Papers by Khatuna Berıdze

© Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Revue Babel, 2025
Translation of the Acquis communautaire was followed in almost every acceding EU state ... more Abstract
Translation of the Acquis communautaire was followed in almost every acceding EU state with debates about the quality, multiple cases of requests for corrigenda, and controversies regarding the terminology “consistence.” Insignificant in one respect or undetected in another, translational mistakes incurred costs as well as additional efforts on behalf of the EU and national institutions. The paper examines the consistency of terminology of the EU–Georgian Association Agreement, Title IV, articles 1–276. The analyses were conducted using a custom-built bilingual corpus platform and software. The goal of this research was to continue the development of the CT analyses and methodology for the translated Acquis, as well as legal texts in general. We analyzed legal collocations or “terminological collocations” that are translated with the functional equivalents, causing inconsistencies and errors in the teleological interpretation of the law, as well as term variation. Another value of the research is that it ascertains and promotes the significance of the corpus linguistic methodology for the development of the CTS of legal texts.
Deleted Journal, Dec 20, 2022
GTCP is a digital bilingual collection of contemporary political science and of texts related to ... more GTCP is a digital bilingual collection of contemporary political science and of texts related to politics. The current version of the corpus can retrieve: (1) multiple definitions for a political term from various sources in Georgian, and (2) their contextual usage. The corpus alignment allows maximum output for a searched term, combining all the contextual data to appear simultaneously with its definition.

The Georgian dialects’ translation methodology (GDTM) for the digitized recorded speech patterns ... more The Georgian dialects’ translation methodology (GDTM) for the digitized recorded speech patterns DRSP in the BalDAR was adopted for translation of the stratified language, which in this specific case is the Georgian dialect containing residues of Turkish, Persian, and Arabic, and Pontic Greek borrowings. However, GDTM can be extended as a general approach to the translation of other Georgian dialects into Standard English (SE) for the language documentation and archiving purposes. The justification for the Georgian Dialect Translation Methodology (GDTM) is that Batumi Linguocultural Digital Archive is a source of the cross-cultural validation of the Georgian and its dialects. The digitized, documented speech patterns contain many facts which are, at present, and will be in the future too, worth researching in various fields of study: Glossing and Tagging in translation can enhance the potential of the DigiArchive for the global research by the international scholars.

The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technol... more The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technologies and global networking gave the scholars an excellent opportunity to rapidly and effectively use academic digital resources, the number of which is constantly increasing. Establishment of the OR (Open-Resource) and introduction of the RE (Resource Exchange) supported development of the infrastructure for the digital archives. That, in its own right, became a fast and efficient instrument for the use of scholarly resources. It has essentially changed the research procedures in the 21st century. The researchers now are able to make use of the 'open and merge' approach to their resources. Creation of the global library has become a new opportunity of the international scholarly communication. The joint scientific project Batumi Linguocultural Digital Archieve (BaLDAR) implemented jointly by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Goethe Frankfurt University is sponsored by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The project is a result of the international cooperation and aims to introduce new forms of the scientific communication, which will support multidisciplinary research development. The paper studies the significance of the establishment digital archives in Georgia. It outlines the themes of the resources that have been developed within the project framework.
Translation Studies, 2018
The coursebook in Translation Studies focuses on the contemporary translation theories, reflectin... more The coursebook in Translation Studies focuses on the contemporary translation theories, reflecting on the Cultural Turn and translation, language politics, ideology and translation, Corpus linguistics and translation, Linguistic approaches to Translation Studies, e.g. Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Stylistics,. Excercises for practical training of the translators are in the end of the coursebook. სახელმძღვანელოში წარმოდგენილია თარგმანის თანამედროვე თეორიები და მთარგმნელობითი სტრატეგიები კულტურათმცოდნეობის, კორპუსლინგვისტიკის, პრაგმატიკის, სოციოლინგვისტიკის, სტილისტიკის, ენობრივი პოლიტიკისა და იდეოლოგიის თეორიებზე დაყრდნობით. განხილულია ნიმუშები მხატვრული და არამხატვრული ტექსტებიდან.

“East European Multicultural Space" was the first international
conference held at Batumi Shota R... more “East European Multicultural Space" was the first international
conference held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University devoted to the
post-Soviet politics and its impact on culture in Georgia. The goal of the
conference was the promotion of the interdisciplinary research in new
directions of language and culture, scientific enrichment, sharing
experience and holding a creative dialogue between Georgian and
international researchers on such significant issues as history, literature,
translation, and interdisciplinary research.
Translation Studies was one of the special focuses of the conference as it
has been part of the cultural and literary studies. After the demise of the
Soviet Empire not much has been contributed to the metaphor of
postcolonial translation or to the minority languages of the USSR and
translation into the dominant language of the Metropolis. Could we hear
authentic voices in the translations? Can we now?
A. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics file:///F:/New%20folder%20(3)/parallel%20corpus%20of%20politics.pdf, 2013
GTCP is a digital bilingual collection of contemporary political science and of texts related to ... more GTCP is a digital bilingual collection of contemporary political science and of texts related to politics. The current version of the corpus can retrieve: (1) multiple definitions for a political term from various sources in Georgian, and (2) their contextual usage. The corpus alignment allows maximum output for a searched term, combining all the contextual data to appear simultaneously with its definition.

