Papers by Konrad Hagedorn
The restructuring process of Eastern German agriculture in the course of German unification is ex... more The restructuring process of Eastern German agriculture in the course of German unification is explored. The impact of privatization and decollectivization policies on structural adjustment of the agricultural sector is examined in particular. The initial situation in agriculture just ...

An important topic in environmental economics is how to reach agreement on environmental policies... more An important topic in environmental economics is how to reach agreement on environmental policies. This does not only apply to local, regional and national problems but also to transboundary problems (like acid rain), and global problems (like climate change). For many local, regional and national problems, solutions have been introduced based on public decision making on environmental standards or policy goals, and the ways and means to reach them. For international problems, like the problem of global warming, serious problems arise because a supra-national body for decision making that can impose binding rules for the policies to be implemented (including monitoring of compliance and enforcement) is not available. It is only through voluntary cooperation of the nations involved that agreement can be reached on this topic. In this paper I will discuss some of the difficulties and some of the potential solutions to reach agreement in this global context. The paper is based on a paper, co-authored with MICHAEL FINUS and ROB DELLINK, in which we empirically test stability of climate change coalitions with the STAbility of COalitions model (STACO) (FINUS et al., 2003). The game theoretical model that we use comprises twelve world regions and, although the model is not fully dynamic, it captures important dynamic aspects of the climate change problem. We apply the stability concept of internal and external stability to a cartel formation game. It is shown that only if benefits from global abatement are sufficiently high, stable coalitions emerge, though they only marginally improve upon the Nash equilibrium. One important novelty of this paper is the explanation of this phenomenon and the participation in stable coalitions by analyzing the individual incentive structure of all twelve regions. 1 Valuation Quantification Modelling time time time time time Pressures time Economic system production and consumption Ecosystem
Landbauforschung Völkenrode : FAL agricultural research, 1993
Campus Verlag eBooks, 1996
SIGLEAvailable from: Zentralstelle fuer Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI), Villichgasse ... more SIGLEAvailable from: Zentralstelle fuer Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI), Villichgasse 17, D-53177 Bonn / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Mohr eBooks, 1996
... Die Endfassung wurde im In-stitut für Agrarpolitik, Marktlehre und Agrarentwicklung der Humbo... more ... Die Endfassung wurde im In-stitut für Agrarpolitik, Marktlehre und Agrarentwicklung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB) von den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern des Fachgebiets Res-sourcenökonomie angefertigt, vor allem von Frau Ines Jeworski und Frau Sigrid ...
Berichte über Landwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, 1987
The International Journal of the Commons, 2020
In China, radical change commenced in the 1980s, after the demise of the commune system and de-co... more In China, radical change commenced in the 1980s, after the demise of the commune system and de-collectivization reform, also known as the Household Responsibility System reform.

Elsevier eBooks, 2017
The pressures on European water resources arise from the natural variability in water availabilit... more The pressures on European water resources arise from the natural variability in water availability and climatic changes, but they are also linked to national and international social, environmental, and economic policies. In Europe, the problem of water scarcity is particularly intense in the Mediterranean region, while water quality is rather a typical concern in western European countries. However, it is likely that on a continent like Europe—increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather phenomena and with a growing imbalance between water demand and availability—unequal distribution and allocation of water resources will intensify competition between single users, sectors, or even between neighboring countries. In this context, the call for Europe-wide water strategies, “effective” water policies, and “good” management practices has become crucial to ensure both water security and quality. This chapter provides an overview of water resources in Europe and the associated anthropogenic and natural pressures. It further introduces the main instrument of the European Union (the Water Framework Directive) initiated as a response to the expected water crisis. The chapter is based on secondary data sources from the European Environmental Agency and the authors' metaanalysis conducted between 2005 and 2015. The authors argue that the regional natural and socioeconomic characteristics of Europe call for a new differentiated approach of dealing with water resources. Such an approach should explicitly take into account the major differences between the EU Member States and thus directly address the existing, underlying, or future conflicts resulting from increased competition for water resources.
Routledge eBooks, Aug 10, 2018
Landbauforschung Völkenrode : FAL agricultural research, 1992
Getrennt nach Sicherungssystemen und insbesondere auf die soziale Sicherungsfunktion und die Fina... more Getrennt nach Sicherungssystemen und insbesondere auf die soziale Sicherungsfunktion und die Finanzierungswirkung und Verteilungswirkung der getroffenen institutionellen Regelungen bezogen, behandelt der Beitrag zunachst den bisherigen Stand der Ubertragung des agrarsozialen Sicherungssystems der Bundesrepublik auf die ihr beigetretenen neuen Bundeslander.
Landbauforschung Völkenrode : FAL agricultural research, 1987
Berichte über Landwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, 1982
Berichte Uber Landwirtschaft, Jan 5, 1987
Papers by Konrad Hagedorn