Papers by Klaudia Kyselicová

Dermatoglyphic patterns are permanently established and matured before the 24th week of gestation... more Dermatoglyphic patterns are permanently established and matured before the 24th week of gestation. Their frequencies and localization might be a good indicator of developmental instability in individuals with an altered neurodevelopment and show potential as biomarkers of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, fingerprint pattern counts and fluctuating asymmetry in the distribution of patterns are compared between 67 boys diagnosed with ASD (aged 5.11 ± 2.51 years) and 83 control boys (aged 8.58 ± 3.14 years). Boys with ASD had a higher rate of discordance in their fingerprint patterns (p = .0026), showing more often bilateral differences in the occurrence of certain patterns. A chi-square test revealed that the difference in pattern frequencies between boys with ASD and the control group is the most significant in frequencies of whorls, tented arches, and ulnar loops. Boys with ASD have significantly fewer ulnar loops, significantly more whorls, and tented arches in the right hand. The achieved results are in favor of the suggestion that prenatal influences, which play a role in the development of bilateral differences in fingerprint patterns up to the 24th week of gestation, may be a potential cause of an altered neurodevelopment in ASD individuals.

The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is according to previous studies a likely
biomarker for... more The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is according to previous studies a likely
biomarker for prenatal testosterone exposure and its effect on the human brain. It
was found to be linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Recently, 2D:4D raised
a lot of questions with regard to its stability and autism-related behaviors. Here, we
present a cross-sectional study of 2D:4D in boys (N = 91, mean age 7.63) and adults
(N = 36 mean age 22.8) with ASD as well as neurotypical students, 506 participants in
total. Digit ratio was assessed by taking measurements from digital scans, compared
between groups and correlated with the autism quotient. Significant differences were
found in the digit ratio of children and adults.Both girls and boys had 2D:4D ratio lower
than women and men, both on the right (p = 0.000 in females, p = 0.000 in males) and
left hand (p = 0.018 in females, p = 0.011 in males). No significant differences were
found in digit ratios between neurotypical subjects and those with ASD nor was there
a relationshipwith the reported autistic traits, which leads us to question the reliability
of 2D:4D and its relation to ASD.
2D:4D, ASD, finger ratios, neurologic disorder, postnatal

Do "autistic traits" determine our career choice?, 2020
Objectives: Autistic traits may display a continuous distribution throughout the population. The ... more Objectives: Autistic traits may display a continuous distribution throughout the population. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of autistic traits in university students and look for possible cognitive or behavioral differences between students of humanities and sciences in the context of the extreme male brain theoryy. Participants and setting: The AQ-10 was used as a quick screening tool in a sample of 369 individuals enrolled in four programs: Medicine (N = 107), Psychology (N = 136), Biology (N = 89) and Management (N = 37). Hypotheses: In accordance with the extreme male brain theory , we expected students of sciences to report more autistic traits than students of humanities, as well as males in general, when compared to females. Statistical analysis: For the statistical analysis, GraphPad PRISM was used. To assess intersexual differences and differences between the study groups in the reached AQ-10 scores, a two way ANOVA was used. Results: Sex differences in autistic traits and a relationship between autistic traits and area of study were found. Male students reached higher scores than females (p = 0.0016). Male psychology students reported less autistic traits than medicine students (p = 0.0413) or management students (p = 0.0292), while female psychology students reported less autistic traits than biology students (p = 0.0425). The AQ-10 tool was sensitive enough to capture differences in the occurrence of autistic traits between neurotypical students of humanities and scientific programs. Our findings raise the question whether ones admission to different programs and future career pathing is determined by traits that are associated with autism spectrum disorders. Study limitations: There are certain limitations due to the high female: male ratio (267 : 102), caused by the current decrease of interest of males to study psychology and biology, where this ratio was notably uneven.

