Development of drug delivery systems (DDS) has been widely carried out using safe biopolymers – s... more Development of drug delivery systems (DDS) has been widely carried out using safe biopolymers – starch and κ-carrageenan. However, for optimal use, the foregoing polymers still suffers from mechanical weakness. Combining both polymers could enhance the properties of each of the polymer. This research aimed of improving the applicability of starch and κ-carrageenan as DDS by means of polyelectrolyte complexation to form a polymer film. The composition ratio of starch:κ-carrageenan was optimized using response surface method (RSM) on Design Expert 11.0 based on water swelling, tensile strength, and disintegration time of the film. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry was performed on the prepared starch—κ-carrageenan film and suggested the successful film preparation. The bulk characteristics of the film are dependent on the starch or κ-carrageenan composition ratio, where starch has been associated with higher thickness, while κ-carrageenan — rigidity. From the RSM, the optimized ...
Page 1. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1. Sejarah Singkat Sagu Sagu berasal dari maluku dan Irian,kare... more Page 1. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1. Sejarah Singkat Sagu Sagu berasal dari maluku dan Irian,karena itu sagu mempunyai arti khusus sebagai bahan pangan tradisional bagi penduduk setempat. Hingga saat ini belum ada ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Plastic waste is one of the threats to marine life, including plastic straw wastes. SARS Edible S... more Plastic waste is one of the threats to marine life, including plastic straw wastes. SARS Edible Straw is an edible straw made of cassava pulp flour combined with chitosan and sorbitol and the addition of sea grapes extract. Sea grapes extract contains bioactive compounds such as protein, polysaccharides, polyphenol, flavonoid, and antioxidants which are used as fortification to enhance the benefit of SARS Edible Straw. The aim of this study is to increase the added-value and progress of sea grapes as domestic products, on the other hand to improve maritime-based community development to support sustainable conservation of marine environment. Furthermore, to reduce the use of plastic straws in daily life, by utilizing Sea grapes which are rich in antioxidant to make SARS Edible Straw. The methods of this study start from cassava flour preparation, Sea grapes extract preparation, and SARS Edible Straw preparation with biodegradability test, water resistance test, and antioxidant test....
This research has successfully fabricated ion selective electrode (ISE) for Pb2+ using castor oil... more This research has successfully fabricated ion selective electrode (ISE) for Pb2+ using castor oil (Ricinus communis L.)-based polyurethane (PU) membrane with 1,10-phenanthroline as the active agent. The sensitivity of the Pb2+ ISE obtained is 27.25 mV/decade with a linear range of [Pb(NO3)2] of 10−10–10−5 M and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.959. The system response reaches stability after 25 s of measurement. The Pb2+ has a detection limit of 10−10 M and gives a stable response at pH 7–8 with a 15-day lifetime. The investigation of the selectivity of the ISE was performed using the mixed solution method with log Kij values of <1. The selectivity order of Pb2+ ISE against the foreign ions is Ag2+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+ > Cu2+ > Fe3+ > Cr3+> Zn2+ > Cd2+. The Pb2+ ISE shows acceptable reproducibility and repeatability with standard deviation values of 0.065 and 0.0079, respectively. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra confirmed that 1,10-phenant...
The mercury contamination associated with the former intense illegal gold mining activities is su... more The mercury contamination associated with the former intense illegal gold mining activities is suspected in the watershed of Krueng Cot Satu, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mercury contamination residue in the water, soil, and vegetable fern (Pityrogramma calometanos (L)) The samples were collected from locations in the already closed artisanal gold mining sites. The sampling locations were purposively determined by considering their closeness to the previous gold mining activities sites. The content of mercury was analyzed using flow injection for atomic spectroscopy-atomic absorption spectroscopy. The method used was validated by linearity, Limit of Detection (LoD), Limit of Quantification (LoQ), Relative Standard Deviation (RSD), and recovery. The validation test showed that this method is well linear, sensitive, accurate, and precise with a correlation coefficient, LoD, LoQ, RSD and recovery of 0.9999, 0.0477 µg/L, 0.1447 µg/L, 2.96% and 95-105%, respectively. Herein, it was found that the concentrations of mercury contents in the water samples were below the detectable range. However, a high range of mercury concentration of 0.236-0.328 µg/g was found in soil, with the highest concentration obtained in the sample collected from the riverbank. The fern sample collected near the riverbank contained mercury in all its parts and concentrated in the root (0.408 µg/g in the leaves, 0.276 µg/g-stalks, and 9.994 µg/g-roots). Meanwhile, the absence of mercury contamination was obtained in the leaves and stalks of the fern samples collected far from the riverbank. The roots, however, were detected with mercury contamination with the highest concentration reaching 27.660 µg/g. Despite its disappearance in the water, mercury contamination residue from the former artisanal gold mining activities still could be traced in the soil and heavy metal accumulating plant-P. calometanos (L).
