Purpose This paper aims to introduce physics-informed neural networks (PINN) applied to the two-d... more Purpose This paper aims to introduce physics-informed neural networks (PINN) applied to the two-dimensional steady-state laminar Navier–Stokes equations over a flat plate with roughness elements and specified local heating. The method bridges the gap between asymptotics theory and three-dimensional turbulent flow analyses, characterized by high costs in analysis setups and prohibitive computing times. The results indicate the possibility of using surface heating or wavy surface to control the incoming flow field. Design/methodology/approach The understanding of the flow control mechanism is normally caused by the unsteady interactions between the aircraft structure and the turbulent flows as well as some studies have shown, surface roughness can significantly influence the fluid dynamics by inducing perturbations in the velocity profile. Findings The description of the boundary-layer flow, based upon a triple-deck structure, shows how a wavy surface and a local surface heating gener...
Transformation of engineering undergraduate programs towards global practice of outcomes based ac... more Transformation of engineering undergraduate programs towards global practice of outcomes based accreditation (OBA) entails a huge challenge to universities as there is mounting pressure for infusion of desirable and yet measurable graduate competencies into its offered programs in order to fulfil professional bodies accreditation criteria. Hence, in view of providing a sense of direction to the local engineering education community, Washington Accord (WA) ensures that accredited programmes synonymously mean that its graduates are equipped with 12 professional abilities obtained through an innovative outcomes-based engineering programme. However, further complication unfolds as industries are continuously evolving to meet rapid global demand and practice; hence defining set of competencies that can accurately map attributes outlined by industry with the aim of addressing 'skill-gap' will continue to be a challenging endeavour for higher education sector. This paper intends to investigate the effectiveness of the OBA criteria outlined by WA in terms of attainment of graduate attributes which would enable graduates to take on challenging careers in the industry. Hence, the study will focus on identifying the relationship between the five outcome-based accredited criteria and the attainment of twelve graduate attributes outlined by WA in view of producing a conceptual framework which are then tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2016
There is well established literature on the negative relationship between oil price shocks and ag... more There is well established literature on the negative relationship between oil price shocks and aggregate macroeconomic activities for developed economies. However, there is a paucity of similar empirical studies in developing countries. In this respect, Sudan is a prominent example. This paper attempts to address this gap by employing the vector auto-regression model to explore the impact of oil price shocks on the main variables of the Sudan’s government budget using quarterly data for the period 2000:q1-2011:q2. The empirical results suggest that oil price decreases significantly influences oil revenues, current expenditure and budget deficit. However, oil price increases do not Granger cause budget variables. Results from the impulse response functions and forecast error variance decomposition analysis suggest that oil price shocks have asymmetric effect on government budget
Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers i... more Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers in service have been raised especially in water ballast tanks (WBTs). Test protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understa...
The shipping industry and its stakeholders have raised concerns of coating degradation leading to... more The shipping industry and its stakeholders have raised concerns of coating degradation leading to corrosion in water ballast tanks (WBTs) of in-service Double Hull (DH) tankers and bulk carriers. It is extremely challenging to maintain, inspect and repair WBT coatings due to their size and complex structural geometry. Hence there is an increasing demand from the shipping industry for better WBT coating quality and performance to increase the life span of the DH tankers and bulk carriers. Prior to their application WBT coatings are subjected to the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) test protocols to assess their performance. When in-service WBT coatings are subjected to hygrothermal cycling which is due to their working condition i.e. change in temperature as a result of the day/night cycle and the ballasted/de-ballasted cycle. Cargo temperature can also add to this cyclical burden. Stresses that are induced in the coating via h...
Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Conference, Miami, 2016
Since the advent of oil production and export in late 1999, Sudan economy became more reliant on ... more Since the advent of oil production and export in late 1999, Sudan economy became more reliant on oil exports proceeds. This situation has exposed the economy to the negative effect of oil price fluctuations. In general, oil exporting countries exhibit positive impact on their economy to oil price increase, while oil importing economies suffer. Unlike developing economies, there is paucity of research in developing countries with regards to the relationship between macro-economy and oil price shocks. In this regard, Sudan has been neglected from serious studies related to oil price shocks. This research attempts to contribute towards filling this gap. In doing so, Vector Auto-Regression model is employed to investigate the impact of oil price shocks on the real GDP growth and unemployment rates over the period 2000 -2014. The Granger causality test suggests that unemployment has statistically and significantly influenced real GDP growth. Results from the Impulse Response Functions and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition analysis suggest that decrease in oil price has a greater influence on GDP growth. Interestingly, oil price decrease has a significant positive impact on unemployment rate.