Overweight and obesity, nutrition and physical activity in students of Faculty of Natural Science... more Overweight and obesity, nutrition and physical activity in students of Faculty of Natural Sciences in Bratislava in the age of 18-20 years. College students belong to the specific group of people who are easily influenced by the overweight and obesity epidemic mainly because of unhealthy eating habits and irregular physical activity. We determined the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students using the anthropometric methods. We also determined body proportionality, percentage of subcutaneous fat and classified the somatotype categories of the students. Monitoring of eating habits was based on questionnaires and monitoring of the physical fitness was based on physical tests. We detected prevalence of overweight in 11.4% and obesity in 2.2% of students. These results were also confirmed by WHR index, Pignet-Vervaek body index and partly by Rohrer index. Women achieved higher percentage of subcutaneous fat. According to the somatotypes, men dominated in mesomorph and women in endomorph category. Results in eating habits showed many weaknesses in consumption of healthy diet. Results from physical tests showed predominantly average level of physical fitness in our students.

OBJECTIVES: Many studies use stimulated saliva for the assessment of cortisol. However, it is not... more OBJECTIVES: Many studies use stimulated saliva for the assessment of cortisol. However, it is not yet clear how stimulation affects the fl ow of specifi c markers. The aim was to assess whether stimulation of salivation affects the physiological fl ow of cortisol during a stressing day as compared to an ordinary day. The second aim was to show how the normalising factor affects the outcome of the study. METHODS: Stimulated saliva was taken from 42 children at 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. on two separate days one month apart. During the fi rst day, the children were exposed to stress situation, while the second day was considered a control day. The concentration of cortisol was analysed using ELISA. RESULTS: The highest level of cortisol was observed in the morning of the stress day (p < 0.001). The correction of the result for the salivary protein concentration showed no signifi cant differences between morning and afternoon cortisol levels on both the testing (p = 0.87) and control days (p > 0.99). CONCLUSION: Based on our results, the examination of the cortisol diurnal rhythm is not reliable in stimulated saliva. Moreover, the effect of saliva stimulation has to be taken into account for every marker individually (Fig. 2, Ref. 22). Text in PDF

Skin ulcers of the lower leg are known to cause both destructive and more commonly bone-forming l... more Skin ulcers of the lower leg are known to cause both destructive and more commonly bone-forming lesions. Diabetes is among the leading causes of bone ulcers and gangrene, which when untreated may result in death. In November2018 skeletal remains of a male individualwith severe pathological lesions on both lower extremities were submitted for an anthropological evaluation. Diagnosing diabetes from skeletal material alone is very difficult as no skeletal lesions are pathognomonic to diabetes. No definitive diagnosis of diabetic bone and gangrene could be assessed, due to the fact that the lesions described in this case report are secondary due to circulatory insufficiency, which again is not diabetes specific. Despite of this, we describe the lesions as diabetic bone lesions in the context of the witness testimonial and wish to provide an improved basis for the diagnosis of this disorder in forensic practice.

International Journal of Paleopathology, 2019
The skeletal remains of the young female (20–24 years) from Grave JP/106, discovered in the South... more The skeletal remains of the young female (20–24 years) from Grave JP/106, discovered in the Southern Suburb of the Břeclav – Pohansko Stronghold (Early Middle Ages, 9th century-beginning of the 10th century, present day Czech Republic) display several noteworthy pathologies. The first is deformation of the mandible, which was most probably caused by a fracture of the ramus in combination with a subcondylar fracture. The spine of this young woman also exhibits a probable traumatic injury of the cervical spine in combination with a slowly growing structure situated inside the spinal canal, which caused deformation centered upon C7. The cervical and thoracic spine together with internal surfaces of several ribs exhibit infectious changes of advanced stage, in all likelihood of tuberculous origin, but osteomyelitis cannot be excluded. Histological analysis of the new bone formation in the ribs confirmed infectious origin, as does Micro CT of C5 and C6. Analyses conducted by two different departments with different methods (PCR amplification of 123 bp long section from IS6110 and Next Generation shotgun sequencing) failed to identify DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the first rib.