Amylose and Amylopectin is the material on starch which is the raw material of making Biodegradab... more Amylose and Amylopectin is the material on starch which is the raw material of making Biodegradable plastic, but easy to tear (brittle), so need addition of plasticizer. In this study using Glycerol as plasticizer. This research was conducted at Polymer Chemical Laboratory of University of Sumatera Utara and Physics Laboratory of FMIPA and Universitas Syahkuala with the aim to make Biodegradable plastic and know physical characteristics of three types of tuber starch with addition of glycerol plasticizer. The experiment was compiled using a complete randomized factorial design with three replications. Factors are the types of starch (sago starch, arrowroot, and cassava). Observations include chemical and physical properties of starches and physical properties of biodegradable plastics. Data obtained for Amylose and Amylopectin content are the biggest Sagu starch (21.7% - 62.51%), starch (19.4% - 59.35%) and wood starch (18.0% 60,15%. The result showed that Amilosa and Amilopectin co...
Carrageenan is a product produced from the extraction process of red seaweed (Rhodophyceae). Carr... more Carrageenan is a product produced from the extraction process of red seaweed (Rhodophyceae). Carrageenan can be used in various business fields, both in the food and non-food sectors, which function as a gelling additive, binder, emulsifier and stabilizer. The research method used is Literature Review with data collection and screening that has inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results obtained indicate that the quality characteristics and quality for water content and average gel strength have not met the established standards, while the yield value, ash content and average viscosity have met the quality standards set by FAO, FCC and EEC. . The factors that greatly affect the characteristics and quality of carrageenan from seaweed are alkaline concentration, seaweed harvesting age, temperature and extraction time as well as the type and environmental conditions where the seaweed grows.
Abstract: Giant tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) shells are solid waste that can be utilized for ... more Abstract: Giant tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) shells are solid waste that can be utilized for water purification by converting them into chitin-based biocoagulant. The extraction and deproteination of giant tiger shrimp shells ( Penaeus monodon ) resulted in 83.34% w/w, followed by a demineralization yield of 91.61% w/w product. Chitin extract was used as a biocoagulant using the Jar test method on a fixed variable of 1 L well water and the independent variables of chitin weight (mg) and stirring speed (rpm). The results showed that 15 mg/L chitin reduced the turbidity value of well water from 3.08-1.03 NTU and decreased the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) from 555-500 mg/L, at 200 rpm and pH 8.4. In conclusion, our investigation proves that chitin derived from giant tiger shrimp shells can be used as a biocoagulant for water purification. Abstrak: Kulit udang merupakan limbah padat yang dapat digunakan untuk penjerniahan air, dengan mengonversi limbah tersebut menjadi biokoagulan b...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar Me... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar Menelaah Unsur Kebahasaan Teks Deskripsi”. Masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah unsur kebahasaan teks deskripsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah unsur kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskripsi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar tahun ajaran 2016/2017 berjumlah 89 siswa dengan sampel 32 siswa. Sampel diambil secara acak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik nontes dan pengolahan data digunakan teknik kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah tiap-tiap aspek, nilai rata-rata menelaah penggun...
