Because of the frequency and severe consequences of falls in the elderly, falling is one of the m... more Because of the frequency and severe consequences of falls in the elderly, falling is one of the major public health issues. It would be a substantial improvement to reduce the severity and occurrence of post fall injuries. Several technical devices are already used to reduce the risk of falling (e.g. walking aids) or to detect falls (e.g. sensors worn on wrist). However, the underlying biomechanical and kinematical principles predicting falls and their direction remain unknown. Further research and evaluation are therefore necessary in this field. The presented findings will help to close this gap and will be a first step towards an interdisciplinary approach for a personalized design of an airbag system for the prevention of fall-related injuries in the elderly. In a first step, we evaluate possible ways to predict falls and fall directions using kinematic and biomechanical parameters. In a second step we analyse existing products, which aim at detecting falls and avoiding fall-rel...
Analysis of measured kinematic parameters is commonly used in competitive sports to optimize athl... more Analysis of measured kinematic parameters is commonly used in competitive sports to optimize athletes’ performance. The progress in technology offers new ways for displaying feedback information to athletes. In rowing, synchronous visual feedback is regularly used, but the presentation of acoustic information is a new and promising application for technique training and monitoring. This paper describes the prototype Sofirow as an online acoustic feedback system for onwater rowing training, developed in cooperation between the University of Hamburg and BeSB GmbH Berlin. Sofirow measures propulsive boat acceleration (MEMS sensor, up to 125Hz) and velocity (4Hz-GPS). Technical requirements concerned with the acoustic transformation (sonification) and its presentation. The associated software Regatta provides an analysis of the measured data. An intracyclic analysis of the boat’s acceleration-time-trace investigated potential benefits for the time structure of the acceleration trace. Ef...
Over the past decades, the use of video to monitor and analyze the performance in swimming has be... more Over the past decades, the use of video to monitor and analyze the performance in swimming has become the gold standard of motion analysis. Due to the high cost of a professional video system as well as the time and expertise required to evaluate performance relevant parameters, these systems are only available to athletes at international level. To enable training analysis also for athletes at national level, more cost-effective systems such as Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) are becoming more and more important. The advantage of these systems is that they are easily accessible and offer the possibility to automatically analyze the movement of a swimmer. The current study addresses backstroke swimming and transfers the knowledge gained through video analysis to the data measured with an IMU. The focus is on intra-cyclic characteristics such as the body's side-to-side roll, angular velocity and forward acceleration. Ten athletes from regional to national level swam 100 m backst...
The electrocardiogram-based cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) technique may be used to track sleep i... more The electrocardiogram-based cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) technique may be used to track sleep instabilities. With progressing age, maturational changes during childhood and adolescence affect sleep. The objective was to assess developmental changes in sleep instabilities in a natural setting. ECGs during nighttime sleep on regular school days were recorded from 363 subjects aged 4 to 22 years (204 females). The estimated total sleep time (ETST) decreased from 598 to 445 min during childhood and adolescence. Stable sleep linearly decreased with progressing age (high frequency coupling (HFC): 70-48% ETST). Unstable sleep [low frequency coupling (LFC): 9-19% ETST], sleep fragmentation or disordered breathing (elevated LFC: 4-12% ETST), and wake/REM states [very low frequency coupling (VLFC): 20-32% ETST] linearly increased with age. Hence, with progressing age the sleep of children and adolescents shortens, becomes more unstable and is more often affected by fragmentation or sleep disordered breathing, especially in the age group >13 years. It remains to be clarified whether some of the changes are caused by a social jetlag, i.e., the misalignment of body clock and social time especially in adolescents.
Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) increasingly gain scientific interest because they are less tim... more Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) increasingly gain scientific interest because they are less time consuming and priceless than traditional methods, i.e. video analysis to analyze performance-related parameters. Only few studies in swimming have addressed the underwater dolphin kick (UDK), known to have an important influence on overall swimming performance. The investigations of the UDK were limited to video analysis. Various factors were identified which have an influence on the UDK performance, such as the identical duration of up- and downbeat and constant frequency, resulting in a high toe speed and a large angular velocity of the hip. The present study compares IMU data with video data of a kick cycle and the up and downbeat phase of the feet and hips. 11 national and international top athletes participated during regular diagonstic in the Olympic Training Center Hamburg. Kick cycles (110) were measured via video (50-100 Hz) and IMU (400 Hz, +/- 16g, +/- 2000°/s) and both meas...
