Papers by Keyla Farias Cristina

This essay is about tourism and social-environmental conflicts at Ilha do Mel, PR, Brazil. There ... more This essay is about tourism and social-environmental conflicts at Ilha do Mel, PR, Brazil. There were created two environmental protected areas, where human presence is supposed to be devoid. Such fact impacted on the way of life of the native traditional communities of caicaras population, dependent on fishery and agriculture, which drives the origin of social-environmental conflicts. Meanwhile, the tourism services became the main economic activity on the Island. The research was accomplished by field observation and bibliographic review, aiming a quantitative analysis on the touristic infrastructure and a qualitative analysis on the related to the Protected Areas and the touristic activities. The conclusion is that the creation of the Protected Areas at the Ilha do Mel accentuated both the tourism development and the social-environmental conflicts. The infrastructure is sufficient for the basic demand for mass tourism while there should be priority for ecotourism. The social-envi...

Sociedade, Direito e Justiça, 2017
pela bolsa de estudo concedida, para que houvesse a condução das pesquisas realizadas. Aos meus p... more pela bolsa de estudo concedida, para que houvesse a condução das pesquisas realizadas. Aos meus professores do Doutorado Interinstitucional (DINTER) celebrado entre a Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e a Universidade Federal do Amapá, em especial ao meu orientador, Professor Doutor Roberto Luiz Silva, que sempre exigiu o brilhantismo acadêmico, mesmo quando as tempestades da vida ousaram ofuscar a beleza do conhecimento científico. Seus ensinamentos me conduziram a seguir serenamente sempre em frente até o final da jornada. Ao Vice-Diretor da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG, Professor Doutor Aziz Tuffi Saliba, que me recebeu no estágio docência com tamanho zelo, carinho e atenção para mais um aprendizado na sala de aula. À Professora Doutora Adriana Campos Silva, que em seus ensinamentos sobre a educação dos direitos humanos, promove novos caminhos para a inclusão social de grande relevância no repensar da diversidade étnica e no processo constitucional de desenvolvimento social. Aos servidores da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, que iluminaram em muitos momentos o meu dia com grandiosos sorrisos e gentis palavras de afeto, em especial, ao amigo Wellerson, sinônimo de força, garra e superação. A todos aqueles que contribuíram direta ou indiretamente, para que este árduo caminho acadêmico longe de casa fosse mais leve e suave. Àqueles que, distante e em silêncio, acreditaram, assim como eu, que a educação é a arma mais revolucionária que todo cidadão deveria possuir para mudar sua comunicação étnica e multicultural com o mundo. Por fim, meu sincero agradecimento aos povos indígenas da Amazônia brasileira, em especial da Tribo Indígena Arara da Volta Grande do Xingu, que no cenário da intensa exclusão social ainda acredita em uma política de desenvolvimento cultural capaz de preservar seus rituais, tradições e valores para a manutenção da vida e preservação dos ensinamentos culturais de seus antepassados. As resoluções da Assembleia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas n. 1.514, n. 1.541 e n. 2.

Na dissertacao ficou demonstrada a influencia direta da qualidade da agua no rio Xingu sobre as p... more Na dissertacao ficou demonstrada a influencia direta da qualidade da agua no rio Xingu sobre as populacoes indigenas locais, em especial, as tribos indigenas Arara da Volta Grande e Paquicamba, alem da dinâmica ambiental estabelecida em torno da construcao da hidreletrica de Belo Monte, sendo que o objetivo principal foi demonstrar as logicas que organizam as relacoes de desenvolvimento energetico nacional e que acarretam danos ambientais capazes de afetar diretamente os povos indigenas principalmente no que tange a qualidade da agua, em especial, as tribos indigenas Arara da Volta Grande do Xingu e Paquicamba, que dependem diretamente dos recursos naturais do rio Xingu para sua sobrevivencia e que serao diretamente afetadas com a construcao da Usina Hidreletrica de Belo Monte, conforme analise de dados cientificos do Laboratorio de Quimica Analitica e ambiental (LAQUANAM) da Universidade Federal do Para e do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA/RIMA) do empreendimento. O instrumento da...

