Papers by Klimoska Katerina
The research and innovation characteristic for modern universities actually are creating the worl... more The research and innovation characteristic for modern universities actually are creating the world of tomorrow. That is why the European Union (EU) has proposed the famous Horizon Europe, an ambitious €100 billion research and innovation programme, that will succeed Horizon 2020 and with that offer a better future for Europe and the world. The focus is on the transfer of technology (innovation) from universities to the economic sector and thereby globally emphasizing the strategic importance of research and innovation. All of this in terms of development of the policies of job creation. This paper emphasizes the importance of applying best practices in the area of research and development (R&D) to the work of universities in the Republic of Macedonia (RM) which will contribute to an efficient and effective way to meet the challenges of the modern world.
NotaBene,Centre for Study and Dissemination of Political and Philosophical Ideas at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Southwest University "Neofit Rilski" – Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2022
This paper analyses the differentiated integration of Europe through the Initiative for Europe by... more This paper analyses the differentiated integration of Europe through the Initiative for Europe by French President Emmanuel Macron. Furthermore, it examines supranationality and intergovernmentalism, in the approach of the same Initiative for Europe. Finally, it compares the White paper for Europe with the French concept. In summary, conclusions are made depending on the previous analysis findings. Deductive and inductive research methods are used in this paper. The final assumption is that the future of Europe is one of differentiated integration, with fulfilled basic preconditions which will prevent disintegration.

The Review of International Affairs
The main aim of the paper is to analyse France's position in a global and regional geopolitical c... more The main aim of the paper is to analyse France's position in a global and regional geopolitical context. That also means in EU affairs related to enlargement policy and views about the Western Balkans and North Macedonia. The European Union is modelled on the spread of democratic values and economic benefits for the members. Also, the EU has recently developed sustainable neighbourly policies. Nevertheless, recent events like Brexit, misunderstandings within the Union, and the enlargement process blockade led to deconstructive processes and opened up new dilemmas that require comprehensive scientific analysis. The paper aims to analyse France geopolitically and its influence on the Western Balkans and the EU enlargement policy. The changing methodology of the EU approaching stopped North Macedonia and Albania in 2019. We will try to research and provide a solution for North Macedonia, considering the new aspect of its foreign policy and France's possible role in that process. From a theoretical point of view, this paper is based on critical geopolitics, i.e., a practical geopolitical approach. Primarily, the authors used articles and online data as a source of analysis.

Abstract: The main aim of the paper is to analyse France’s position in a global and regional geop... more Abstract: The main aim of the paper is to analyse France’s position in a global and regional geopolitical context. That also means in EU affairs related to enlargement policy and views about the Western Balkans and North Macedonia. The European Union is modelled on the spread of democratic values and economic benefits for the members. Also, the EU has recently developed sustainable neighbourly policies. Nevertheless, recent events like Brexit, misunderstandings within the Union, and the enlargement process blockade led to deconstructive processes and opened up new dilemmas that require comprehensive scientific analysis. The paper aims to analyse France geopolitically and itsinfluence on the Western Balkans and the EU enlargement policy. The changing methodology of the EU approaching stopped North Macedonia and Albania in 2019. We will try to research and provide a solution for North Macedonia, considering the new aspect of its foreign policy and
France’s possible role in that process. From a theoretical point of view, this paper is based on critical geopolitics, i.e., a practical geopolitical approach. Primarily, the authors used articles and online data as a source of analysis.
Keywords: France, Geopolitics, North Macedonia, Western Balkans, Macron.
“LAW AND MULTIDISCIPLINARITY” Collection of papers from the International Scientific Conference , 2019
Abstract: The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, and all other laws must comply wi... more Abstract: The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, and all other laws must comply with the Constitution. In order to preclude a violation of the Constitution, control of the constitutionality and legality of general legal acts is of fundamental importance to the legal system. Using the comparative method, the author of this paper examines different models of constitutional control in different countries. The paper highlight the importance of the control of constitutionality and legality of legal acts, but also emphasizes the importance of constitutionality and legality as constitutional principles that must be respected in order to preserve the legal order and the society as a whole.
Keywords: constitutionality, legality, control, Constitution, Constitutional Court.
Economic, political, social and cultural integration is taking place in many different historical... more Economic, political, social and cultural integration is taking place in many different historical contexts. The world has experienced the effects of imperial regionalism, aggressive nationalism, and today's new regionalism. That is why regionalism must be considered from a wider historical perspective, through its various stages. This paper presents an overview of regionalism with an emphasis on Europe. The paper follows the most significant moments in the regionalization process.
The research and innovation characteristic for modern universities actually are creating the worl... more The research and innovation characteristic for modern universities actually are creating the world of tomorrow. That is why the European Union (EU) has proposed the famous Horizon Europe, an ambitious €100 billion research and innovation programme, that will succeed Horizon 2020 and with that offer a better future for Europe and the world. The focus is on the transfer of technology (innovation) from universities to the economic sector and thereby globally emphasizing the strategic importance of research and innovation. All of this in terms of development of the policies of job creation. This paper emphasizes the importance of applying best practices in the area of research and development (R&D) to the work of universities in the Republic of Macedonia (RM) which will contribute to an efficient and effective way to meet the challenges of the modern world.

