never been characterized by UV-Vis. Likewise the study of their potential effect against cancer cells using microscopy and flow cytometry has never been performed. The aim of this work was firstly to characterize F1 and F4 by UV-Vis, find out the possible embedded phytochemicals and secondly to assess their anticancer potential. The findings show that F1 has 33 major phytocompounds detected from 176-254 nm while F4 contained 45 detected between λ 176-679 nm and mostly identified as sterols, terpenes, phenolic acids and flavonoids which may be responsible oftheiranti-proliferati...

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Objective: This research aims to evaluate the antibacterial activity and determine the chemical c... more Objective: This research aims to evaluate the antibacterial activity and determine the chemical composition of the aqueous extract of the bark of Lannea barteri Engl. (DA) used in the traditional treatment of urinary tract infections in the Ivory Coast.Methods: The material is composed of DA, the bacterial strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii, isolated from the urine of patients from different hospitals and subsequently stored. The qualitative analysis was performed using color-based detection tests and thin layer chromatography (TLC) reactions and the quantification of total phenols, flavonoids, flavone aglycones and anthocyanins using the method of Folin Ciocalteu. The method of diffusion on Mueller Hinton (MH) agar medium has been used for sensitivity tests. Results: The phytochemical screening of DA has revealed the presence of polyphenols, terpenes, and derivatives, coumarins, tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Furthermore, the quantification of some p...

The appropriated type of formulation for an efficient bioavailability of phytocompounds (PCD) and... more The appropriated type of formulation for an efficient bioavailability of phytocompounds (PCD) and plant extracts still a huge challenge for scientists and pharmaceutical industries as extracts generally contain multiple of hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances with different solubility. Even though the richness of Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) in bioactive substances has already been reported, never the crude extract (F0) has been used in a formulation in order to assess the best way of administration of the embedded phytochemicals. The aim of this work is firstly to manufacture an extract-based microemulsion (µEm Labrasol-F0), characterize its stability and secondly, to evaluate the anticancer activity of F0 on Jurkat cells. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) results show that the particles size distribution in F1-F4 is ranged from 128 ± 14.6 nm (0.1 µm) to 3862 772 nm (4 µm). Hygroscopic values in 97 % K2SO4 RH attest a better stability of µEm Labrasol-F0, F0-F4 moreover, F0 has anti-proliferative effect against Leukemia cancer cells.

Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) commonly called Aubergine, is a popular plant and one of the ... more Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae) commonly called Aubergine, is a popular plant and one of the most eaten as a leaf and vegetable. Due to the lack of phytochemical and biological information on the species of Côte d'Ivoire, the goal of our previous investigations was mainly a qualitative analysis by TLC and anti-hypertensive activity of organic extracts from the flower stalk. This research has highlighted the richness of the plant in different secondary metabolites and an efficient in vivo hypotensive activity. The aim of the present work was to certify by HPLC analyzes, the phytochemical composition of n-butanol fraction (F4) of S. aethiopicum flower stalk obtained from the methanol extract and study its anticancer activity on Jurkat cell lines. The results have confirmed our previous findings in relation to the diversity of bioactive phytocompounds contained in S. aethiopicum flower stalk; on one hand, Quercetin identified in F4 at a retention time of 2.65 min and on the other hand, F4 induces in vitro antiproliferative and apoptotic activities on Jurkat cells with IC 50 = 11.77 ± 2.4 mg/ml.

HPLC analysis especially at high detector wavelength UV-Vis 400 nm and in vitro penetration studi... more HPLC analysis especially at high detector wavelength UV-Vis 400 nm and in vitro penetration studies of F0 have never been investigated. Furthermore, the diffusion of phytochemical compounds across nasal mucosa is currently a huge area of interest in order to predict the systemic bioavailability of these substances of undeniable pharmacologic potentials. The aim of this work is to evaluate the penetration rate of the phytocompounds contained in F0 based formulation across porcine nasal mucosa using in vitro Flow-through diffusion cells on one side. On the other side, to identify the released chemicals by UV-visible (200-800 nm) and by HPLC at λ400 nm. It comes out that F0 in 20% Propylene Glycol is an adequate formulation for penetration studies; moreover, the extract contains a diversity of bioactive phytocompounds amongst them some classes of flavonoids, phenol acids and stilbenoids which potentially diffuse across the porcine nasal mucosa.