DOI: 10.14684/intertech.13.2014.416-421 The Caratateua island (Belem - Para Amazon Region), has a... more DOI: 10.14684/intertech.13.2014.416-421 The Caratateua island (Belem - Para Amazon Region), has an organization of small communities that survive the production of agroforestry products and fishing. The implementation of a large housing project has changed the routine of traditional communities that are in your neighborhood. The objective was to identify the socioenvironmental impacts resulting from the implementation of the project in some communities in the island. Were used questionnaires with open questions and interviews with 50 residents. The implementation of this project in an area severely lacking may cause socioenvironmental impacts since it is not happening to the structuring and preparation of local residents who may feel excluded from the development process. Environmental considerations have been evaluated in accordance with the EIA-RIMA presented the Environmental Secretariat (SEMA-PA) by closed condominium. Palavras-Chaves - Condominio fechado, pobreza, geracao de re...

The United Nations General Assembly resolutions 1514, 1541 and 2625 expressly introduce the princ... more The United Nations General Assembly resolutions 1514, 1541 and 2625 expressly introduce the principle of self-determination as a peremptory norm of international law to proclaim the principle in respect of all peoples. This paper analyzes the extent of the people's self-determination principle, aiming at the elimination of colonial situations and foreign domination for the free expression of their desirability, in order to elect the political formula through which carries the right to self-determination. The selfdetermination principle was born as a historical and political concept before turning into a concept of legal relevance, performing a very important role in the decolonization context and emerging on the international scene starting from the First World War. Relatively, the self-determination as a right of all peoples refers the internal dimension of the principle, having a universal calling in the sense which is addressed toward all peoples made in the State and that are connected to the national democratic process through the existence of their representative governments. The process of selfdetermination, resulted in setting a pattern that was formalized in international law as a principle. In its first manifestation, as a structural principle of international law, this should serve to guide Member-States in developing their mutual relations. Then its relevance in the internal and international levels is to ensure the right attributed to peoples. When is combined the self-determination principle to the right of indigenous people, it can be understood as the right of a people to decide their own destiny, worship their languages and traditional ways of life in observance of ethnic and cultural diversity. Therefore, there is a causal connection between colonization and land alienation, territories and natural resources that the indigenous peoples suffered in the past and even today, have experienced a process of invisibility and exclusion almost systematically since de days of colonization, because of the arrival of the republican states in Latin America after the process of decolonization it did not cause significant change in the traditional relationship of subjection and submission that indigenous people were submitted. It was stablished, though, the absence of an international obligation of the State recognition of minorities should be interpreted as a limit to the discretion of States to international obligations of minorities protection, in particular, indigenous people, because their demands are articulated around the political autonomy and the special rights of the political representation, that enable them to manage their own interests as an effective exercise of the right of peoples selfdetermination.

The United Nations General Assembly resolutions 1514, 1541 and 2625 expressly introduce the princ... more The United Nations General Assembly resolutions 1514, 1541 and 2625 expressly introduce the principle of self-determination as a peremptory norm of international law to proclaim the principle in respect of all peoples. This paper analyzes the extent of the people's self-determination principle, aiming at the elimination of colonial situations and foreign domination for the free expression of their desirability, in order to elect the political formula through which carries the right to self-determination. The selfdetermination principle was born as a historical and political concept before turning into a concept of legal relevance, performing a very important role in the decolonization context and emerging on the international scene starting from the First World War. Relatively, the self-determination as a right of all peoples refers the internal dimension of the principle, having a universal calling in the sense which is addressed toward all peoples made in the State and that are connected to the national democratic process through the existence of their representative governments. The process of selfdetermination, resulted in setting a pattern that was formalized in international law as a principle. In its first manifestation, as a structural principle of international law, this should serve to guide Member-States in developing their mutual relations. Then its relevance in the internal and international levels is to ensure the right attributed to peoples. When is combined the self-determination principle to the right of indigenous people, it can be understood as the right of a people to decide their own destiny, worship their languages and traditional ways of life in observance of ethnic and cultural diversity. Therefore, there is a causal connection between colonization and land alienation, territories and natural resources that the indigenous peoples suffered in the past and even today, have experienced a process of invisibility and exclusion almost systematically since de days of colonization, because of the arrival of the republican states in Latin America after the process of decolonization it did not cause significant change in the traditional relationship of subjection and submission that indigenous people were submitted. It was stablished, though, the absence of an international obligation of the State recognition of minorities should be interpreted as a limit to the discretion of States to international obligations of minorities protection, in particular, indigenous people, because their demands are articulated around the political autonomy and the special rights of the political representation, that enable them to manage their own interests as an effective exercise of the right of peoples selfdetermination.

