Papers by Keithellakpam Memchoubi

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2019
Introduction: Beating of life inside the womb make a women life glorious and that beating is prot... more Introduction: Beating of life inside the womb make a women life glorious and that beating is protected by the placenta. Generation of life ends with that role of father’s contribution, but that moment onwards the role of the mother begins. The 9 month journey of the fetus inside the womb protected and supported by the placenta. Placenta is very essential and highly feto-material organ which maintain the normal pregnancy and fetus development. The present study was conducted to assess the characteristics of placenta and neonatal outcome. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the Neonatal outcome, to associate the characteristics of Placenta with neonatal outcome. To associate the characteristics of Placenta with selected demographical variables, To associate Neonatal outcome with selected demographical variables.Material and methods: The research approach adopted for this study quantitative approach and research design adopted for the study Descriptive design. Using non pro...
International Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 2016

International journal of health sciences
Hospitalized Children suffer pain from various hospital procedures, trauma, and other illnesses. ... more Hospitalized Children suffer pain from various hospital procedures, trauma, and other illnesses. A wide variety of tools for treating pediatric pain appropriately is beneficial i.e., play therapy, distraction, relaxation, and coping skills. Aim of the study: Assess the effectiveness of squeezing ball on pain during insertion of intravenous cannula among children. Material and method: in the present study, the researcher adopted a Quantitative Approach and Quasi-experimental research design. It was carried out on 60 hospitalized children. The non-probability purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of samples, data were collected using demographic profiles and squeezing ball was given to 30 children of the experimental group. The assessment of pain was done using FLACC Pain Scale and Wong Bakers Pain Scale. The reliability of the tool was found “r=0.8 for FLACC scale and r=1 for Wong-Baker scale. The pilot study was done on 10 children, the study was found feasible.

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Dec 17, 2020
Maternal-fetal attachment is an imperceptible connection and maintain a bond between mother and b... more Maternal-fetal attachment is an imperceptible connection and maintain a bond between mother and baby in her womb which is considered an important part of fetal development and this attachment can be affected by different factors. In India, in which the mortality rate for women is 130 per 100,000 live births and the neonatal mortality rate at 25.4 deaths per 1,000 live births that makes it 12th worst among the 52 lower-middle-income countries. Healthy Maternal-fetal attachment may serve to allow women to adopt optimal health practices earlier, thereby on a larger scale contribute toward reduction of obstetric maternal and child morbidity and mortality. The objective of the study: To identify the factors affecting the maternal fetal attachment during pregnancy. Material & Method: Qualitative approach was used and the research design adopted was hermeneutic phenomenology. Data was collected from 25 samples. Sampling technique used was non probability purposive sampling technique. The tool consisted of demographic profile and a guiding questionnaire. The data was collected through one to one in-depth interview and field notes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the data credibility, transferability and dependability was done. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. frequency and percentage for demographic variables and thematic analysis for determining essential codes, sub-themes and themes through content analysis and derived the factors affecting the maternal-fetal attachment. Results: Out of 25 women, 92% of women are in 18-25 years of age group, 60% did education upto secondary education, 56% are home maker, 48% monthly family income is rs. 18,983 to 31589/-, 96% of women doesn't have any history of significant illness, no history of surgery in all of them, 80% were between 36weeks 1 day to 40 weeks period of gestation, all of them get information regarding antenatal care, from health personal, 12% get information from magazine also, 48% from television and all of them either from internets, friends and relatives. 88% of them had a history of either nausea or vomiting, 4% heart burn, 16% backache, 8% breathing difficulty and 8% oedema. Total 10 themes and 40 sub themes are identified from which 10 factors are identified which affects the maternal-fetalattachement during pregnancy.

