Khaira Liza
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Papers by Khaira Liza
global issues and try to convince the audience by providing the evidence. They should read and
listen a lot to understand the issues. After scrutinizing the materials they read and listen, they
should present it in well-structured sentences. Beginner EFL students will think that it is the most
difficult speaking activity. It is a common phenomenon faced by EFL teachers. They will be
confused to use the appropriate method in teaching debate if their students are not interested.
However, teachers can use popular communication media as an approach. For example, it can
be started through a simple way such as interaction in LINE group chat.This narrative inquiry
study will explore the study of an EFL novice teacher, Rinda (pseudonym) in teaching debate to
her students. This study involved nine students and two teachers from two different schools. The
students were trained to argue by discussing controversial issues in their schools. The study
reveals that interaction through LINE group chat is effective to teach debate to EFL students.
global issues and try to convince the audience by providing the evidence. They should read and
listen a lot to understand the issues. After scrutinizing the materials they read and listen, they
should present it in well-structured sentences. Beginner EFL students will think that it is the most
difficult speaking activity. It is a common phenomenon faced by EFL teachers. They will be
confused to use the appropriate method in teaching debate if their students are not interested.
However, teachers can use popular communication media as an approach. For example, it can
be started through a simple way such as interaction in LINE group chat.This narrative inquiry
study will explore the study of an EFL novice teacher, Rinda (pseudonym) in teaching debate to
her students. This study involved nine students and two teachers from two different schools. The
students were trained to argue by discussing controversial issues in their schools. The study
reveals that interaction through LINE group chat is effective to teach debate to EFL students.