Articles by Keila Grinberg
Papo Coletivo. Conversa de Historiadoras, 2019
Papers by Keila Grinberg

grammatic politics. Interestingly, Chile and Uruguay were the first in the region to extract more... more grammatic politics. Interestingly, Chile and Uruguay were the first in the region to extract more elusive forms of revenue (Mahon, pp. 206–7); today, they have the region’s most programmatic politics (Bogliaccini and Luna, p. 226). Attention to nonprogrammatic politics might help unravel the interconnections between elite power, historical state formation and contemporary taxation. This volume suggests that Latin America may be stuck in a corrosive equilibrium. Because the state is ineffectual at supplying public goods, people evade taxes, and few of them are punished for noncompliance (Bergman). Meanwhile, this low-capacity environment renders people sceptical that higher taxation would expand public goods provision and reduce inequality (Bogliaccini and Luna). The contributors demonstrate a variety of reasons for the region’s underwhelming fiscal performance. They also indicate the contours of a research agenda that might account for variation within the region. The Political Economy of Taxation in Latin America is a fine edited volume. It offers chapters that stand alone on their individual merits and complement each other to produce a sum that is greater than its parts.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, Jul 30, 2020
Since the beginning of the colonial period, slavery was an important factor in the constitution o... more Since the beginning of the colonial period, slavery was an important factor in the constitution of international relations between the Portuguese Empire and the other empires and states in the Atlantic world. In the 15th century, Portuguese merchants sold enslaved Africans from West Africa, initially to Europe and afterwards to the Americas, opening commercial and diplomatic relations that lasted for centuries and would be responsible for the establishment of the largest commercial venture in the Atlantic world in the early modern period. With the independence of Brazil, slavery—and the debate about the prohibition of the Atlantic trade of enslaved Africans—came to be the central element in negotiations of diplomatic relations between the country and other nations, notably Great Britain and the republics of the La Plata River region. Indeed, slavery remained a core issue at least until the end of the Paraguayan War in 1870, when growing international isolation, resulting from the ongoing presence of slavery in Brazil, opened the final crisis of the empire.
African American Studies Center, Jun 1, 2016
![Research paper thumbnail of Ashli White. Encountering Revolution. Haiti and the Making of the Early Republic. [Early America. History, Context, Culture.]Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore2010. ix, 267 pp. Ill. £28.50](
International Review of Social History, Mar 2, 2012
Her depiction of the free trade-union movement as perennially ''moderate'' has more to do with he... more Her depiction of the free trade-union movement as perennially ''moderate'' has more to do with her attempt at a nuanced appreciation of the ICFTU as a manifestation of Labour-Liberalism-hence the book's title. Again, this seems to run the risk of judgement by labels, though, of course, some terms have to be employed if we are to offer any kind of explanation. Doubtless many in the ICFTU would not take exception to being deemed ''liberal'', and it can be safely stated that the ICFTU regarded liberal democracy as an essential environment for free trade unionism to flourish. But free trade unions defined themselves very broadly and offered an umbrella beneath which people of many different persuasions could engage pragmatically. Did this necessarily demand moderation? I suspect not, although in the circumstances of Cold War competition there were certainly pressures in this direction. And what might constitute ''moderation'' was not necessarily the same in all situations-or to all those involved. One person's ''moderation'' might well be another's ''radicalism''. As for whether the ICFTU's members were better described as ''liberal'' than ''free'': it is moot. But one can guarantee that the question is more likely to arouse passion in the groves of academe than in the ranks of the unions themselves. All in all, the book makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of the ICFTU in the period, and particularly through its focus on regional bodies in Europe and Latin America.
The Boundaries of Freedom, 2022
Foreword Preface Note on Translations and Racial Terminology PART ONE: INTRODUCTION: SLAVERY, FRE... more Foreword Preface Note on Translations and Racial Terminology PART ONE: INTRODUCTION: SLAVERY, FREEDOM, AND THE LAW Overview Slavery and Freedom in the French Atlantic and the Haitian Revolution Slavery and Freedom in the British Atlantic and the United States Slavery and Freedom in the Spanish Atlantic Slavery and Freedom in the Portuguese Atlantic and Brazil The Meaning of Freedom PART TWO: THE DOCUMENTS The French Atlantic and the Haitian Revolution England, British Colonies and the United States Spain and Its American Colonies Portugal and Brazil
Revista História Hoje, 2019
O artigo reúne reflexões e resultados no campo da pesquisa, da história pública e do ensino de hi... more O artigo reúne reflexões e resultados no campo da pesquisa, da história pública e do ensino de história, que permitem subsidiar estratégias e atitudes de combate ao racismo. Destaca e valoriza a construção de parcerias entre a universidade, a escola e as comunidades negras.
A lei da ambigüidade. As Ações de Liberdade na Corte …, 1994
Resumo: No início da década de 1870, o tempo ea vida social aceleram-se como nunca no mundo e no ... more Resumo: No início da década de 1870, o tempo ea vida social aceleram-se como nunca no mundo e no Império do Brasil. Isso ainda era mais verdadeiro na cosmopolita Corte do Rio de Janeiro, Entretanto, a partir da década seguinte, embalada pela expansão das ...
Revista de história regional, 1997
Em fins do século XVIII, ao formar-se bacharel em Direito em Coimbra, Tomás Antonio Gonzaga escre... more Em fins do século XVIII, ao formar-se bacharel em Direito em Coimbra, Tomás Antonio Gonzaga escreveu o Tratado de Direito Natural, com a pretensão de escrever o primeiro livro em português sobre as disposições então recentes do direito natural, conjugando-as aos princípios ...
LUCA, Tania Regina de; PINKSY Carla Bassanezi. O …, 2009
Articles by Keila Grinberg
Papers by Keila Grinberg