Papers by Keristian Dahurandi

Pastoral service is a shepherding activity performed in Catholic Church for obtaining eschatologi... more Pastoral service is a shepherding activity performed in Catholic Church for obtaining eschatological salvation. The eschatological salvation begins in this world and will be completed in when we face to face meet God. To gain such a salvation, an effective and efficient pastoral service is needed. An effective pastoral service is characterized by ability of facilitating the people of God to have a real, concrete and measured salvation in the world and will be completed. An efficient pastoral service, however, is a rationality of input resource of the salvation reached in pastoral activities. The rationality of such a service is measured by valuating gained profit as a standard of effective service. To reach this end, pastoral service of the Church as an institution, at least, should improve some principles such as productivity, service quality, responsivity, responsibility, accountability, effectivity, efficiency, reallybility, trustworthy and justice. In addition, pastoral service needs a shift of paradigm to be more "listening" than "telling", "serving" rather than "controlling" in order to avoid the "comfort zone". This also requires management principles, among others: catalytic pastoral, ecclesiastical pastoral, competitive pastoral, mission-zeal pastoral, results-oriented pastoral, faith-oriented (Church), producing-*Penulis adalah pengajar ilmu sosial dan pendidikan kewarganegaraan di Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Santo Sirilus Ruteng. Pendidikan terakhir adalah Magister Administrasi Publik/Negara.

Tu'a golo is the name for the head of beo/gendang (kampong, corresponds to the traditional rural ... more Tu'a golo is the name for the head of beo/gendang (kampong, corresponds to the traditional rural community) within the cultural setting of Manggaraian society, in the East Nusa Tenggara Province. Basically, the main role of tu'a golo is closely related to the traditional system of governance of Manggaraian society which includes: first, mbaru bate kaeng (house of residence), second, uma bate duat (place of work), third, natas bate labar (village yard for socializing and creativity), fourth, wae bate teku (water springs for life), fifth, compang (altar offerings). In the context of Gendang in the District of Langke Rembong, the role of tu'a golo is shifting due to several things: first, the diversity of single activity of the house to plurality of social activities offered by various social institutions; secondly, there is limited space (lingko) to be able to carry out the role of lodok lingko (distribution of land) so that tu'a golo only acts as a witness concerning the boundaries of the ownership of the land when the issue of positive law arises; third, the paradigm shift of thinking of the people because of the development of science and technology which tends to revise the traditional way or cultural approach that is considered traditional.

The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is an ASEAN regional policy to establish market integration. T... more The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) is an ASEAN regional policy to establish market integration. To make this happen the government must minimize the market mechanism for the market to run freely and naturally. Consequently, in the MEA policy of the State institution which in this case the government is represented is tested because this policy may pose a danger to neoliberalism. Nevertheless, this policy is the only last resort to face global market expansion. The Church as a part of people's life also retains the main attitude of rejecting all forms of colonialization or defamation of human dignity. A member of the Church is required to have an "added" value as a form of the ability to read the "signs of the times" in evangelization and the development of the life of faith. In the context of the MEA's policy, members of the Church must be competitivecovenant, economical-subsidiary, adaptive-prophetic, and participatoryeschatological.
There are two dangers of millennial era: economism and simulacra. Economism can change paradigm o... more There are two dangers of millennial era: economism and simulacra. Economism can change paradigm of thinking: from "unconditional love" to profit-capitalist calculations. A created simulacra is capable of reconstructing society to be a hyperreality world, that is, a society which does not understand reality as such but what the realtity is referred to or designed for economic interests (consumptive society). This danger becomes a serious pastoral challenge toprophetic role of Catholic Religion Teacher. One of possible solutions is to strengthen teacher'sidentity through some modes: first, to live out the task as a vocation; second, living acovenant spirituality; third, being an agent of God's image/likeness; fourth, to bear witness as disciples of Christ. These four modes, undoubtedly, will help Catholic teachers to play a professional and prophetic role.
The Disruption era is part of the context of today's society. This era was born from revolution 4... more The Disruption era is part of the context of today's society. This era was born from revolution 4.0. The era of revolution 4.0 is one stage of the industrial revolution that adopts the idea of a computerized system in management. By doing so, various virtual information technology products have emerged that lead to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) system. The flood of technological innovations certainly brings various dilemma situations in various dimensions of human life. This situation arises when something common becomes unusual or vice versa thanks to the ability of digital technology. One of the permanent life systems and functions which regulates human efforts to meet their daily needs is institutions both local institutions such as families and indigenous peoples and new institutions (such as modern organizations). One of the important institutional actors is leadership.