Objectives: In the sixth century AD, Avars came to Central Europe from middle Eurasian steppes an... more Objectives: In the sixth century AD, Avars came to Central Europe from middle Eurasian steppes and founded a strong Empire called the Avar Khagante (568–799/803 AD) in the Pannonian basin. During the existence of this empire, they undertook many military and pugnacious campaigns. In the seventh century, they conquered the northern territory inhabited by Slavs, who were further recruited in Avar military and were commissioned with obtaining food supplies. During almost 200 years of Avar domination, a significant influence by the Avar culture (especially on the burial rite) and assimilation with indigenous population (occurrence of " East Asian " cranial features) could be noticed in this mixed area, which is supported by achaeological and anthropologcal research. Therefore we expected higher incidence of east Eurasian haplogroups (introduced by Avars) than the frequencies detected in present-day central European populations. Materials and methods: Mitochondrial DNA from 62 human skeletal remains excavated from the Avar-Slavic burial site Cífer-P ac (Slovakia) dated to the eighth and ninth century was analyzed by the sequencing of hypervariable region I and selected parts of coding region. Obtained haplotypes were compared with other present-day and historical populations and genetic distances were calculated using standard statistical method. Results and discussion: In total, the detection of mitochondrial haplogroups was possible in 46 individuals. Our results prooved a higher frequency of east Eurasian haplogroups in our analyzed population (6.52%) than in present-day central European populations. However, it is almost three times lower than the frequency of east Eurasian haplogroups detected in other medieval Avar populations. The statistical analysis showed a greater similarity and the lowest genetic distances between the Avar-Slavic burial site Cifer-Pac and medieval European populations than the South Siberian, East and Central Asian populations. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the transfer of Avar genetic variation through their mtDNA was rather weak in the analyzed mixed population.

Ambient temperature is a widely recognized factor influencing the rate and ultimate completeness ... more Ambient temperature is a widely recognized factor influencing the rate and ultimate completeness of the decomposition process, and a useful tool for the postmortem interval estimation in cases of outdoor decomposition. Based on a study of outdoor decomposition in the area or Bratislava (Slovakia) In the years 2015 and 2016, the most significant factors impacting the accuracy of postmortem interval estimailon naseO on accumulated degree days (ADD), could be defined. According to our study the following factors were significant and had an impact on the accuracy of the postmortem interval estimaiion of skeletonized and parly mummified human remains: regional and geographical differences (i.e. different climate) of the investigated burial site and the region for which the decomposition formulas were developed (Tennessee, USA), 6urial depth and the missing of one of three body parts (head and neck, trunk or limbs). Currenly these factors are evaluated and included in the already existing formulas for outdoor decomposition based on accumulated degree days for each case separately. Further modifications of the ADD-based formulas for pMl assessment would enable to increase the accuracy of postmortem interval estimation of skeletonized remains.