The study is conducted to analyse foods which are marketed in Aceh since March 2015. Within 3 mon... more The study is conducted to analyse foods which are marketed in Aceh since March 2015. Within 3 months of observation, the study took in total 98 samples, 18 of which are positive for borax content. Food types commonly containing this dangerous substance are yellow noodle, fried tofu ball with peanut sauce, and fried meatball, with borax determination using indicator turmeric. The assumption is a significant correlation between mother’s educations to high level consumption of borax containing foods for children in Aceh, since the average mother’s educations in Aceh are low. Therefore, several factors in mother’s educations need to be revealed. The study area is focused on the area of Aceh Besar Regency, where cases for the borax containing foods were highly found. The data used in this study are data findings for the use of borax in Aceh Besar Regency, the observation of mother’s education through social media, deep interview to several housewife mothers, several public figure...
The goal of this study is to determine the level of fibre contained in bakso made from rice shift... more The goal of this study is to determine the level of fibre contained in bakso made from rice shiftings. The analysis employed gravimetric method with fibretherm apparatus. Firstly, the sample was defatted through n-hexanic soxhletation. After that,the gravimetric treatment was carried out in the apparatus to obtain the weight of the fibre. The data were then converted to percentage value. This step resulted the content of the fibre as following as 0.41; 0.23; 0.34; and 0.36% repectively for four samples. It shows that the level of those are below the standard of SNI 01-4439-1998.
A sago starchbased (Metroxylon sagu) edible coating with sago powder as a filler and glycerol as ... more A sago starchbased (Metroxylon sagu) edible coating with sago powder as a filler and glycerol as a plasticizer has been made.This research is expected to provide information about microbial sensitivity towards the sago starchbased edible coating which is eco-friendly and safe to be used. Requirements to determine food quality refers to the role of E.coli as a toxicity indicator to cause food damage. Toxicity testing of E. coli toward sago starch-based coating was conducted by using Kirby Bauer method. A standardized agar-disc paper diffusion procedure is one way to to determine antibiotic resistancy of bacteria. Bacterial resistancy toward antibiotics is determined by the diameter of inhibit zone formed. Microorganisms cultures requires media that contain nutrients and appropriate environment such as Nutrient Agar (NA). Based on E. coli toxicity testing conducted to the sago starch-based edible coating in 37C temperature and 48 hours of incubation, it is found that the edible coated...
Research has been carried out entitled the effect of carrageenan addition Eucheuma cottonii and g... more Research has been carried out entitled the effect of carrageenan addition Eucheuma cottonii and glycerol as edible coating of avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill.) From Takengon, Central Aceh Regency to extend storage time. This study aims to find out how the effect of the addition of carrageenan concentration variations Eucheuma cottonii and glycerol as edible coatings in extending the shelf life of avocados (Persea americana Mill.). The variations in the concentration of comparable carrageenan and glycerol used as edible coating are 2: 2%, 3: 2%, 4: 2%, 2: 3%, 3: 3% and 4: 3% in distilled water. The coating process is done by dipping avocados for 1 minute and stored at room temperature for 10 days in an open container. The results showed that the physical appearance of avocados was best obtained from edible coating with variations in concentrations of 2: 2%, 2: 3% and 3: 3% (carrageenan: glycerol) characterized by bright flesh color, hard texture, fresh aroma and good taste, whil...
The experiment about the food to cauting decent from starch of sago using powder of bar sago palm... more The experiment about the food to cauting decent from starch of sago using powder of bar sago palm as filler and glycerol as plastisizer has done. Biodegadation of to cover eat decent eith powder of bar sago palm as filler, was done by soil buriar test for 5 – 3 days. Mean while biodegadation in Aspergillus niger media was done for 3-5 days. The results of weight loss percentage showed that all to cover eat decent can be biodegadation rate. The biodegadability by soil burial test was more faster thant by Aspergillus niger fungi. Characterization of fungtional goups were done by FT – IR and the morphology was tested by SEM. Toxicity test using E.Coli in Nutrien Agar media at temperature 370C and incubation 48 hours showed that to cover eat decent not indivcatoin of anticeptic properties.
Protein is a polymer consisting of amino acid monomers which are connected to form linear bonds c... more Protein is a polymer consisting of amino acid monomers which are connected to form linear bonds called Peptide bonds. The presence of nitrogen is a special feature of protein compounds because this element is not found in simple fat and carbohydrate compounds. This study aims to determine the protein content in corn flour, cassava flour, and pumpkin flour using the Kjedhal method. Protein analysis by the Kjedhal method is basically divided into three stages, namely: the destruction stage, the distillation stage, and the titration stage. The results showed that the protein content in corn flour was 9.32%, cassava flour was 8.45%, and pumpkin flour was 0.62%. The conclusion of this study is the greatest protein content found in corn flour.
JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang
AbstrakBagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) mempelajari huruf k... more AbstrakBagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) mempelajari huruf kana merupakan bagian dari tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai. Banyak pembelajar bahasa Jepang yang tidak bisa menulis maupun membaca dikarenakan pembelajar tidak mengingat huruf tersebut secara sempurna. Hal ini dikarenakan sedikitnya waktu belajar huruf dan fokusnya belajar tata bahasa membuat pelajar melupakan untuk belajar huruf. Sehingga pembelajar lebih sering menggunakan huruf romaji dibandingkan dengan huruf kana. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan media yang bisa digunakan siswa secara mandiri. Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) merupakan media yang bisa digunakan siswa secara mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan menghapal huruf kana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian murni dengan pola “Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design”, yang menggunakan dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen ...
Bioplastics is one step to reduce the use of plastics that are not environmentally friendly. The ... more Bioplastics is one step to reduce the use of plastics that are not environmentally friendly. The genus Metroxxlen, Sp is a bioplastic material that is easily degraded in the soil. Metroxxlen, Sp has a hierophilic nature which results in its physical properties being low. Bioplastic Starch Genus Metroxxlen, Sp is made by mixing ZnO as a reinforcement, Genus starch Metroxxlen, Sp as a source of natural polymers, with the addition of glycerol as a plasticizer. The results of the spread of ZnO in bioplastics can be seen with SEM. Comparison of ZnO with Genus Metroxxlen starch, Sp 1-3% wt produced a strengthened mechanism characteristic from 0.40 kg/cm 2 to 0.70 kgf / cm 2 ; the change in the extension changed down from 120.4% to 99.00%. For glycerol composition with variations from 1-3% wt, the change in elongation changes to increase from 90.00% to 98.00%, the nature of the mechanism changes to decrease from 0.25 kg/cm 2 to 0.20 kgf / cm 2 .
Indonesian people consider the Rubik plant (Calotropis gigantean) is only a wild plants that have... more Indonesian people consider the Rubik plant (Calotropis gigantean) is only a wild plants that have no benefits. It is often felled and thrown away. This study was aimed to provide the information the utilized these crops. This research was conducted to determine the ability and characteristics of Rubik stems (Calotropis gigantean) as an addictive substance plasticizer filler, where the rubrik plant was taken at the seaside area of Banda Aceh. Preparation of plasticizers from the filler of this rubric stem was used as an antiseptic and biodegradable plasticizer. The results of FT-IR spectra measurements of the filler plastics of this rubrik plant have a distinct tannin functional group absorption, at 923.850 cm-1 strong buckling numbers were indicated the presence of a potent buckling C-H group due to the presence of the aromatic groups in the tannin compound. For the SEM test, the plasticizer has a porous surface morphology of the outermost layer, this indicates the density of particles smaller than the plasticizer 2 grams of water compared to plasticizer 1 gram of water. The test of biodegradable and Aspergillus Niger fungi on time variations about 10 days were resulted in significant degradation. The rate of degradation with soil was greater than the Aspergillus Niger. Toxicity was used of Escherichia coli bacteria in medium of nutrient agar at 37°C with 48 hours incubation where in plasticizer has antiseptic to Escherichia coli.
This paper contains the phonological properties of the syllable structures and the economical pr... more This paper contains the phonological properties of the syllable structures and the economical procedures of the words in the Urdu language. The paper determines the behavior of certain segments that attach to its own neighboring words and elaborates the economy of the syllable structure of tokens in a particular language. In Urdu, there are various types of segmental processes in terms of addition or deletion of phonemes that affects to root and alters the entire physical mechanism structure of words. The objectives of this paper are to know the exact economic conditions of syllable structures in the words after the addition or elision of segments in the Urdu language. All the process of conflicts between the segments will manipulate by the help of constraint rankings in Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993). The general purpose of this paper is to reveal the whole criteria of implications of principles of Optimality theory and explore the actual framework of syllables wit...