Objective: The fatigue resistance is an essential factor in training and competition in most spor... more Objective: The fatigue resistance is an essential factor in training and competition in most sports and demanding exercise [ref:2]. The purpose of this study was to assess if the use of medically prescribed compression-sock (CS) reduces fatigue during intense exercise and positively influences[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
In the Industry 4.0 interface designs need to be adjusted to cognitive and sensorimotor abilities... more In the Industry 4.0 interface designs need to be adjusted to cognitive and sensorimotor abilities of humans in order to ensure a faultless and ergonomic human-machine interaction. The perception and processing of stimuli as well as the reactive motor planning and response of humans is essential for the exchange of information. Attention processes play an eminent role in both the processing of stimuli and the motor response. This chapter presents the current state of research regarding attention models for perception and motor control. Various attention theories agree that the execution of motor-cognitive tasks depends on the task setting and the task conditions (e.g., the complexity or sensory modality conditions). These findings should be actively integrated into design processes of interfaces for human-machine interaction to avoid negative consequences.
Evidence is accumulating that cerebral laterality appears to be an important feature in the regul... more Evidence is accumulating that cerebral laterality appears to be an important feature in the regulation of the stress response with the right hemisphere being closely linked to stress-regulatory systems, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Although some animal and human data support this hypothesis, studies on brain damaged patients yet failed to substantiate laterality effects on cortisol secretion. The aim of this study was to examine whether unilateral stroke differentially affects tonic and phasic response characteristics of the HPA axis, and to evaluate the impact of intrahemispheric lesion location. Basal morning cortisol levels and phasic responses towards a mentally challenging task were examined in 32 stroke patients with left-sided (LH; n=18) or right-sided (RH; n=14) infarctions and 30 healthy controls matched for age and gender. Only LH, but not RH patients displayed increased morning cortisol levels when compared to controls. In contrast, phasic reactions were blunted in the combined patient group with RH patients showing the most distinct decline. More anterior located lesions were associated with reduced phasic, but not tonic cortisol measures. This relationship appeared to be particularly pronounced in RH patients. Results support the conclusion that the central regulation of cortisol secretion is under excitatory control of the right hemisphere and can be interpreted within a framework of asymmetrical regulation of the stress response. Left- and right-sided strokes may differentially affect response patterns of the HPA axis, a stress-regulatory system that is associated with effective protection against disease and external challenges.
Changing gait parameters through acoustic feedback is a promising approach in gait therapy. The q... more Changing gait parameters through acoustic feedback is a promising approach in gait therapy. The question remains to what extent, if any, the theories and concepts of motor learning have been taken into account for acoustic feedback systems development. Fifteen studies were identified for further analysis using a scoping review framework, among which seven had individuals with disordered gait as their population and eight incorporated healthy individuals. It was found that most studies used error feedback and did not test for long-term effects on gait parameters. It can be concluded that future studies should apply motor learning theories and concepts to the development of acoustic feedback devices for gait therapy.
The use of inertial measurement units (IMU) has increased in swimming research as it is a promisi... more The use of inertial measurement units (IMU) has increased in swimming research as it is a promising alternative to the time-consuming traditional ways of performance analysis such as the manual video-analysis. Current research mainly focuses on freestyle (front-crawl) and breaststroke swimming whereas backstroke and butterfly are underrepresented. Also, the focus is on data analysis in terms of stroke count, frequency and timing without considering the movement in relation to the measured data. This paper investigated the butterfly swimming stroke over 100 m with 10 athletes of different skill-levels (from regional to national level). Data were measured using an IMU in combination with video. Key positions of the butterfly swimming technique were analyzed and summarized across all athletes. Aim of this study was to identify the intra-cyclic characteristics of the butterfly swimming technique to find commonalities in the measured data independent of skill level or swim speed. The res...
Research over the past two decades has revealed a rich physiological connection between the audit... more Research over the past two decades has revealed a rich physiological connection between the auditory and motor system across a variety of cortical, subcortical, and spinal levels. Entrainment accrues due to the fast and precise processing of temporal information in the auditory system. Results in high performance sports and neurologic rehabilitation showed significantly improved movementexecution and stabilized temporal motor control with provided external acoustic information due to rhythm-based auditorymotor-synchronization.