We live in an era of global development of the 4th industrial revolution, which brings opportunit... more We live in an era of global development of the 4th industrial revolution, which brings opportunities for global growth, but also challenges. In this new reality, the new threat to the national security, the Intellectual Property Theft, must be recognized, especially in the part that comes out of the race for innovative growth and development of the countries. In terms of the new global economic reality, the governments must not leave to chance the responsibility to promote security and stability. In this paper the highlight is on the Intellectual Property and the Constitution. International Treaties and their constitutional influence will be overviewed. The research will try to show the need for improvement on Constitutional clauses in terms of the Intellectual Property in the Constitution of Republic of Macedonia. The Constitution, as the highest law, according to which all other legal acts are harmonized, must preserve the legal order, but also protect the human rights and stability of the society as a whole. Key Words: Intellectual Property, Constitution, Intellectual Property Theft, European Union, Security
Универзитетите играат значајна улога во економскиот, технолошкиот и културен развој на општеството. Колку една земја има поголем иновативен капацитет, толку има повисок индикатор за економски потенцијал. Трудот ги обработува предностите за универзитетите од воспоставување систем на интелектуална сопственост. Користен е компаративен метод на истражување. Трудот укажува на потребата од воспоставување ефективен менаџмент и систем на интелектуалната сопственост, како значајно прашање и задача за универзитетите.
Клучни зборови: универзитет, интелектуална сопственост, истражување, настава, трансфер на технологија
Today the world's focus is on the transfer of technology from universities to the economic sector... more Today the world's focus is on the transfer of technology from universities to the economic sector, and thereby globally emphasizing the strategic importance of intellectual properties and rights. All of this in terms of development and job creation. Research method: A questionnaire will be distributed to teaching and research staff of the State University in Republic of Macedonia. This paper will emphasize the importance of applying good practices in the area of intellectual property rights (IPR) to the work of universities in the Republic of Macedonia, which will contribute to an efficient and effective way to meet the challenges of the modern world-University of the 21 st century, that is, development-oriented university.

The reality in which universities work has become more competitive over the years. Strong and dyn... more The reality in which universities work has become more competitive over the years. Strong and dynamic changes are issue for universities and academic environment. Around the world, market elements have been implemented into the sector of universities. Universities are facing a challenge which requires application of marketing approach. The research paper highlights the market orientation concept applied within the context of higher education. Considering the important changes taking place in this sector, a strong willingness of universities to adopt marketing concepts is needed. It is necessary to develop marketing-oriented university management. Research: Interviews with students from the state Universities of the Republic of Macedonia. The Republic of Macedonia is part of the global world in which universities are facing a major challenge of the time and a test of their ability to respond to the changed nature of the market. It is highlighted that the application of new marketing concepts in the process of the functioning (management) of the universities in the Republic of Macedonia is necessary in order to meet the demands of students and companies, and competitiveness in the regional and global market. Marketing as a function, with all its features, especially the new marketing concepts developed in the spirit of universities, would help eliminate the defects found in the system. If our institutions keep on functioning based on the old system / bureaucratic concept, the success will never come. Markets are constantly changing, and only those who are ready for proactive change will succeed.
Books by Klimoska Katerina
Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration, 2021
Papers by Klimoska Katerina
France’s possible role in that process. From a theoretical point of view, this paper is based on critical geopolitics, i.e., a practical geopolitical approach. Primarily, the authors used articles and online data as a source of analysis.
Keywords: France, Geopolitics, North Macedonia, Western Balkans, Macron.
Keywords: constitutionality, legality, control, Constitution, Constitutional Court.
Универзитетите играат значајна улога во економскиот, технолошкиот и културен развој на општеството. Колку една земја има поголем иновативен капацитет, толку има повисок индикатор за економски потенцијал. Трудот ги обработува предностите за универзитетите од воспоставување систем на интелектуална сопственост. Користен е компаративен метод на истражување. Трудот укажува на потребата од воспоставување ефективен менаџмент и систем на интелектуалната сопственост, како значајно прашање и задача за универзитетите.
Клучни зборови: универзитет, интелектуална сопственост, истражување, настава, трансфер на технологија
Books by Klimoska Katerina
France’s possible role in that process. From a theoretical point of view, this paper is based on critical geopolitics, i.e., a practical geopolitical approach. Primarily, the authors used articles and online data as a source of analysis.
Keywords: France, Geopolitics, North Macedonia, Western Balkans, Macron.
Keywords: constitutionality, legality, control, Constitution, Constitutional Court.
Универзитетите играат значајна улога во економскиот, технолошкиот и културен развој на општеството. Колку една земја има поголем иновативен капацитет, толку има повисок индикатор за економски потенцијал. Трудот ги обработува предностите за универзитетите од воспоставување систем на интелектуална сопственост. Користен е компаративен метод на истражување. Трудот укажува на потребата од воспоставување ефективен менаџмент и систем на интелектуалната сопственост, како значајно прашање и задача за универзитетите.
Клучни зборови: универзитет, интелектуална сопственост, истражување, настава, трансфер на технологија