Development of drug delivery systems (DDS) has been widely carried out using safe biopolymers – s... more Development of drug delivery systems (DDS) has been widely carried out using safe biopolymers – starch and κ-carrageenan. However, for optimal use, the foregoing polymers still suffers from mechanical weakness. Combining both polymers could enhance the properties of each of the polymer. This research aimed of improving the applicability of starch and κ-carrageenan as DDS by means of polyelectrolyte complexation to form a polymer film. The composition ratio of starch:κ-carrageenan was optimized using response surface method (RSM) on Design Expert 11.0 based on water swelling, tensile strength, and disintegration time of the film. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry was performed on the prepared starch—κ-carrageenan film and suggested the successful film preparation. The bulk characteristics of the film are dependent on the starch or κ-carrageenan composition ratio, where starch has been associated with higher thickness, while κ-carrageenan — rigidity. From the RSM, the optimized ...
Page 1. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1. Sejarah Singkat Sagu Sagu berasal dari maluku dan Irian,kare... more Page 1. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1. Sejarah Singkat Sagu Sagu berasal dari maluku dan Irian,karena itu sagu mempunyai arti khusus sebagai bahan pangan tradisional bagi penduduk setempat. Hingga saat ini belum ada ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Plastic waste is one of the threats to marine life, including plastic straw wastes. SARS Edible S... more Plastic waste is one of the threats to marine life, including plastic straw wastes. SARS Edible Straw is an edible straw made of cassava pulp flour combined with chitosan and sorbitol and the addition of sea grapes extract. Sea grapes extract contains bioactive compounds such as protein, polysaccharides, polyphenol, flavonoid, and antioxidants which are used as fortification to enhance the benefit of SARS Edible Straw. The aim of this study is to increase the added-value and progress of sea grapes as domestic products, on the other hand to improve maritime-based community development to support sustainable conservation of marine environment. Furthermore, to reduce the use of plastic straws in daily life, by utilizing Sea grapes which are rich in antioxidant to make SARS Edible Straw. The methods of this study start from cassava flour preparation, Sea grapes extract preparation, and SARS Edible Straw preparation with biodegradability test, water resistance test, and antioxidant test....
This research has successfully fabricated ion selective electrode (ISE) for Pb2+ using castor oil... more This research has successfully fabricated ion selective electrode (ISE) for Pb2+ using castor oil (Ricinus communis L.)-based polyurethane (PU) membrane with 1,10-phenanthroline as the active agent. The sensitivity of the Pb2+ ISE obtained is 27.25 mV/decade with a linear range of [Pb(NO3)2] of 10−10–10−5 M and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.959. The system response reaches stability after 25 s of measurement. The Pb2+ has a detection limit of 10−10 M and gives a stable response at pH 7–8 with a 15-day lifetime. The investigation of the selectivity of the ISE was performed using the mixed solution method with log Kij values of <1. The selectivity order of Pb2+ ISE against the foreign ions is Ag2+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+ > Cu2+ > Fe3+ > Cr3+> Zn2+ > Cd2+. The Pb2+ ISE shows acceptable reproducibility and repeatability with standard deviation values of 0.065 and 0.0079, respectively. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra confirmed that 1,10-phenant...
The mercury contamination associated with the former intense illegal gold mining activities is su... more The mercury contamination associated with the former intense illegal gold mining activities is suspected in the watershed of Krueng Cot Satu, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mercury contamination residue in the water, soil, and vegetable fern (Pityrogramma calometanos (L)) The samples were collected from locations in the already closed artisanal gold mining sites. The sampling locations were purposively determined by considering their closeness to the previous gold mining activities sites. The content of mercury was analyzed using flow injection for atomic spectroscopy-atomic absorption spectroscopy. The method used was validated by linearity, Limit of Detection (LoD), Limit of Quantification (LoQ), Relative Standard Deviation (RSD), and recovery. The validation test showed that this method is well linear, sensitive, accurate, and precise with a correlation coefficient, LoD, LoQ, RSD and recovery of 0.9999, 0.0477 µg/L, 0.1447 µg/L, 2.96% and 95-105%, respectively. Herein, it was found that the concentrations of mercury contents in the water samples were below the detectable range. However, a high range of mercury concentration of 0.236-0.328 µg/g was found in soil, with the highest concentration obtained in the sample collected from the riverbank. The fern sample collected near the riverbank contained mercury in all its parts and concentrated in the root (0.408 µg/g in the leaves, 0.276 µg/g-stalks, and 9.994 µg/g-roots). Meanwhile, the absence of mercury contamination was obtained in the leaves and stalks of the fern samples collected far from the riverbank. The roots, however, were detected with mercury contamination with the highest concentration reaching 27.660 µg/g. Despite its disappearance in the water, mercury contamination residue from the former artisanal gold mining activities still could be traced in the soil and heavy metal accumulating plant-P. calometanos (L).