Various aspects of the interdisciplinary design course, the BSc Product Design Technology (PDT) c... more Various aspects of the interdisciplinary design course, the BSc Product Design Technology (PDT) course, including the influences of globalisation, had been explored and reported in IEPDE04 and EPDE06. The role and importance of the design discipline in sustaining UK economic growth has prompted a vertical integration between schools and universities in the provision of design education. In spite of this vertical integration, it is still a challenging task educating and shaping future product designers to enable them to transform their innovative ideas to products for the global market through the iterative design process. Experience shows that a significant proportion of students in product design courses find it difficult to grasp and appreciate the differences between various stages of the design process, particularly the embodiment, detailed design stages and communication of the resultant design through technical drawings. PDT integrates applied sciences and applied arts, interweaving them with participative design modules and supportive taught modules. Pedagogical research specific to PDT in this university is being carried out and the resultant "learners' engagement model", which can form the basis for discipline and strategic development, is used to address some observed weakness in students' performance in design.
Thin film resistors have been manufactured to evaluate the electrical performance characteristics... more Thin film resistors have been manufactured to evaluate the electrical performance characteristics of AlCuMo thin films. The films were prepared on Al 2 O 3 substrates at room temperature as a function of Mo concentration by DC magnetron sputtering and were then annealed at various temperatures in air and N 2 atmospheres. The effect of annealing temperature on the electrical properties of the films was systematically investigated. Increase in Mo content produced a decrease in temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), an increase in resistivity (r) and an improvement in long term stability (DV/V) of the films. TCR varied from negative to positive and further improvements in resistance stability of the films were also achieved through increasing annealing temperature in both air and N 2 atmospheres. A temperature region is proposed where 'near zero' TCR (ppm/8C) and long term stability of better than 0.2% can be realised. Various compositions of AlCuMo were deposited and then compared directly with films of NiCr manufactured under identical conditions. The electrical and structural properties of the films were then investigated as a function of post-deposition annealing temperature and atmosphere, air and N 2 .
This paper reports the preliminary findings for a PhD study. A review of literature found a lack ... more This paper reports the preliminary findings for a PhD study. A review of literature found a lack of empirical research on factors that affect the implementation of ISO 9000 (a family of quality management standards) in Saudi Arabia. This research attempts to fill the gaps in existing literature. The main purpose of this work is to provide empirical data on the most common factors that influence the implementation of ISO 9000 in the manufacturing sector in Saudi Arabia. In order to achieve this aim, a three-stage industrial survey has been carried out using an adequate sample of data to investigate potential factors. The result of the findings from this survey revealed that ISO 9000 is more popular in medium and large organisations in Saudi Arabia. In light of this finding, top management support may be one of the most important factors influencing the implementation of ISO900 in the manufacturing industry. This is followed by the adequacy of human resources and rigour of internal audit.
Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers i... more Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers in service have been raised especially in water ballast tanks (WBTs). Test protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understanding this issue in order to eliminate cracking and achieve the intended coating lifespan of 15 years in good condition. This paper will critically review test protocols currently used for assessing and evaluating coating performance, particularly the IMO PSPC.
Purpose This paper aims to introduce physics-informed neural networks (PINN) applied to the two-d... more Purpose This paper aims to introduce physics-informed neural networks (PINN) applied to the two-dimensional steady-state laminar Navier–Stokes equations over a flat plate with roughness elements and specified local heating. The method bridges the gap between asymptotics theory and three-dimensional turbulent flow analyses, characterized by high costs in analysis setups and prohibitive computing times. The results indicate the possibility of using surface heating or wavy surface to control the incoming flow field. Design/methodology/approach The understanding of the flow control mechanism is normally caused by the unsteady interactions between the aircraft structure and the turbulent flows as well as some studies have shown, surface roughness can significantly influence the fluid dynamics by inducing perturbations in the velocity profile. Findings The description of the boundary-layer flow, based upon a triple-deck structure, shows how a wavy surface and a local surface heating gener...