Abstract One of the main factors for improving movement execution and motor performance in compet... more Abstract One of the main factors for improving movement execution and motor performance in competitive sports is the availability of useful feedback. While coaches can communicate verbally with athletes in most sports, swimming is different. Because the swimmer is underwater most of the time, any type of real-time feedback is difficult. Since the presentation of acoustic information through sonification has proven beneficial to certain motor skills, this paper describes initial considerations for an application of interactive sonification as real-time audio feedback to provide useful information to improve motor execution in swimming. Special attention is given to the underwater dolphin-kick (UDK), which is performed by athletes after every start and every turn and is one of the critical factors for overall performance in world-class swimming. It was examined whether the characteristics of the UDK are represented in the sound in order to create congruency between sound, action and reaction. Two different sonification models were designed using data from 11 national athletes (six juniors, aged 17.0 ± 1.5 years and five seniors aged 23.6 ± 1.3 years). The sonified data were presented to sport scientists and coaches and tested in in a pilot study with three club-level swimmers (17.0 ± 0.8 years) in swimming training. The results indicate that the athletes became aware of relevant aspects of the movement with both sonification models, to which they had no access so far. In detail, the sonification provided information on forward propulsion, movement rhythm and kick frequency – all factors contributing to overall motor performance. Individual statements showed that the athletes noticed deceleration phases in the forward propulsion and the time duration in the movement execution and tried to adapt their movements accordingly. The approaches presented here could therefore serve as a useful training tool for swimmers to improve their UDK.
Abstract Cyclists aim to improve pedaling technique to increase pedal force effectiveness. Theref... more Abstract Cyclists aim to improve pedaling technique to increase pedal force effectiveness. Therefore, biomechanical feedback about how the force is applied on the pedal stroke throughout the cycle is valuable. This information is typically presented visually on a display mounted on the handlebars. However, challenges associated with visual information presentation motivate movement researchers to display the information acoustically via parameter-mapping sonification that has shown potential for improving motor skills. This paper describes initial considerations for an application of interactive sonification for the forces applied on the pedals during cycling on the Wattbike ergometer. It was aimed to examine if the characteristics of the pedal stroke are represented in the sound to create congruency between sound, action and reaction. The primary focus is on describing the design followed by a brief summary of evaluation and practical effectiveness which was conducted on twenty-four master students (25.9 ± 3.0 years) and tested in a pilot study with four recreational cyclists (35.3 ± 0.9 years). The results of both requests indicate that sonification of the Wattbike data as an acoustic presentation of the force applied throughout the pedal stroke cycle is directly and intuitively understandable. Individual statements from testing revealed that participants became aware of characteristics within the cycling movement which they have not explicitly noticed before. The feeling for specific periods throughout the cycle was improved (pushing and pulling), and the differences in applying force on the legs (symmetry) became evident. Listening to the sound allowed cyclists to hear fluctuations in the forces applied on the pedals and thus try to adapt their muscle activation pattern. Thus, the approach presented here could serve as a helpful training tool for cyclists to optimize their cycling movement.
Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse eines EU-Projekts befassen sich erstmals mit den Grundvorausset... more Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse eines EU-Projekts befassen sich erstmals mit den Grundvoraussetzungen fur Praventionsarbeit in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) durch die Analyse gesundheits- und arbeitsplatzspezifischer Parameter von Mitarbeitern (MA) (18 KMU, N = 1601). Es wurden Arbeitsbelastungen (physisch, psychisch, umweltbezogen), korperliche Beschwerden, korperliches und psychisches Wohlbefinden, sportliche Aktivitat, Gesundheitsverhalten, Wunsche und Hurden fur Gesundheitsaktivitaten erfasst. Hierbei konnten geschlechts- und belastungsabhangige Unterschiede festgestellt werden, die bei der Planung und Konzeption von Masnahmen zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsforderung (BGF) berucksichtigt werden sollten.
Sound (acoustic information) is the naturally evocative, audible result of kinetic events. Humans... more Sound (acoustic information) is the naturally evocative, audible result of kinetic events. Humans interact with the world by the everyday experience of listening to perceive and interpret the environment. Elite athletes, especially, rely on sport specific sounds for ...
Schaffert N, Mattes K, Effenberg AO. An investigation of online acoustic information for elite ro... more Schaffert N, Mattes K, Effenberg AO. An investigation of online acoustic information for elite rowers in onwater training conditions.