Monitoring the body composition changes in 18-to 21-year-old students of Comenius University in B... more Monitoring the body composition changes in 18-to 21-year-old students of Comenius University in Bratislava. In recent years, overweight and obesity are considered to be the risk factors that cause serious diseases. Masked obesity is the specific type of obesity occuring mainly among young people who have BMI lower than 25, but the fat is higher than 25% in males and higher than 30% in females. The aim of the study is to assess the body composition and somatotypes of the students of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The observed study group consists of 808 university students, of these 502 females and 306 males. Ten anthropometric indicators needed for the calculation of somatotypes were measured. In a group of 18-years-old females, we found masked obesity, which indicates inadequate physical activity and inadequate diet. In this age group, we have ascertained significantly lower body weight, lower circumference of arm stretched and lower bi-epicondylar width of humerus, as well as significantly higher endomorphic and ectomorphic component. Úvod Súčasné alarmujúce trendy v prevalencii nadhmotnosti a obezity u detí a mládeže predstavujú závažný zdravotný problém nielen pre dnešnú mladú generáciu, ale i pre nasledujúce generácie. Nadhmotnosť a obezita v detstve vedie k obezite v dospelosti najmä vtedy, ak sú i rodičia obézni (Regecová et al. 2015). Potvrdilo sa, že telesnú stavbu detí a mládeže ovplyvňujú endogénne genetické, ako aj environmentálne, socioekonomické a psychosociálne faktory. Exogénne faktory sa premietajú do spôsobu života v rodinách a spoločnosti. Ovplyvňujú výživu, spôsob stravovania a denné aktivity detí a mládeže (Branca et al. 2007, Lobstein a Frelut 2003). Závažný poznatok získali Fatrcová-Šramková, Gregušová a Tináková (2010) z výskumu stredoškolských študentov. Zistili vysoké hodnoty telesného tuku, a to u 24,53 % študentov bez štatisticky významného rozdielu medzi dievčatami a chlapcami. Pritom takmer tretina súboru mala vysoké, veľmi vysoké až extrémne hodnoty BMI (29,78 %). Nízke hodnoty telesného tuku pozorovali u 36,20 % probandov, kým takmer štvrtina súboru mala nízke alebo veľmi nízke BMI. Norme pre tuk zodpovedalo 39,27 % študentov bez signifikantných rozdielov podľa pohlavia, pričom rozdiely sa podobne nepotvrdili ani pri stredných hodnotách BMI. Obezita je závažné chronické, metabolické ochorenie modernej doby, pričom je výsledkom interakcie medzi environmentálnymi a genetickými faktormi (Přidalová et al. 2011). Na určovanie stupňa obezity v klinickej a pediatrickej praxi sa stále viac zaraďuje odhad telesného zloženia (Stříbrná, Kopecký a Charamza 2016). Obezita je charakterizovaná patologickou akumuláciou tuku pri pozitívnej energetickej bilancii, čiže pri väčšom príjme potravy a menšom výdaji energie (Fábryová 2008). Skrytá obezita je špecifický typ obezity vyskytujúci sa

abstract The aim of this study was to isolate and analyse ancient DNA from the historical human s... more abstract The aim of this study was to isolate and analyse ancient DNA from the historical human skeletal remains of two populations who lived in 8 th –9 th and 11 th –12 th century for the purpose of sex determination and the determination of mitochondri-al haplogroups for detecting the possible kinship and origin. Determination of sex was performed by PCR amplification and subsequent analysis of a specific region of the ameloge-nin gene. The obtained molecular-genetic data were compared with the results of morphoscopic determination of sex. Determination of mitochondrial haplogroups was performed by amplification and sequencing of the hypervariable region I of mitochondrial DNA. Possible kinship of individuals was determined based on the correlation of polymorphisms in its HVR I sequences. Sex determination based on molecular-genetic data hepled succesfully determine the sex of individuals with an uncomplete skeleton or infants and aslo verified the morphoscopic data based sex determination of other individuals. Determination of mitochondrial haplogroups revealed the presence of several haplogroups with various haplotypes in this two researched historical populations. Possible kinship was detected between/among six individuals.

The presented case report describes an ambient temperature based method of postmortem interval es... more The presented case report describes an ambient temperature based method of postmortem interval estimation in a case of outdoor decomposition in Modra (Slovakia) which occurred in 2015. The examined remains belonged to an adult male aged approximately 47.5 years ± 5 years, with a body height of 170.93 – 179.87 cm. For these remains we tried a quantitative approach towards PMI estimation, based on classification of the stage of decomposition in relationship to average daily temperatures in Modra. The PMI was calculated to be 4 months ± 22 days, which corresponds with police testimonials, and gives an almost accurate time of death of the examined person. This is one of few methods that enable a quantitative estimation of the postmortem interval and time of death in cases where the inspected remains are reduced to skeletal tissue. The reliability of this method will be statistically tested on remains of different stages of decomposition and soft tissue reduction that are treated as outdoor death/burial.

Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and disc... more Abstract
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.