Transformation of engineering undergraduate programs towards global practice of outcomes based ac... more Transformation of engineering undergraduate programs towards global practice of outcomes based accreditation (OBA) entails a huge challenge to universities as there is mounting pressure for infusion of desirable and yet measurable graduate competencies into its offered programs in order to fulfil professional bodies accreditation criteria. Hence, in view of providing a sense of direction to the local engineering education community, Washington Accord (WA) ensures that accredited programmes synonymously mean that its graduates are equipped with 12 professional abilities obtained through an innovative outcomes-based engineering programme. However, further complication unfolds as industries are continuously evolving to meet rapid global demand and practice; hence defining set of competencies that can accurately map attributes outlined by industry with the aim of addressing 'skill-gap' will continue to be a challenging endeavour for higher education sector. This paper intends to investigate the effectiveness of the OBA criteria outlined by WA in terms of attainment of graduate attributes which would enable graduates to take on challenging careers in the industry. Hence, the study will focus on identifying the relationship between the five outcome-based accredited criteria and the attainment of twelve graduate attributes outlined by WA in view of producing a conceptual framework which are then tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2016
There is well established literature on the negative relationship between oil price shocks and ag... more There is well established literature on the negative relationship between oil price shocks and aggregate macroeconomic activities for developed economies. However, there is a paucity of similar empirical studies in developing countries. In this respect, Sudan is a prominent example. This paper attempts to address this gap by employing the vector auto-regression model to explore the impact of oil price shocks on the main variables of the Sudan’s government budget using quarterly data for the period 2000:q1-2011:q2. The empirical results suggest that oil price decreases significantly influences oil revenues, current expenditure and budget deficit. However, oil price increases do not Granger cause budget variables. Results from the impulse response functions and forecast error variance decomposition analysis suggest that oil price shocks have asymmetric effect on government budget
Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers i... more Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers in service have been raised especially in water ballast tanks (WBTs). Test protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understa...
The shipping industry and its stakeholders have raised concerns of coating degradation leading to... more The shipping industry and its stakeholders have raised concerns of coating degradation leading to corrosion in water ballast tanks (WBTs) of in-service Double Hull (DH) tankers and bulk carriers. It is extremely challenging to maintain, inspect and repair WBT coatings due to their size and complex structural geometry. Hence there is an increasing demand from the shipping industry for better WBT coating quality and performance to increase the life span of the DH tankers and bulk carriers. Prior to their application WBT coatings are subjected to the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) test protocols to assess their performance. When in-service WBT coatings are subjected to hygrothermal cycling which is due to their working condition i.e. change in temperature as a result of the day/night cycle and the ballasted/de-ballasted cycle. Cargo temperature can also add to this cyclical burden. Stresses that are induced in the coating via h...
Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Conference, Miami, 2016
Since the advent of oil production and export in late 1999, Sudan economy became more reliant on ... more Since the advent of oil production and export in late 1999, Sudan economy became more reliant on oil exports proceeds. This situation has exposed the economy to the negative effect of oil price fluctuations. In general, oil exporting countries exhibit positive impact on their economy to oil price increase, while oil importing economies suffer. Unlike developing economies, there is paucity of research in developing countries with regards to the relationship between macro-economy and oil price shocks. In this regard, Sudan has been neglected from serious studies related to oil price shocks. This research attempts to contribute towards filling this gap. In doing so, Vector Auto-Regression model is employed to investigate the impact of oil price shocks on the real GDP growth and unemployment rates over the period 2000 -2014. The Granger causality test suggests that unemployment has statistically and significantly influenced real GDP growth. Results from the Impulse Response Functions and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition analysis suggest that decrease in oil price has a greater influence on GDP growth. Interestingly, oil price decrease has a significant positive impact on unemployment rate.
