Papers by Konul Mahmudova

Bulletin of Postgraduate Education (Series)
All subjects taught in secondary schools, as well as the content of the biology subject, are dire... more All subjects taught in secondary schools, as well as the content of the biology subject, are directly aimed at the formation of life skills and habits. From this point of view Biology has more advantages. The skills acquired in Biology allow students to provide first aid, take care of their own health and those around them, lead a healthy lifestyle, behave with the surrounding creatures, feed pets, plant and cultivate plants, act in the direction of protecting the ecological balance by knowing the effect of environmental factors on living things and, in general, it has a vital importance in solving a number of problems encountered in life. The role of the teacher's factor along with the school's material and technical base and infrastructure is undeniable in the formation of these skills. Taking into account one of the contents of biology which is related to environmental protection, we consider it important to examine the level of formation of skills related to environmental protection in our students. Our students should understand that the fate of humanity depends on solving environmental problems. Imbalance in nature is dangerous not only for the surrounding creatures, but also for the humans as well. From this point of view, it is one of the main tasks of biology and biology teachers to teach student to have the right approach to the environmental situations, not to be indifferent to the nature of Azerbaijan and the protection of its biological diversity, as well as to participate in the prevention of environmental imbalance and the plundering of our natural resources. The article has studied the following issues: the possibilities of the biology curriculum with a systematic approach to the problem; the skills formed in students; the possibilities of schools in terms of the formation of these skills; the educators' approach to the problem. And the importance of coordinating theory and practice for the

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 11, 2022
Xülasə. Təqdim edilən məqalə ümumtəhsil məktəblərinin VIII siniflərində yoluxucu xəstəliklərin öy... more Xülasə. Təqdim edilən məqalə ümumtəhsil məktəblərinin VIII siniflərində yoluxucu xəstəliklərin öyrədilməsinə həsr olunub. Məqalədə dövrümüzə qədər gəlib çatan, hal-hazırda da aktual problem olan bir neçə yoluxucu xəstəliyin təsnifatı verilmiş və ümumtəhsil məktəblərində bu problemin tədrisinin əhəmiyyəti vurğulanmışdır. Açar sözlər: aktuallıq, müasir təhsil sistemi, müasir dərsliklər, yoluxucu xəstəliklər. Резюме. Представленная статья посвящена преподаванию инфекционных болезней в VIII классах общеобразовательной школы. В статье классифицированы некоторые инфекционные заболевания, дожившие до наших дней и до сих пор являющиеся актуальной проблемой, и подчеркнута важность преподавания этой проблемы в общеобразовательных школах. Ключевые слова: актуальность, современная система образования, современные учебники, инфекционные болезни. Summary. The presented article is devoted to the teaching of infectious diseases in the VIII grades of secondary schools. The article classifies several infectious diseases that have survived to the present day and are still a pressing problem, and emphasizes the importance of teaching this problem in secondary schools.
Papers by Konul Mahmudova