DOI: 10.14684/intertech.13.2014.406-410 The aim of this study was to evaluate the failures of the... more DOI: 10.14684/intertech.13.2014.406-410 The aim of this study was to evaluate the failures of the licensing process of Belo Monte and its consequences for the Arara indigenous tribes of the Volta Grande and Paquicamba who will suffer the greatest impacts of the project. The methodology used to document analysis available, including the licensing process, the minutes of the public hearings, proceedings of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), references on the topic, interviews with residents and indigenous leaders as well as field research site and work in the city of Altamira. The results showed serious flaws in licensing as not broad discussion with society in general, including the local population, the indigenous tribes, research institutes, universities, and MPE, MPF and other actors in the process. Realizes that the economic power and political power overwhelmed the interest of indigenous people who are the most suffering to advance the work. Index Terms - Licensing, Altamira, Indian tribes.
The Challenge of Developing Creative Artists in a Standardized World, 2014

Conpedi Law Review
Este artigo apresenta a democratização global para a proteção de minorias, através da promoção gl... more Este artigo apresenta a democratização global para a proteção de minorias, através da promoção global dos Sistemas Europeu e Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. No plano do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, essas ideias estão na base do chamado “processo de especificação dos sujeitos de direitos”, segundo o qual, além de direitos gerais universais, extensíveis a todos, há necessidade de se reconhecer direitos específicos a determinados grupos vulneráveis dentro da sociedade. Isso com o objetivo de se atingir a igualdade real, ou pelo menos, reduzir as desigualdades de fato existente. Assim, a consolidação da proteção das minorias reflete a situação da necessidade do acesso à ordem jurídica justa de modo a garantir a efetividade de direitos fundamentais e a consolidação plena de acesso à justiça através das cortes internacionais de justiça, que visam a proteção dos Direitos Humanos no contexto internacional.

Este artigo apresenta relações entre a Convenção e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, at... more Este artigo apresenta relações entre a Convenção e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, através de uma reconstrução histórica; estabelecendo conexões com as normas do Sistema Europeu de Direitos Humanos para o direito de acesso à justiça e a consolidação do Direito Internacional no Estado Democrático de Direito, como fundamental ao efetivo desenvolvimento dos Direitos Humanos expressamente reconhecidos pela Corte Interamericana. Evidenciando que, o Estado tem a responsabilidade de criar e consagrar normativamente mecanismos eficazes socialmente, economicamente e politicamente para assegurar a devida aplicação de recurso por parte das suas autoridades judiciais de modo a viabilizar a realização dos
direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos e garantir a efetividade dos Direitos Humanos e democrática participação popular no processo de desenvolvimento.
This paper presents relations between the Convention and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, through a historical reconstruction; establishing connections with the standards of the European System of Human Rights for the right of access to justice and the consolidation of international law in a democratic state, as a key to the effective development of Human Rights explicitly recognized by the Court. Showing that the state has a responsibility to create and normatively consecrate socially, economically and politically effective mechanisms to ensure the proper implementation of its appeal by judicial authorities in order to facilitate the realization of fundamental rights of citizens and ensure the effectiveness of Human Rights and democratic popular participation on the development process.
Papers by Keyla Farias Cristina
direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos e garantir a efetividade dos Direitos Humanos e democrática participação popular no processo de desenvolvimento.
This paper presents relations between the Convention and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, through a historical reconstruction; establishing connections with the standards of the European System of Human Rights for the right of access to justice and the consolidation of international law in a democratic state, as a key to the effective development of Human Rights explicitly recognized by the Court. Showing that the state has a responsibility to create and normatively consecrate socially, economically and politically effective mechanisms to ensure the proper implementation of its appeal by judicial authorities in order to facilitate the realization of fundamental rights of citizens and ensure the effectiveness of Human Rights and democratic popular participation on the development process.
direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos e garantir a efetividade dos Direitos Humanos e democrática participação popular no processo de desenvolvimento.
This paper presents relations between the Convention and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, through a historical reconstruction; establishing connections with the standards of the European System of Human Rights for the right of access to justice and the consolidation of international law in a democratic state, as a key to the effective development of Human Rights explicitly recognized by the Court. Showing that the state has a responsibility to create and normatively consecrate socially, economically and politically effective mechanisms to ensure the proper implementation of its appeal by judicial authorities in order to facilitate the realization of fundamental rights of citizens and ensure the effectiveness of Human Rights and democratic popular participation on the development process.