Because of the frequency and severe consequences of falls in the elderly, falling is one of the m... more Because of the frequency and severe consequences of falls in the elderly, falling is one of the major public health issues. It would be a substantial improvement to reduce the severity and occurrence of post fall injuries. Several technical devices are already used to reduce the risk of falling (e.g. walking aids) or to detect falls (e.g. sensors worn on wrist). However, the underlying biomechanical and kinematical principles predicting falls and their direction remain unknown. Further research and evaluation are therefore necessary in this field. The presented findings will help to close this gap and will be a first step towards an interdisciplinary approach for a personalized design of an airbag system for the prevention of fall-related injuries in the elderly. In a first step, we evaluate possible ways to predict falls and fall directions using kinematic and biomechanical parameters. In a second step we analyse existing products, which aim at detecting falls and avoiding fall-rel...
Analysis of measured kinematic parameters is commonly used in competitive sports to optimize athl... more Analysis of measured kinematic parameters is commonly used in competitive sports to optimize athletes’ performance. The progress in technology offers new ways for displaying feedback information to athletes. In rowing, synchronous visual feedback is regularly used, but the presentation of acoustic information is a new and promising application for technique training and monitoring. This paper describes the prototype Sofirow as an online acoustic feedback system for onwater rowing training, developed in cooperation between the University of Hamburg and BeSB GmbH Berlin. Sofirow measures propulsive boat acceleration (MEMS sensor, up to 125Hz) and velocity (4Hz-GPS). Technical requirements concerned with the acoustic transformation (sonification) and its presentation. The associated software Regatta provides an analysis of the measured data. An intracyclic analysis of the boat’s acceleration-time-trace investigated potential benefits for the time structure of the acceleration trace. Ef...
Over the past decades, the use of video to monitor and analyze the performance in swimming has be... more Over the past decades, the use of video to monitor and analyze the performance in swimming has become the gold standard of motion analysis. Due to the high cost of a professional video system as well as the time and expertise required to evaluate performance relevant parameters, these systems are only available to athletes at international level. To enable training analysis also for athletes at national level, more cost-effective systems such as Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) are becoming more and more important. The advantage of these systems is that they are easily accessible and offer the possibility to automatically analyze the movement of a swimmer. The current study addresses backstroke swimming and transfers the knowledge gained through video analysis to the data measured with an IMU. The focus is on intra-cyclic characteristics such as the body's side-to-side roll, angular velocity and forward acceleration. Ten athletes from regional to national level swam 100 m backst...
The electrocardiogram-based cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) technique may be used to track sleep i... more The electrocardiogram-based cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) technique may be used to track sleep instabilities. With progressing age, maturational changes during childhood and adolescence affect sleep. The objective was to assess developmental changes in sleep instabilities in a natural setting. ECGs during nighttime sleep on regular school days were recorded from 363 subjects aged 4 to 22 years (204 females). The estimated total sleep time (ETST) decreased from 598 to 445 min during childhood and adolescence. Stable sleep linearly decreased with progressing age (high frequency coupling (HFC): 70-48% ETST). Unstable sleep [low frequency coupling (LFC): 9-19% ETST], sleep fragmentation or disordered breathing (elevated LFC: 4-12% ETST), and wake/REM states [very low frequency coupling (VLFC): 20-32% ETST] linearly increased with age. Hence, with progressing age the sleep of children and adolescents shortens, becomes more unstable and is more often affected by fragmentation or sleep disordered breathing, especially in the age group >13 years. It remains to be clarified whether some of the changes are caused by a social jetlag, i.e., the misalignment of body clock and social time especially in adolescents.
Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) increasingly gain scientific interest because they are less tim... more Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) increasingly gain scientific interest because they are less time consuming and priceless than traditional methods, i.e. video analysis to analyze performance-related parameters. Only few studies in swimming have addressed the underwater dolphin kick (UDK), known to have an important influence on overall swimming performance. The investigations of the UDK were limited to video analysis. Various factors were identified which have an influence on the UDK performance, such as the identical duration of up- and downbeat and constant frequency, resulting in a high toe speed and a large angular velocity of the hip. The present study compares IMU data with video data of a kick cycle and the up and downbeat phase of the feet and hips. 11 national and international top athletes participated during regular diagonstic in the Olympic Training Center Hamburg. Kick cycles (110) were measured via video (50-100 Hz) and IMU (400 Hz, +/- 16g, +/- 2000°/s) and both meas...