Digital literacy, as emphasized in the industrial era 4.0 and society era 5.0, still cannot fully... more Digital literacy, as emphasized in the industrial era 4.0 and society era 5.0, still cannot fully provide right solution to overcome negative impacts on humanity. Digital literacy should take ethical aspect of humanity into account in the development and use of technology. In fact, digital technology actually instrumentalizes humans as key-entrance to interacting in this current era. Through the industry 4.0 and society 5.0 eras, humans are directed to be digitally intelligent in order to have leadership qualities, digital literacy, communication, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, global insight, problem solving, and able to work in groups. Emphasis on some of these things ignores the consideration of humans as complex beings who also need to separate from moving on through technological systems. The results of the study show that there are times when humans should not be connected to the contexts of other life, but relate intra-personally. Therefore, by reviewing various literatures on hand, it is found that there are at least three things that a person should pay attention to in facing the society era 5.0, namely human literacy which strengthens humans personally, sosial literacy which strengthens humans sosial ly with other humans and religious literacy that strengthens humans whose existence must depend on the cosmos or the universe and The God.

Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
he Catholic Church is called to maintain the integrity of the naturalenvironment since the enviro... more he Catholic Church is called to maintain the integrity of the naturalenvironment since the environment is regarded as brothers and sisters.The Catholic Church regards this call as a sacred mission. Since themining investment in Manggarai, West Flores occurred the Church ofDiocese of Ruteng has consistently rejected it. The reasons are mininginvestments damage the environment and destroy the culture of localcommunities. Breakdown of various actions of resistance, miningactivities do not exist Manggarai any more, although some MiningBusiness Permits (IUPs) have not been revoked by the government.However, the impact of mining does not necessarily disappear fromthe lives of the people around the mining sites. Based on this fact, it isan urgent call of the Catholic Church in Manggarai to assist the post-mining communities as a form of defending the poor and the suffering.To achieve this goal, this study uses qualitative methods strengthenedby the process of data analysis through collecti...

Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Pancasila is a noble agreement of the Indonesian nation that arises from the distinctive cultural... more Pancasila is a noble agreement of the Indonesian nation that arises from the distinctive cultural values of the people in Indonesia. On that basis, Pancasila contains basic philosophical values, the soul of the nation or the identity of the nation, and becomes the real way of life of the Indonesian nation. With that, the internalization of the value of Pancasila is not something foreign in the life of every local culture to be lived including in the local culture of Manggarai. The divine value is easily integrated in the Manggarai culture which recognizes the existence of God (Mori Kraeng, Ame Rinding Mane) which is strengthened by the inclusion of Catholicism and other major religions. The value of a just and civilized humanity is illustrated in the courtesy of the Manggarai people facing guests (tiba meka). The value of unity is depicted in terms (goet): poe cama ngger one, lewang cama ngger peang or ipung ca tiwu neka woleng wintuk, teu ca ambo neka woleng lako (strengthening uni...

Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Digital literacy, as emphasized in the industrial era 4.0 and society era 5.0, still cannot fully... more Digital literacy, as emphasized in the industrial era 4.0 and society era 5.0, still cannot fully provide right solution to overcome negative impacts on humanity. Digital literacy should take ethical aspect of humanity into account in the development and use of technology. In fact, digital technology actually instrumentalizes humans as key-entrance to interacting in this current era. Through the industry 4.0 and society 5.0 eras, humans are directed to be digitally intelligent in order to have leadership qualities, digital literacy, communication, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, global insight, problem solving, and able to work in groups. Emphasis on some of these things ignores the consideration of humans as complex beings who also need to separate from moving on through technological systems. The results of the study show that there are times when humans should not be connected to the contexts of other life, but relate intra-personally. Therefore, by reviewing various li...

Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Now, we are in Asean Economic society. It means every man is demanded to improve him/herself, und... more Now, we are in Asean Economic society. It means every man is demanded to improve him/herself, undergoing severe training as a competitive person in order to not be marginalized in MEA. Catehist as the part of society is also included in this insist. So, the catechists must perform theirself competitively and professionally. As a professional, chatechist must have the standard of expert and certain competency in running their profession.The consequences of prefession is contract of employment, namely doing the job in compliance with minimal demand rewarded and decided standard. Beside it, pastoral as a profession has etiher inside or outside competition. The outside competitions such as the the better capability and skill. Through this article, Christian Dahurandi presents the ideal concept about the ideal, professional and competitive chatechist in coping with MEA. At least, the writer suggests that in relation with inside competition, pastoral agent must competitive and creative in...