Postcolonial Literature is more than just literature about the ex colony, or a literary text writ... more Postcolonial Literature is more than just literature about the ex colony, or a literary text written by an author from the ex colonized country. The analytical studies of the Western scholars, who have defined Georgia-Russian literary writing as a postcolonial phenomenon, also support themselves on the plausible assessments made by the political researchers. As the novel "Medea and her Children" tears the main character, a powerful goddess, apart to turn her into a poor woman, Ulitskaya instantly translates the mythical land of wealthy, i.e. Colchis into modern and desperate Georgia, reminding us of the most relevant metaphorical example by M. Tymoczko of what postcolonial writing is: "…post-colonial writing might be imaged as a form of translation (attended with much ceremony and pomp, to be sure) in which venerable and holy (historical, mythic and literary) relics are moved from one sanctified spot of worship to another more central and more secure (because more powerful) location, at which the cult is intended to be preserved, to take root and find new life. There is, of course, much in this metaphor that bears reflection (mirroring again) in relation to many works emanating from former colonies, and the metaphor is suggestive of certain perils faced by writers in these circumstances" (Tymoczko, 1999: 20). The novel by Ulistkaia is one more Oriental tale in the stack of the postcolonial narratives, which implicitly or explicitly deal with the Caucasus (Russia's Orient) and specifically, with Georgia, constituting a fiber for postcolonial ideology. Russian literature about Georgia and Georgians were appealing and appropriate for the imperial ears, had built myths about Georgia on their right, however, the text by Ulistskaya uses antique mythological allusions to build her novel on the paradigm of the postcolonial narrative., 2017
The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technol... more The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technologies and global networking gave the scholars an excellent opportunity to rapidly and effectively use academic digital resources, the number of which is constantly increasing. Establishment of the OR (Open-Resource) and introduction of the RE (Resource Exchange) supported development of the infrastructure for the digital archives. That, in its own right, became a fast and efficient instrument for the use of scholarly resources. It has essentially changed the research procedures in the 21st century. The researchers now are able to make use of the 'open and merge' approach to their resources. Creation of the global library has become a new opportunity of the international scholarly communication. The joint scientific project Batumi Linguocultural Digital Archieve (BaLDAR) implemented jointly by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Goethe Frankfurt University is sponsored by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The project is a result of the international cooperation and aims to introduce new forms of the scientific communication, which will support multidisciplinary research development. The paper studies the significance of the establishment digital archives in Georgia. It outlines the themes of the resources that have been developed within the project framework.

