Papers by Keith Whitfield
A Fuzzy Decision Support System to Identify Establishments with Low Paid Employees in the British Economy

Personnel Review
Purpose A range of studies have shown that performance is typically higher in organisations with ... more Purpose A range of studies have shown that performance is typically higher in organisations with employee share ownership (ESO) schemes in place. Many possible causal mechanisms explaining this relationship have been suggested. These include a reduction in labour turnover, synergies with other forms of productivity-enhancing communication and participation schemes, and synergies with employer-provided training. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach This paper empirically assesses these potential linkages using data from the 2004 and 2011 British Workplace Employment Relations Surveys, and provides comparisons with earlier analyses conducted on the 1990 and 1998 versions of the survey. Findings Substantial differences are found between the 2004 and 2011 results: a positive relationship between ESO and workplace productivity and financial performance, observed in 2004, is no longer present in 2011. In both years, ESO is found to have no clear relationship...
Cambridge Journal of Economics
The impact of the introduction of performance-oriented work practices on the gender pay gap has b... more The impact of the introduction of performance-oriented work practices on the gender pay gap has been the subject of considerable conjecture, but of little empirical investigation. Using the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS2004), this study suggests that such practices exacerbate the gender pay gap. Organisations therefore need to be more careful in reconciling their performance and equality strategies, as suggested in Dickens (1998). The study also finds that the gender pay gap is lower, and in places reversed, in male-dominated jobs in low performance workplaces.
The Distribution of Financial Participation Schemes in British Workplaces
Management Research News, 1996
Staying on in full-time education: the educational participation rate of 16-year-olds
INTRODUCTION Economic analyses of the proportion of persons remaining in education after the mini... more INTRODUCTION Economic analyses of the proportion of persons remaining in education after the minimum leaving age have generated seemingly incompatible results. Pissarides (1981) examined the 16-year-old participation rate for England and Wales between 1955 and ...
Ask not what HRM can do for performance but what HRM has done to performance
The impact of varying types of performance-related pay and employee participation on earnings
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jun 22, 2007
Abstract Using matched employer-employee data from a nationally representative sample of British ... more Abstract Using matched employer-employee data from a nationally representative sample of British establishments, the paper examines the impact of different types of performance-related pay (PRP) on earnings and whether this is moderated by the presence of employee ...
The market for training: International perspectives on theory, methodology and policy
The Implications of Internal Labour Market Research for Theory and Methodology in Labour Economics
Management Research News, 1990
Comparative research in industrial relations: helping the survey cross frontiers
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 095851999340062, Feb 18, 2011
You take the high road: Analysing the ethical dimensions of high performance work systems
The employee experience of work
Employees’ Experience of Work
The Australian Labor Market
A fuzzy decision support system to identity establishments with low paid employees in the british economy
Fuzzy Economic Review, 2006
Book Reviews : LABOUR MARKET STRUCTURE, INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION AND LOW PAY By Christine Craig, Jill Rubery, Roger Tarling and Frank Wilkinson. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982, xi + 165 pp., $32.50 (hardback)
J Ind Relat, 1985
Book Reviews : RESEARCHING INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (SECOND EDITION) Edited by Di Kelly. Federation Press, Sydney, 1999, xii + 201 pp., $25 (paperback)
J Ind Relat, 2000
The Australian labour market: perspectives, issues and policies. 3rd. ed
Perceptions of job influence under varying forms of employee participation
The evolution of the modern workplace
The last twenty-five years have seen the world of work transformed in Britain. Manufacturing and ... more The last twenty-five years have seen the world of work transformed in Britain. Manufacturing and nationalized industries contracted and private services expanded. Employment became more diverse. Trade union membership collapsed. Collective bargaining disappeared ...
Papers by Keith Whitfield