DNA was extracted using a Silica Bead Extraction kit from bone samples taken from a Slavonic-Avar... more DNA was extracted using a Silica Bead Extraction kit from bone samples taken from a Slavonic-Avar individual found at the archaeological site of Cífer-Pác. The analysed skeletal remains from the grave number 62/79 belong to a young adult male (20–30 years at death) and are dated to the 8 th –9 th century anno Domini. The isolated ancient DNA (aDNA) was amplified by a targeted PCR with a primer pair designed to recognize the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex insertion sequence IS6110. The aim of this molecular approach was to test and optimize a methodology for aDNA M. tuberculosis complex extraction from bone samples with osteological evidence of tuberculosis. Despite of the currently biased authenticity of the mentioned fragment, in this case study we prove that macroscopic evidence for tuberculosis additionally supported by a positive result of molecular testing can be considered authentic enough to be the proof of a tuberculosis infection caused by MTBC (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) bacteria when additional skeletal trauma and changes potentially caused by MOTT (mycobacteria other than tuberculosis) bacteria can be excluded. Positivity was confirmed in all of the three samples (thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and right femur). Our results confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the spine and right hip joint. This is the first molecular evidence for the occurrence of tuberculosis on the territory of Slovakia. Through this bio-molecular approach we wish to provide a basis for aDNA examinations on other skeletal collections and provide epidemiological data concerning historical populations living on the territory of Slovakia.

Hand and foot dimensions used for stature estimation help to formulate a biological profile in th... more Hand and foot dimensions used for stature estimation help to formulate a biological profile in the process of personal identification. Morphological variability of hands and feet shows the importance of generating population-specific equations to estimate stature. The stature, hand length, hand breadth, foot length and foot breadth of 250 young Slovak males and females, aged 18–24 years, were measured according to standard anthropometric procedures. The data were statistically analyzed using independent t-test for sex and bilateral differences. Pearson correlation coefficient was used for assessing relationship between stature and hand/foot parameters, and subsequently linear regression analysis was used to estimate stature. The results revealed significant sex differences in hand and foot dimensions as well as in stature (p < 0.05). There was a positive and statistically significant correlation between stature and all measurements in both sexes (p < 0.01). The highest correlation coefficient was found for foot length in males (r = 0.71) as well as in females (r = 0.63). Regression equations were computed separately for each sex. The accuracy of stature prediction ranged from ±4.6 to ±6.1 cm. The results of this study indicate that hand and foot dimension can be used to estimate stature for Slovak for the purpose of forensic field. The regression equations can be of use for stature estimation particularly in cases of dismembered bodies.
Papers by Klaudia Kyselicová
biomarker for prenatal testosterone exposure and its effect on the human brain. It
was found to be linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Recently, 2D:4D raised
a lot of questions with regard to its stability and autism-related behaviors. Here, we
present a cross-sectional study of 2D:4D in boys (N = 91, mean age 7.63) and adults
(N = 36 mean age 22.8) with ASD as well as neurotypical students, 506 participants in
total. Digit ratio was assessed by taking measurements from digital scans, compared
between groups and correlated with the autism quotient. Significant differences were
found in the digit ratio of children and adults.Both girls and boys had 2D:4D ratio lower
than women and men, both on the right (p = 0.000 in females, p = 0.000 in males) and
left hand (p = 0.018 in females, p = 0.011 in males). No significant differences were
found in digit ratios between neurotypical subjects and those with ASD nor was there
a relationshipwith the reported autistic traits, which leads us to question the reliability
of 2D:4D and its relation to ASD.
2D:4D, ASD, finger ratios, neurologic disorder, postnatal
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.
biomarker for prenatal testosterone exposure and its effect on the human brain. It
was found to be linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Recently, 2D:4D raised
a lot of questions with regard to its stability and autism-related behaviors. Here, we
present a cross-sectional study of 2D:4D in boys (N = 91, mean age 7.63) and adults
(N = 36 mean age 22.8) with ASD as well as neurotypical students, 506 participants in
total. Digit ratio was assessed by taking measurements from digital scans, compared
between groups and correlated with the autism quotient. Significant differences were
found in the digit ratio of children and adults.Both girls and boys had 2D:4D ratio lower
than women and men, both on the right (p = 0.000 in females, p = 0.000 in males) and
left hand (p = 0.018 in females, p = 0.011 in males). No significant differences were
found in digit ratios between neurotypical subjects and those with ASD nor was there
a relationshipwith the reported autistic traits, which leads us to question the reliability
of 2D:4D and its relation to ASD.
2D:4D, ASD, finger ratios, neurologic disorder, postnatal
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.