Amylose and Amylopectin is the material on starch which is the raw material of making Biodegradab... more Amylose and Amylopectin is the material on starch which is the raw material of making Biodegradable plastic, but easy to tear (brittle), so need addition of plasticizer. In this study using Glycerol as plasticizer. This research was conducted at Polymer Chemical Laboratory of University of Sumatera Utara and Physics Laboratory of FMIPA and Universitas Syahkuala with the aim to make Biodegradable plastic and know physical characteristics of three types of tuber starch with addition of glycerol plasticizer. The experiment was compiled using a complete randomized factorial design with three replications. Factors are the types of starch (sago starch, arrowroot, and cassava). Observations include chemical and physical properties of starches and physical properties of biodegradable plastics. Data obtained for Amylose and Amylopectin content are the biggest Sagu starch (21.7% - 62.51%), starch (19.4% - 59.35%) and wood starch (18.0% 60,15%. The result showed that Amilosa and Amilopectin co...
Carrageenan is a product produced from the extraction process of red seaweed (Rhodophyceae). Carr... more Carrageenan is a product produced from the extraction process of red seaweed (Rhodophyceae). Carrageenan can be used in various business fields, both in the food and non-food sectors, which function as a gelling additive, binder, emulsifier and stabilizer. The research method used is Literature Review with data collection and screening that has inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results obtained indicate that the quality characteristics and quality for water content and average gel strength have not met the established standards, while the yield value, ash content and average viscosity have met the quality standards set by FAO, FCC and EEC. . The factors that greatly affect the characteristics and quality of carrageenan from seaweed are alkaline concentration, seaweed harvesting age, temperature and extraction time as well as the type and environmental conditions where the seaweed grows.
Abstract: Giant tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) shells are solid waste that can be utilized for ... more Abstract: Giant tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) shells are solid waste that can be utilized for water purification by converting them into chitin-based biocoagulant. The extraction and deproteination of giant tiger shrimp shells ( Penaeus monodon ) resulted in 83.34% w/w, followed by a demineralization yield of 91.61% w/w product. Chitin extract was used as a biocoagulant using the Jar test method on a fixed variable of 1 L well water and the independent variables of chitin weight (mg) and stirring speed (rpm). The results showed that 15 mg/L chitin reduced the turbidity value of well water from 3.08-1.03 NTU and decreased the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) from 555-500 mg/L, at 200 rpm and pH 8.4. In conclusion, our investigation proves that chitin derived from giant tiger shrimp shells can be used as a biocoagulant for water purification. Abstrak: Kulit udang merupakan limbah padat yang dapat digunakan untuk penjerniahan air, dengan mengonversi limbah tersebut menjadi biokoagulan b...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar Me... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar Menelaah Unsur Kebahasaan Teks Deskripsi”. Masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah unsur kebahasaan teks deskripsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah unsur kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskripsi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar tahun ajaran 2016/2017 berjumlah 89 siswa dengan sampel 32 siswa. Sampel diambil secara acak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik nontes dan pengolahan data digunakan teknik kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar menelaah tiap-tiap aspek, nilai rata-rata menelaah penggun...