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik
Pendidikan karakter merupakan aksentuasi pendidikan Indonesia sekarang ini. Amanat UUD 1945 aline... more Pendidikan karakter merupakan aksentuasi pendidikan Indonesia sekarang ini. Amanat UUD 1945 alinea ke-4 yang mendorong tujuan pendidikan untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, secara operasional diimplementasikan dalam rencana strategis pendidikan formal melalui rancangan kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan “peningkatan akhlak yang mulia”. Ada berbagai nilai karakter yang ingin ditanamkan pada peserta didik. Salah satu nilai karakter yang penting adalah nilai moral religius. SMAK Setia Bhakti Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah atas yang fokus pada penanaman nilai karakter religius khususnya nilai moral Kristiani. Sesuai spirit pengelola sekolah, yaitu Para Suster SSpS (Servorum Spiritu Sancto), nilai moral Kristiani/Katolik merupakan pusat perhatian pengembangan karakter di tempat ini. Nilai tersebut meliputi kerja sama, kejujuran, tanggung jawab, iman/percaya, pengorbanan, keserdehanaan dan kasih. Hasil tes awal menunjukkan bahw...
Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkulutral, 2018

JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik
This study aims to describe the influence of the parish spiritual life toward students' inter... more This study aims to describe the influence of the parish spiritual life toward students' interest in studying the Bible. This study used a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 332 high school students, both private and public, in the city of Ruteng, Manggarai Regency, which were taken using a proportional random technique. The data collection instrument used a closed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used Pearson Product Moment Correlation with SPSS version 23.0. The results of the data analysis showed that there was a correlation between parish spiritual life and an interest in studying the scriptures (r = 0.605). As a result, the parish spiritual life contributes 36.4% to the interest in studying the scriptures. Since the regression of biblical interest in parish spiritual life is linear, this relationship is predictable. So, more involvement in spiritual life in the parish means that students will be more interested in studying the scriptures if the...
Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkulutral, 2017
Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkulutral, 2020

Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkulutral, 2019
The Disruption era is part of the context of today’s society. This era was born from revolution 4... more The Disruption era is part of the context of today’s society. This era was born from revolution 4.0. The era of revolution 4.0 is one stage of the industrial revolution that adopts the idea of a computerized system in management. By doing so, various virtual information technology products have emerged that lead to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) system. The flood of technological innovations certainly brings various dilemma situations in various dimensions of human life. This situation arises when something common becomes unusual or vice versa thanks to the ability of digital technology. One of the permanent life systems and functions which regulates human efforts to meet their daily needs is institutions both local institutions such as families and indigenous peoples and new institutions (such as modern organizations). One of the important institutional actors is leadership. In short, leadership is defined as a leader’s efforts to influence its members to achieve goals. Therefore, it requires at least three fundamental institutional leadership styles to face the disruption era, namely situational leadership, transformational leadership and servant leadership. Situational leadership helps leaders to strengthen internally human resource commitment of staff or institutional members in accordance with the institutional context. Transformational leadership encourages the creation of institutional innovation according to its vision and mission. Institutional innovation begins with a leader’s efforts to constantly renew himself (on going formation) so that he/she is able to become agents of change for the institution and its members. Finally, servant leadership tries to encourage institutional functions to remain human-oriented since human beings are the image of God/Creator. These three leadership styles should become standard leadership styles which should be applied in institutions to ward off the dilemma of innovation in the disruption era.

Pastoral service is a shepherding activity performed in Catholic Church for obtaining eschatologi... more Pastoral service is a shepherding activity performed in Catholic Church for obtaining eschatological salvation. The eschatological salvation begins in this world and will be completed in when we face to face meet God. To gain such a salvation, an effective and efficient pastoral service is needed. An effective pastoral service is characterized by ability of facilitating the people of God to have a real, concrete and measured salvation in the world and will be completed. An efficient pastoral service, however, is a rationality of input resource of the salvation reached in pastoral activities. The rationality of such a service is measured by valuating gained profit as a standard of effective service. To reach this end, pastoral service of the Church as an institution, at least, should improve some principles such as productivity, service quality, responsivity, responsibility, accountability, effectivity, efficiency, reallybility, trustworthy and justice. In addition, pastoral service ...
Papers by Keristian Dahurandi