Dans le but de valoriser les plantes à propriétés anti hypertensives, notre étude a porté sur deu... more Dans le but de valoriser les plantes à propriétés anti hypertensives, notre étude a porté sur deux d'entre elles: Milicia excelsa (Moraceae) (ME) et Musa paradisiaca (Musaceae) (MP). Les constituants chimiques identifiés dans ces plantes au moyen de la chromatographie sur couche mince (CCM) ont montré que l'extrait aqueux issu de MP contient des tanins, flavonoïdes (anthocyanes, flavones méthylées, hydroxyflavonols, quercétine), terpènes, stérols, coumarines (ombélliférone, daphnétine, 7-hydroxycoumarine, 7-hydroxy-6-alkoxycoumarine), triterpènes de type lupane, oléanane et ursane, génines et des saponines stéroïdes et triterpènes. Celui de ME renferme des tanins, flavonoïdes triterpènes de type lupane, oléanane et ursane, génines et des saponines stéroïdes. Les extraits aqueux de ME et de MP induisent des hypotensions dose-dépendant. Toutefois, celui de MP montre une efficacité plus accrue (DE 50 = 4,46 mg/kg de P.C). Abstract In the goal to valorize the plants with anti hypertensive properties, our survey was about two among them: Milicia excelsa (Moraceae) (ME) and Musa paradisiacal (Musaceae) (MP). The chemical constituents identified in these plants by means of thin layer chromatography (TLC) showed that the aqueous excerpt obtained from MP contains some tannins, flavonoids (anthocyanins, methylated flavones, hydroxyflavonols, quercetine), terpens, sterols, coumarins (ombelliferone, daphnetine, 7-hydroxycoumarin, 7-hydroxy-6-alkoxycoumarin), lupane, oleanane and ursane triterpens, genines, steroïdic and triterpenic saponins. The one of ME contains tannins, flavonoids (flavones, flavonols-3-glycoside, chalcones, rutines, anthocyanins, methylated flavones hydroxyflavonols, quercetine), terpens, sterols, coumarins (ombelliferone, angelicine), lupane, oléanane and ursane triterpens, genines and steroidic saponins. The aqueous extracts of ME and MP lead dose dependent hypotensions. However, the one of MP shows an efficiency more increased (ED 50 =4.46 mg/kg b. w.).

UV-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) is one of the most used analytical technics because of its ... more UV-Visible Spectrophotometry (UV-Vis) is one of the most used analytical technics because of its accuracy, however, it application in phytochemicals and extracts characterization still a huge challenge even for the choice of appropriate wavelength at HPLC detector. TLC screening of Solanum aethiopicumL.(Solanaceae) hexanic and n-butanolic excerpts respectively F1, F4 has been reported but these extracts have never been characterized by UV-Vis. Likewise the study of their potential effect against cancer cells using microscopy and flow cytometry has never been performed. The aim of this work was firstly to characterize F1 and F4 by UV-Vis, find out the possible embedded phytochemicals and secondly to assess their anticancer potential. The findings show that F1 has 33 major phytocompounds detected from 176-254 nm while F4 contained 45 detected between λ 176-679 nm and mostly identified as sterols, terpenes, phenolic acids and flavonoids which may be responsible oftheiranti-proliferative effects againstJurkat cells (Leukemia cancer).

La chromatographie sur Couche Mince (CCM) est une méthode qualitative qui a servi à identifier le... more La chromatographie sur Couche Mince (CCM) est une méthode qualitative qui a servi à identifier les phytoconstituants contenus dans les extraits aqueux de deux angiospermes Morinda mucida (ML) et Solanum aethiopicum (SA). Les résultats des tests pharmacologiques des extraits réalisés sur des lapins ont montré qu'ils induisent des hypotensions dose-dépendant. Toutefois, l'extrait de S. aethiopicum a présenté une efficacité plus accrue (DE50 = 3,31 mg/kg de PC.) Mots-clés : Étude chimique et pharmacologique, plantes anti hypertensives, CCM, Côte d'Ivoire. Abstract Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a qualitative method that served to identify phytoconstituents contained in aqueous extracts of two angiosperms Morinda mucida (ML) and Solanum aethiopicum. The results of pharmacological tests of the extracts achieved on rabbits showed that they lead dose-dependent hypotensions. However, S. aethiopicum extract presented an efficiency more increased (DE50 = 3.31 mg/kg of b.w.)
Papers by Kouassi Kouadio Christian