Introduction:Play is essential for the development because it contributes to the physical, social... more Introduction:Play is essential for the development because it contributes to the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional well-being of youth and children. Play is a vital part of the hospitalized child's plan of care. Play offers, the child an opportunity or diversion, creative expression, and effective coping. Motheris a most important person as child feels secure and safe in mother'slaps. As Hospitalization can be a stressful and threatening experience for children. 1 The present study title:"Knowledge & Attitude among mothers of under five children regarding play needs during hospitalization in selected hospitals of Pune city". The objective of the study was to assess 1)the knowledge among mothers of under 5children regarding play needs during hospitalization, 2)Attitude among mothers of under 5 children regarding play needs during hospitalization,3) To find out the association between knowledge and attitude with selected demographic variables. Material and Methods:In present study, researcher adopted Non-Experimental Descriptive design. Data was collected by Nonprobability purposive sampling technique. Result: Majority 52% mothers are from 25.1-30yrs,54% were graduate,67% were homemakers,majority 82.5% were having information regarding play needs.In demographic of child majority 68% were toddler , majority 73.5% were boys & 91% have <3 days hospitalization of children.Majority 86% mothers are having Good knowledge and 14% are having Average knowledge. The total mean knowledge score is 14.45 with SD 1.86. The majority 96.50% of mothers are having highly favorable attitude and 3.5% are having Moderatelyfavorable attitude and total mean of attitude score is 39.22 with SD 3.15. Conclusion:Majority 86% mothers are having Good knowledge and majority 96.50% mothers are having Highly Favorable attitude. Mothers are aware about the importance of play needs of under-five children and have positive attitude towards play needs in under-five children during hospitalization.

International journal of applied research, 2017
The current study aimed to assess effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain among the p... more The current study aimed to assess effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain among the primi gravida mothers during the first stage of labour in selected hospitals of Pune city. The study adopted "system model" as a theoretical base for the framework of the study. Quantitative approach was adopted for the study and design was quasi experimental non-equivalent control group design. Reliability of tool done using inter rater method which found to be reliable. The sample consists of 60 who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. 30 samples for experimental group and 30 for control group. The samples were selected by Non probability-Purposive sampling technique. Severity of the pain was assessed by using Numerical Pain scale and FLACC scale. Result: In control group, majority of the primi gravida mothers (70%) are under 18-22 years. 26.7% of them are under 23-26 years and 3.3% of them are under 27-30 years. In experimental group, majority of the participant (73.3%) are under 18-22years, and 26.7% are under 23-26 years. In control group, 13.3% of them were illiterate, 50% of them had primary education, 33.3% of them had secondary education and 3.3% of them had graduation. In experimental group, 60% of them had primary education, 33.3% of them had secondary education and 6.7% of them had graduation. In control group 90% of them were home makers and 10% of them had some other occupation. In experimental group 76.7% of them were home makers and 23.3% of them had some other occupation. In control group, 10% of them had received child birth education. They had received it from doctor. In experimental group, 16.7% of them had received child birth education. 3.3% of them had education from staff, 10% of them had it from doctor and 3.3% of them had education from others. The p-value of posttest 1 in experimental group is less than 0.05 level of significance. As p-value of experimental group in posttest 2 and 3 is lesser then p-value of posttest 2 and 3 in control group shows that the rate of increase of level of pain is slower in experimental group as compare to control group.

A study was undertaken to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after chi... more A study was undertaken to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth in Bharati Hospital and Research Centre, Pune. The objectives of the study were to determine the existing knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth and to associate the findings with the selected demographic variables. Quantitative approach was chosen for the research study. The research design used for the study was exploratory survey design. The study consists of 100 samples which were selected by non probability convenient sampling. The study was conducted in Bharati Hospital and Research Centre, Pune. The data was collected by administering structured questionnaire to 100 participants under study. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Section-A which deals with demographic data of participant and SectionB which consist of questions related to knowledge regarding self-care after childbirth. The validity of the tool was done by 5 experts from variou...

Reproductive health relates to health concerns pertaining to reproductive organs and their functi... more Reproductive health relates to health concerns pertaining to reproductive organs and their functions in sex and reproduction. Keeping in view educating the female adolescents during reproductive age, a study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching on the knowledge of reproductive health among female adolescent students in selected colleges of Pune city. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge of female adolescent students regarding the reproductive health before planned teaching, to assess the knowledge of female adolescent students regarding the reproductive health after planned teaching, to compare the knowledge scores before and after planned teaching to see the effectiveness, andto associate the knowledge scores with selected demographic variables. The study adopted “systems model” as the theoretical base for the framework of the study. A self structured questionnaire tool was developed to ascertain the knowledge scores. The validity of th...

A study to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth in Bhar... more A study to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth in Bharati hospital and research centre, Pune Abstract A study was undertaken to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth in Bharati Hospital and Research Centre, Pune. The objectives of the study were to determine the existing knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth and to associate the findings with the selected demographic variables. Quantitative approach was chosen for the research study. The research design used for the study was exploratory survey design. The study consists of 100 samples which were selected by non probability convenient sampling. The study was conducted in Bharati Hospital and Research Centre, Pune. The data was collected by administering structured questionnaire to 100 participants under study. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Section-A which deals with demographic data of participant and Section-...
Papers by Keithellakpam Memchoubi