Papers by Komanpally Rajesh

Current Agriculture Research Journal, Mar 31, 2016
Vermicomposts have higher level of available nutrients like carbon nitrogen, phosphorous and pota... more Vermicomposts have higher level of available nutrients like carbon nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, calcium and magnesium derived from the wastes. The paper has attempted to evaluate for development of efficacy vermicompost by using three varieties of earthworms. The use of earthworms in the degradation of different types of wastes is continuing from the past so many years. These wastes include industrial, agricultural of plant debris and domestic waste papers and cattle dung. In this study three varieties of earthworms used such as Eisenia fetida, Eudrilus eugeniae and Perionyx excavates in the vermicomposting of plant debris, cattle dung and waste paper. As waste paper, cattle dung and plant debris are rich in carbon while deficient in nitrogen cow dung was mixed with it to make it suitable for three earthworms. A mixture of waste paper, plant debris and c dung in the ratio of 1:1:1 was found to be the best ratio than 3(paper waste): 2(cattle dung) and 5(plant debris). In 60 days time excellent quality and quantity of compost was produced by three earthworms. Physical and biochemical parameters were analyzed during this period of 60 days. Pre decomposition of 10 days and subsequent vermicomposting of 60 days indicates the role of this species in vermibiotechnology. Increase was found in all the parameters like, Total nitrogen (%), Available phosphorus (%) and Exchangeable potassium (%) while a decrease was found in pH and C:N ratio as the timing of vermicomposting increased from 0 days to 60 days.
Papers by Komanpally Rajesh