Objective: The fatigue resistance is an essential factor in training and competition in most spor... more Objective: The fatigue resistance is an essential factor in training and competition in most sports and demanding exercise [ref:2]. The purpose of this study was to assess if the use of medically prescribed compression-sock (CS) reduces fatigue during intense exercise and positively influences[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
In the Industry 4.0 interface designs need to be adjusted to cognitive and sensorimotor abilities... more In the Industry 4.0 interface designs need to be adjusted to cognitive and sensorimotor abilities of humans in order to ensure a faultless and ergonomic human-machine interaction. The perception and processing of stimuli as well as the reactive motor planning and response of humans is essential for the exchange of information. Attention processes play an eminent role in both the processing of stimuli and the motor response. This chapter presents the current state of research regarding attention models for perception and motor control. Various attention theories agree that the execution of motor-cognitive tasks depends on the task setting and the task conditions (e.g., the complexity or sensory modality conditions). These findings should be actively integrated into design processes of interfaces for human-machine interaction to avoid negative consequences.
Evidence is accumulating that cerebral laterality appears to be an important feature in the regul... more Evidence is accumulating that cerebral laterality appears to be an important feature in the regulation of the stress response with the right hemisphere being closely linked to stress-regulatory systems, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Although some animal and human data support this hypothesis, studies on brain damaged patients yet failed to substantiate laterality effects on cortisol secretion. The aim of this study was to examine whether unilateral stroke differentially affects tonic and phasic response characteristics of the HPA axis, and to evaluate the impact of intrahemispheric lesion location. Basal morning cortisol levels and phasic responses towards a mentally challenging task were examined in 32 stroke patients with left-sided (LH; n=18) or right-sided (RH; n=14) infarctions and 30 healthy controls matched for age and gender. Only LH, but not RH patients displayed increased morning cortisol levels when compared to controls. In contrast, phasic reactions were blunted in the combined patient group with RH patients showing the most distinct decline. More anterior located lesions were associated with reduced phasic, but not tonic cortisol measures. This relationship appeared to be particularly pronounced in RH patients. Results support the conclusion that the central regulation of cortisol secretion is under excitatory control of the right hemisphere and can be interpreted within a framework of asymmetrical regulation of the stress response. Left- and right-sided strokes may differentially affect response patterns of the HPA axis, a stress-regulatory system that is associated with effective protection against disease and external challenges.
Changing gait parameters through acoustic feedback is a promising approach in gait therapy. The q... more Changing gait parameters through acoustic feedback is a promising approach in gait therapy. The question remains to what extent, if any, the theories and concepts of motor learning have been taken into account for acoustic feedback systems development. Fifteen studies were identified for further analysis using a scoping review framework, among which seven had individuals with disordered gait as their population and eight incorporated healthy individuals. It was found that most studies used error feedback and did not test for long-term effects on gait parameters. It can be concluded that future studies should apply motor learning theories and concepts to the development of acoustic feedback devices for gait therapy.
The use of inertial measurement units (IMU) has increased in swimming research as it is a promisi... more The use of inertial measurement units (IMU) has increased in swimming research as it is a promising alternative to the time-consuming traditional ways of performance analysis such as the manual video-analysis. Current research mainly focuses on freestyle (front-crawl) and breaststroke swimming whereas backstroke and butterfly are underrepresented. Also, the focus is on data analysis in terms of stroke count, frequency and timing without considering the movement in relation to the measured data. This paper investigated the butterfly swimming stroke over 100 m with 10 athletes of different skill-levels (from regional to national level). Data were measured using an IMU in combination with video. Key positions of the butterfly swimming technique were analyzed and summarized across all athletes. Aim of this study was to identify the intra-cyclic characteristics of the butterfly swimming technique to find commonalities in the measured data independent of skill level or swim speed. The res...
Research over the past two decades has revealed a rich physiological connection between the audit... more Research over the past two decades has revealed a rich physiological connection between the auditory and motor system across a variety of cortical, subcortical, and spinal levels. Entrainment accrues due to the fast and precise processing of temporal information in the auditory system. Results in high performance sports and neurologic rehabilitation showed significantly improved movementexecution and stabilized temporal motor control with provided external acoustic information due to rhythm-based auditorymotor-synchronization.