Humanities and Social Sciences Review, CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6258 :: 1(3):503–507 (2012) Copyright c 2012 by, 2012
The paper studies interrelation of the language politics and construction of the Caucasian identi... more The paper studies interrelation of the language politics and construction of the Caucasian identities, with the objective of the paper is to apply postcolonial approach to the analysis of the richly interextual Caucasian cycle poems by Pushkin and Lermontov. Hence, two poems, authored by the two major Russian poets, and each titled as "Caucasian Captive", are the objects of the study. The paper argues that the language politics of the poems closely relate with state politics and closely knit to the imperial intentions of Russia. With the overt colonial expansion policy to the East, Russian envisioned Caucasus as its true geopolitical Orient. The poems mystified the image of the Caucasians as savages, the literary images gave ground to the stereotypes of the Caucasians since the poems enjoyed massive outreach to the audience, they were extensively staged for ballet performances and filmed., 2011
The paper focuses on the local case study, on the unique experience of the Soviet totalitarianism... more The paper focuses on the local case study, on the unique experience of the Soviet totalitarianism and the power asymmetry which led to the policy of sequestration everything in translation that was politically “vindicated” as immoral or ideologically irrelevant. However, it is taken into consideration, that any institutionalized power, which asserts its ideology of the so called “uravnilovka” (levelling) also poses the threat of losing national identity.
Translation Studies თარგმანმცოდნეობა , 2018
The coursebook in Translation Studies focuses on the contemporary translation theories, reflectin... more The coursebook in Translation Studies focuses on the contemporary translation theories, reflecting on the Cultural Turn and translation, language politics, ideology and translation, Corpus linguistics and translation, Linguistic approaches to Translation Studies, e.g. Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Stylistics,. Excercises for practical training of the translators are in the end of the coursebook.
სახელმძღვანელოში წარმოდგენილია თარგმანის თანამედროვე თეორიები და მთარგმნელობითი სტრატეგიები კულტურათმცოდნეობის, კორპუსლინგვისტიკის, პრაგმატიკის, სოციოლინგვისტიკის, სტილისტიკის, ენობრივი პოლიტიკისა და იდეოლოგიის თეორიებზე დაყრდნობით. განხილულია ნიმუშები მხატვრული და არამხატვრული ტექსტებიდან.
Conference Presentations by Khatuna Berıdze, 2011
The paper focuses on the local case study, on the unique experience of the Soviet totalitarianism... more The paper focuses on the local case study, on the unique experience of the Soviet totalitarianism and the power asymmetry which led to the policy of sequestration everything in translation that was politically “vindicated” as immoral or ideologically irrelevant. However, it is taken into consideration, that any institutionalized power, which asserts its ideology of the so called “uravnilovka” (levelling) also poses the threat of losing national identity.
Papers by Khatuna Berıdze
Translation of the Acquis communautaire was followed in almost every acceding EU state with debates about the quality, multiple cases of requests for corrigenda, and controversies regarding the terminology “consistence.” Insignificant in one respect or undetected in another, translational mistakes incurred costs as well as additional efforts on behalf of the EU and national institutions. The paper examines the consistency of terminology of the EU–Georgian Association Agreement, Title IV, articles 1–276. The analyses were conducted using a custom-built bilingual corpus platform and software. The goal of this research was to continue the development of the CT analyses and methodology for the translated Acquis, as well as legal texts in general. We analyzed legal collocations or “terminological collocations” that are translated with the functional equivalents, causing inconsistencies and errors in the teleological interpretation of the law, as well as term variation. Another value of the research is that it ascertains and promotes the significance of the corpus linguistic methodology for the development of the CTS of legal texts.
conference held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University devoted to the
post-Soviet politics and its impact on culture in Georgia. The goal of the
conference was the promotion of the interdisciplinary research in new
directions of language and culture, scientific enrichment, sharing
experience and holding a creative dialogue between Georgian and
international researchers on such significant issues as history, literature,
translation, and interdisciplinary research.
Translation Studies was one of the special focuses of the conference as it
has been part of the cultural and literary studies. After the demise of the
Soviet Empire not much has been contributed to the metaphor of
postcolonial translation or to the minority languages of the USSR and
translation into the dominant language of the Metropolis. Could we hear
authentic voices in the translations? Can we now?
სახელმძღვანელოში წარმოდგენილია თარგმანის თანამედროვე თეორიები და მთარგმნელობითი სტრატეგიები კულტურათმცოდნეობის, კორპუსლინგვისტიკის, პრაგმატიკის, სოციოლინგვისტიკის, სტილისტიკის, ენობრივი პოლიტიკისა და იდეოლოგიის თეორიებზე დაყრდნობით. განხილულია ნიმუშები მხატვრული და არამხატვრული ტექსტებიდან.
Conference Presentations by Khatuna Berıdze
Translation of the Acquis communautaire was followed in almost every acceding EU state with debates about the quality, multiple cases of requests for corrigenda, and controversies regarding the terminology “consistence.” Insignificant in one respect or undetected in another, translational mistakes incurred costs as well as additional efforts on behalf of the EU and national institutions. The paper examines the consistency of terminology of the EU–Georgian Association Agreement, Title IV, articles 1–276. The analyses were conducted using a custom-built bilingual corpus platform and software. The goal of this research was to continue the development of the CT analyses and methodology for the translated Acquis, as well as legal texts in general. We analyzed legal collocations or “terminological collocations” that are translated with the functional equivalents, causing inconsistencies and errors in the teleological interpretation of the law, as well as term variation. Another value of the research is that it ascertains and promotes the significance of the corpus linguistic methodology for the development of the CTS of legal texts.
conference held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University devoted to the
post-Soviet politics and its impact on culture in Georgia. The goal of the
conference was the promotion of the interdisciplinary research in new
directions of language and culture, scientific enrichment, sharing
experience and holding a creative dialogue between Georgian and
international researchers on such significant issues as history, literature,
translation, and interdisciplinary research.
Translation Studies was one of the special focuses of the conference as it
has been part of the cultural and literary studies. After the demise of the
Soviet Empire not much has been contributed to the metaphor of
postcolonial translation or to the minority languages of the USSR and
translation into the dominant language of the Metropolis. Could we hear
authentic voices in the translations? Can we now?
სახელმძღვანელოში წარმოდგენილია თარგმანის თანამედროვე თეორიები და მთარგმნელობითი სტრატეგიები კულტურათმცოდნეობის, კორპუსლინგვისტიკის, პრაგმატიკის, სოციოლინგვისტიკის, სტილისტიკის, ენობრივი პოლიტიკისა და იდეოლოგიის თეორიებზე დაყრდნობით. განხილულია ნიმუშები მხატვრული და არამხატვრული ტექსტებიდან.