The study is conducted to analyse foods which are marketed in Aceh since March 2015. Within 3 mon... more The study is conducted to analyse foods which are marketed in Aceh since March 2015. Within 3 months of observation, the study took in total 98 samples, 18 of which are positive for borax content. Food types commonly containing this dangerous substance are yellow noodle, fried tofu ball with peanut sauce, and fried meatball, with borax determination using indicator turmeric. The assumption is a significant correlation between mother’s educations to high level consumption of borax containing foods for children in Aceh, since the average mother’s educations in Aceh are low. Therefore, several factors in mother’s educations need to be revealed. The study area is focused on the area of Aceh Besar Regency, where cases for the borax containing foods were highly found. The data used in this study are data findings for the use of borax in Aceh Besar Regency, the observation of mother’s education through social media, deep interview to several housewife mothers, several public figure...
The goal of this study is to determine the level of fibre contained in bakso made from rice shift... more The goal of this study is to determine the level of fibre contained in bakso made from rice shiftings. The analysis employed gravimetric method with fibretherm apparatus. Firstly, the sample was defatted through n-hexanic soxhletation. After that,the gravimetric treatment was carried out in the apparatus to obtain the weight of the fibre. The data were then converted to percentage value. This step resulted the content of the fibre as following as 0.41; 0.23; 0.34; and 0.36% repectively for four samples. It shows that the level of those are below the standard of SNI 01-4439-1998.
A sago starchbased (Metroxylon sagu) edible coating with sago powder as a filler and glycerol as ... more A sago starchbased (Metroxylon sagu) edible coating with sago powder as a filler and glycerol as a plasticizer has been made.This research is expected to provide information about microbial sensitivity towards the sago starchbased edible coating which is eco-friendly and safe to be used. Requirements to determine food quality refers to the role of E.coli as a toxicity indicator to cause food damage. Toxicity testing of E. coli toward sago starch-based coating was conducted by using Kirby Bauer method. A standardized agar-disc paper diffusion procedure is one way to to determine antibiotic resistancy of bacteria. Bacterial resistancy toward antibiotics is determined by the diameter of inhibit zone formed. Microorganisms cultures requires media that contain nutrients and appropriate environment such as Nutrient Agar (NA). Based on E. coli toxicity testing conducted to the sago starch-based edible coating in 37C temperature and 48 hours of incubation, it is found that the edible coated...
Research has been carried out entitled the effect of carrageenan addition Eucheuma cottonii and g... more Research has been carried out entitled the effect of carrageenan addition Eucheuma cottonii and glycerol as edible coating of avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill.) From Takengon, Central Aceh Regency to extend storage time. This study aims to find out how the effect of the addition of carrageenan concentration variations Eucheuma cottonii and glycerol as edible coatings in extending the shelf life of avocados (Persea americana Mill.). The variations in the concentration of comparable carrageenan and glycerol used as edible coating are 2: 2%, 3: 2%, 4: 2%, 2: 3%, 3: 3% and 4: 3% in distilled water. The coating process is done by dipping avocados for 1 minute and stored at room temperature for 10 days in an open container. The results showed that the physical appearance of avocados was best obtained from edible coating with variations in concentrations of 2: 2%, 2: 3% and 3: 3% (carrageenan: glycerol) characterized by bright flesh color, hard texture, fresh aroma and good taste, whil...
The experiment about the food to cauting decent from starch of sago using powder of bar sago palm... more The experiment about the food to cauting decent from starch of sago using powder of bar sago palm as filler and glycerol as plastisizer has done. Biodegadation of to cover eat decent eith powder of bar sago palm as filler, was done by soil buriar test for 5 – 3 days. Mean while biodegadation in Aspergillus niger media was done for 3-5 days. The results of weight loss percentage showed that all to cover eat decent can be biodegadation rate. The biodegadability by soil burial test was more faster thant by Aspergillus niger fungi. Characterization of fungtional goups were done by FT – IR and the morphology was tested by SEM. Toxicity test using E.Coli in Nutrien Agar media at temperature 370C and incubation 48 hours showed that to cover eat decent not indivcatoin of anticeptic properties.
Protein is a polymer consisting of amino acid monomers which are connected to form linear bonds c... more Protein is a polymer consisting of amino acid monomers which are connected to form linear bonds called Peptide bonds. The presence of nitrogen is a special feature of protein compounds because this element is not found in simple fat and carbohydrate compounds. This study aims to determine the protein content in corn flour, cassava flour, and pumpkin flour using the Kjedhal method. Protein analysis by the Kjedhal method is basically divided into three stages, namely: the destruction stage, the distillation stage, and the titration stage. The results showed that the protein content in corn flour was 9.32%, cassava flour was 8.45%, and pumpkin flour was 0.62%. The conclusion of this study is the greatest protein content found in corn flour.
JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang
AbstrakBagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) mempelajari huruf k... more AbstrakBagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) mempelajari huruf kana merupakan bagian dari tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai. Banyak pembelajar bahasa Jepang yang tidak bisa menulis maupun membaca dikarenakan pembelajar tidak mengingat huruf tersebut secara sempurna. Hal ini dikarenakan sedikitnya waktu belajar huruf dan fokusnya belajar tata bahasa membuat pelajar melupakan untuk belajar huruf. Sehingga pembelajar lebih sering menggunakan huruf romaji dibandingkan dengan huruf kana. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan media yang bisa digunakan siswa secara mandiri. Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) merupakan media yang bisa digunakan siswa secara mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan menghapal huruf kana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian murni dengan pola “Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design”, yang menggunakan dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen ...
Bioplastics is one step to reduce the use of plastics that are not environmentally friendly. The ... more Bioplastics is one step to reduce the use of plastics that are not environmentally friendly. The genus Metroxxlen, Sp is a bioplastic material that is easily degraded in the soil. Metroxxlen, Sp has a hierophilic nature which results in its physical properties being low. Bioplastic Starch Genus Metroxxlen, Sp is made by mixing ZnO as a reinforcement, Genus starch Metroxxlen, Sp as a source of natural polymers, with the addition of glycerol as a plasticizer. The results of the spread of ZnO in bioplastics can be seen with SEM. Comparison of ZnO with Genus Metroxxlen starch, Sp 1-3% wt produced a strengthened mechanism characteristic from 0.40 kg/cm 2 to 0.70 kgf / cm 2 ; the change in the extension changed down from 120.4% to 99.00%. For glycerol composition with variations from 1-3% wt, the change in elongation changes to increase from 90.00% to 98.00%, the nature of the mechanism changes to decrease from 0.25 kg/cm 2 to 0.20 kgf / cm 2 .
Indonesian people consider the Rubik plant (Calotropis gigantean) is only a wild plants that have... more Indonesian people consider the Rubik plant (Calotropis gigantean) is only a wild plants that have no benefits. It is often felled and thrown away. This study was aimed to provide the information the utilized these crops. This research was conducted to determine the ability and characteristics of Rubik stems (Calotropis gigantean) as an addictive substance plasticizer filler, where the rubrik plant was taken at the seaside area of Banda Aceh. Preparation of plasticizers from the filler of this rubric stem was used as an antiseptic and biodegradable plasticizer. The results of FT-IR spectra measurements of the filler plastics of this rubrik plant have a distinct tannin functional group absorption, at 923.850 cm-1 strong buckling numbers were indicated the presence of a potent buckling C-H group due to the presence of the aromatic groups in the tannin compound. For the SEM test, the plasticizer has a porous surface morphology of the outermost layer, this indicates the density of particles smaller than the plasticizer 2 grams of water compared to plasticizer 1 gram of water. The test of biodegradable and Aspergillus Niger fungi on time variations about 10 days were resulted in significant degradation. The rate of degradation with soil was greater than the Aspergillus Niger. Toxicity was used of Escherichia coli bacteria in medium of nutrient agar at 37°C with 48 hours incubation where in plasticizer has antiseptic to Escherichia coli.
This paper contains the phonological properties of the syllable structures and the economical pr... more This paper contains the phonological properties of the syllable structures and the economical procedures of the words in the Urdu language. The paper determines the behavior of certain segments that attach to its own neighboring words and elaborates the economy of the syllable structure of tokens in a particular language. In Urdu, there are various types of segmental processes in terms of addition or deletion of phonemes that affects to root and alters the entire physical mechanism structure of words. The objectives of this paper are to know the exact economic conditions of syllable structures in the words after the addition or elision of segments in the Urdu language. All the process of conflicts between the segments will manipulate by the help of constraint rankings in Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993). The general purpose of this paper is to reveal the whole criteria of implications of principles of Optimality theory and explore the actual framework of syllables wit...
Papers by Khairun Nisah