Abstract One of the main factors for improving movement execution and motor performance in compet... more Abstract One of the main factors for improving movement execution and motor performance in competitive sports is the availability of useful feedback. While coaches can communicate verbally with athletes in most sports, swimming is different. Because the swimmer is underwater most of the time, any type of real-time feedback is difficult. Since the presentation of acoustic information through sonification has proven beneficial to certain motor skills, this paper describes initial considerations for an application of interactive sonification as real-time audio feedback to provide useful information to improve motor execution in swimming. Special attention is given to the underwater dolphin-kick (UDK), which is performed by athletes after every start and every turn and is one of the critical factors for overall performance in world-class swimming. It was examined whether the characteristics of the UDK are represented in the sound in order to create congruency between sound, action and reaction. Two different sonification models were designed using data from 11 national athletes (six juniors, aged 17.0 ± 1.5 years and five seniors aged 23.6 ± 1.3 years). The sonified data were presented to sport scientists and coaches and tested in in a pilot study with three club-level swimmers (17.0 ± 0.8 years) in swimming training. The results indicate that the athletes became aware of relevant aspects of the movement with both sonification models, to which they had no access so far. In detail, the sonification provided information on forward propulsion, movement rhythm and kick frequency – all factors contributing to overall motor performance. Individual statements showed that the athletes noticed deceleration phases in the forward propulsion and the time duration in the movement execution and tried to adapt their movements accordingly. The approaches presented here could therefore serve as a useful training tool for swimmers to improve their UDK.
Abstract Cyclists aim to improve pedaling technique to increase pedal force effectiveness. Theref... more Abstract Cyclists aim to improve pedaling technique to increase pedal force effectiveness. Therefore, biomechanical feedback about how the force is applied on the pedal stroke throughout the cycle is valuable. This information is typically presented visually on a display mounted on the handlebars. However, challenges associated with visual information presentation motivate movement researchers to display the information acoustically via parameter-mapping sonification that has shown potential for improving motor skills. This paper describes initial considerations for an application of interactive sonification for the forces applied on the pedals during cycling on the Wattbike ergometer. It was aimed to examine if the characteristics of the pedal stroke are represented in the sound to create congruency between sound, action and reaction. The primary focus is on describing the design followed by a brief summary of evaluation and practical effectiveness which was conducted on twenty-four master students (25.9 ± 3.0 years) and tested in a pilot study with four recreational cyclists (35.3 ± 0.9 years). The results of both requests indicate that sonification of the Wattbike data as an acoustic presentation of the force applied throughout the pedal stroke cycle is directly and intuitively understandable. Individual statements from testing revealed that participants became aware of characteristics within the cycling movement which they have not explicitly noticed before. The feeling for specific periods throughout the cycle was improved (pushing and pulling), and the differences in applying force on the legs (symmetry) became evident. Listening to the sound allowed cyclists to hear fluctuations in the forces applied on the pedals and thus try to adapt their muscle activation pattern. Thus, the approach presented here could serve as a helpful training tool for cyclists to optimize their cycling movement.
Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse eines EU-Projekts befassen sich erstmals mit den Grundvorausset... more Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse eines EU-Projekts befassen sich erstmals mit den Grundvoraussetzungen fur Praventionsarbeit in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) durch die Analyse gesundheits- und arbeitsplatzspezifischer Parameter von Mitarbeitern (MA) (18 KMU, N = 1601). Es wurden Arbeitsbelastungen (physisch, psychisch, umweltbezogen), korperliche Beschwerden, korperliches und psychisches Wohlbefinden, sportliche Aktivitat, Gesundheitsverhalten, Wunsche und Hurden fur Gesundheitsaktivitaten erfasst. Hierbei konnten geschlechts- und belastungsabhangige Unterschiede festgestellt werden, die bei der Planung und Konzeption von Masnahmen zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsforderung (BGF) berucksichtigt werden sollten.
Sound (acoustic information) is the naturally evocative, audible result of kinetic events. Humans... more Sound (acoustic information) is the naturally evocative, audible result of kinetic events. Humans interact with the world by the everyday experience of listening to perceive and interpret the environment. Elite athletes, especially, rely on sport specific sounds for ...
Schaffert N, Mattes K, Effenberg AO. An investigation of online acoustic information for elite ro... more Schaffert N, Mattes K, Effenberg AO. An investigation of online acoustic information for elite rowers in onwater training conditions.
Papers by Klaus Mattes