Various aspects of the interdisciplinary design course, the BSc Product Design Technology (PDT) c... more Various aspects of the interdisciplinary design course, the BSc Product Design Technology (PDT) course, including the influences of globalisation, had been explored and reported in IEPDE04 and EPDE06. The role and importance of the design discipline in sustaining UK economic growth has prompted a vertical integration between schools and universities in the provision of design education. In spite of this vertical integration, it is still a challenging task educating and shaping future product designers to enable them to transform their innovative ideas to products for the global market through the iterative design process. Experience shows that a significant proportion of students in product design courses find it difficult to grasp and appreciate the differences between various stages of the design process, particularly the embodiment, detailed design stages and communication of the resultant design through technical drawings. PDT integrates applied sciences and applied arts, interweaving them with participative design modules and supportive taught modules. Pedagogical research specific to PDT in this university is being carried out and the resultant "learners' engagement model", which can form the basis for discipline and strategic development, is used to address some observed weakness in students' performance in design.
Thin film resistors have been manufactured to evaluate the electrical performance characteristics... more Thin film resistors have been manufactured to evaluate the electrical performance characteristics of AlCuMo thin films. The films were prepared on Al 2 O 3 substrates at room temperature as a function of Mo concentration by DC magnetron sputtering and were then annealed at various temperatures in air and N 2 atmospheres. The effect of annealing temperature on the electrical properties of the films was systematically investigated. Increase in Mo content produced a decrease in temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), an increase in resistivity (r) and an improvement in long term stability (DV/V) of the films. TCR varied from negative to positive and further improvements in resistance stability of the films were also achieved through increasing annealing temperature in both air and N 2 atmospheres. A temperature region is proposed where 'near zero' TCR (ppm/8C) and long term stability of better than 0.2% can be realised. Various compositions of AlCuMo were deposited and then compared directly with films of NiCr manufactured under identical conditions. The electrical and structural properties of the films were then investigated as a function of post-deposition annealing temperature and atmosphere, air and N 2 .
This paper reports the preliminary findings for a PhD study. A review of literature found a lack ... more This paper reports the preliminary findings for a PhD study. A review of literature found a lack of empirical research on factors that affect the implementation of ISO 9000 (a family of quality management standards) in Saudi Arabia. This research attempts to fill the gaps in existing literature. The main purpose of this work is to provide empirical data on the most common factors that influence the implementation of ISO 9000 in the manufacturing sector in Saudi Arabia. In order to achieve this aim, a three-stage industrial survey has been carried out using an adequate sample of data to investigate potential factors. The result of the findings from this survey revealed that ISO 9000 is more popular in medium and large organisations in Saudi Arabia. In light of this finding, top management support may be one of the most important factors influencing the implementation of ISO900 in the manufacturing industry. This is followed by the adequacy of human resources and rigour of internal audit.
Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers i... more Concerns on corrosion and effective coating protection of double hull tankers and bulk carriers in service have been raised especially in water ballast tanks (WBTs). Test protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understanding this issue in order to eliminate cracking and achieve the intended coating lifespan of 15 years in good condition. This paper will critically review test protocols currently used for assessing and evaluating coating performance, particularly the IMO PSPC.
Papers by Kian Tan
protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental
conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understanding this issue in order to eliminate cracking and achieve the intended coating lifespan of 15 years in good condition. This paper will critically review test protocols currently used for assessing and evaluating coating performance, particularly the IMO PSPC.
protocols/methodologies specifically that which is incorporated in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Sea Water ballast tanks (PSPC) are being used to assess and evaluate the performance of the coatings for type approval prior to their application in WBTs. However, some of the type approved coatings may be applied as very thick films to less than ideally prepared steel substrates in the WBT. As such films experience hygrothermal cycling from operating and environmental
conditions, they become embrittled which may ultimately result in cracking. This embrittlement of the coatings is identified as an undesirable feature in the PSPC but is not mentioned in the test protocols within it. There is therefore renewed industrial research aimed at understanding this issue in order to eliminate cracking and achieve the intended coating lifespan of 15 years in good condition. This paper will critically review test protocols currently used for assessing and evaluating coating performance, particularly the IMO PSPC.